Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 11 – Hunting

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At no point did Sara look back. She didn't know what was happening, and looking back could cloud her thoughts. So, she kept running until she reached the window, and as soon as she did, she jumped without a second thought. Although it was expected, there was no kind of ladder or anything to assist her in the descent.

But this was something Sara had already anticipated. As soon as she touched the ground, a loud thud echoed, and a small crater formed where Sara landed. However, there was no time now to ponder over these peculiarities. Sara continued running until she exited the apartment.

"She jumped through the window. If she follows this path, she'll end up facing a wall. Let's corner her at the end of the alley"

Sara heard voices behind her. She had no idea why they were chasing her. Although Sara wasn't exactly the type of person who would call herself a saint, still, she never crossed certain limits.

(Sara, there's a wall ahead. We'll have to jump)

Upon hearing Prime's voice, Sara snapped back to reality. Looking ahead, she saw a huge wall, perhaps three to four times taller than her. Well, maybe not that much, but still, it wasn't something someone could simply jump over.

"Prime, what do we do? It's too high, and I don't know if I can jump that high"

It was true that Sara had jumped considerably high before, but still, she only reached half the height compared to the wall in front of her.

(It's okay, just trust me. Just think about jumping, and I'll take care of the rest)

Hearing this, Sara simply nodded, increasing the speed of her run. The men behind her were still shouting loudly about something, but Sara couldn't hear. The only thing she could focus on was the wall in front of her.

"Hey, girl, where do you think you're going? Stop right now if you don't want to get hurt"

"It's okay, it's a dead-end street"

Unfortunately for the men chasing Sara, the sight they both witnessed would be etched in their minds for a long time. Just before colliding with the wall, Sara let out a scream with all the force she had. At that exact moment, two red tentacles emerged from Sara's back and latched onto a tree on the other side of the wall.

The two tentacles pulled Sara to the other side of the wall, outsmarting both men. They both stared blankly at the scene, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"But what the hell was that thing?"

Unfortunately, there was no answer to the question. Setting aside the strange situation, both could only report what they had seen and what had happened.


(I think we're safe for now)

Hearing Prime's words, Sara finally managed to catch her breath and rest for a moment. She had no idea what those men wanted or why they were chasing her.

(Sorry about this, I'm just dragging you into my problems)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara was momentarily confused but quickly thought it made sense that the men were actually after Prime, not her.

"Putting that aside, what exactly do those men want with you?"

Upon hearing Sara's question, Prime sighed briefly, deciding to tell her everything right away. If they were to stay together, Sara needed to know what she was getting into.

(As I mentioned earlier, when I woke up, I was inside a laboratory. You must have noticed my healing abilities, right? Apparently, they were going to use me to cure diseases, but then I escaped. I'm probably the only one of my kind, although I can't explain the reason and what I feel. I doubt those scientists will let me go so easily. So, it'll be quite dangerous if you stay with me)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara remained silent for a few moments. All of Prime's feelings were conveyed to her as he spoke, from sadness and joy to longing, among others.

Moreover, Prime was like her. Sara didn't want to abandon him, not like this. Although not human, she had finally found someone who seemed to understand her. While these thoughts passed through Sara's mind, a loud noise echoed near where she was.

"What's that noise?"

Asking this question, Sara moved slowly and carefully out of the alley where she was, scanning the street around. Her gaze was directed upwards, and to her surprise, a helicopter circled the area, apparently trying to locate something or someone.

"Prime... what's the chance that helicopter is after us?"

Hearing Sara's question, Prime was silent for a few seconds before his voice echoed in her mind.

(... probably, it's a definite certainty)

Hearing Prime's words, Sara didn't hesitate to start heading back in the direction of the alley. As she advanced, the sound of the helicopter intensified, indicating it would pass by where she was soon. When she reached the end of the alley, Sara scanned both streets again and, making sure she was safe, ran quickly towards the bridge in an attempt to hide underneath it.


A loud warning echoed in Sara's mind; however, she couldn't react when she felt something approaching from behind. Sara experienced a sharp pain, almost like a bee sting in her leg.

"Tranquilizer dart?"

Those were the last words Sara spoke before falling into a deep sleep. Prime, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. He identified that what had injured Sara was a tranquilizer dart, so, at least for now, it didn't seem like they were trying to kill her.

Therefore, Prime was undecided about whether to remove the medication that was putting Sara to sleep or not. Although the chance was small, it was still possible that they would switch to lethal ammunition if Sara caused too much trouble, but even so.

(I can't let them take Sara)

With this thought in mind, Prime felt some fragments of memories dormant within his mind.

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