Marvel: The Journey

[World War II] – Operation Watchtower – Obtaining Some Blood Samples

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September 1942,

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

"They are everywhere!"

"We are surrounded!"

It was a fateful day for the U.S. soldiers stationed near Point Cruz, west of the Matanikau. They found themselves outnumbered and encircled by the relentless Japanese army. The Japanese had cleverly managed to disrupt all communication channels of the American troops, leaving them isolated and vulnerable. The soldiers were fighting for their lives, but the odds were not in their favor, and their situation grew direr with each passing moment. Their survival depended on the timely arrival of reinforcements, but without communication, their fate seemed uncertain. The relentless onslaught of the Japanese troops continued, and the situation seemed hopeless.

The air was thick with the stench of gunpowder and the sound of gunfire echoed all around them. Amidst the chaos, Ian spotted a soldier in his line of fire, and without hesitation, he lunged toward him. With lightning-fast reflexes, Ian grabbed the soldier and yanked him down to the ground, just in time to save him from the lethal barrage of bullets that whizzed overhead. The soldier looked up at Ian in shock, realizing that he had come dangerously close to death. 

The soldier gasped in relief and gratitude as Ian saved him from certain death. Ian acknowledged his thanks with a nod and quickly surveyed the scene around him. The sight was grim, with only 50 U.S. soldiers left standing against an overwhelming force of Japanese soldiers. Ian's instincts kicked in, and he dropped to the ground, maneuvering through the tall grass, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. He could feel the heat of the bullets whizzing past him as he desperately sought cover. 

 Finally, he spotted a large tree and crawled towards it, taking refuge behind its sturdy trunk. As he reloaded his rifle, he saw James bravely fighting off the enemy in front of him.

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

The Japanese soldiers had James in their crosshairs and knew that they needed to change their tactics if they wanted to take him down. They fired a barrage of bullets in his direction, but James remained unfazed, bravely returning fire. Realizing that they couldn't kill him without changing their position, the enemy soldiers made a split-second decision and lobbed a grenade in James' direction. 

* BOOOM * 

James attempted to shield himself from the blast, but it was too late. The grenade exploded with a deafening boom, and the shockwave threw James backward, his body crashing into a nearby tree. A thick branch collided with the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. 

Ian's heart was pounding as he surveyed the chaos of battle around him. James lay motionless, dangerously exposed to enemy fire, and Ian knew he had to act fast. But just as he was about to move, a strange sound caught his attention, a low, guttural growl that seemed to emanate from the depths of the jungle. 

His eyes flicked around, trying to locate the source of the noise, and then he saw Victor, charging toward the Japanese soldiers with the fury of a beast. The enemy soldiers opened fire, but their bullets seemed to not affect Victor, who plowed through them like a juggernaut. However, as he approached one of the soldiers, Ian saw a glint of metal and heard the sharp report of a rifle.

* BANG * 

In a split second, the bullet struck Victor's helmet with a resounding impact, leaving a small indentation on the surface. Although the bullet didn't completely enter his head, Victor fell unconscious on the ground from the impact.

As Ian crouched in the dense jungle, his mind raced with strategies to take down the Japanese soldiers. Suddenly, a bold idea struck him, and he grinned with confidence. With quick reflexes, he aimed his rifle and opened fire on the enemy troops, dodging bullets with the ease of a seasoned warrior. His deadly precision left several Japanese soldiers scrambling for cover. Without hesitation, Ian bolted towards James' exposed position, weaving and leaping through a hail of gunfire. He reached James, who lay unconscious on the ground and quickly dragged him behind a nearby tree. Ian's trained eyes scanned the area, aiming at any enemy target that dared to show itself, firing with deadly accuracy. 

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

Ian sprinted towards Victor's position, his adrenaline pumping as he dispatched the Japanese soldiers with swift, deadly force. Reaching Victor, he pulled him towards James, carefully placing him beside his unconscious brother. With a practiced hand, he drew a small knife and made a tiny incision on their arms, collecting samples of their blood. As he gazed at the crimson fluid, a maniacal grin crept onto his face, his mind consumed with the thought of unlocking the secrets of the X-Gene. "I will discover everything there is to know about this gene," he thought, his obsession growing with each passing moment. "The possibilities are endless!", he muttered to himself, already envisioning the experiments he would conduct.

After he finished extracting the blood from them, his eyes scanned the area with a steely determination. His gaze landed on the lifeless enemy combatants, and with a swift motion, he relieved them of their precious ammunition.

With the tall grass providing much-needed cover, he stealthily advanced toward the unsuspecting Japanese soldiers. His movements were calculated and precise, and he skillfully maneuvered himself behind his targets. As he steadied his rifle and peered through the scope, he took a deep breath and pulled the trigger with unfaltering accuracy.

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

As the Japanese soldiers were hit, their screams filled the air. The sound of gunfire and the sight of falling bodies surrounded Ian, but he remained calm and focused. He fired his weapon with deadly precision, taking down each enemy combatant with a single shot. 

His eyes caught sight of a few grenades lying on the ground, and he quickly seized the opportunity. Surveying his surroundings, Ian located the spots where the Japanese soldiers were lurking, waiting to strike. With a swift motion, he removed the pins from the grenades and hurled them toward the enemy positions.

* BOOM * 

* BOOM * 

* BOOM * 

* BOOM * 

In the chaos of explosions and flying debris, the agonizing screams of Japanese soldiers filled the air. Taking advantage of the cover provided by the mayhem, Ian stealthily advanced toward the scattered enemy positions. With each step, he felt his heart pounding in his chest, and his breathing became more labored.

When he approached the first group of soldiers, he swiftlyaimedm and fired his weapon with precision, taking down each enemy combatant with deadly accuracy. The sound of gunfire echoed through the air as he moved towards the next group, his senses heightened and his focus unwavering. The screams of the dying soldiers only fueled his determination to emerge victorious from the battle.

 After what seemed like an eternity, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the stillness of Point Cruz. A couple of hundred men had been dispatched to save their comrades from the clutches of the ruthless Japanese soldiers who had surrounded them. The soldiers knew that this would be a battle for their lives.

As the rescuers drew closer, they braced themselves for the horrors that awaited them. The deafening sound of gunfire and the sight of lifeless bodies littering the ground were expected. The soldiers expected to hear the cries and screams of the wounded and dying.

But what they saw before them sent shivers down their spines. A lone U.S. soldier, his clothes drenched in blood, stood amidst the chaos of the battlefield. His body was battered and bruised, and his face was a mask of pain and exhaustion.

As the rescuers approached him, the soldier turned to look at them. His eyes met theirs, and for a moment, the weight of the battle seemed to lift from his shoulders. But suddenly, the soldier's eyes rolled back, and he fell unconscious.

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