Marvel: The Journey

[The One Who Was Reborn] – Preparations For The Future

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It was a dreary evening in the bustling city of Brooklyn, New York, as raindrops cascaded from the leaden sky, painting the streets with shimmering puddles. Amid the downpour, a man scurried along the slick pavement, gripping a suitcase tightly in his clammy palms. His shoes splashed through the murky waters with each step, but he paid them no heed, consumed by the fear that seemed to grip him. 

The man was acutely aware of his surroundings, leaping at the slightest sound or movement, his eyes darting nervously from side to side, scanning for any potential threats.

The man darted into a narrow alleyway, his heart racing with anxiety as he repeatedly glanced over his shoulder. But just as he began to think that he might have escaped whatever danger he had been fleeing from, his blood ran cold at the sight that greeted him up ahead.

Standing before him was a menacing figure, his face obscured by a mask that covered half of his features and neck. In his hand, he clutched a gleaming revolver, its cold metal reflecting the dim light that filtered into the alley. The man's long coat, which trailed down to his knees, swished gently as he regarded his prey with a nonchalant expression.

The man's throat tightened as he swallowed hard, his grip on the suitcase growing even tighter. Summoning his courage, he spoke, his voice shaking slightly. "If you're standing here, it means they found the others," he murmured, his eyes locked on the man in front of him. Despite the mask, he could sense that the stranger was smiling, and it sent a chill down his spine.

Surprisingly, the man with the gun didn't shoot him, and the man with the suitcase felt a spark of confidence ignite within him. He knew better than most that the Italians were not to be trifled with. "You should know," he said, his voice growing stronger, "The Italians are not the kind of people you want to mess with. They'll stop at nothing to find you and make you pay. And they won't just come for you, West. They'll come for your family, your friends, and everyone you hold dear." He paused for a moment, steeling himself for what was to come. "They'll stop at nothing to destroy you."

Ian's expression twisted into a look of disdain as the man issued his empty threats. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw one of his gang members stationed across the street, gesturing to him with a slicing motion across his throat, urging him to finish the job.

The message was clear, and Ian knew what he had to do. He raised his gun and aimed at the man standing before him. The silence was deafening as the two men locked eyes, the tension mounting with each passing moment. 

Finally, Ian spoke, his voice low and even. "I'm sorry but I have a job," he said, before pulling the trigger. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the alleyway, shattering the stillness of the night. 

* BANG * 

The bullet soared through the air, hurtling toward its intended target with deadly accuracy.  

 * THUD * 

The man crumpled to the ground, the life draining from his body in an instant. Blood seeped from the fatal wound in his head, staining the pavement with a macabre crimson hue. 

Ian knelt down beside the lifeless body, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a sense of trepidation. With a heavy sigh, he reached for the suitcase, his fingers curling around the handle as he lifted it from the ground. As he rose to his feet, he cast a wary glance towards the man who had been stationed across the road. To his horror, he saw that the man was now sprawled on the ground, a pool of blood seeping from his head. 

With lightning speed, Ian darted towards the nearest corner, his heart racing with fear and adrenaline. He clutched the suitcase tightly in one hand, his fingers white-knuckled with tension. Peeking out from behind the wall, he scanned the road ahead, his eyes widening as he saw three figures approaching him.

As they drew closer, Ian could hear their footsteps pounding against the pavement, their voices murmuring lowly among themselves. Suddenly, one of the figures kicked the lifeless body of Ian's gang member, sending a shiver of anger down Ian's spine. 

Ian's mind raced as he took in the gravity of the situation. The Italians were a force to be reckoned with, and their speed was impressive. He marveled at how quickly they had been able to track him down, realizing that if they had arrived just seconds earlier, their gang member might still be alive.

Despite his sense of awe, Ian knew that he could not let his guard down. The Italians were a dangerous enemy, and they would not hesitate to strike again. He gritted his teeth, his mind already working on a plan to stay one step ahead of his rivals. With a steely resolve, he steeled himself for the fight to come, knowing that the stakes were higher than ever before.

Ian's eyes narrowed as he sighted down the barrel of his weapon, his hands steady despite the weight of the moment. The three men had yet to realize his presence, and he knew that he had only one chance to strike. 

Without warning, he squeezed the trigger, and the bullet soared through the air.

* BANG * 

 It hit its mark with deadly precision, striking one of the men in the forehead and sending him toppling to the ground in a shower of blood and brain matter. 

Ian's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the other two men spring into action, their faces twisted in anger and fear. He knew that he was in for a fight, but he was prepared to face whatever came his way. 

The second man was quick, ducking behind a nearby dumpster as Ian unleashed a barrage of bullets. But Ian was relentless, his finger squeezing the trigger in a rapid-fire rhythm as he pursued his target. 

* BANG * 

* BANG * 

 * BANG * 

 The sound of gunshots echoed through the narrow alleyway, bouncing off the walls in a deafening cacophony. The second man cried out in pain as the bullets struck him, his body writhing in agony as he cursed Ian in a mix of Italian and profanity. 

 But Ian didn't let up, his eyes locked on his target as he emptied the chamber of his revolver. The man's body went limp, and he fell to the ground, blood pooling around him in a crimson puddle. 

As Ian moved forward, his heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins. The rain continued to pour down, making the streets slick and treacherous. His eyes locked onto the final member of the Italian gang, who had taken cover behind a nearby dumpster. The man's hand trembled as he aimed his revolver at Ian, his finger curling around the trigger.

* BANG *

The gunshot echoed through the alleyway, but Ian had already anticipated the attack. He sidestepped the bullet, feeling the rush of air as it whizzed past his ear. Ian, finding his revolver empty, threw it surprising the gang member.

The gun slammed into the man's face, causing him to stumble back, his weapon dropping to the ground. But the Italian gang member was still fighting. He picked up his revolver once again, his hand shaking with pain and fear. Ian was unfazed. He lunged forward, seizing the man's arm in a vice-like grip.

* SNAP * 

With a loud cry of pain, the man dropped his revolver to the ground. Ian wasted no time and kicked the weapon out of the man's reach. He then turned his attention to the injured man, who was now writhing in agony while holding his damaged hand.

The man's Italian words were lost on Ian as he focused on the incoming punch. He swayed to the side, dodging the hook, and seized the opportunity to strike. Ian's fist connected with the man's liver, delivering three rapid blows.

* THUMP * 

* THUMP * 

* THUMP * 

The man recoiled from the impact, clutching his side as he gasped for air. "Uhhh!" he groaned, struggling to keep his footing.

Ian closed the distance between himself and the man, his fists at the ready. He swung his left fist with all his might, the sound of impact reverberating throughout the alley. 

 * THUD * 

 The man took the punch and staggered backwards, but quickly recovered and threw a punch of his own. Ian deftly dodged the blow and countered with a powerful right hook to the man's face. 

 * CRACK * 

Blood sprayed from the man's mouth as he stumbled backwards. But Ian wasn't finished yet. He pressed forward relentlessly, raining down blow after blow on the man's body. 

* BOOM * 

 * BOOM * 

 * BOOM * 

The man groaned and coughed up more blood, struggling to stay upright. Ian continued his assault, pummeling the man with lefts and rights, until finally, he landed a devastating uppercut on the man's chin. 

 * CRUNCH * 

The man's head snapped back violently, his entire body shaking from the force of the blow. He fell to the ground, barely conscious, as Ian stood over him, his fists still raised. 

 "You should have stayed down," Ian growled, as he began to rain down punches on the man's defenseless body.

* BOOM * 

 * BOOM * 

 * BOOM * 

Blood spattered across the pavement as Ian continued his merciless attack, the sound of his fists pounding flesh echoing through the alleyway.

Three men in grey suits arrived at the location, their revolvers at the ready. They had been told that the area would be a scene of carnage, with bullets flying and bodies falling, thanks to the Italians discovering their ambush. But what they found was something else entirely. It was a scene of bloodshed, but it was the work of a single man.

As the three men approached the scene, their eyes widened in shock and awe at the carnage before them. Two lifeless bodies lay on the ground, while Ian was ruthlessly pummeling the third. One of the men whispered, "This guy's a monster. I've never seen anything like this before."

The second man, still in disbelief, searched the pockets of one of the dead bodies, muttering, "He's completed 50 jobs, all without fail. That's a record."

As Ian finished off the last Italian and approached the trio, blood dripping from his gloves, the third man wasted no time in asking the question on all their minds. "Where's the briefcase?"

Ian nodded towards the corner, and the men retrieved the suitcase. After a quick inspection, the third man pulled out a thick envelope from his coat and tossed it to Ian. As Ian caught it, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the envelope, realizing that this was going to be his biggest payout yet.

Ian acknowledged the men with a silent nod before turning around and walking away. As he made his way through the dimly lit alleys, he took off his bloodstained gloves, careful not to leave any traces of his recent activities behind. The streets were eerily quiet, with only the occasional sound of a distant car engine breaking the silence. He kept his senses sharp, always aware of his surroundings as he moved towards his home.

Finally, he reached his door and unlocked it, stepping inside and locking it behind him as he couldn't wait to get rid of the evidence of his latest job. He quickly shed his clothes, tossing them into the trash can without a second thought. He moved towards the bathroom, feeling the adrenaline still coursing through his veins, and turned on the shower.

As the water cascaded over him, Ian scrubbed himself clean of the blood and grime that clung to his skin. He lingered under the water for a few more moments, letting the heat soothe his aching muscles. Finally, he turned off the faucet and stepped out, grabbing a towel to dry himself off.

As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, Ian couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had come a long way from the scrawny kid he used to be. His long, dark hair fell in wet strands around his face, framing his piercing oceanic blue eyes. His square jawline and sharp features gave him a rugged, handsome look. He flexed his muscles, admiring the hard work he had put in to transform his body from skinny to muscular.

As Ian dressed himself in a fresh set of clothes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. It was now the year 1939, and he had spent the past year tirelessly working on himself, honing his skills in street fights, firearms, and marksmanship. He was confident that he had done everything necessary to stand out from the rest of the recruits in the army.

With a deep breath, he lay down on his bed and gazed up at the moonlight filtering through the window. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think about the next day. He would finally be applying to join the army, and he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

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