Marvel: The DnD Game Master in the Shadows

Chapter 7: The Game Master I

[In the not-so-distant past]

Jason had been a frail child, plagued by illness since a young age. A mere ten years old, he had become intimately familiar with the confines of his hospital room, rarely venturing beyond the boundaries of his bed. His parents, though present, bore the weight of a growing helplessness, an emotion Jason keenly sensed. Yet, he chose to shield himself from the encroaching sadness, determined to remain immersed in the present, eschewing thoughts of an uncertain future.

In attempts to brighten his world, his parents organized gaming sessions, drawing inspiration from their shared passion for Dungeons and Dragons. As ardent fans of the game, they had spent countless hours weaving narratives and battling imaginary monsters with friends of old. Now, this beloved pastime became a source of solace for their ailing son. Unsurprisingly, the strategy worked, as Jason's fascination with the intricate lore, fantastical creatures, and the sheer art of gameplay took root.

Within his heart, Jason nurtured aspirations of becoming a Dungeon Master, the storyteller guiding adventurers through uncharted territories. Yet, his aspirations seemed distant, nearly fantastical themselves. His own body had betrayed him, leaving him unable to walk unaided, perpetually fatigued, and entirely reliant on an intricate balance of nutrients just to endure. He spent hours observing, absorbing every nuance of the game through the lens of YouTube campaigns or his parents' earnest sessions, all in an effort to distract his mind from the harsh reality that life seemed to have painted him.

But then, a moment arrived when his fragile form relinquished its tenuous grip on existence. His senses persisted, though his body's movements had ceased. In the final moments, the words of his grieving parents reached his ears, laden with apologies for the life they couldn't enrich, for the salvation they couldn't provide. And then, silence.

Yet, it wasn't truly the end. Unexpectedly, life surged anew within him. Jason awoke, his hospital attire now replaced by a strange sensation, in a grimy alleyway shrouded in an unfamiliar scent. It was as if a miracle had transpired. His body brimmed with vitality, an exuberance that enabled him to move freely, leap with unadulterated joy, and vocalize his delight without the threat of exhaustion. The transformation was as astonishing as it was delightful, a renewal of his existence he could scarcely believe.

As realization dawned, he grappled with his surroundings. The alleyway's contours seemed vaguely recognizable – the towering skyscrapers, the distinct ambiance – it was New York, of which he was almost certain. Yet, the mystery of how he arrived there remained unsolved. Then, abruptly, his mind was inundated with a deluge of information. Spells, abilities, powers flooded his consciousness, overwhelming it to the point of agony. He crumpled to the ground, grappling with the torrent of newfound knowledge, each iota inflicting a sharp pang on his mind.

But it all goes away in a matter of seconds, and with that, he had a huge smile on his face, before seemingly disappearing from the location that he’s in.


The 10-year-old Jason stood amidst a surreal landscape, a realm unlike any other. There, a profound void stretched out, a canvas of pristine white where no stars twinkled, no sun warmed, no grass whispered. It was an expanse of emptiness, as if reality itself had been erased. Yet, strangely, instead of confusion or fear, a radiant smile graced Jason's face. With both arms outstretched before him, he embraced the emptiness, eyes shut in anticipation.

And then, a subtle tremor rumbled through the non-existent ground. A symphony of colors erupted, the sky painted itself in hues of blue, a radiant sun materialized, fluffy clouds took form, and beneath his feet, the very earth took shape. Grass burst forth, and with a deep inhale, the air itself filled his lungs. A surge of exhilaration coursed through the boy; he was witnessing his very own creation. His hand rose again, and on the distant horizon, majestic mountains surged forth, rivers cascading from their heights, forests springing up from the fertile soil.

It was an indescribable sensation. Jason felt like a god of this nascent world, a realm woven from his imagination's tapestry. To him, it was the ultimate playground, a realm where the boundaries of possibility were dictated solely by his whims. He reveled in this newfound ability – an ability that transcended the boundaries of reality, granting him dominion over worlds.

His hand lifted once more, conjuring two figures into existence – a man and a woman, born from void. Turning his gaze, he repeated the act, birthing forth two elves, figures of ethereal grace. Such power surged through him, and he marveled at the untapped potential he possessed. His mind raced, formulating grand ideas for the world he yearned to forge. Yet, an obstacle lay before him, one he recognized: knowledge. The intricacies of world-building, the dynamics of ecosystems, the mechanisms of societies – all of it remained shrouded in mystery.

But this was his purpose, his aspiration – to learn, to comprehend, and ultimately, to mold. Jason was resolute, his determination unyielding. He grasped that to craft a world of unparalleled richness, he must first understand how the threads of reality wove together. It was a path that beckoned him, a journey of discovery that would empower his creative prowess. 

Finally, his dream to be a dungeon master that creates worlds and weave stories could be easily achieved, he will have a world where his players will role-play as they wished, to become immersed in the world he had built.

Yet, within this realm of boundless potential, a pang of realization tugged at his heart. Thoughts of his family, the ones who believed him lost forever, tugged at his thoughts. Uncertainty clouded his mind. Was this world he now stood in the same one he'd left behind? His quest for understanding expanded beyond his creation dreams, encompassing a question for why he’s here in the first place, a yearning to discover the world he now straddled.

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