Marvel: The DnD Game Master in the Shadows

Chapter 12: Critical Failure

[A couple of minutes before]

As Manny and his friends were led through the garage, his vigilant gaze roamed the surroundings. No firearms in sight, at least not at the moment. However, the number of individuals inside the building raised concern, an unsettling sight indeed.

The thug guiding them directed them towards a door on the side. As it creaked open, Manny's eyes fell upon Tombstone, sprawled beside his bike. A crease formed on Manny's brow as he observed Larry's clenched hand. This man before them had been the architect of their torment over the past few months, turning the city into a concrete jungle where they were relentlessly pursued like prey.

"Boss, the kids came by themselves," the thug announced, herding the group into the room – Tombstone's private garage – before firmly shutting the door.  “Said they have information that you would like to hear.”

"Kids? What kids?" Tombstone's voice echoed, his attention fixed on his bike's details.

"You know, the ones who took out two of our boys." came the response, matter-of-fact.

"Oh, those cunts," Tombstone muttered, finally rising from his bike inspection. With a fluid motion, he stood upright, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the kids. A sense of unease pricked at Manny, who couldn't help but feel dwarfed in the presence of this man who stood nearly three times his size. Still, their journey here had a purpose: the pursuit of a better life and an escape from relentless pursuit.

“What intel, you gonna lie to me again?” Tombstone's gruff voice questioned, wrench placed on a toolbox as he moved away from the group.

"We didn't know it was a trap," Manny responded, his voice tense but resolute. "You tasked us with counting the mafia members moving in and out of that building. It's not our fault that—"

"That what?" Tombstone interjected, his tone sharp. "That my boys were beaten by smaller numbers?"

"Well, I wouldn't phrase it that way," Manny muttered, trying to assert himself. “I’ve told your boys many times, why are we still being chased down?”

"Why, you say?" A deep chuckle rumbled from Tombstone's chest. He pulled open a drawer, retrieving a handful of tags. From a distance, the exact number was hard to gauge. The tags landed at their feet as Tombstone tossed them dismissively. "Ten of my boys are dead, thanks to your incompetence. You were well paid, weren't you?"

“Just let us go and don’t try to find us again.” Manny spoke out. “You won’t see us again. I promise. And I’ll tell you another piece of information from that building.”

Tombstone scoffed. “I know you're lying, kid, don’t play with me. Because you came here on your own, I’ll make it easy for you. Pay the money I gave you, and do the punishment my boys will give you, then I won’t find you again.”

“We don’t have money. And I’m not lying about the information.” Manny interjected hastily. "There's movement in that building you're eyeing."

Tombstone's expression darkened, his steps drawing him closer to Manny, tags crunching beneath his heavy boots. His eyes bore into Manny's, an intense gaze that sought to uncover any deception. "What kind of movement?"

“Fighting.” Manny answered. “A couple days ago there are a lot of shouts coming from that building, the people that lived near there said that there was a man fighting a bunch of guys all alone.”

“A crazy man then.” Tombstone chuckled.

“That man apparently survived.” Manny continued. “Some guy saved him from bleeding out in the street, and yesterday there were people asking questions about that guy, and a black van entered that place bringing more people.”

Tombstone narrowed his eyes. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not.” Manny answered. “Check it yourself. I’m surprised that you don’t know about it yet. Come on, leave us be, I’ve told you the information already.”

Persuasion Check

Difficulty: 20

Rolled: 1



"Shit," Manny muttered under his breath.

The expressions on Tombstone's face shifted rapidly, transitioning from deep contemplation to bewilderment, and finally settling on an explosive rage. Without warning, he lunged at Manny, his fingers like iron talons around Manny's throat, his anger a roaring inferno. "You really expect me to buy into your bullshit story about a lone guy taking on those damn Asian Ninjas? I'm sick and tired of your lies, kid! I'll thrash you myself, and then you'll work off every cent you owe me!"

Manny's airway was closing up, the vice-like grip of Tombstone's hand unrelenting. But before he could even contemplate a countermove, his companions, who had been quietly observing the scene, sprang into action.

"Detono!" Dick's voice rang out, accompanied by a complex set of hand movements. A shockwave erupted from his palms, a palpable force that surged through the room, sweeping everything in its path, including Tombstone. The shockwave propelled the boss into his own motorcycle, a collision that seemed almost surreal. Strangely, only Tombstone was repelled, leaving Manny to collapse to the ground as the suffocating grip on his neck released.

Seizing the opportunity without hesitation, Manny harnessed his own arcane abilities. "Dolor!" he incanted, unleashing a barrage of energy directed at the remaining thug who had been poised to strike from behind. A vibrant streak of green energy crackled through the air, connecting with the thug and propelling him towards the wall. The impact cracked the wall's surface and sent the assailant crumpling to the ground in an instant.

“Now we’re talking!” Larry, his rage-fueled transformation activated, now took the center stage. Veins bulging, muscles contracting, an aura of ferocity enveloping him, he unleashed a primal roar. A surge of power exploded from him, the very floor fracturing beneath his feet as he surged towards the door, which he shattered in his rush to confront the adversaries outside.

Manny clicked his tongue in frustration, recognizing Larry's lack of restraint when in this state. But for now, he brushed the concern aside, his attention returning to Tombstone.

"What in the hell was that?" Tombstone growled, rising from the wreckage of his bike, a mixture of shock and fury in his eyes.

Manny's lips remained sealed, his response a wave of his hand and a whispered incantation.


A delicate pink energy danced through the air, penetrating Tombstone's form. In an instant, the brute's strength seemed to wane, his once-powerful muscles betraying him and turning feeble.

"What the hell did you do to me?!" Tombstone bellowed, his rage escalating alongside his confusion.

Raul, his instrument now only reduced to drumsticks, voiced a nervous gulp. "Looks like we're really doing this, huh?"

Tommie's hand emitted a faint glow as it traversed the space, leading her past the circle of her friends and onward, in the direction of Tombstone. "You all, lend Larry a hand out there. I'll take care of this dipshit."

Manny and the rest exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Their attention shifted to Tombstone, the recipient of Manny's [Hex], before they affirmed their agreement with a collective nod. With that settled, they exited the confined confines of the private garage, leaving Tommie alone in the space.

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