Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 516: Powerful Thor, kill the king of **** Zeus in one move!

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Originally, everyone thought that such a high-profile gathering place for the gods could not be said to be very heavily guarded, at least there must be a gatekeeper or something.

The result, contrary to everyone's expectations, is that the City of Almighty seems to be an open place, and there is no defensive force at all.

There is not even a "door access".

The two goats dragged everyone into the City of Almighty and smashed all the green lawns to waste.

I really don't know how to take care of the environment.

all in all.

The two Thors, the Valkyrie, and the Stone Man, the four of them swaggered around in the magnificent and colorful city of the City of Almighty.

"So... are you still on ice?"

"I've been sick for a long time, how about you?"

"Of course, I'm still skinny, every weekend, and once you polish it, it never fades."

While looking at the surrounding environment, a few people chatted, Thor looked at Jane Foster casually and asked.

During this whole process, some general scenes of the City of Almighty were fully revealed in front of everyone.

"This is the city of all things? The place where the gods gather?"

Tony Stark opened his mouth with disappointment, "I bet I've been to a more beautiful place than this."

This so-called city of omnipotence, that is, the flowers are more colorful, the buildings are more retro, and that's it.

"That huge golden statue, isn't it Zeus?" Captain America guessed so.

Everyone has never seen Zeus, so naturally they can't recognize that the statue is Zeus, but they also have vague guesses.

To be able to have such a withered statue in a place like the City of Almighty is enough to show that the other party is a person with a very respected position among the gods.

Most likely it is Zeus.

"It's just an invitation now, but we have to keep our heads down and mix in."

On the screen, the picture continues to move.

Thor is discussing countermeasures with Jane Foster and the Stone Man, "But fortunately, camouflage is just my specialty!"

After speaking, Thor pulled his cloak over and wrapped it diagonally around his neck: "Philosopher!"

Professor X and Magneto were speechless.

This Thor is really indescribable, completely shattering the illusion of God in their hearts.

At this time, the Valkyrie came over and threw a pile of colorful cloth in front of everyone.

"what are these?"

Thor couldn't help asking curiously.

"True disguises!" said the Valkyries. "They are the cloaks of the **** of emotions, and each color represents a different emotion."

Emotional god?

The answerers each looked at each other. Does such a **** actually exist?

This was never heard of.

"Where is the **** of emotion?" Jane Foster couldn't help asking.

"Don't ask about it." The Valkyrie was speechless.

Things are already very obvious, it must be the Valkyrie and the God of Emotions who had a cordial exchange, the kind that used fists.

Only then did he "convince" the **** of emotion and let the other party "consecrate" his cloak.

It's just that everyone here doesn't quite understand it. How many people are the gods of emotion?

The four of them are all disguised as gods of emotion, how can this be done?

Or, the cloak of the emotional **** represents the subordinate gods of the emotional god?

All in all, after putting on the mantle of the God of Emotions, Thor, the God of Thunder, and the others came to a resplendent hall so smoothly.

"Welcome to the children of the Golden Temple, the gathering place of the greatest creator **** in the universe."

Thor led everyone inside and introduced them casually.

Then everyone saw that the Golden Temple was full of various gods.

There is even a golden dragon from the east, hovering on the pillar, indescribably mighty and domineering.

"That's the **** of magic!"

"That's the **** of dreams!"

"And the **** of carpentry!"

"Oh, look at that, that's the **** of dumplings!"

All kinds of gods are dazzling to see everyone, which can be said to open the eyes of everyone in front of the screen.

It completely shattered everyone's understanding of the word God.

Everyone has never dared to imagine that even gods such as the **** of woodworking and the **** of dumplings can exist.

So is there any **** of pants, **** of shoes, etc.?

Who knows?

Dumplings, yes, they are the dumplings eaten by Chinese people. Those things can become gods. What else can't become gods?

Just visiting and walking all the way, Thor and the four successfully came to the seat of the God of Emotion and sat down on it.


At this time, lightning flashed in the hall, and a cloud appeared out of thin air.

Within the clouds, there are faint golden thunder flashes.




The hall suddenly became boiling.

All the gods shouted the name of Zeus, like fanatical followers.

And under the expectations of all the people, the golden thunder in the clouds became more and more dazzling, and finally exploded.

A burly man in golden armor just appeared in front of the gods.

Without a doubt, it was Zeus.

"Hey, long live Zeus!"

Amidst the cheers, Zeus raised his arms and shouted to everyone, "Welcome everyone to commemorate me!"

The cheers below were even louder.

"This man, he is a legend, a myth!"

Even Thor has a look of admiration for Zeus, "Do you know that a lot of things I do are actually based on this guy."

"He has lightning and thunder, which is a huge source of inspiration!"

"This is very good. When you ask him for an army, you should take the lead in going in. How are we going to go up? Fly up?" Jane Foster looked at the high platform where Zeus was located and asked Thor.

"No, we can't interrupt him as soon as he arrives, he is very famous for all of us."

"Everyone, I am here to hold this meeting of the gods, we have a lot of serious things to discuss!"

On the high platform, Zeus also began to talk to everyone like a master.

The video has been played here, and everyone has a general understanding of some basic conditions of the City of Almighty.

It seems that this is not a free and loose place like a reading club, but there is a person in power, or a ruler.

That man was clearly Zeus.

Rather than coming to the City of Almighty to recruit the gods, Thor was borrowing troops from Zeus.

But Thor would actually worship Zeus so much, which was unexpected.

It turns out that Thor, who is so arrogant, actually has an idol!

It can be seen what level of **** Zeus is.

", where are we going to have this year's bash?"

On the high platform, the voice of Zeus continued to come.

"Is this guy serious?"

The Valkyrie looked speechless, is this what Zeus said serious?

Then several people began to comment on Zeus, and even the Valkyrie proposed to **** Zeus's artifact, and even the combat action plan was formulated.

You can see that everyone is speechless.

Is the Valkyrie actually so reckless?

It's not like it was good to borrow soldiers, why did it suddenly change to robbery?

Zeus and Odin are the gods of the coffee position, so the Valkyrie does not weigh herself up or is she qualified?

There is also Jane Foster, the **** of thunder, who, like the Valkyrie, can't wait to rob, and is even more speechless.

Did Jane Foster's IQ move closer to Thor after becoming Thor?

Could it be that Thor finally failed to borrow troops and fought against Zeus because of this bad idea from the Valkyrie?

"Who is talking!"

The chatter of several people annoyed Zeus, Zeus shouted very unhappily, and quickly locked Thor and the others, "Do you have something to tell everyone?"

"I'm sorry." Thor waved to Zeus and apologized.

"I'm going to blow his head in sixty seconds, so hurry up."

"Literally, his head would roll off."

The Valkyrie and Jane Foster urged Thor on the side, and Thor stood up and began to speak to Zeus: "Hello, I must first say that this is an honor..."

"I can't hear you, please come here!"

Under the gazes of everyone, Thor walked to the center of the hall, where everyone was watching, and began to face Zeus, clarifying his purpose.

"Mighty Zeus, the gods of the universe! I am here to ask for help and call up an army!"

"There is a madman called the God Slayer who is trying to kill all our gods, the destruction is everywhere and the entire planet is completely unprotected!"

"He leaves nothing but chaos wherever he goes!"

"But I know where he is, and with your help, I can get rid of him before he kills anyone else!"

"That guy, he just killed a few low-level gods!" But Zeus didn't care about it at all, "If that's the case, little handsome guy, you'd better go back to your seat and sit down! Be quiet! "

"Sorry, didn't you hear what I just said? He's killing people on a mass scale!"

"I'll tell you again, now, please shut up!"

Thor naturally refused to give up and continued to persuade Zeus, but Zeus only cared about their carnivals and banquets, and didn't care about the **** slayer.

"Please, is this Zeus?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but complained.

This is the king of the gods who is as famous as Odin in myths and legends!

The results of it?

But he is a guy who is full of carnival and entertainment, and doesn't care about anything else.

It's not on the same level as Odin.

And the other party's golden armor, Tony Stark actually wanted to complain for a long time, it was ugly, only the upstart would wear so much gold on his body.

on the screen.

The quarrel between Zeus and Thor continued. Zeus shot two lightning bolts directly, imprisoning Thor, and seeing through Thor's identity.

"It turned out to be you, Thor, the **** of thunder!"

"Zeus, the matter is very serious, he took the children of Asgard!"

"Who do you think we are? The **** police? Every **** should take good care of his own people! What happened to Asgard is Asgard's problem!"

"How does a strong man fall? My hero Zeus, you are afraid!"

This is very serious, and the whole scene is in an uproar.

Zeus's expression changed slightly, and he came to Thor, face to face, and whispered to him.

"Several things. First, I'm really scared. Goll has the undead sword, which means that he will indeed kill us! This is very bad!"

"Second, I know you're trying to do the right thing, I understand, but what you're trying to do is create panic, panic is very bad, we're very safe here!"

"Third, don't talk back to Zeus!"

Zeus actually admitted that he was afraid of the godslayer, which is something that the answerers never thought of.

Is the God Slayer actually that powerful?

Simply incredible!

Zeus is the king of the gods. He is above the gods, and a super bull on the same level as Odin, he is so afraid of the godslayer!

This surprised the respondents.

On the screen, the picture continues to move.

Thor and Zeus failed to negotiate, and the goddess Thor and Valkyrie both wanted to **** Zeus's artifact for a long time.

What will happen next, everyone can guess with their thighs.

Several people really made a scene in the City of Almighty, and started a fierce battle with the soldiers of Zeus.

And the soldiers of Zeus were like paper lakes in front of Thor and the others. They were completely vulnerable. They were killed and lost their helmets and armor. UU reading

Zeus finally couldn't stand it any longer, and he personally shot, using the divine weapon in his hand, the Thunderbolt, and the Thunder beheaded the Stone Man.

"You're next, Odinson!"


Zeus aimed at Thor, and the thunderbolt in his hand shot at Thor.

As a result, he was caught by Thor, and then shook his hand and reflected back towards Zeus, piercing Zeus all at once.

Zeus just fell directly from the high platform.


The answerers can be said to be completely dumbfounded.

This is Zeus, the king of the gods, another Odin.

As a result, he was killed by Thor in a second?

Didn't even last a round!

It's not an exaggerated description, but a real fact, Zeus was killed by Thor!

After killing Zeus, the Stone Man once again summoned the two goats.

The crowd stole Zeus' artifact Thunderbolt, and once again rode away on Asgard's "fairy ship".

The image on the big screen just ended.

"Is this a joke?"

Clark Kent couldn't help but say so.

The dignified and almighty city, the place where the gods gather, why does it look like a joke?

Four people can kill a lot in it, then kill the master, steal the master's artifact, and just slap the **** and leave?

Is this almighty city too watery?

There is also a generation of god-king Zeus, who is even more of a weak scum with a serious name, and even Thor can't stop a move.

Could it be that his seat of the king of the gods was bought?

After everyone watched it, there was only one feeling: like a stick in the throat, like a thorn in the back, like sitting on pins and needles.

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