Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 502: Superman's Brother: Reviving Krypton on Earth

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"Although Tianqi's strength is very strong, in fact, it is just like that."

Tony Stark shrugged and said in a very disapproving tone, "If it was me, I could kill him alone."

Judging from Apocalypse's final performance, when the attack power is large enough, it is enough to penetrate the opponent's defense.

This wasn't a problem at all for Tony Stark.

He doesn't lack anything in battle armor now.

After sending ten sets of eight sets of battle armor, Tony Stark did not believe that he could not kill the apocalypse.

If ten sets and eight sets are not enough, then how about twenty or thirty sets?

Anyway, there are more armors.

But for people like Captain America and Batman, Apocalypse is not so easy to kill.

"Apocalypse must have his weakness, although I don't know what this weakness is yet."

Bruce Wayne said so, as long as a weak spot is found, Apocalypse will definitely be able to kill it successfully.

"Bruce, when the answer is over, Charles will fall into the hands of Apocalypse again, looking for Apocalypse's weaknesses or something, I'm afraid it's too late."

Magneto said so on the side.

"Of course, but even if we don't know Apocalypse's weaknesses, we have no problem dealing with Apocalypse." Bruce Wayne shrugged aside.

Superman Clark Kent, Diana, plus Thor, Tony Stark and so on.

Apocalypse is simply not good enough to watch.

"Compared to Apocalypse, I pay more attention to the Phoenix girl. The power hidden in her body is indeed very powerful."

Captain America spoke in a deep voice and asked Professor X on the side, "Charles, is she really unable to control this power?"

"If this power gets out of hand..."

That would obviously be a disaster.

Professor X couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Phoenix girl's situation may be worse than everyone imagined, and even in her sleep, she will cause an earthquake in the school!

All the classmates in the whole school were afraid of her and regarded her as a monster.

However, on this occasion, Professor X would not openly expose the shortcomings of his students, he said to everyone: "Qin just needs some time, of course, we are still working hard, but I believe in Qin, but at present Qin All is well.”

Although there are signs of loss of control from time to time, Professor X will go to the fire in time every time.

Up to now, Qin has never really gotten out of control, and every time it was snuffed out by Professor X at the source.

But this is only within the school.

Professor X couldn't imagine what would happen once Qin left the school.

[Please listen to the question: Superman Clark Kent's brother Morgan Edge secretly planned to let Kryptonian consciousness invade the human body and achieve Kryptonian recovery. Who was the plan that was ultimately destroyed? 】

【A. Superman Clark Kent】

[B. The Flash Barry Allen]

[C. Batman Bruce Wayne]

[D. Steel bone Victor Stone]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will receive a sage stone as a reward;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

When everyone was discussing with great interest, the system prompt sounded immediately, attracting everyone's attention.

The answerers can be said to be stimulated all at once.

It's really a topic that is really exciting, and the information revealed is very heavy, and it can even be said that it caught everyone off guard.

"Wait a minute, Superman's brother Morgan Edge? Does Superman have a brother?" Tony Stark couldn't help looking at Clark Kent beside him.

This is something he never knew.

"Clark, do you have a brother?" Tony Stark asked Clark Kent with his eyes fixed.

Everyone else at the scene also turned their attention to Clark Kent, and everyone wanted to know this kind of thing very much.

"I don't have any brothers, I never knew such a thing! As far as I know I'm the only Kryptonian on Earth, and I'm the last Kryptonian child!"

Clark Kent is also confused.

He has lived on earth until now, and he has never heard of any older brother.

But the answering system has never been wrong.

Since the system says that Clark Kent has an older brother, then Clark Kent must have an older brother!

And the brother here obviously refers to Clark Kent's brother on Krypton, not his brother after he came to Earth.

In other words, Clark Kent's brother Morgan Edge is undoubtedly a Kryptonian. After all, the people on Earth will not come up with anything about the recovery of Krypton.

"Clark, it seems that you are not the only Kryptonian." Bruce Wayne shrugged, "Clark was sent to Earth when he was a baby, and he knows very little about what happened on Krypton. He has a brother Living abroad, well, seems to be a reasonable thing to do."

"It's just that Clark Kent's brother philosophy seems to be different from Clark's." Captain America couldn't help but said in pain.

"Although the title doesn't say it clearly, if the consciousness of the Kryptonians invades the human body, then the consciousness of the human being will be dissipated, right?"

"In other words, that human should be dead, right?"

"Morgan Edge is planning to sacrifice Earth to revive Krypton!"

Tony Stark's voice sounded much heavier, and he almost told everyone that Superman's brother planned to destroy all mankind.

"No, Stark, I won't let this happen."

Clark Kent immediately shook his head and said decisively, "The earth is my home now, and I will not let anyone destroy my home."

After a pause, Clark Kent added, "Even if... it's my brother!"

"Clark, Tan Ding, didn't the title say that Morgan Edge's plan was finally stopped?" Professor X said on the side at this time, "He didn't succeed."

Clark Kent's face turned a little better.

"Clark, this is nothing, don't say that Morgan Edge didn't succeed in the first place, what if he succeeded?"

"Since we know this future in advance, this future is not a future, because we can change it!"

Bruce Wayne said the same to Clark Kent.

"That's right, let's see what's going on with this topic!" Captain America pulled everyone back to the topic.

Everyone turned their attention to the big screen one by one.

"First of all, we need to confirm the identity of Morgan Edge, because we all know that Clark Kent has two identities, or two families."

"He has a family on Krypton with his own Kryptonian parents, and a family on Earth with his own human parents."

Tony Stark immediately entered the analysis.

"Clark, are you actually an alien?" Magneto interrupted Tony Stark in surprise, looking at Clark Kent and asked.

I have to say that this is still far beyond Magneto's expectations. This is the first time he has encountered a living alien.

"I was only born on Krypton, but now, I'm also from Earth." Clark Kent shrugged and said to Magneto.

"Yes, Clark is an alien, Eric, is there any problem now? Then I'll go on."

Tony Stark continued to talk eloquently, "And obviously, the Morgan Edge mentioned in this topic will not be the elder brother of the Clark Earth family, he is the elder brother of the Krypton family!"

"Morgan Edge, it's a Kryptonian!"

This point, everyone on the scene still has no doubts, after all, this is an obvious thing.

Earthlings have neither the ability to revive Krypton, nor the motivation to do so.

But even so, Clark Kent was still a little confused.

"As far as I know, I don't have such a Kryptonian brother!" Clark Kent said with a frown.

It’s true that Krypton was destroyed, and it’s true that Clark became the last Kryptonian since the death of General Zod and the others, but Kryptonians and Earthlings are different.

Even if you die, you can still preserve your consciousness in some way.

This was the case with Clark Kent's father, or Cal-El's father, Joel.

Clark Kent can still communicate and communicate with his father, and even Joel has taught Clark Kent a lot of things.

If he has an older brother, why does Joel never tell himself?

"Clark, Morgan Edge can't be your father's illegitimate child outside, right? The reason why your father didn't mention it to you, maybe he didn't even know he had this son!"

"It's like Magneto left a quicksilver outside, he doesn't even know about it."


Tony Stark said with a heartbroken look on his face.

Several people who knew Tony Stark at the scene couldn't help showing a look of contempt. Everyone is qualified to say this, but the person who has slept all over the cover girl of Maxim magazine is not qualified to say it.

"Or, Morgan Edge is Clark's half-brother?" Magneto also made a guess.

"Morgan Edge had a family before, but then divorced for various reasons... Anyway, these family ethics matters..."

"Everyone, is this not the time to discuss how I have an extra brother?" Clark Kent was dumbfounded.

Everyone seems to be starting to get crooked!

"Let's analyze the topic!" Clark Kent pulled everyone back.

"Let's look at option A first, Superman Clark Kent? There is no doubt that this option is very likely, and we can't rule it out."

Captain America immediately made such a natural judgment.

The people at the scene also did not raise any objections.

There is no other reason, Superman is so powerful, so powerful that Superman can do almost anything that a few people in the other options can do.

Of course, except for this one where the Cyborg Victor Stone controls the network.

But there is no clue in the title that the plan to destroy Morgan Edge relied on network means, right?

"Option B, The Flash, how can I say it, we can't rule out this option." Everyone turned their attention to The Flash again.

"The Flash? Like Quicksilver, has the speed of lightning?" Professor X couldn't help but interrupted and asked.

"No, Charles, the Flash is not the same as Quicksilver."

Bruce Wayne shook his head, "Quicksilver is a mutant, his ability comes from his own body, but The Flash's ability comes from a magical dimensional power, the speed of power!"

"Speed ​​is just a basic appearance of the Flash, but the Flash can do much more than that."

In the related images of The Flash saving the world, everyone has a more detailed and accurate understanding of the Flash.

And how to stop Morgan Edge's plan, the title does not give any relevant clues, can The Flash's speed play a role?

Will his speed power work?

All is unknown.

So The Flash can't be ruled out.

Not even just The Flash, but also Batman and Cyborg in the two options below.

Not to mention Batman.

Although he is the only ordinary human among all the options without any superpowers, he is the one with the greatest potential and the most possibilities. UU reading

No matter what kind of crisis, it wouldn't be surprising if Batman solved it.

Because Batman always finds a way.

Cyborg's reasons are the same as the Flash, and no one knows if Cyborg's abilities will play a role in solving the crisis in Morgan Edge.

Naturally, it cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, after preliminary analysis, all four candidates in the options are possible, and there is no way to exclude anyone.

"We know too little information about Morgan Edge's Krypton recovery plan, which is not conducive to our analysis."

Professor X pondered and said, then turned to Clark Kent to ask about the situation, "Clarke, since you and Morgan Edge come from the same place, can you see something about his plan?"

"One thing does strike me as strange."

Clark Kent's brows wrinkled, "Krypton has been destroyed, and the Kryptonians are dead. In Morgan Edge's Kryptonian recovery plan, where did the consciousness of those Kryptonians come from?"

Clark Kent got to the point at once.

Since it is the "Kryptonian Recovery" plan, the number of Kryptonians who are recovering must not be small, but the Kryptonians are obviously dead!

Clark Kent couldn't figure it out anyway.

The answerers at the scene also couldn't figure it out.

"Perhaps, the destruction of Krypton is actually not that simple." Magneto said leisurely on the side, making such a speculation.

"My father has already told me about the destruction of Krypton..."

"Clark, your father didn't tell you about Morgan Edge!" Tony Stark hinted on the side.

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