MARVEL: start with limitless technique

Chapter 31 – Becoming a multimillionaire II

 “I've already discussed this with the senator and I'm telling you now. Sun breathing is a technique I won't teach anyone.”

Why did the senator include this in the agreement even though I had already said this?

“If you're not going to teach sun breath to anyone, the senator wants you to make sure that at least ten people have the strength to cut a tank you built in half.”

“Oh, so he already knew I would refuse. Anyway, all the people I'm going to train can reach that level, but it's up to them. I mean, it depends on how much they can improve themselves. If they learn everything I teach them in a year, they can already cut down a tank.”

"Can you give a guarantee for that?"

“Yes. Uh, by the way, I want to make sure that one of my conditions is in the deal.”

“Which one?”

"If the Super Soldier project is stopped before reaching the number of soldiers I'm going to train for some reason that's not my cause, I won't train alternative soldiers"

“Hmm, this is already in the deal. Let's finish the deal."

After saying these words, the man sitting opposite me took out a file hidden in his clothes, put it in front of me, and handed me a pen.

When I opened the file and read the contract, I saw that all the terms we had already discussed were written down, and I realized that all the bargaining we had done was pointless. The senator, who already knew my terms, had actually tried his last chance.

After reviewing the file one more time, I took the pen to sign the contract. A few more signatures and I will be the biggest rent collector in American history.

The senator had his reasons for making such a big deal with me.

The cost to him of making such a deal with me was actually not that great. The deal was that there was a limit on the amount of government buildings that could be built in the Midtown area. As long as he did not exceed this limit, he would not have to pay me rent. In addition, since I cannot sell this immovable asset, I will not be able to go out of the country and I will continue to live in the United States.

So in this age where there are no superhuman beings, I will give them a lot of superhuman soldiers, I will be an American forever, and I will be on good terms with the government.

Of course, the above things are not about me. The only thing I'm interested in is the 1500 acres of land.

The bald general, whose name I try to forget as much as possible because he has the same name as me, took the signed files, handed me a small piece of paper with the deed, and started to leave the room. Before he left the room, he turned around for a second and said his last words to me.

“Remember. This is a secret deal. Even though you own the land, it won't show up in government records, but the income will be hidden. If you want to collect rent or do anything else, all you have to do is visit the Governor's office."

I just saw what he said in the contract, but it's not a big problem.

With those words behind him, the bald general closed the door and started to walk cautiously away. After waiting for him to get far enough away, I picked up the bottle of whiskey he had left on the table and happily leaned back in my chair.

Smiling broadly with happiness, I took my first drink in this world. Normally I hate drinking alcohol and losing control, but this deal needs to be celebrated.

Now all I have to do is train the first super soldier to be born which is Steve Rogers. And not accidentally save the doctor's life.


“Are you serious?”

Suddenly the door slammed open and I hid the smile on my face to see who had the nerve to barge into my room like that. After all, since the show last month, most of the soldiers believed I was the devil.

It was Howard Stark.

“What happened?”

“What happened? I'm literally begging you to teach me swordsmanship, and you go and make a deal with the Senator and tell him you're going to teach swordsmanship to all the super soldiers?"

“How do you know that?”

Howard looked furious, and he came over and took a little listening device out of the branches of the flower that was on my desk and put it in front of me.

"I didn't want to say this to your face, but now you don't leave me any other choice. Huff, Howard, you're the kind of guy who could be hospitalized by eighty percent of the girls you get into bed with. That's why it's going to take years to teach you my swordsmanship.”

“I don't need that much. Just teach me your fiery swordplay.”

“It will still take years. Just invent a sword that shoots flames when you swing it and put a ball of dry ice in your mouth. The girls probably won't even know the difference."

"It's like a joke. All this time I've been pushing you and offering you so many things and you still refuse.”

“Not as much as the senator.”

“What did he offer you to accept?

“I thought you were listening.”

"The sound was creaky."

I took the deed paper off the table and handed it to Howard, who took it with a strange expression, closed the door behind him, walked in, sat down in my chair, and began to read the paper.

Howard's eyes widened every second as he continued to read the words on the paper. After a while he started laughing out loud and came over to me and grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me, telling me that this wasn't real.

“It's the most real thing you'll ever see, Howard. The one, just entered the world of multimillionaires."

"That's a very childish nickname."

“For now...”

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