Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 336 Rune King

Chapter 336 Rune King

"Nine nights hung on a tree shaken by the wind,

Wounded with a spear; I was sacrificed to Odin,

Sacrifice yourself to yourself, on the big tree that no one knows!
No bread to satisfy hunger, no drop of water to quench thirst.

I looked down, picked up the runes,

Shouting while picking it up, it fell from the tree. "

The wind and frost of Jotunheim is the sharpest among the nine kingdoms.

In addition to being solid and huge, the ice giants born from the icy world can scrape flesh and bones, and the Jotunheim wind and frost roared on this continent without stopping.

Looking down from a high altitude, in a giant rift valley like a scar lying across the icy land, instead of freezing into ice, spring water filled with warm water vapor gushed forth.

The spring water is like a lake, next to the towering and steep ice rocks, a giant tree root with bright silver spots submerged in it, above the root stretches endlessly to the Milky Way, but it is unreal like a phantom.

Loki, the god of trickery and king of the ice giants, swayed gently on the bank of the Fountain of Wisdom, whispering a long Asgardian ditty about how Odin got himself hanged from the World Tree by dedicating Poetry of the power of the runes obtained by sacrificing.

The sound of the bells ringing in the wind is a chain composed of a series of thumb-thick iron buckles. The chain is hung on a branch protruding from the root of a tree of the world. figure.

A streak of bright red blood flowed down Saul Odinson's face covered by his long hair, and he was also gently shaken by the wind along with the long falling chains. His naked upper body had been covered by Jotunheim's cold iron. Leaving traces.

I don't know how long it's been on it.

Loki seemed to be admiring a scene of the most popular dance performance in Asgard. He raised his feet on the bench made of frost, but looked into Sol's eyes, but there was no relaxation or leisure.

He still likes to use mischievous debauchery to cover up his deepest emotions.

"Today. It should be the ninth day. It feels a little unreliable to just hang like this, and even poke one eye off and throw it into the spring water."

Loki stretched his waist greatly. He just wanted to get up and get closer to see whether Sol was alive or dead, but the ground under his feet trembled suddenly, his bright red pupils shrank, and he dodged into the shadow of magic. .

Only Sol remained here silently, completing the sacrificial ceremony.

The rolling vibrations from the earth were caused by tens of thousands of ice giants rushing forward.

The throne hall of Jotunheim is a vast wasteland surrounded by mountains.

There is only one chair as huge as a building on the wasteland, and there are several magnificent pillars engraved with totem symbols, which are comparable in proportion to ice giants.

Standing on this continent is full of desolation and loneliness.

When the royal court of the giants was approached by the "Sirius" falling from the sky, the guarding ice giants sounded the winter drums, awakening the giants who were resting in the mountains, valleys, rocks and ice cliffs, and summoned them.

"These ice giants are bigger than the fire giants in Muspelheim."

"Archangel" Warren looked out of the starship, looked at the indigo giants above from the ground, and whispered to Kurt in a low voice.

"In the history of Asgard, the Jotunheim ice giants are the most powerful race that the Asir race has ever encountered. They are different from Surtur, who only grew stronger by relying on eternal flames. Every ice giant All strong enough, tough enough.”

Following the whisper of "Nightcrawler", the Sirius finally hovered slowly and stilled, overlooking the ice giants from a height of tens of meters above the ground.

The red devil's space portal opened in the center of the ice giant's royal court, and at the same time, Loki, who still had the power of a mage, also appeared through magic, carrying in the palm of his back, clasping the halo of "cold" Ice Box".

"Phoenix" and "White Queen" walked out of the black and red light door together, watching the scene of this world from a distance on both sides.

In the past few days, they have traveled to many strange and magical countries, as if it was a family trip.

A white dress like snow, solemn and noble.A black dress drags and red hair dances wildly.

Loki looked at the two familiar glamorous faces, and put away the banter that was always on the corner of his mouth. His face was the same as that of this icy continent, and the calmness remained only dead silence.

"It's you again. The people of Midgard—"

When James walked out of the light gate, standing between the two "queens" and looking at Odin's adopted son with his chin lightly raised, Loki's words just uttered stopped suddenly, and his constricted pupils widened.

"You are that Howlett! Odin didn't put you—no, how could the eternal fire not burn you!"

Although James' hair had turned into thick silver frost and his stature had increased a bit, Loki still recognized his appearance at a glance.

"What kind of trauma did the Eternal Flame bring to the Asgardians? Do you all care so much about me not dying?"

James said with some helplessness, and also called out the Ice Giant Royal Court with a more desolate style, as well as the living ice giants whom he saw for the first time.

He found that even when these giants were alive, they were like hard green and black ice like the corpses found in the underground cave.

"You look familiar, Odin's youngest son?"

Looking at the head of the ice giant wearing a huge crown with curved horns, compared with the other ice giant leaders who almost only covered an animal skin skirt between the crotch, and were naked like uncivilized savages, James gradually made this thin and delicate blue face the same as before. I met him once, and got in touch with the kid playing magic and illusion that he fainted.

Loki also obviously recalled some unbearable memories. With his right hand, he slowly held up the ice treasure box and raised it above his head. Finally, the roaring giant army behind him made a movement.

The restless crooning was like the muffled thunder buried deep in the clouds during the thunderstorm season. Asazo's continuous and stable light gate was high in the sky, continuously releasing the soldiers of the Sirius Legion on the ground.

The ice giants didn't need to forge any weapons. When they stretched out their palms, they would be wrapped in solid ice and condensed into spikes or giant axes, pressing on the tiny humans that only reached their waists and hips.

James didn't respond to the actions of Loki and the ice giant. He already felt the resonance of the World Tree power in the depths of Jotunheim.

As the seven worlds completed the "ritual" of conquest, the feeling for the nine kingdoms became clearer.

It’s no wonder that in Norse mythology, it is said that the god king Odin can view the Nine Realms while sitting on the throne.

While the ice treasure box radiated a blue-black torrent, the ice giants beat their chests and launched a charge. The torrent rushed straight to James, who was standing behind his back, but stopped a few meters in front of him, blocked by an invisible barrier .

Qin looked with great interest at Loki, who had changed his appearance greatly, and even changed his bloodline. He stretched out his palm and blasted out a phoenix flame to rush back to the power of the ice treasure box. He looked at Emma and said loudly:

"Go to the Fountain of Wisdom, let's play with Odin's youngest son."

James nodded slightly, "Don't play him to death."

As soon as the words fell, the golden light rose up, and rushed straight to the deepest part of the continental crack in Jotunheim, and within a few breaths, one could see green sparkling springs.

Loki and his army, who stayed in the ice giant's royal court, fought an unwinnable battle under the suppression of the White Queen and Phoenix who possessed the mind stone, as well as the output of many high-level mutant fighters.


Sol seemed to have experienced a long sleep. When James landed on the edge of the Fountain of Wisdom, he finally woke up with a long breath and slowly opened his right eye.

"You imitated Odin and sacrificed one of your own eyes."

James approached and said softly, he could feel that the power of the World Tree that had not been completely cut off in Odin's blood had been transferred to Sol.

"James Howlett. I thought the first enemy I would face after waking up would be my sister."

The iron chain suddenly broke without warning, and Sol's feet set foot on the ground again nine days later. The hollow of the left eye that was sacrificed was gradually filled with blue thunder, and then spread inch by inch. .

"Your sister has returned to the Hall of Valor, but when the Asa are no longer the lords of the Nine Worlds, nor possess the power and curse of the World Tree, the Hall of Valor will also become a real legend, Ragnarok .or the gods, no longer exist.”


The thunder light poured down from the sky filled Sol's body. His bare upper body was covered with fine scale armor inch by inch, and the top of his head was surrounded by a crown of runes condensed by lightning. Summon Mjolnir.

Thor's Hammer, which was almost crushed by Hella, spread an icy blue thunder light from the cracked gap, and soon covered the entire Warhammer, turning into a form purely composed of lightning.

From nowhere, two crows as big as falcons howled hoarsely, and landed on Sol's shoulders flappingly.

"During the nine days and nights when I was hung on the World Tree, I saw the reincarnation of fate that belonged to the Asa Protoss that my father had seen."

The raging thunder light was suddenly taken back by Thor, without a trace of energy spilling out, only the eight-faced rune light group shining on the torso armor in the style of the Asgardian royal family.

He walked towards James step by step with a thunderous warhammer, the empty eye sockets of his right eye and left were filled with lightning, and continued to say in a deep voice:
". Ragnarok is both the end and the beginning. There have been several cycles. This battle is not for the glory of Asgard, nor for the dominance of God's Domain, but because... as a warrior, I want to Lost battles, fight back!"

At the same time as Thor's voice fell, two lightning bolts fell from the sky and fell directly on top of the two of them. Thor disappeared from the lightning, and appeared from the lightning that struck James' head again, and the warhammer swung down.

The mystical shield with the eternal fire as the source blocked it in front of it, and the golden pillar of fire rose up, and the god kings of the ages who appeared behind Thor with the power of shining silver runes, the ghosts of Bully, Boll, and Odin The shadows are far away.

"The power of Odin in its heyday, the Aesir under the blessing of the World Tree" James whispered while looking at the mighty Sol.

The inexhaustible flame that fused all of James' power in the life force field suddenly burst into flames, and Senbai's bone blade was filled with golden flames, and the flames outlined a finely detailed occult armor that clings to his body.

At the same time as the Claw Blade and Thor's Hammer collided, Jotunheim's rift collapsed and sank several meters.

"I am—the Rune King!"

Thor's roaring mouth was also full of thunderbolts, and his body was covered with runes made up of finely twisted thunderbolts, which smashed upward with one hammer after another.

The two flaming giants did not take a step back from each other, their feet rumbled and sank as the land continued to collapse, and they fought to the death facing each other, waving their sharp claws and war hammers.

Especially Sol, whose body armor was chopped off one after another, and covered with golden flame scars, showed the oldest and most barbaric fighting will of the Asa Protoss.

Every time James' fist and sharp claws attacked, a secret art chain was placed on Sol's body. It was not obvious at first, but as the two attacked head-on, "Rune King" Sol's back and limbs quickly He was bound by dozens of finger-thin flame chains.

When James stomped his feet suddenly, the chains on Sol's body tightened, and behind him exploded a beam of light that seemed to be made of magic metal and white magic secrets, and then was blasted towards the pillar by James' shoulder and elbow. , locked on it.

"I promised your mother that her children could return to their hometown."

The bone blades of both fists were retracted, and James walked into the Thunder Prison with a radius of tens of meters centered on Sol, and punched the "Rune King" tied to the beam of light!

Even the two armies far away in the ice giant's royal court could hear and feel the rhythmic tremors of the earth and air.

Embedding the "Ice Treasure Box" into his chest, Loki, the King of Frost, became even bigger. He was firmly suppressed by the phoenix flames on the side of the shattered giant throne. He turned his head to Sol's direction little by little, and the phantom flickered several times but disappeared. Seen through by the White Queen, she has no way of getting away.

Boom, he turned around abruptly, grabbed Thor's hammer that was summoned by Thor, and under the burning of the eternal flame, the hammer melted into a puddle of molten iron and fell from James' fingers.

He punched Thor in the face again, and seeing the "Rune King" Thor who was slowly no longer struggling, James walked towards the center of the Fountain of Wisdom and came to the root of the World Tree.

When the fingertips touched the roots of the tree, a clear understanding, or "information" came to my heart.

"Huh, let me sacrifice?"

James raised his head to look at the sky with a cold expression, and the vague shadow of the World Tree flickered dimly.

He walked from the tree trunk in the center of the spring to the pool water, sinking into his body inch by inch, and then, the fountain of wisdom boiled from the bottom.

James, who ignited a flame under the spring water, was like a furnace, steaming the entire pool of spring water, and he was about to boil the pool dry!
The world tree running through countless star clusters began to flicker frantically. Its roots were slightly withered, yellow and burnt. After a while, the boiling of the fountain of wisdom gradually stopped. James walked out without any water stains, and came to the root of the world tree again. before.

This time, under the vast silver light, the runes on Thor's body gradually faded away.
A giant with golden and silver flames intertwined, and its phantom piercing through the sky, stepped on the continent of Jotunheim and looked towards the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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