Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 331 Iron Man, The Last Avenger?

Chapter 331 Iron Man, The Last Avenger?
"Mr. Fantastic" Reed Richards' body deformed and extended into an oval umbrella shape, his hands and feet stretched nearly ten meters like ropes, wrapping around the body of the stone man.

Black Panther T'Chaka's battle armor was wrapped with a three-finger-thick blue-black chain, crouching on Ben Graham's back like a millstone.

Reed, who descended slowly from a high altitude, could even achieve the effect of a paraglider by slightly adjusting and deforming his body, and quickly swooped towards the green giant running wildly on the mountain.

"Reed! This scene is really familiar, and I understand the mood of this big green-skinned man."

The stone man yelled at the out-of-control Dr. Bruce Banner, and seemed to recall the time when he escaped from the Howlett Group's experimental base.

With his roar, Richards let go of the wrapped rubber hands and feet and quickly moved away, falling straight towards the back of the Hulk like a bomb.

At the moment of the impact, the black panther jumped back sensitively, landed on a beech branch, clasped the bark with both hands like a real leopard, and stared cautiously down.

In the light of the searchlight cast by the helicopter gunship in the sky and General Ross's energy engine fighter, a dark green figure crouching in the pit shook its head, and slowly stood up with his chest heaving and heaving.

The stone man's weight of hundreds of kilograms and the impact of the [-]-meter-high fall hit the Hulk's back, but he didn't blast him into a puddle of mud on the spot, just like being hit with a sap.

The green body over two meters three is full of explosive muscles. Not only are the back muscles condensed like steel cables, but even the most inconspicuous small muscle groups in the human body have proliferated into fist-sized bulges.

The arms are longer than the knees, and the forearms are almost as thick as the waist of an adult male. The legs look a little short, but they are as strong as a tree trunk that cannot be hugged by a person.

The overproliferated and enlarged body tore through all the clothes, shaking the terrible lump under the crotch, completely naked with green flesh.

The "stone man" who is also a big man is similar to the Hulk in the horizontal dimension, but his stature is only just enough to reach the opponent's chest, and he looks a lot "miniature".

"Ho Hulk, Hulk!"

The Hulk, who seemed to have come back to his senses, turned his head suddenly, and hit the stone man who was a little unbelievable and dazed with a punch that crushed the sound barrier. Blast off the tree trunks in the forest.

The green-skinned giant who had turned into an experimental accident could no longer look like Dr. Banner.

His head was magnified in equal proportions. He had huge white teeth like steel ingots and eyes like copper bells. His head was full of thick short black hair with thick branches, but he still retained the outline of human facial features and basic body structure. .

The Hulk's skin texture is also more similar to the organic tissue of flesh and blood. It is completely different from Ben Graham's form that has almost transformed into a silicon-based life, but its physical strength and toughness are still superior.

"Huhulk! Smash! Hulk!"

The Hulk kept roaring short and single words. He seemed to be disgusted by the strong light cast from the sky, so he pulled up a big tree as thick as a telephone pole and threw it up, blasting through an armed Black Hawk helicopter.

The old black panther T'Chaka under the helmet looked like a very cunning civet cat. Even with the vibrating gold armor all over his body, he didn't take the initiative to step forward and try to compete with this berserk giant.

Immediately afterwards, Reed, who fell from the sky, stretched out his rubber arms towards the Hulk's legs. As soon as he touched them, they quickly spread and entangled. Sir" pulled to the front like a spring.

With a punch, only a dull sound came from the body that was beaten into a ball of plasticine. The Hulk looked suspiciously at his fist as big as a copper basin, and shook Reed's super rubber body vigorously. .

Dr. Richards, who is immune to almost all physical potential energy blows, stretches his body rapidly like an octopus. Whether it is the torso, neck, or limbs and fingers, they all become strong rubber elastic bands to wrap the Hulk's body.

The stone man who was blasted away just now also ran back with rumbling footsteps, rushed left and right and swung two fists on the hulk's chin. While he was getting closer and closer to Richards, he continued He punched and smashed.

At this time, the black panther finally jumped down, stabbing out inch-long silvery claws between five fingers, finding the Hulk's unbound and exposed skin, and slashing off, slashing several times on his cheek Green mouth.


The pain of seeing the blood once again stimulated Dr. Banner who had lost his mind. He suddenly lost control of howling and roaring. He just clenched his teeth and the muscles on his cheeks bulged.

The Hulk's two green eyes spread out, staring straight at the black panther and the stone man in front of him, allowing them to scratch at him, bit by bit, bit by bit, stretching apart the body bound by the rubber body and clinging to his side arm.

"What a joke!"

The long snake-like neck dragged Richards' head and his eyes were pale. He hurriedly wrapped around the Hulk a few more times, but the other party still stretched his limbs steadily.

Richards knew in his heart how powerful his body was when it was tightened at maximum strength, and it could even twist and deform the superalloy steel column like a python strangling.

Even if the stone man is completely entangled by him like this, he will be completely immobile and unable to resist.

"Ben! T'Chaka! Quick!" Reed yelled as he kept strengthening the restraints, seeing that his body was almost stretched to the limit.

The stone man stopped his fists and took a few steps back, then charged up and knocked over the Hulk.

The panther took off the vibrating gold chain that was coiled around his body, clasped the stump-like ankle of the Hulk neatly, and beckoned to the armed fighter plane in the sky, and connected the hook chain of the plane at the other end of the lock.

But before the fighter plane rose and pulled it up, the hulk lying on the ground bounced his waist and made a movement similar to "carp straightening", but instead the plane fell straight down, bombarded him and exploded instantly.

Illuminated by the fierce flames, the face of the unrestrained Hulk quickly healed with the black panther's claws and the injuries caused by the stone man. He spit out the loose teeth protruded by the new teeth, and he collapsed under his feet. With vibrating gold chains, he took a step with ferocious eyes, and instantly clasped T'Chaka's body.

He also saw the stone man from the ruins of the explosion, raised his hand and punched him into the ground, only half of his body and head were exposed, stomping on it like kicking a stone to vent his anger.

Looking down from a high altitude, gunpowder smoke and flames filled the air, and the Hulk's movements to vent his anger could be seen indistinctly.

He grabbed the panther's legs and swung the armored T'Chaka on the head of the stone man.

Richards, who was a little burned by the flames, just wanted to go forward to continue fighting, when he was hit by the flying black panther, and then the Hulk spread his hands together and hit him, and the sound wave from the impact was even more overwhelming. Richards couldn't move an inch.

"Strike, your people had better be useful. The explosion will soon attract attention. If the 'Whip of Order' finds out, I have no choice but to hand you all over to them."

Admiral Ross, who was always watching from above, had a grim expression on his face. His guards had already drawn out their weapons and pointed them at William Stryker. The alliance that had just been formed was about to break down.

"Understood, I understand that the cause of the experiment going wrong can be pinned on us. I understand everything when I am used to it. Don't worry too much about General Ross. This is not over yet. Dr. Banner has such a powerful force after being transformed. You should be happy."

Stryker used his cane to push away the pistol pointed at him. Although he was also apprehensive, he still pretended to be in control of the overall situation, and looked down while pulling at the hatch.

His eyes flickered, as if he was waiting for a miracle to appear.

Approaching step by step, the Hulk, who hit the shock wave with his palms together, had already walked up to Richards. After being beaten up by the three of them, he didn't see any injuries or fatigue. At the beginning of the fight, the state is completely different.

Just as Reed's mind was thinking about the countermeasures to subdue the Hulk, the rushing air wave suddenly subsided by most of it, and his head that was crushed into a cake quickly returned to its original shape, and the Hulk seemed to be drunk. Staggering, the palms no longer had the strength of the joint strike just now, and they patted lightly one after another.

With a bang, he fell to the ground and passed out.

As the tissues of the body shrank rapidly, the dark green color on the skin receded like a tide, leaving only a naked, medium-sized Caucasian male lying next to the wreckage of the plane explosion.

"Look, what did I say! Hehehe, happy cooperation, General Ross."

Stryker looked at Dr. Banner who had returned to his original form on the ground, and looked at Admiral Ross with a smile.

The knuckles of his cane were a little white, and his body was swaying slightly with excitement, planning and forbearance for decades.

Finally, I saw hope.

The most chaotic neighborhood in New York, located on the west bank of Manhattan Island in West Midtown, is known as the "Hell's Kitchen".

William Stryker dragged his broken leg and moved up the creaking old wooden ladder step by step, and returned to the rented room at the deepest floor.

When the door was pushed open, there was a stale air full of rotten wood and musty smell. The narrow box spring bed lay across the innermost part of the room. Except for an old-fashioned TV with dust, there was nothing decent.

Empty as if no one lived there.

Stryker didn't turn on the light, just sat quietly on the side of the low bed and hung his head in silence. After a while, a blue halo flashed past, and a pair of toes wearing metal boots appeared in his sight.

"Tony Stark, he has been in the limelight recently. He used the technology of the Ark energy pile to create a comprehensive armor. He has been somewhat repulsed by the Howlett Group since he was a child, and he has always been dissatisfied with the special nature of the mutant group. Treatment, can I get in touch with you?"

Stryker's hoarse voice sounded softly, and after a while, the strange figure who suddenly appeared in his room spoke with a faint accent that he had never heard before, and said frustratingly:

"'Iron Man' he's an interesting guy, but he's not like you Avengers who hate James Howlett, um~ give it a try, I'm looking forward to it."

A square dark blue energy light panel rises from the foot of the figure and the top of the head. With the closing of the two light panels, they finally merge into one point and disappear. There is no other sign in the room except William Stryker who is sitting alone.


Tens of kilometers away, Tony Stark is located in the villa on the coast of the outskirts of New York. The loud and cracking heavy metal rock music has become the background music of the iron arm of the machine tool and the splash of sparks.

Wearing transparent goggles and wearing a tight vest, Tony was busy in the spacious underground workshop of the villa.

Due to his recent unarmed combat and related combat training, he also has obvious muscle lines on his chest and arms.

Hands wearing lead gloves steadily put the palm-sized ice-blue energy source into the test groove, watching the light curtain in front of him constantly jumping up various index data, leaning against a silver-white metal arm Shaking his head in satisfaction.

"Jarvis, call up the data of my last fight with her to compare and see how much worse the core energy is."

Following Tony's order, a voice with the same tone and tone as the old butler Mr. Edwin Jarvis rang out, saying clearly and calmly:

"Mr. Stark, the difference between the energy index of the third-type battle suit and my estimation of Laura Howlett's combat power is less than 5.00%, and the four-type energy tested now is enough to make up for the gap."

Tony nodded lightly, but he still had doubts about the current improved armor after thinking that he had been beaten up three times by Laura.

"How is the analysis of the composition of the flame, and the special blood energy she used at the beginning?"

Touch the combat video playback button on the light curtain with your fingertips, and through the recording function of the battle suit, Laura, who takes Tony as the No. The claw shadow slashed down, and the scene in the video was blurred and there was no follow-up.

"Life energy is the most basic power of Miss Howlett. For relevant research materials and information, please refer to the report 'Inquiry into the Technique of Killing and Evolution', as well as [-] related books and papers. As for that kind of flame."

Swish, as the light curtain flickered, leather scrolls and ancient book photos filled with religious totems were lined up in front of Tony, and Jarvis' voice continued to elaborate:
"'Hellfire' is a more mysterious energy that exists in legends and myths. It is not a physical flame. It can burn in water or even in a vacuum. The possible ways of using it are not only the demonization of metal substances, but also In the realm of soul and spirit.”

Tony looked at the screen full of ghostly symbols and heaved a long sigh. He was extremely tired of the magic-like power.

Just like when he was young, he was troubled by the abilities of mutants that could not be understood and learned to replicate. These powers, which are very different from his old scientific concepts and material understanding, gave the genius Mr. Stark a headache.

But defeating the young lady of the Howlett family who had kidnapped him was the initial motivation for Tony Stark to study armor technology.

(End of this chapter)

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