Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 316 Thanos' Invitation

Chapter 316 Thanos' Invitation

"Your strong."

Kaka, Kaka!

James held his head under his arm with his right hand, and stood upright.

His mouth opened and closed, but a sound came from the headless chest. He raised his hand and put his head back on the flat severed neck, while staring at the part of Thanos' throat that had just been pierced by sharp claws.

As soon as the incision of the severed head touched the neck, the flesh and bones were healed as before. After shaking twice, there was a series of brittle sounds from the joints.

"The Stranger is wonderful, unlike the 'undead' nature of Deathblade."

The light in the eyes of the "Crazy Titan" was fleeting, and he spoke slowly with his face expressionless.

Thanos lightly touched the part that James tried to pierce with the bone blade just now with his fingertips, and casually inserted the double-headed knife that was as tall as a person into the ground.

".It's hard to find someone who can fight me fairly. Just this body can make so many enemies weak. You won the game just now."

James watched as Thanos held up the dark golden helmet with both hands, and placed it on the tip of the vertical chopping knife with a clatter.

The "Sanctuary" that traversed the dome kept dropping ring-shaped ships from its two wings, and several triangular pyramid-shaped bluish-black fortresses were launched from the ships.

Like spores, they slammed into the wasteland of Star Corbin from a height of more than a thousand meters, and then released a large number of various reformed corps and war beasts, sweeping the cities and settlements of Corbin in a turbulent wave.

The large space around Thanos was not disturbed, and the "Four Generals of Hei Yao" stood aside from a distance.Watching the movement of the master removing the helmet with the sword, "Black Tongue Adviser" snorted and laughed strangely, put his hands behind his back, looked sideways at General Deathblade and joked:

"Hey, it's also hard to kill. I'm afraid you fought for a long time just now, but you haven't discovered what's really special about this human being."

The term "human" in the civilizations of the universe does not specifically refer to humans on Earth. Several planetary races with similar shapes and certain genetic traits are all classified as the "human" group.

Cree, Asgardians, Xandarians, Zehoberi
Human beings are one of the largest groups among countless intelligent civilization races in the universe.

General Deathblade and his wife, Proxima Dark Ye, who is also one of the leaders of the Dark Order, looked at the master Thanos with a complicated expression as he began to relax, and vaguely guessed something.

The two ignored Ebony Throat's strange voice and teased, and moved closer to each other, whispering.

Seeing Thanos slowly sitting on a flat boulder beside him, James raised his hand and scratched his chin covered with hard beards with a bone blade, and suddenly retracted his claws, and asked in a rough voice with his arms folded:

"Are all the Titans as rough-skinned and thick-skinned as you?"

Thanos raised his eyebrows slightly, and the folds on his forehead bulged. He looked like an old farmer who was reminded of the past, sitting on the ridge of the field and recalling the past when he was young.

It can be seen that although the fighting state just now was short-lived, in the words of the Dark Order, the supremely great Lord Thanos has been "pleased".

".The innate talents of the Eternal Titans are indeed extraordinary, but I am a different kind. My people are actually closer to your appearance. Stranger, have I ever slaughtered your people? Why are you against me?"

The slow whispers of Thanos's words have the magic power to stop all the noise around him.

From the inside of the light armor, another piece of Shia Imperial Tobacco with a purple wrapper was taken out. James hesitated and raised his eyebrows at Thanos. He shook his head in astonishment when he saw the last titan, and leaned closer to him. The fire source, which was bombarded by the artillery fire, took two puffs.

"The man who hissed you, destroyed my spaceship, that's all."

James waved his fingers and pointed to the fact that the flames in the distance were no longer burning, and changed from a bright white shell to a mass of tattered and melted scorched black metal. He continued with an unhappy expression:

"I accepted a commission, and the ship also belongs to the employer."

Thanos nodded slowly, and the "Mad Titan" looked at this man who was surrounded by the army of the dark sect, and faced with the man who could still relax and smoke, he was quite uncharacteristically full of patience.

"Accept the entrustment? You are a bounty hunter or mercenary, can you tell me your employer and mission."

"Kutanya Tiwan, a neurotic collector looking for a rock."

The purple smoke that spewed out from the mouth condensed into a straight arrow shape, and it still gathered and did not disperse when it was exhaled seven or eight meters away.

James made it clear without hesitation in a few casual sentences, like a star hunter who doesn't have much secrecy and contract spirit.

He casually walked up to Thanos, raised his hand and tapped the double-headed beheading knife that was as tall as himself with his knuckles, and the urn made a sound, and rubbed the edge of the big knife with his fingertips, as if instinctive A warrior with weapons, Thanos sat aside without paying attention.

"Well, collector, I know him, a very old group of people. Stranger, your employment mission can't be completed, and that stone is what I'm looking for."

"You have a lot of people, and I can't kill you. Big fists are the truth, understand."

James bit his cigar and nodded indifferently. Before he could continue to speak, Thanos stood up with his hands on his knees, grabbed his helmet, and continued condescendingly:

"Since you are a bounty hunter, do you accept my employment as a teaching skill for my two daughters?"

"Hire. What price do you offer?"

Rubbing his chin, James Howlett hesitated, looked left and right at the army of the dark sect that was spreading all over the field, and then looked up at the gigantic starship Sanctuary, as if he was considering what price he should ask for.

"Any price you can imagine, even if it's the ownership of a few planets, at least... I have the ability to extend your life."

Thanos looked into James' eyes, and said in a deep voice that had already understood: "You are dying. Compared with that powerful self-healing ability, you are almost a mortal with only three days of life left."

With his back facing Hei Yaosi, he raised his hand and hooked his fingertips, the counselor's confidant, Ebony Throat, suddenly flew up with both feet, and quickly floated close to the wasteland.

Thanos didn't need to wait for James' response. He turned indifferently and walked towards the temple, and whispered to Ebony Throat: "When Gamora and Nebula come back, let them meet the new teacher."

"Send me a bigger ship, and I won't salute you like that 'skinny gunhead'."


James said in a deep voice towards Thanos' leaving back, seeing "Mad Titan" left a word without turning his head, his eyes flickered with unknown meaning.

"The two daughters of Lord Thanos have always had a habit."

The ebony throat hovered slowly around James, his noseless face was narrowly wrinkled, his eyes fixed on this strange human being recruited by the master, and he whispered in a hoarse voice:

".After they learn every skill of combat training, they will kill them with what they are best at to verify their own learning results. Hehe~ But for you, it depends on when His Royal Highness Gamora finds the one who killed you. method."

Ebony's cold eyes finally came close to James' face, and after leaving the last sentence, he turned around suddenly, suspended in the distance.

On the wasteland, the urban settlements of the Corbins where the horse-faced Thor is located have all been captured by the dark sect. Armored legionnaires and six-armed, running black monsters pushed and pushed the Corbins from the ground. out.

They crowded the land dotted by the flames of war and no longer consisted of barren plains and dry hills. Although they were flustered, the horrific scene they had imagined did not appear.

The Corbins even looked around curiously, perhaps already wondering whether this group of the most powerful invaders they had ever seen in their lives planned to select the strongest among them and sell them as slaves.

"Beta Bill, get up."

James roughly inspected Thor's injuries, dragging his shoulders to sit up.

He was thrown in front of Thanos by the black dwarf as a battle item, and he was not ordered to be killed or locked up, but just like useless garbage, left on the wasteland below the Temple, no one cares about him.

"Listen, take your relatives away, I want a boat, go far away, don't stay here."

"Mr. Logan, ahem!"

Ma Mian's chest was heaving violently, and he couldn't help vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood from his long and narrow mouth. He supported his body and sat up, the opening that was almost cut through his entire chest was no longer bleeding, and the huge palm-wide wound had scabbed over.

".The people of Corbyn have long been accustomed to this kind of experience. Conquerors always have the purpose of conquering. This is our hometown. More people will stay, and the strong ones will be brought into a broader path of destiny. "


James let out a sigh of relief. The universe is so big that any civilization or race may appear.

These Corbin natives even regard the constant invasion of the planet and the behavior of coming here to plunder the population as a way to "find a job"!

"Most people in this world have power or power and wealth as their ultimate goal, but Thanos is different. He will kill half of the life on this planet, but he has nothing for you. This is the only chance to leave , you decide for yourself."

After all the journey together, James left a warning to Beta Bill, patted him on the shoulder and got up to leave.

He strode alone towards the Sanctuary where Thanos was.

As early as knowing the truth of this world, James has been thinking about the meeting with this Titan survivor countless times in his mind.

In the memory of his previous life, he didn't know much about this fantasy universe, but after being popularized by the fragments around him for a long time, he also knew that there would be an overlord who collected six infinity gems and finally conquered the entire universe in order to fulfill his "destiny". His life was gone and annihilated in a light and crisp sound.

James believes that eventually there will be a group of people who will defeat Thanos and somehow redeem everything.

But he cannot, like the Corbyns, place his fate in his hands.And James has always firmly believed that no matter what the final result is, if he wants to restore Thanos' actions, he must pay other additional prices.

That "snap fingers" must never appear.

The dark blue beam of light from the Sanctuary engulfed James' figure. He looked up at the entrance of the spaceship, which was as dark as an abyss, and disappeared in an instant.

If the river of fate is always tortuous and confusing, then compared to the cloudy planet tens of thousands of light years away, at least James Howlett is still holding a paddle and angrily hitting the waves of the same river struggle.

"You're awake, hiss, but I haven't decided whether to let you live."

Saul Odinson vigorously shook his drowsy and dull head with frozen hair and beard, but the head seemed to be filled with water, and he felt even more swollen and dizzy after shaking.

His body was completely frozen on the undulating rock wall by a thick layer of ice, and the quiet cave was so vague that people couldn't see it clearly. A pair of eyes with dark red halos appeared in front of Sol.

"Lo, Loki? Where am I?"

Sol took a deep breath, and the dizzy feeling that he had just woken up quickly eased most of it. He tried to move his body, but he didn't know whether it was because of the weakness of his body or being frozen by the power of the ice treasure box, so he couldn't move at all.

"Jortunheim, the world of ice giants. My world."

Loki's complexion and exposed blue-blue skin were already the same as those of the Frost Giant, and those dark red eyes were even more bewitching.

Coupled with his light and playful laughter, compared with the handsome and stalwart second prince of Xiangong not long ago, he is a "monster".

"...Our sister, no! Your sister. The black sword manifested by her divine power is uncomfortable, right? The black energy in your chest gradually dissipated after many days, um~ I shouldn't be able to resist it .”

Loki pointed to the four corners of the cave, and several clusters of dim yellow magic halos illuminated the frost giant, which could easily accommodate a house as tall as a house. Sol could see clearly what his younger brother looked like at this moment. Not only did his appearance change drastically, he even " Has grown tall"?
"Loki, let me down! I'm going back to Asgard, Mother, Heimdall are still here—"

"——I'm not worried about them. Tsk tsk, when can you use your brain, what Hela wants is the throne, power, and conquest! I don't think the so-called 'Goddess of Death' is pure, she can't be considered a real bloodthirsty. "

Loki sat on a recliner made of ice with his head in his arms. He interrupted Thor's rough roar, and looked at his brother who was suspended by his ice with his legs crossed. The corners of his mouth were inexplicably happy. .

"Back to Asgard? What are you going to rely on to win? Hela's power is no weaker than Odin's. I can even feel the magic power of the runes expanding after she stepped into the realm of the gods. Hmph, maybe Hem Dar has already pledged allegiance to the new king, if you don’t believe me, call him to try?”

Every word of Loki made Sol's breath more heavy, his cheeks flushed with muffled growls, and the thick ice on his body began to crack and crack.

The faint blue ice treasure box appeared again in the palm of his hand, Loki rolled his eyes and blasted the ice waterfall towards Thor until he turned into a huge ice lump like a small hill, with no more strength to struggle and resist, then Hey stopped with a smile.

"You can stay in Jotunheim, but Asgard is my home! No matter whether you can beat Hela or not, even if you face her and die on the Rainbow Bridge!"

Thor's loud shout made Loki's face completely cold, more like an emotionless ice giant.

He stood up suddenly, hooked the handle of the treasure box with his fingertips and approached Sol's face, and said coldly:
"Yes, you are right, it is your home, not mine. So... I have two choices, dedicate you to my biological father, to win the favor of the ice giant king Laufey, or simply Give you to Hela, get a powerful ally, and conquer the Nine Realms and even more distant galaxies with her."

Thor's cheeks were aching from the approaching ice. He could feel Loki, who had reawakened the power of the frost giant, exuding extremely low temperature all the time. That completely unfamiliar face said word by word:

"Say, Saul Odinson, me, how should I choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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