Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 300 Memories of the last Odin era

Chapter 300 Memories of the last Odin era

In the nine kingdoms of the World Tree, every member of the Asa Protoss and its sister race, the Vanir Protoss, can be called a "god" to some extent.

They are born with at least three times the physical strength and skeletal muscle density of ordinary people, which brings more than ten times the strength, speed and other physical qualities of ordinary humans, which is better than the average level of the winter wolf warriors of the Howlett family Much higher.

The protoss whose age is calculated in millennia also has the magic of runes, armor made by dwarves, and unique Asgard technology.
The overall strength of the Protoss army is actually stronger than that of the Sirius Army.

But compared to the nearly [-] Cree army in the Cree War, the extremely low birth rate of new gods of the Asgardians also determines that their population and army are quite limited.

The entire Rainbow Bridge stretches from the gate of the Golden Palace to the core of the battlefield. Even though there are still protoss soldiers coming here, there are only a few thousand people.

It is precisely because of this that the Sirius Legion, which only has more than [-] people, is given the opportunity to test and stick, and then push back all the way.

The military form of the Asa Protoss is actually very similar to that of the Howlett family.

The basic combat power is strong, the largest number of super soldiers and mutant soldiers are "flesh and blood", well-prepared hot and cold weapons and equipment, supplemented by a number of "heroes" with outstanding abilities as "root bones", forming an unrivaled war giant!

But this Rainbow Bridge battlefield, where the corpses and blood of the Protoss were scattered all over, was only because their strongest God King fell asleep, and several Protoss generals were restrained one by one.

A large number of Asgard warriors had to face thunder and lightning from the sky, invisible spiritual piercing, sometimes converging into long dragons, sometimes splitting into metal storms like spears, and the most untouchable golden flame.
This generation of Asa Protoss has never fought a battle against the wind.

"Mind, blast!"

Emma Howlett's white combat boots stepped on the Rainbow Bridge with graceful steps.

She walked forward step by step firmly, raising her hand from time to time and throwing out a radiant spiritual halo to press towards the front army formation. In the midair above her head, Eric and Storm were floating left and right, manipulating the power of metal and weather, further Put massive pressure on the Protoss army.

And the "Phoenix" Qin Gray who flew at the highest place has become a little "absent-minded" since she came to God's Domain.

She just raised her fingertips occasionally with interest, and released flames belonging to the power of the phoenix to burn several Asgardian warriors to death. Her emerald green eyes always looked towards the Golden Palace and the depths of the God's Domain.

In addition to the breath that James left here, there is also a "taste" that makes her familiar and full of desire.

"Asgard's continental structure is different from that of ordinary planets, and the palace buildings and most of the armor and equipment here are blessed with rune magic. The metals that I can find that can be manipulated are very limited."

"Magneto" floated beside Emma and said softly, only to see the White Queen was a little more serious, and cast a mental puncture on a protoss soldier who rushed forward, and then pointed like a knife, piercing his chest with a palm.

"The effect of spiritual power is not ideal. The body and spirit of the Asa Protoss are already strong, and they have strong spiritual resistance. The power of runes also affects my mental lethality."

Emma's spiritual blow can't make the Asgardians have an instant mental breakdown or brain death like ordinary humans. Her power used on the Protoss is more like a range of ability to suppress, causing headaches, confusion, Decline of will.

Let the soldiers of the Sirius Legion turn from weak to strong, greatly improving their combat capabilities.

Only the more precise mind piercing and other abilities have obvious killing effects, and the covering lightning of "Storm" Orolo also has a similar situation.

"Grey hasn't taken it seriously yet, but it doesn't have much impact. You see, they have already begun to retreat into the palace wrapped in the energy shield."

Eric raised his finger and pointed to the Golden Palace. Under the influence of the illusion and magic of Loki, the second prince of the Protoss, a large number of Asgard troops were copied and shifted their positions.

With Storm's carpet-like round of lightning spreading across thousands of magical phantoms, the battlefield became empty and silent for a while.

Loki held two blood-stained daggers in each hand, and his curved helmet had been lost for a long time. Standing in front of the defensive light curtain outside the gate of the Golden Palace, he shouted loudly:
"Sol! Come back first! Sif, quickly, return to the Golden Palace first, we can't continue to gather and fight on the Rainbow Bridge!"

Known as the most likely to restore the glory of the "Valkyrie", Sif, the Asgard female warrior, slashed more than a dozen sword lights to force back the "Spirit Butterfly" who was holding a vibrating gold long knife and a chain hammer shaped by spiritual energy.

The two women looked at each other from the very beginning of the fight, and Elizabeth Braddock didn't even allow other partners to help, fighting Sif alone all the time.

She looked at the protoss female warrior who retreated behind the light curtain, threw the rose-red energy chain hammer and hit it, but it did not cause a slight ripple on the Golden Palace shield, raised the long knife disdainfully, and swiped Sif's neck. The action is extremely proud.

"Loki, go and bring Thor back!"

Heimdall looked at Thor, still frantically fighting to the death and refused to retreat, retreated into the light curtain and shouted loudly at Loki.

The latter nodded, and the light and shadow flickered to his brother's side. I don't know what kind of magic was used, but the phantom of the duo was shattered by Laura and Bucky, and they were transferred back to the protective net of God's Domain.

"Let me go! The Asir Protoss has no cowards who retreat! Vostagg and Hogg."

Thor swung Loki away with his arms, and looked at the two figures on the Rainbow Bridge who were dying with battle axes and war hammers and did not fall down with a pair of red tiger eyes.

Of the "Three Warriors of Asgard", only Fandral retreated with his injured leg under the care of Heimdall, and the other two had already returned to the "Valhalla" Hall of Valor.

"Listen! The blood of the Asgardians should not be wasted in a stupid battle to the death!"

Heimdall pulled Thor's broken breastplate, and his golden eyes were stained with blood.

The two pairs of eyes stared at each other for a moment, and finally gritted their teeth and looked at the other end of the light curtain of the Golden Palace, looking at the human legion gathered together.

The shattered corpses and blood of the gods poured the road under the feet of the Sirius Legion of the Howlett family.

Although there were hundreds of soldiers killed and injured, but in the face of the terrifying record of beheading more than [-] Asgardian protoss, the loss was almost negligible.

But these winter wolves, who were cultivated and joined by the academy, or who were like relatives from generation to generation in the family, the death of each of them made the White Queen, who was temporarily the leader of the family at the moment, heartbroken.

She turned her head to look at the blood-colored long bridge, she got rid of the diamond state, and there was neither sadness nor joy on her frosty face.

"Shenyu people, have you ever thought about this scene, have you realized the price of arrogance?"

Emma Howlett's soft words were projected into the minds of every Asgardian warrior on the opposite side of the light curtain through the transmission of spiritual power. She raised her right hand, slowly lowered her fingertips, and pointed directly at Sol, who was covered in blood. face.

Boom boom boom.
The metal tornado shot by Eric Lanshere, the two ruby ​​beams released by the brothers "Shock Wave" and "Cyclops", the thunderbolt that Storm caused the black cloud to strike down, Bucky's palm energy cannon
There are also thousands of ice-blue Rubik's Cube source energy photon gun rays, rushing upwards to the rune protection force field of Asgard Palace, this golden light curtain that protects the entire Golden Palace and God's Domain city buildings, finally flickering There are circles of rippling lines.

The Excalibur in Heimdall's hand, which was connected to the power of the Rainbow Bridge, also shone brightly and darkly, and the attack of the human legion made Asgard's giant protective shield a little bit difficult.

He took off the golden helmet that had been chopped off in half, and looked back at these bloody and wounded young Asgardian warriors. Their faces were confused, sad, and even filled with fear.

Heimdall took a deep breath, stuck in his chest and did not let it out for a long while.

"These children are all a new generation of protoss born after the unification of the Nine Realms."

At this moment, only the oldest, the gatekeeper of God's Domain who had experienced the last Odin era, deeply missed his old comrades and comrades who were still fighting in the Nine Realms at that time.

Together with Odin in his prime, they cut off the heads of the Balrogs of Muspelheim, passed through the thick fog of Niflheim, brought the underworld of Helm under the rule of Asgard, and conquered the frost from Jotunheim. giant.
He missed those proud and extraordinary Valkyries who rode white-winged Pegasus horses and held dragon-toothed swords, and even missed the unruly and murderous warrior who was riding the giant wolf Fenrir.
"Sol, Loki, the light curtain raised by the power of the Rainbow Bridge can last for a while, you take the rest of the army and—"

Hum. Boom!
A fire-winged phoenix flew out of Qin Gray's chest, and its wings swelled rapidly in a few flaps, approaching the size of the Golden Palace.

The sharp golden fire beak pierced the protective light curtain shield, instantly shaking the entire fairy palace, and the originally stable energy force field immediately dimmed a bit.

The pupils of all Asgardians also trembled with the trembling light curtain. For the vast majority of Protoss civilians and ordinary soldiers, they don't even know why all this happened and why this war was fought. .

Jean Gray seemed to have finally regained her mind from the initial absence. She kept waving her arms with a grim expression, driving the bright yellow phoenix to bombard the Golden Palace one after another.

Every collision also made the eyelids of Odin, who was sleeping peacefully in the depths of the palace, tremble slightly. The queen Frigg looked at her husband's one-eyed eye that was trembling more and more obviously, without a trace of joy and consolation waiting for him to wake up, only
Two lines of tears, gurgling down.


The "garbage worm" on Star Saka wished he was a tentacle monster of the Ogmundu tribe at this moment. It would be good to have a few more arms to beat the legs and feet of the uncle behind him.

While driving the dilapidated waste-scavenging airship, he kept introducing all kinds of common sense and conditions of Saka, but the indifferent state of the person behind him who never spoke made Kadlec worry that if he stopped introducing, You'll be crushed in the head.

"What kind of arena are you talking about? What's the level? Will you be able to leave this planet freely if you become the final winner?"

James casually asked the pale green-skinned alien in the front row. He glanced at the engine propeller on the side of the small spaceship, which was obviously made of junk parts. The silvery white shell on it reflected his wild appearance at the moment.

Originally white-faced and beardless, James Howlett will always maintain a young appearance of 24 or [-] years old, with black hair that is tough but soft and flowing.

But in the current state, the sideburns, the thick hair on the chest and arms, and the blown up hair.

He even felt as if he was "older" by a few years, and he looked more like

The "garbage bug" who finally got a response nodded hurriedly, and the control handle in his hand relaxed a bit, and he continued to explain:

"Master 'Grandmaster' is also known as 'Gao Tianzun', 'Sage of Competitive Heaven', he seems to have no interest in anything other than the games of the Slaughter Arena. It is said that hundreds of years ago he held a Other games and wagering competitions, but only Arena of Champions right now."

".Your strength must be first-class in the arena! A champion statue cast in recent times is a horse-headed warrior with a long face, but that was more than ten years ago, and I didn't see it myself I've seen it before, I just heard that the champion can make any request to Gao Tianzun, so it shouldn't be difficult to leave here."

The floating airship galloping all the way jumped vertically among the towering garbage mountains, and when it turned a corner again, it bypassed the remains of a giant starship left over from an unknown era.

A city complex that is almost as messy as a mountain of garbage is reflected in James' black eyes.

He looked at the largest and only urban settlement on Saka with a little curiosity, and asked doubtfully after pondering for a moment:
"Gao Tianzun sounds like he has lived for a long time. He is very strong? That's why he has been able to dominate this chaotic planet?"

Kadlec opened his mouth a few times, feeling rather uncomfortable as he didn't know how to answer. It just so happened that a three-dimensional light curtain was flashing in the sky above the "Sports City". He pointed to the sky and said helplessly:
"Look, that's Gao Tianzun. To be honest, I don't understand why everyone obeys the old man's orders."

In the sky above the center of the city, a tall and thin old man in a colorful long gown was writhing his body along with the annoying humming music.

His dancing posture is like a big fly eating shit, scratching his head without any rhythm or law, but the giant light curtain portrait is still full of fascinated self-admiration.

After dancing the annoying dance for a few minutes, the wrinkled and narrow face like a baboon on the light curtain nodded humbly, pressed his hands, and finally stopped, then cleared his throat with a high-pitched voice road:

"The cutest citizens of Saka! Mischievous, stinky garbage bugs, it's the annual championship season again, hehe! Are you looking forward to this group of warriors like me?"

"——It's all dead light!"

(End of this chapter)

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