Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 295 Flesh and Bone, and the Power of Odin

Chapter 295 Flesh and Bone, and the Power of Odin


The blood stained the long white beard, but the blood soon dispersed into little golden particles and disappeared.

Odin looked down at the bone fist that was imprinted on his chest, burning with the flames of hell, and the armor on his upper body was instantly torn clean.

The flaming skull with a crown of bones was emitting white smoke all over its body, and its whole body groaned and regrown its muscles and tendons, transforming back into the heroic appearance of James Howlett.

"Old God King. His body is really strong."

James' half-skeletonized face moved his chin, and his hoarse and rough voice sounded extremely harsh.

Odin, whose upper body armor was completely shredded, was naked with twisted muscles like strands of steel cables, and the thick body hair covering his chest, back and even his shoulders was as frosty as his beard.

Thor's Hammer flew into Odin's hand suddenly, and James retreated to the other end of the hall with the force of the hammer.


Odin smacked the bloody smell in his mouth a few times and then spat out, a scorched black fist mark was branded in the middle of his chest.

He twisted his neck and punched himself in the chest a few times, causing the entire Golden Palace to rumble in shock.

"Not bad! Young man, the punch just now was very decent, not worse than the giant Ymir, come again!"

The Spear of Eternity was thrown into the dome of the palace with a wave. Odin turned the hammer in his hand, his eyes full of excitement recalling the old days.

Boom!A round explosion of flames shattered the golden floor tiles under his feet, and James shattered his flesh and blood again, and the fist that came flying collided with Odin's fist with the hammer in his right hand.

The moment the flaming fist bone came into contact with "Mjolnir", it immediately collapsed the pillars on both sides of the hall and a small half of the dome murals. From the surface of the bone fist, the cracked fine lines extended to James' arms and shoulders, until the side of his face. It finally stopped, and then healed completely in the reverse direction, and even the flesh was born again.

The vast life energy that Hellfire and James possessed initially showed signs of fusion, but just like a nuclear fusion reaction, each forced kneading will cause unparalleled destructive power, not only to the enemy, but even yourself will be injured by the explosion .

The evil energy that bursts from the flesh and blood will also rely on the flesh and blood. The "evil spirit transformation" of hellfire burns away all body tissues except bones, which is more similar to a mysterious energy form of magic.

In this state, James cannot use the life energy that can only be gathered and connected through the tendons and muscles. For a long time, the two power modes are independent of each other and each has its own advantages.

It wasn't until he practiced in extraterrestrial space, relying on his absolute control over his own body and strength, that James forcibly maintained a state of flesh and blood for the first time, only igniting a small amount of hellfire, and at the same time fused the life energy of hellfire and flesh and blood.

The fusion power at that moment shattered half of Ceres, and he finally found the direction of the combination of the two.

At this time, every punch that James blasts at Odin is the impact of two kinds of power between the flesh cells, which can only be punched by self-destructing the whole body, and at the same time, the ultimate self-healing ability is "charged" again, repeating this attack process.

Since it was built for thousands of years, the majestic and majestic Asgard Golden Palace, which the gods look up to, has suffered such severe damage for the first time.

The energy dissipated from each fight would smash a large piece of the palace structure, the guards of the gods completely withdrew from the golden palace, and more Asgardian troops surrounded it on all sides, only the two sons of the god king, Sol and Loki, remained. Watch from a distance.

The war hammer wielded by Odin dragged the streamer of thunder, and each hammer was accompanied by a violent lightning strike, which can only be compared with the lightning struck by Thor with all his strength.

During the punching and hammering, one person and one spirit hit from the center of the hall all the way to the deepest part of the Golden Palace. Odin moved the hammer to block the punch, and then the side ribs hit James' fist that healed and recovered in an instant, and punched again.

Odin insisted on this blow, and regardless of the sunken rib injury, he swung his old fist, wrapped in a colorful waterfall of light, and fell from the top of James' head, smashing the flame skull that was still growing flesh and blood into a mess of bones and debris.

He took two steps back, panting heavily, thick white mist from the sweat, long hair and beard draped in knots, his left hand slammed on the right side of his ribs, straightening the broken bone with a bang .

"Such an 'immortal power'. Hoho! What a tough kid!"

Odin's one-eyed stared at the skeletons that were quickly lifted up on the ground and laughed loudly twice. As soon as the words fell, James recovered again. Some flesh and blood grew on the half-skeletonized cheek, only the right eye and the eye socket. , The forehead is still a dense bone.

Every warhammer blasted by the King of God has become the best way for James to hone himself.

He is like a piece of rough iron embryo, gradually solidified under the powerful smashing, and the fusion of hellfire and life energy is getting closer.

When he can keep his flesh and blood intact while using the flames of hell, the two powers can be truly integrated.

"Old God King, what a heavy fist! You are worthy of being the King of the Nine Realms!"

James twisted his neck, he let out a wild shout, suddenly felt something, blinked his eyes, and looked sideways at his shoulder.

A thick, solid arm that was burning with a raging orange-red flame emerged from the shoulder blades, followed by another, two
The secret form of [Six-armed Wolf King] began to combine the power of Hellfire.

"Stunningly talented young man, not only his own strength, but also the fire of hell, which is almost completely opposite in nature, can be so docile! It's ridiculous that my son is away from this thing! Even a decent thunder flash don't come out!"

Odin weighed the "Mjolnir" in his hand, and looked at James' eyes full of complexity and appreciation. His domineering fighting spirit just now seemed to have dimmed a bit, and he coughed heavily with his fist against his mouth.

Raising his hand to recall the eternal gun stabbed in the dome, Odin held the gun in his right hand and the hammer in his left hand, staring at the four orange-red fire arms with one eye on his back, and James Howlett, wearing a bone crown, raised his chin proudly.

"How I wish I could simply enjoy the joy of fighting with a warrior like you until the day of Ragnarok, until we walk into Valhalla hand in hand and drink fine wine in the Hall of Valor!"

James slowly released the bone blades of both arms, and suddenly staggered to cut off each other, and sharply probed in the air to grab six severed claws that were nearly half a meter long.

The whole body has been fused with the life energy in a large area, and it turned into a deep red hellfire, which suddenly burst out, and then the flames condensed in the two fists, and the two palms clapped and struck together, dissolving and elongating the broken claw.

The two flame arrays on the side, which are very similar to the Kama Taj secret technique, split the void and emerged. While the secret technique was twisting, using the bone blade as a material in his hand, he immediately forged a substantial secret technique giant sword!

With the combined control of hellfire and life energy, James Demon modified the flesh and blood secret technique of the mystic, and finally showed the most perfect power.

"God King Odin, why not?"

Holding a huge white bone sword and four arms with flames on his back, James was even more imposing, staring at Odin with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Hoho. I can't do it. I have to save some strength when I'm old. I'm sorry Howlett, I can no longer be like a pure fighter, and I can fight with you fist to flesh."

Thor's Hammer and the Spear of Eternity crossed in front of him, Odin sighed, his one-eyed eyes tightened instantly, and colorful streamers suddenly appeared from the depths of his pupils!

"I am Odin Poulsen Yuktrashiel! Follow my orders!"

Although it was an ancient and obscure rune spell, James still roughly understood the meaning. He had studied the power of rune runes in Karma Taj, and he was no stranger to this language.

But when God King Odin roared loudly, it seemed that the entire world of Asgard was "awakened", and the invisible and endless, unspeakable majestic power suddenly oppressed James.

The rainbow bridge that extends from the Golden Palace to the end of the other side of the God's Domain instantly shines brightly, like a belt of light that traverses the world of Asgard, shining and reflecting Odin's spell.

"World Tree Rainbow Bridge. Fuck! I understand—"

The fiery figure standing in the Golden Palace Hall, together with the giant bone sword that roared and slashed with all its strength, was engulfed by the gorgeous mass of flames.

Odin himself, as well as the two artifacts in his hands, burst into radiance, gushing out huge waves of energy, and blasting the crimson fire ball into the underground of the hall, reaching the cage of Asgard.

The orange-red fireworks combined with hellfire and life energy were like candles in the wind, fluttering and shattering. James tried his best to shatter flesh and blood three times in a row, narrowly escaping from the shackles of "Odin's power", piercing through several Break free from the dungeon.

But the rainbow-like torrent of energy still followed closely, chasing and colliding and blasting James into the treasure hall in the deepest part of the Golden Palace.

It was a treasury of fairy palaces mixed with Uru metal, and on both sides were various treasures with strange shapes or mysterious energies.

Some of them are the trophies of Odin's wars against the Nine Realms for thousands of years, and some are powerful artifacts from various worlds that have been sealed and kept.

"Howlett, don't struggle anymore, let me imprison you for the 'Ragnarok' day, with your long and infinite vitality, it's just a dream."

Odin held two artifacts and strode into the treasure hall. He looked at this human being who was still struggling to resist the "power of Odin", and couldn't help but persuade him.

The light curtain in the deepest part of the treasure room flickered several times, and a three-meter-high metal giant with spikes on his back and a flat square head stepped out of it.

The guard of Asgard's treasury, the "Destroyer", made of refined Uru metal, rune magic, and dwarf craftsmanship, sensed the invasion of foreign enemies and automatically appeared to perform the responsibility of destroying foreign enemies.

The Destroyer's metal face was split and sunken inward, his chest cavity was like a furnace, and a blazing yellow shock wave column blasted towards the half-kneeling figure oppressed by the "Power of Odin".

After assuming the most terrifying and powerful divine power of Odin, James could no longer resist the attack of the "Destroyer" weapon. Most of his body was melted instantly, and several pillars in the treasure room were knocked down.

Knocked over a huge copper-colored brazier.


"Not good. 'Destroyer'! Blockade—"

A burst of crimson and almost black flames filled the entire space in an instant and paralyzed the treasure house of the Immortal Palace. The remaining power even affected a little bit of the Golden Palace. side.

From the moment James Howlett crashed into the copper brazier and was tainted by the flames that were not burning violently inside, he twisted his face crazily and tore his body apart, howling terribly.

A man who had honed his body since he was a child, who could use his own flesh and blood for secret arts experiments without changing his face, and even collapsed his whole body time and time again in battle, the first time he collapsed in pain was unbearable.

Odin's face, which was originally flushed with anger and blood, turned as pale as bones the moment he saw James fall into the brazier.

He roared and gave orders to the "Destroyer" weapon, but before the words fell, James, who was covered in crimson flames, radiated a flame that devoured everything, and blasted Odin out of the treasure house.

The hellfire from the demon Zatanos, which belongs to the power of the dimensional lord, was instantly suppressed by an unknown flame that seemed to be used for lighting in the treasury of Asgard, and fled frantically and retreated into the deepest part of James' spirit.

The nameless fire not only burned his body, but also tormented James Howlett's spirit and will all the time. In a short while, it burned until almost the entire physical body disappeared.

Every time the body is completely burned, there will be an explosion that shakes the land of Asgard. Relying on the ultimate ability characteristic of "immortality", James clings to a trace of his own will, and constantly regenerates from the void.

But the nameless fire does not seem to use his physical body as fuel, but entrenched in the depths of James' soul, tormenting his spirit, and continues to burn fiercely as he regenerates and recovers.
Week by week.
The entire domain of the gods, from the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to the ancestral temple of the Asir Protoss, repeatedly echoed the horrible screams, and every Asgardian stared in the direction of the Golden Palace, where there were still being killed again and again. An inexplicable energy explosion collapsed.

The god king Odin raised his hand and slapped away a fragment of a palace that was pressed against his body like a hill. He stretched out his hands and recalled the Spear of Eternity and Thor's Hammer. Sol also shattered the pillar above his head and jumped to the ruins not far away. When he came out, the injuries on his body seemed to be much better.

With light and shadow flickering, Loki appeared out of nowhere, with his mouth tightly pursed.

"Father! This human being—"

Odin's one-eyed stared at the crimson figure that was colliding and exploding everywhere in the God's Domain, the flames burning more and more intensely.

He raised his hand to stop his son's questioning, and then threw "Mjolnir" back to Sol.

"Heimdall. Open the Rainbow Bridge to help me"

Odin Poulsen muttered as if to himself with his moving lips.

He looked at the sky, the earth, and even the ocean in God's Domain, instinctively trying to extinguish the flaming light ball, with his one eye lowered, full of regret and sadness
On the other side of Asgard, Heimdall, the "eye of omniscience" who is stationed at the hub of the Rainbow Bridge, has heard the order of the God King. He inserted the key of the Rainbow Bridge "Sword of Burtgang" into the golden base, and fully operated the building that belongs to the Rainbow Bridge. The most powerful mystical device of the Aesir.

The hub of the hemispherical Rainbow Bridge spun rapidly, and the tip of the cone spewed out a river-like vast and magnificent waterfall of light, shooting straight to the sky of God's Domain.

"I, Odin, the son of Boer, the king of the Aesir clan, the ruler of the world tree and the nine kingdoms. James Howlett, if your soul survives, you will surely be the head of Valhalla's heroes, sung by the old ballads"

Odin, the king of gods, dragged the obscure and pitted Asa long tune, and his hoarse voice was full of sorrow.

He waved the rainbow bridge high in the sky and led it down. His whole body was full of radiance, and he shook his palms and pushed towards the human-shaped torch that slammed into the land of God's Domain with a painful fist.

 Something happened to a relative’s family. My cousin, who is three years younger than me, just did something very regrettable and regrettable. Originally, the content of the two updates was connected, so the black disk can only be written here first.
(End of this chapter)

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