Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 286 The Twilight of the Howlett Family

Chapter 286 The Twilight of the Howlett Family
Through the power of his mind, Charles remotely controlled the body of the Kreeman Yong Rogg. With a scholarly inquiry mentality, he took a few steps forward with great interest, and even tentatively touched the "supreme intelligence" with his hands. Shaped photon image.

Those granular light spots seem to be pure light, but they can touch and remain on the fingertips for a moment like some kind of solid substance, like fireflies in a summer night.

"Correction, Professor Xavier, your identity is not a 'guess', but a conclusion drawn through sufficient intelligence and information deduction."

The "Supreme Intelligence" seemed to be slightly displeased and frowned. Although it was only a photon projection, Charles' attitude as if he was stroking and examining some new technological product made it feel uncomfortable.

This super biological intelligent brain, which has controlled a huge interstellar empire for thousands of years and is even regarded as a "god" by the Kree people, has long possessed a different "emotional" will.

".Dark Star and a large number of interstellar cruisers lost contact for a long time after arriving in the star field where C-53 is located. The entire Kree Legion was only connected with me by the vice-captain Minerva until it landed on the home planet. .”

"Every breath you take along the way, every look in your eyes, and all the surviving fighters on standby at the airport are all under my monitoring and data analysis. Too much information can prove that the Starfleet of the Kerry Empire was destroyed by you hands."

"Do you have emotions? It's unbelievable that you have emotions!"

Professor Charles ignored the series of analyzes stated by the "Supreme Intelligence", as if the situation where his identity was discovered at the moment was not worth mentioning. Instead, he keenly captured the subtle emotional manifestations and fluctuations in the face and language of this "artificial intelligence" .

He held his arm in one hand, and rested his chin in the other hand, looking at the photon image repeatedly, and couldn't help but marvel.

".I don't have any research on digital intelligence, but I've heard a lot of relevant exploration information. I didn't expect to see a truly perfect artificial intelligence brain with my own eyes. Do you feel angry now?"

Yong Roger, whose spiritual will was completely replaced by Professor X, paced around this space of light and shadow, and continued to talk calmly and eloquently:
"Hehehe 'supreme intelligence'? Hmm... all your calculations, thousands of deduction plans, and finally you only got the ending of annihilation. For human beings, strictly speaking, is your estimate of the strength of the Howlett family right? Is there too much difference?"

"I am not a simple artificial intelligence or a digital creature. The technology of the life-intelligent brain is far beyond comprehension at the current level of human cognition. If the professor is interested, you can stay in the holy Hara to study and research slowly. I am very happy to cooperate with you. Mental masters like you share this knowledge, as for my calculations"

The tone of the "Supreme Wisdom" was still calm, but after hearing Charles' almost provocative words, there was no subtle emotional ups and downs at the beginning.

While it was talking, it gradually stopped talking, and the old face it transformed into suddenly smiled brightly.

"Professor Charles, have you ever thought that the encounter with me at this moment will also be within the scope of calculation? After all, the fundamental goal of bringing the Rubik's Cube to the home planet of the Empire has been achieved, hasn't it? Of course, I don't mean that energy bomb you put on the ground."

Both pairs of eyes looked at the dark metal box in front of them, which was used to hold the Rubik's Cube.

The surprise and shock in the eyes of "Yon Roger", as well as the calm smile of "Supreme Wisdom", were completely swallowed up by the ice-blue energy shock wave that surged in an instant.

The central space of the supreme hall suddenly burst into a mass of blazing strong light. There was not much tremor caused by kinetic energy bombs. It was just an energy web that wiped out matter inch by inch. It expanded rapidly from a "point", and it was about to destroy this storage room. The majestic building of the core brain of the "Supreme Intelligence".

But crimson light shields suddenly appeared around the hall, firmly confining the energy group that had swelled to seven or eight meters in diameter, encircling it in the middle of dozens of circular force fields, slowly constricting, compressing, separating, and absorbing it.

In the end, it became invisible. It seemed that the conversation just now had never occurred in the silent Supreme Hall.

After another half hour,
Countless light particles gathered again to form, still the image of the "Supreme Wisdom" just now, but in this vast space, there is no longer the figure of Yon Rogue, not even a wreck visible to the naked eye. no longer exist.
At the same time as the explosion, the Dark Star that landed on the capital airport of Hara was suddenly surrounded by a large number of rapidly approaching ships, fighter planes, and heavily armed Cree troops.

The dense Kerry army had been prepared to swarm up from all sides, covering up the eternal light from the Large Magellanic Cloud on this land.

The Cree warriors lined up in front of the Dark Star battleship dropped their hands abruptly, spilling the epaulettes of their fallen comrades on the ground, holding up their photon guns or opening the force field equipment on their wrists with expressionless faces.

He raised his arms against his fellow Cree.

The cabin door of the Dark Star opened again, James Howlett in black armor walked in the front with his hands behind his back, followed by Asazor, Eric, Steve, Bucky and other important family members .

There are also some superpowers of the younger generation. Although there are only a few hundred elites in total, and there are no three thousand warriors from the "Sirius Legion", they still have the courage to walk out of thousands of troops.

"This is the home planet of the Kerry Empire. Although this race does not have too strong individual strength, the gravity several times higher than that of the earth and the innate genes have created almost everyone in the Kree with a physique comparable to a super soldier. And Powerful technological weapons and equipment”

James looked around this extremely depressing and solemn world. After being surrounded by the enemy, he still muttered in a soft voice, and the red devil who seemed to have recovered his strength beside him gave a strange smile:

"Ha! Dad, you are bringing us to die. They seem to have been prepared for a long time. The legion armaments are larger than the previous Starfleet. Even if we cut them one by one, we will be exhausted to death."

Asazo's words just fell, the Cree army and warships that were silent in the sky and on the ground were shaken in a uniform order, and thousands of photon energy cannons and firearms and weapons all shone with dense radiance.

Every commander and soldier of the Kerry Legion heard the ethereal and indifferent communication voice of the "Supreme Intelligence" at the same time:

"Destroy the intruders, regardless of whether they are dead or alive, and kill them with all their strength."

The energy shock wave that almost filled the entire airport poured down in an instant, and the alloy platform under the feet of James and others trembled violently and twisted as early as the moment when the Kree people were ready to attack.

The nearly one-meter-thick metal deck was rolled into a ball from bottom to top, and after quickly resisting the volley of Cree artillery fire, it still continued to gather surrounding alloy materials to thicken the defense.

Eric Lanshel floated above everyone's heads with flashing electromagnetic sparks, and as he turned his wrist and spread his arms, the metal "bud" exploded, splashing shards like steel knives towards the surrounding Cree army and There are spaceships and fighters in the sky.

Magneto used both hands to grab the Kree army, and found that the troops besieging James and others were equipped with a strong magnetic repelling force field, which cut off his electromagnetic control.

Storm, the "Archangel" Warren and others who rose into the sky, each displayed their skills. The sky over the originally clear star Hara was suddenly covered with lead clouds, and then reversed to form a "star stream hurricane" unique to this planet. .

A large number of meteorite fragments and electromagnetic storms rushed towards Kerry's fleet, and the spirit-controlled Kree expeditionary army and the army of the home planet started to fight each other.

Equipped with equal force field weapons and energy artillery fire, they are evenly matched.

On the ground, the two Summers brothers fired red shock waves and laser rays back to back, cutting and blasting a large number of Cree soldiers.

In mid-air, one after another Cree spaceship was exploded and pierced.

There is also the Colossus who has recovered strangely like Alex, charging forward to the winter wolf warriors, resisting to the death under the siege of the Cree, killing a bloody mess with knives and axes.

In just a moment, the largest interstellar airport on the home planet of the Cree was completely reduced to the center of the battlefield where the two armies fought.

James Howlett stabbed out the bone blades and arm shields of both arms, and with his heavy gold armor, he rushed forward against the photon gunfire of the Cree, one claw at a time, piercing through two Cree warriors and throwing them towards the army formation middle.

Just like Asazo's "crow's mouth", the surging Cree army seems inexhaustible, like a colony of ants who are not afraid of death.

Gradually, one after another, the winter wolf warriors began to be unable to withstand the enemy's attack, and the light curtain shield on the vibrating arm armor also ran out of energy, and everyone had to face four or five purple light waves, and they were annihilated Under the energy weapons of the Cree.

And an immortal body like James, and a Colossus who is not afraid of ordinary energy blows, has already stood on the raised hill piled up with corpses, stained with blue blood, still roaring and waving his sharp claws and giant axe.

Flickering around, Asazo, who was harvesting the heads of the enemies, kept opening the space light gate to support the family's fighters.

Cooperating with the two Summers brothers was particularly tacit, relying on the portal to flexibly transfer the shock wave beam, causing huge troubles in the Cree army formation.

But as time passed, the decline of the Howlett family became more and more obvious. Seeing that more and more people could not hold on, the Red Devil teleported to James and shouted:
"Dad! We can't fight like this anymore! The Kree may have mobilized an entire planet's armed force, determined to drive us all to death, suffocate us to death here, let everyone retreat from the Light Gate, we don't need to insist any longer down!"

Eric and the "Storm" Orolo Monroe, who were the most stressed at high altitude, were locked on by more than a dozen interstellar cruisers the size of an aircraft carrier.

The photon cannon blasted from a kilometer away and the nearby fighter planes exploded together. The energy shield that surged on the Orolo armor was only supported for a moment, and then it was melted and deformed together with the vibrating gold armor. , there is no flesh and blood left.
James looked at Storm, who died in the high-altitude battle, and shouted angrily with red eyes:
"Only by destroying the leader of the Cree can this war be completely resolved. Otherwise, human beings will always have to face such a powerful enemy's prying eyes. For the hope and future of the earth! We must persevere and fight to the end!"

Due to the brilliance of the Magellanic star stream, the surface of Hala star is always in a state of "extreme daylight", but this battle that lasted for several hours has gradually come to an end.

Alex and his younger brother Scott, who radiated energy crazily, staggered exhaustedly to avoid the pursuit of the Cree, and their occasional counterattacks were obviously much weaker.

The slender beams of Cyclops couldn't even pierce a Kree uniform right away, and he was able to open his eyes for the second time since waking up without the aid of suppression glasses.

Scott's exposed eyeballs were bloodshot, and there was no sign of the laser light.

"Alex, you go, go to Chief Asazo, he can get you out of here"

Scott suffered a penetrating wound on his abdomen, and leaned wearily against the cracks of a steel platform, watching his brother try to force a smile, with a look of indifference.

Just as the Summers brothers said goodbye to each other, Warren in the sky was pierced through the iron wings by several chasing fighter planes and fell down.

Relying on the electromagnetic force field to support Eric, his face twisted and roared, and several metal pipes underground in the Cree city were raised again, penetrating two Cree cruisers.

In the end, the protective shield was pierced by the continuous energy impact, which wiped out most of his body, and his eyes were completely lost.

Even the most mobile Red Devil was killed by the Cree with a special light wave force field. Several teams of Cree soldiers holding light wave cannons gathered in the middle, constantly compressing Asazo's instant teleportation range. space to move.

He was like a goldfish trapped in a glass tank, flickering and swaying constantly, but he couldn't escape the round cage that was splashing with electric light.

In the end, Asazo was sealed in a force field space the size of a cardboard box, and his body was squeezed into a ball.

The Cree still didn't stop his movements, and he crushed Asazo's bones and viscera alive, turning him into a lump of crimson fuzzy flesh and blood.
On the ruins, James was the only one left standing alone. His vibrating gold armor was also shattered under thousands of high-energy blows. His slender black hair was already soaked in blue blood and stuck tightly to his head.

From the sky to the ground, the Cree completely besieged the crazy man who dared to attack the holy Hara. Countless beam weapons shining red and black and purple reflected his face in a decadent color.

But just when everything seemed to be over, a long sigh was heard when the communication band of the Cree Legion broke down.

Looking at the fleet covering the sky and the sun, James let out a long sigh of relief. He put away the claw blades of his fists, removed the remaining damaged armor leaves on his body, and looked up at the sky with his upper body naked.

Slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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