Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 280 The lost battlefield

Chapter 280 The lost battlefield

"It seems that the battle at the door of the house will eventually be fought."

As the battleship "Sirius" steadily and quickly broke through the gravity of the earth, it climbed to the fortress defense circle in low earth orbit.

The warden of the "Wolf Tower" shrugged his shoulders at his friend, twisted his neck suppressing his excitement and said:
"By the way, aren't you the commander of the 'Earth Aerospace Force'? Why don't you go over there to command the battle?"

Steve, who was wearing a blue battle uniform with a round shield on his back, slowly put on his helmet, smiled self-deprecatingly and shook his head.

"I'm just putting on a name. It's nothing more than supervising fighter pilots from various countries to complete the training well. What they have to face is a space air battle that has never been seen in the history of human warfare. Let more professional people take command .”

Steve returned his hand and held the shield in front of him. The red "H" emblem symbolizing the Howlett family was still brand new. He patted Bucky's metal arm and asked:

"What about you? Warden Barnes actually put down the wolf tower to 'go to heaven' with us, but to be honest, your fists and my shield are far inferior to a soldier manipulating energy naval guns in a space battle It's useful."

"Ha! I haven't had a good fight for many years. How could I miss such an opportunity hiding in the ground? I don't know how the teacher plans to fight this battle, but our advantage must drag the Cree people It can only be used in ground combat, but that’s the case.”

Bucky thought that if the battlefield is really brought to the continent of the earth, even if the war is won in the end, the human world will suffer immeasurable damage and damage.

Facing the interstellar war that takes place in space, it is the first time for every person on earth.

In the command hall of the battleship, almost all the important figures of the family were present except for the family leader James Howlett, who was standing at the forefront wearing a black armor and standing behind his back.

Beside James, his wife, the White Queen, and his daughter Laura were closely accompanied. Magneto, Professor X, Asazo and Raven, the Rogers couple, Bucky and others stood silently behind.

They watched as if a giant blue and black eagle with spread wings slowly emerged in the deep sky, coming with coercion, and their expressions gradually turned grim.

It was the Cree "Dark Star" battleship that was tens of thousands of kilometers away, and it had just completed a space jump. Its broad wingspan was surrounded by densely packed Cree spaceships of various types.

Silent and mighty.

The detection device arranged at the farthest end of the extraterrestrial orbit discovered the energy fluctuation of the space jump in advance, and sent an alarm to the "Wolf's Nest" and the United Earth Space Force in time.

The Cree's star fleet is like a giant fleet of powerful colonists coming from the ocean, while the human warships lean on the edge of the continent, waiting for battle on the sea.

In the deep space of the universe, Ronan the Accuser and Yon Rogg, Captain of the Kree Star Troopers, looked at the detection light curtain of the Dark Star, where dozens of defensive fortresses in low-earth orbit surrounded the earth in series to form a ring.

There are also large-scale space bases on the moon, with hundreds of orbital naval guns standing on them, making the moon truly a "satellite" of the earth.

From the captured Cree cruiser, the Howlett family not only obtained the most important "curvature engine" technology, but also a set of core technologies for the construction of interstellar warships, space fortresses, and bases, which explosively improved the human race. knowledge of deep space.

Six years of non-stop learning and manufacturing have also given the earth a bit of confidence to face the enemy across the galaxy.

"The C-53 star has changed a lot in the past few years. They have done a good job of preparing for the battle."

Yon Rogge nodded lightly. When he first came to this planet, human beings were just in the initial stage of exploring the universe. Now, except for the scale is still very limited, the general technical level is already very complete.

"Yon Rogge, you not only escaped with the entire army wiped out, but also left the empire's precious technological power to this inferior race. I even feel ashamed to fight side by side with you."

Ronan's solemn tone resounded, he shamelessly humiliated the expedition commander appointed by the "Supreme Wisdom", lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the expressionless Yong Rogge, and suddenly raised his hand beyond authority and ordered:

"The Dark Star is pressing forward! All of the Kerry fleet, after reaching the range of the artillery fire, open fire on the target planet with all its strength."

The handle of the two-handed warhammer hit the ground heavily, creating an invisible force field. Ronan pointed the hammer at the earth and shouted loudly.

"—First give me this little blue ball, with the invincible naval guns of the Cree Empire, to baptize me clean!"

boom! "Vikri is supreme!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers of the Kerry Empire accusation regiment on the Dark Star and soldiers from several surrounding battleships knocked on their heels, and groaned with the back of their fists against their foreheads.

Like gears and rivets, they quickly and precisely moved their huge fleet to approach the earth, and at the same time fired up cannon fire with flashing photon energy.

For the Cree who have been fighting in the interstellar world for thousands of years, this is just another ordinary battle of conquest!
"About 30 years ago, I said"

James stomped his feet, and the central command hall of the battleship moved to the rear with a vibration, gradually transforming into a high platform bridge overlooking the cabin below.

All the soldiers of the "Sirius Legion" stood still, looking up at the black-haired and black-armored man above, and said indifferently:
"——I said that every mutant and all people with extraordinary talents can walk freely in every corner of this planet, and let the world look at your strength instead of fear. I did it."

The silence that seemed to be brewing a storm silently suppressed every corner of the "Sirius" battleship, and thousands of pairs of fiery eyes stared at James Howlett, known as the "Wolf Emperor".

Many of them have been frozen in the ice for decades, witnessed and passed on with their own eyes how the young master from the Canadian farm raised his feet step by step, and finally set foot on the ripples of the vast galaxy.

".I also said that this starry sky, even the boundless universe that cannot be seen by the eyes, will eventually become a wilderness for wolves! I will lead you to any king or great man in human history. Lands untrodden and unconquered!"

The bone blade of his right fist stabbed out suddenly, and James raised his arm high, looking out of the giant hanging window of the battleship like that, and the Kree fleet gradually became larger and clearer, pointing at the flagship Dark Star with sharp claws and shouting loudly:
"—Let my final promise, let you usher in the glorious era as fighters, from this moment, this battle! Begin!"

Boom boom boom!

The artillery of the Cree fleet suddenly fired, not only aimed at the "Sirius" which has a huge difference in size in the universe, but also bombarded the fortress in extraterrestrial orbit and the continents and oceans of the earth with the endless light curtain bullet rain.
Among them, the black-purple beam of light fired by the Dark Star is exactly the star-destroying artillery fire of a higher level than that of ordinary Kerry cruisers.

Shouts like a tsunami greeted the "light of death" everywhere,
None of the soldiers of the Howlett family took a step back in fear at this moment. Even though they were clearly watching the enemy's artillery fire that destroyed mountains and land, they still held up their weapons and responded with a battle cry!
Bang bang bang.
The ice-blue energy light curtain suddenly appeared at the moment when the Sirius came into contact with the Star Destroyer light cannon of the Dark Star. The seemingly thin energy shield shone with colorful brilliance, and it actually blocked all the energy shocks that could destroy the territory of the United States.

Not only the flagship where James is located, but also the entire extraterrestrial orbital fortress bases lined up in series are also shining with blazing blue light, forming an energy defense shield as vast as a continent, stopping the artillery fire of the Cree fleet without any omission. shoot.

The legionnaires looked at the enemy's seemingly annihilated attack fiercely, like a brilliant firework in front of their eyes, each one screamed uncontrollably and crazily.

Not only the "Archangel" Warren who spread his wings dancing and laughing in the air, but even the always dull "Colossus" held the Edman golden battle ax and struck the silver-gray steel chest, roaring a series of greeting in Russian.

"Sir, according to the calculations of this round of attacks, except for the 'Sirius', the Rubik's Cube energy stored in the extraterrestrial orbital fortress can withstand an attack of this intensity at most."

"I won't give them another time Hank, is the battlefield image transmission going well?"

James looked at the recharged Kerry fleet with a smirk, and asked Dr. Hank McCoy sideways.

"It started when the Cree fleet jumped into this space, sir. Now... any video screen connected to the signal network on the earth can see the image information collected by the moon base."

Although "The Beast" was working as the chief science officer in the battleship, he had already put on a custom-made sleeveless vibrating gold battle armor, wearing silver-rimmed glasses, and reporting seriously with his strong blue velvet arms.

"Okay, I want every human being to see this war, and let every child build up the pride and confidence of being a 'human race' from today! Let careerists and dreamers, and let all people full of desire keep their eyes open from now on. Project into the galaxy, forget the stupid narrow infighting between nations and peoples!"

"Eric! Charles!"

James looked left and right at the two independent high platforms with strange structures, as if waiting to confirm some important information.

One person is suspended, and the other is seated.

Magneto excited an electromagnetic field around his body, hanging from a blue-black tower-shaped metal machine with his arms outstretched.

And Professor X is sitting in a giant hollowed-out silver ball with a radius of more than ten meters. The silver ball glows with a faint blue light as it rotates.

"Father, no, the Cree should have completed some kind of anti-magnetic or anti-magnetic energy field research. I can't control their battleships or spaceships."

Eric Lanshere, who was flashing electromagnetic sparks, fell from mid-air, wearing a red armor, shook his head with a little disappointment, and set his sights on Professor Charles with James.

"Sir, just as we predicted at the beginning, the mind control of brainwaves is not working either. It seems that we are not the only ones who have made significant improvements in technological power over the years. Now that we have information about the power of mutants on Earth, the Ekri people Technical level and strategic decision-making, it is impossible not to take precautions on the two most important points."

Charles took off the brain wave helmet that flashed blue light, and the increased mind control power could not affect the interior of the Cree's ship.

Even the equipment of each of their soldiers and staff members may be equipped with an anti-electromagnetic and anti-brainwave energy field.

The "Sirius" spaceship completed by the Howlett Group is not a war flagship with complete firepower. In addition to interstellar navigation and the ability to defend the field from the energy of the cosmic Rubik's Cube, it is not even equipped with a decent photon naval gun. shelf.

Facing the Starfleet of the Cree criss-crossing the universe, only three core weapons were built on this spaceship that humans are in charge of confronting.

Magnetic Amplifier Tower for "Magneto" Eric Lanshere, Brainwave Amplifier for Professor Charles, and
James chuckled and nodded. He turned around and patted Asazo on the shoulder, and looked seriously at his eldest son who had been with him the longest, with the look in his eyes that the old father should rely on when the child finally grows up.

"Azazzo, dad and everyone are depending on you, otherwise we can only roll up our sleeves and go out to fight the 'boarding battle'!"

The red devil's tail has never been raised so high or swung so happily in his life.

He grinned his fangs and looked at Steve, Eric and the others, laughing loudly.

"Hey hey hey! One by one, remember who is the big brother today! Father, don't worry, the size of the Cree fleet is not too much beyond expectations."

With a buzzing sound, the core of the war between the two interstellar civilizations—the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, slowly rose from the central platform of the ship hall, shining with ice blue light constantly.

A hexagonal laminated device cast from pure vibrating gold, engraved with countless mystic spells and graphic patterns, supports the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and spreads to every esoteric symbol little by little as the Rubik's Cube energy infects it.

Azazzo put away his laughter, and slowly walked towards this weird machine with serious eyes. The crimson fingertips touched the Rubik's Cube without any isolation like James.

Following his touch, gaps in space appeared in the cracks in the ship, and a metal tower like a weapon rose from the prow of the Sirius, entwined with ice-blue energy halos in circles.

The red devil's body was intertwined with black and red and blue light, his eyes were gradually filled with electric light, and as the lasing light on the Rubik's Cube became more and more intense, he finally roared hysterically:
"Come on. Come on! The 'guest' who came from afar, hahaha! Let's... change the battlefield!"

In the vacuum world, no sound can be heard, but whether it is the Sirius warship or the entire star field, they are all shaken by the blue wave ring fired by the "turret" at the bow of the ship.

Like the surging waves of the sea, a bit of blue light suddenly magnified and rushed towards the Kree Starfleet, especially the flagship Dark Star was completely submerged in it.

next moment.
Except for a small number of small Cree fighters and spaceships left in the entire outer space, whether it was Ronan's Dark Star or the battleship where James and others were located, all disappeared strangely.

Like the dust dissipated in the universe, there is no trace left.
(End of this chapter)

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