Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Above the surface of the research base, at the entrance of the gate that opened with a bang, a group of security team members of the research institute rushed out from the underground apron and garage driving vehicles.

"Viper" Ophelia's frosty face was rarely flushed, she indifferently unbuttoned her chest, and her long emerald green nails cut open the neckline of the one-piece dress like blades, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white hair. Landscapes and bruised bruises.

The skin of the injured part twitched and raised a layer of thick, uneven and mottled dead skin. "Viper" grabbed the molted skin and tore it off, and threw it on the ground angrily. The injury on the chest had disappeared.

"...Four, ran four Transcendents who are close to the fifth or even sixth level of destructive power. Go, apply for the audience channel of 'Wolf's Nest' for me."

Ophelia gave instructions to the assistant who was coming beside her, and then got into the car. She didn't chase the "stone man" in the direction where the "stone man" originally fled with the hunting team, but drove away with other plans.

Reed Richards, Susan Stone, Johnny Stone and Ben Graham, four scientists and astronauts who have endured the energy erosion of the abnormal "cosmic storm" have emerged one after another in recent days. Extraordinary ability.

Their genetic changes horrified all the mutant power research experts, not only completely different from the X gene system of mutants, but also very stable and powerful.

According to the power classification system of mutants, all four of them have mutation potential in the alpha and gamma ranges, and they exceed the fourth-level standard in terms of energy level index and destructive power. Reach the energy level of a "supernova" explosion.

This kind of power is not weak even in the "Sirius Legion", where the powerful gather together.

Because Ophelia Green sees this clearly, she is keenly aware of a serious problem——

At the moment when the cutting-edge combat power is almost concentrated on the legion's preparations for battle, the executive officers in the "Whip of Order" team responsible for maintaining social stability... probably have no one who can beat them.

Although Reed understood the old man's feelings very well, but based on his understanding of Ben over the years, this man with a rough appearance and a soft heart should not be so mad and violent.

Maybe a mutated gene played a big role in his personality, or love for his fiancée Debbie went to Ben's head.

But at this moment, Reed's top priority is to stop Ben Graham before he runs into the downtown area of ​​New York, causing chaos and even casualties.

Dr. Richards, who is like a rubber man, catapulted forward with the help of the big trees in the suburbs. Along the way, several trunks that were broken by the collision fell to the ground, and a dent like a bulldozer plowed in the dirt and gravel was very conspicuous.

The rumbling sound of the ground ahead became more and more clear. The rocky body not only gave Ben a super strong defense, but also brought unfathomable strength and physical strength.

In the test of the research institute a few days ago, the "stone man" has exceeded the strength standard of [-] tons. This kind of strength allows him to easily cover a distance of tens of meters every time he jumps, and runs at full speed without stopping. Not even that much slower than a car.

Reed hoped to see more clearly, trying to capture Ben's running and jumping figure, but his eyeballs subconsciously changed the outline and volume, protruding into an olive-like shape.

Vision is like a zoomed-in telescope, and suddenly they can see the yellow-brown figure hundreds of meters away as if they were in front of them. The two have entered the Brooklyn area of ​​New York City, and further ahead is a more prosperous commercial center.

"This guy. Let's not talk about turning into a hard rock. How can he run so fast?"

Reed wrapped himself around the top of a towering power tower. He tightened his body in circles like twisting a screw, aimed at Ben's direction, loosened it and threw it out, and leaped hundreds of meters away like brown candy. It hit Ben on the back.

"Dude! Calm down, it's not like you!"

Reed, who was wrapped around the waist of the "stone man", stretched his body and ran in front of Ben Graham, his hands stretched out quickly to grab the trees or electric poles by the street, slowing down Ben's running speed.

"Reed, go. go!"

Boom boom boom.
The tree trunks were pulled and bent. Although Ben's speed was slowed down, he still dragged Reed forward step by step. The two were like huge rubber ropes and heavy trucks, competing with each other.

"Ben, don't blame me!"

Reed deformed his body and flexibly dodged Ben's fist. He wound up from the ankle in circles, tightly bound the hands and feet of the "stone man". Can't get rid of the strong rubber locking sleeve.

Some of the residents on both sides of the street in Brooklyn poked their heads out, and some went out of their houses boldly, watching the two extremely weird figures wrestling together, discussing with great interest.

"Is this the order enforcer catching super criminals? The one in the blue uniform stopped the stone giant, hey, that's cool!"

The community, especially the half-grown children, was extremely excited. The concept of mutants and superhumans has long been a part of people's daily life.

Although the probability of mutation is still slowly increasing, the evolutionary population is still a very small ethnic group in the massive population base of the world.

The fantasy of waking up one day and gaining magical powers, entering the extraordinary academy and becoming a part of that world is the most common fairy tale for children of this era.

"Look! The spaceship of order is coming!"

A little Douding wearing glasses pointed at the two "Eagle" supersonic fighters flying in mid-air and jumped up excitedly.

"Whip of Order", as the first violent organization to combat mutant crimes and other transgressions, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for decades.

There are even specially filmed movies and serial TV series broadcast, and the ratings have always been high, especially by children.

After several alarms and the notification to drive away the crowd of onlookers, a burst of electronic magnetic sound in the spaceship suddenly said:
"You have violated Article [-] of Clause C of the 'Regulations on Order'. As owners of special powers, you are not allowed to fight with each other in crowd gathering areas. Immediately lie down on the spot and hold your head, waiting for further processing."

Reed gritted his teeth with blushing cheeks, and squeezed out a sentence helplessly:
"Didn't you see that I was trying my best to control him?"

"Captain, I just received a report from the group's research base. These are two accidental mutants who ran out of the research institute. One of them may be extremely emotionally unstable."

On the co-pilot seat of the spaceship, the white-faced bald order executive officer with strange blue and black lines on his face, like a devil's horn, nodded slowly after listening to the team members' report, and stretched out his right hand to grab the positions of Reed and Ben , calmly arranged:

"Standard law and order, ready to arrest."

A black spot pattern suddenly appeared on the palm of the executive officer. With the twist of the wrist, the pattern slowly rotated. Two spaceships landed on each of the two team members, holding the special energy suppression lock and vibrating gold chain. Reed walked tentatively.

Reed suddenly felt a writhing cramping pain in his stomach. He instinctively adjusted the tissue structure of his abdominal cavity to try to make himself more comfortable, but then he became dizzy again, waves of dizziness hit him, and his body quickly lost all strength. .

Executive officer Lazaro, a Gamma Level [-] mutant with the ability of "disease control", was once a member of the "Shock Wave" Alex team, and the young man who participated in the capture of "Gambit King" has now become his own.

His ability can affect and control the target's body, resulting in various disease states or negative effects, which is perfect for arresting team members.

But below, Reed Richards was indeed affected, but the "Stone Man" Ben was not as weak as Lazaro imagined.

Ben Graham threw the relaxed Reed into the air like a whip, and the rubber body wrapped around the wings of the law enforcement shuttle with a strong elastic inertia.

The long barrel devices in the hands of the four members of the Order sprayed chains and energy nets, but Ben caught them and smashed them into the surrounding houses with the four of them.

"The target resists violently, and hunts and kills with all its strength!"

Two fighter planes suspended in mid-air at a height of more than 20 meters, quickly released energy weapons with hexagonal barrels from the belly compartment, and ice-blue energy beams bombarded downward one after another.

The ground of the street was blasted with molten craters. Ben Graham ran away for a few steps and was blasted more than ten meters away from behind by a cannonball. Immediately afterwards, the energy artillery fire quickly covered his body like the rain hitting plantains. body.

After being mutated into a "stone man", Ben felt pain for the first time. Large areas of scorched black marks were blasted out of the yellow-brown rock shell, and thick and long cracks even spread out.

He raised his hand to pull out the fire hydrant on the side of the road, and threw it at the shuttle, but the iron bump like a cannonball failed to break through the special alloy shell doped with vibrating gold, but the fuselage was slightly skewed.

"Don't fire, don't fire! Stop, he's not a prisoner!"

Bang bang bang!
Reed thumped hard on the swing window of the fighter plane, yelling and trying to stop the order officer from attacking Ben.

Looking at Ben who was being blasted into the pit on the ground bit by bit, Reid stretched his arm tens of meters long to encircle the fuselage of another shuttle, pulling the two fighter planes at a skewed angle, and splashing the artillery fire to surrounding houses.

Then the two shuttle fighters swayed and collided with each other and fell to the ground with a bang. Reed watched Ben jump out of the deep pit and fled to the distance, ignoring the mess he made, and chased after him again without looking back. .

And a fiery red streamer rushed towards the sky at high speed.
A statue commemorating the "Flight 826 crash" was recently completed at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn.

Forty years ago, United Airlines Flight 40 and TWA Flight 826 collided over the Brooklyn area of ​​New York due to a tower command error.

Among them, flight 266 crashed and exploded on the spot, and flight 826, which lost its tail and had to make a forced landing, was led by Professor Charles Xavier and stopped safely with the help of a team of mutants known as the "X-Men" at the time. One person on board was injured.

This incident was the first public act of evolving a new human in human history, and it was later hailed as an important symbol of the "new era of human mutation".

Rows of sun-shaded gazebos lined up beside the square. Vendors selling soda and juice were wandering around looking for business. An ordinary-looking woman waved to the vendor and bought a dozen glasses of juice drinks of various flavors in one go.

The woman frowned and took out a small stack of US dollars from her pocket without asking or calculating the price. She just threw it to the peddler and sat with a group of people who seemed to be traveling in New York from Europe. Talk about a few words in a low voice.

The Skrull emperor Kalt, who turned into a blond Nordic man, looked at the bronze sculpture in the center of the square with great interest.

The sculpture depicts three mutants with weird bodies blocking the plane that made an emergency landing, and two figures flying around the plane. The general history and historical significance of the incident are engraved on the base below.

"The shackles of genetic evolution that the Cree have tried to break through for thousands of years have become a natural occurrence for the people on Earth. It is no wonder that this planet belongs to one of the nine countries connected by the 'World Tree'. It seems that there are still hidden secrets. a lot of."

Carter muttered to himself that the Skrulls had flourished as the most powerful empire and race in the universe in a long time ago.

In the hundreds of years of being defeated by the Cree Empire and wandering among the stars, they have seen many civilizations with strong individual strength or technological level, but they have never seen a civilization that is too young and has great potential and rapid progress like humans on Earth. Race.

This planet is simply a gift from God for the revival of the Skrulls.

Carter habitually trembled his ears, and other Skrull royals who had transformed into various human appearances also moved their ears strangely. They all cast their gazes into the air, and the shuttle fighters broke the sound barrier from a distance and flew fast. coming.

With the continuous sound of sonic booms from the sky, the ground of the Grand Army Square seemed to have been rammed by construction machinery. A huge yellowish-brown figure was rushing forward, followed by a strange object that was continuously elongated and ejected.

"Reed! Stop, stop resisting, and stop expanding the situation!"

"Thunderbolt" Johnny slowly landed from mid-air, put down his sister Susan who was holding up the energy shield, put away the raging fire, and looked at the horrified and envious eyes of the surrounding citizens with satisfaction.

Seeing the fighter planes surrounding them in mid-air, Reed quickly enlarged his fists, and shouted at Susan angrily:
"Su, these so-called executive officers are like the police who regard us as 'Nigg'. I can't entrust my safety and Ben's safety to them!"

The artillery fire that the law enforcement fighter plane bombarded Reed was blocked by the energy shield propped up by Susan. Seeing this, Reed threw out his "rubber fist" with his backhand, then rushed forward and punched the porthole glass on the deck of the shuttle. .

Susan looked at the people around who were quickly evacuated, and the seven or eight law enforcement fighter planes in the sky seemed to be trying to wipe out Reed and Ben with all their firepower.

More than a dozen Skrulls did not leave as quickly as the ordinary people in the square, they still sat on the sidelines and watched.

Instead, this unexpected incident became the most interesting thing they encountered when they came to the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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