Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 270 The Skrull's Abacus

Chapter 270 The Skrull's Abacus

The bronze alarm bell of Kama Taj was sounded, and the clear bells rang everywhere in the temple. The startled mages rushed to the square outside the main hall to gather, and some even put on [Buddha's Boots], In the mid-air, they came galloping on a fan of secret array disks.

For hundreds of years, the last time this alarm bell was sounded was half a century ago, when James Howlett found the location of the Holy of Holies hidden on the snow peaks of the Himalayas. After a misunderstanding, he had a big fight.

Master Modu ran at the front with a [Stand of Life Tribunal], looking at the center of the ocher-red training ground, the supreme mage was already standing there, wearing a plain robe and staring down at Casillas, who was sitting on the ground .

Mr. Howlett, who was visiting beside the mage, was holding a child in one hand, shaking it gently.

"Master Casillas! What are you doing? Who did it!"

More and more mages gathered behind Modu, he looked at those legs that were no longer bleeding, but bony bones and shouted in horror.

"Casillas, why did you do this"

Gu Yi had already used spells to seal Casillas' injured legs, and pinched his fingers to take the heavy ancient book from the opponent's body.His voice was cold and indifferent, and he tried his best to suppress the traces of emotion.

Master Wang, who is in charge of Karma Taj's library, took his fat grandson to stand half a step away, and explained to the masters in a deep voice:
"Master Casillas broke the prohibition and snatched the forbidden book, and was discovered by the apprentice Wanda Lanshere. When I arrived, I was already there"

A head of long gray hair was scattered randomly, and Casillas, who had lost too much blood, looked so pale that he really looked like a dead body.

He suddenly tilted his head and looked around energetically, looking at the pair of eyes that were either shocked, indifferent or angry and contemptuous, instead he laughed tremblingly.

"Hey! Hehehe, Master Supreme Mage, you asked me why, isn't the reason in that book? Ha! Unfortunately, I was unlucky and met two little monsters!"

James squinted his eyes and stared at Casillas. Wanda in his arms struggled and jumped down, ran to the ancient master and stood silently with his head bowed.

Originally, James was chatting with Gu Yi about some doubts and secrets about the "Nine Kingdoms" and "World Tree", when the little grandson Pietro appeared next to him in a hurry and explained a few words with a crying voice.

Patting the little guy on the back comfortingly, James asked softly:
"Where did you learn this trick? It's too heavy-handed. Did Uncle Asazu teach you, huh?"

Pietro, who was sticking to his cheek, still hadn't slowed down, pouted his mouth and hummed:

"Grandpa. I didn't do it on purpose. I saw that bad mage fighting with Wanda, so I wanted to cut him twice on the leg, but my hand trembled. It was too much."

James raised his eyebrows and sighed helplessly, while Gu Yi stared at the "Book of Cagliostro" and remained silent.

Casillas, who forced himself to sit up a little, hoarsely groaned and half-howled:
"You let us abide by the laws of nature, you let us stay away from the erosion of dark magic, but which mage can live for hundreds of years like your supreme mage! My wife is dead, but 'Visandi' can't save her. oh, can't save her"

Casillas whimpered and cried, and the red bricks were wet with tears mixed with blood.

Gu Yi was still silent, and all the mages of Kama Taj fell into dead silence, leaving only the shrill howling sound that could be heard endlessly.
After what seemed like a long time, she finally whispered:
"Master Casillas violated the ban, flipped through and snatched the forbidden books, and from then on, Karma Taj was expelled."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi immediately turned around and walked into the hall without leaving any other words.

James watched the faces of the mystics in front of the hall becoming more and more confused and silent, as if the barrier of Karma Taj could no longer stop the severe wind and frost of the cold Himalayas.

Not only let the cold wind blow into this thousand-year-old temple, but also blow into the hearts of these mages.
And at this moment, tens of thousands of miles away from the snowy peak, it is also a place where no one dies.

The Skrull interstellar ship standing crookedly in the yellow sand of the desert is like a black hole that absorbs light, absorbing the surrounding energy.

The environment inside the kingship is like a natural underground cave. I don’t know if they like to design the interior of the spaceship into such a rocky environment, or because there are not many artificial changes, and the shape of the casting raw materials is maintained.

In the deepest part of the ship, giant brass-colored metal eggs shone with lavender light, and several Skrulls quietly operated the energy supply system in the center of the cave-like conversion cabin.

They don't communicate with each other, only the dull and dirty specially-made transformation pod emits a muffled buzzing sound, and from time to time there is a short-circuit-like current of a machine. It seems that these equipments are very old Skrulls. people technology.

Tessa, a Skrull who has been in exile on Earth, saw the royal family's transformation "ceremony" for the first time. Her pointed turquoise ears trembled, but she couldn't help but whispered to an old crew member on the kingship:
"Sir, the royals are deformed. Do they still need the assistance of machines?"

Tessa thought that when she was wandering in the universe when she was a child, the "Super Skrull" she heard from her mother would be extremely powerful. Not only could it easily copy the appearance of the enemy and various pheromone characteristics, but even the power of special races could be arbitrarily powerful. imitate.

But when she saw that these royal families got the genetic material of mutants or human superhumans one by one, but entered the egg-shaped simple machines one after another, she couldn't understand the mystery more and more.

"Then what do you think! You can instantly gain the full power of the 'Original Owner' with just a single hair? Hmph, copying the target's shape is the easiest way to do it, even the most stupid Skrull can transform it perfectly at a glance, But their abilities are especially special and powerful."

The old sailor muttered in a low voice, and the skin grooves on his thin chin were extremely dense.

In addition to the fact that Skrulls grow body hair when they are extremely old, their age is judged more by the number of stripes on their jaws.

"... Alas, it's no wonder that you wandering children don't understand when they see it for the first time. Let me tell you, the body of the royal family can bear infinite forms of physical characteristics and strength, but the energy of some deformation targets is too huge. The royal family can't complete the simulation with their own strength, so they need a special conversion cabin to provide energy."

Tessa was listening carefully, when suddenly the brass-colored giant egg in the center trembled and cracked, a human hand protruded from the metal cabin, followed by slender cheeks and short brown hair, standing naked On the ground, he raised his hand and looked at the body.

Immediately afterwards, several other metal cabins were opened one by one, some were tall and strong, some were slender and vigorous, some were male and some were female, they all completed their transformations, standing in the cave-like hall of the cabin, feeling the new power.

The invisible oppressive force made Tessa and the old sailors hang their heads together, not daring to look up at all. After some weird noises gradually subsided, more than a dozen royal families changed back to their Skrull appearances and left this place. hall.

"Sir, sir, can the adults of the royal family also acquire the memory of the target in this way?"

The old crewman glared at Tessa angrily, while closing and maintaining the transformation cabin, he explained patiently:

"Stupid, can you also obtain the other party's memory out of thin air by observing the target with changing images! The most perfect transformation method is of course to obtain the 'Original Specimen', through physical contact and technological assistance to completely replicate the power and memory, at worst you have to touch it In order to copy some of the recent shallow memory."

Tessa nodded her head again and again. She could see that the stooped and old sailors were a little impatient, but she still had a cheeky face. She took over the work with a smile and finally asked:
"Then why don't the adults of the royal family copy the same target? For example, the power of 'Magneto' is the most powerful among the pheromones we found. Wouldn't it be true if they all became him?"

The old crew member was also stunned by the question. He sat on the deck of the spaceship with his knees propped up, rubbed his chin and finally shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"I don't know, anyway, there have never been two royal families who chose the same transformation target, even if they fought to get a better transformation object, they would not do so. I only know that each royal family has differences from each other. To withstand or exert stronger power, some are worse, just like the emperor said that he can copy multiple abilities at the same time"

In the central hall of the kingship, the Skrull emperor Kalt sat on the brass throne, overlooking the first twelve super Skrulls under the high platform and more than 100 Skrull elites kneeling behind them. Lightly nodded.

"Plan and arrange, take a closer look."

Carter's thunderous voice rang out, and a giant light curtain flickered in the dark hall, on which were lined up the intelligence data that Mutas and others had searched on the earth with their talent for transformation over the years.

The secretive list and photos are not only important figures of the Howlett family and its group, but also high-level military and political officials from the United States and other major countries, especially the leaders of enterprises and organizations involving extraordinary technology.

An empire composed entirely of shapeshifters like "Mystique" Revan is born to be the best spy in the entire universe.

If the number of Skrulls is not too small, the super life brain "Supreme Intelligence" of the Cree Empire can integrate the spiritual will of the Kree people and avoid being infiltrated by the Skrulls. Such a race is almost the most An object that is hard to beat.

The hot-tempered member of the royal family, Parker, was worried about not getting the status of "Magneto King".

He looked at the mission plan on the light curtain, and there was hardly any arrangement for the Super Skrulls. His turquoise skin had a strange metallic luster, and he hammered his chest and shouted rudely:
"Kalter! Don't let the Howlett family do anything. What's the point of just replacing these small characters! Let me say arrest the so-called 'mutant giants' and 'generals' one by one. , take their place, and grasp the power of this planet in one go!"

Half of Emperor Carter's face was sunk in the shadows. He seemed to have long been used to the brainlessness of his fellow royals. In the dim light, he could only see his jaw slowly rising and falling.

"And then? Pike, are you going to take on their identities and fight the Cree fleet?"

The meat-like Skrull royal family froze, and finally understood something by scratching the wrinkled tops of their heads.

".The Kree people came because of the Rubik's Cube, and they even ignored that at least in name it still belonged to the old Asa God King Odin. The Howlett family may or may not be able to win this war, but when they and the Kerry When people are going to decide the winner."

Carter hammered the armrest of the throne and stood up. He took a step to reveal a tower-like figure in the light and shadow. The cunning in his eyes did not match his barbaric temperament at all.

".When they both lose, that's the best time for our clan to appear!"

Pike endured a few pairs of mocking eyes around him, and he groaned in defense:
"Hmph, staying in this broken desert is better than wandering among the stars. The Kree bastards have never come, so we will wait here forever!"

Kalt stepped down from the high platform of the throne, waved his hand to signal Mutas to take the Skrull spies to act according to the plan, looked at the last dozen or so Skrull royal blood around him, and said in a low voice indifferently:

"As I said, this is a 'secret war'. We are still too weak. Even if we recall all our compatriots scattered in the universe, the Skrulls can't even fill the population of a small city on this planet! Master the high-level power of mankind , drive them as spears of vengeance, before that."

A slender super Skrull approached, with black and red halos flashing in both hands, and slowly opened a portal in the void, seemingly unskilled and struggling.

Opposite the portal is an uninhabited alley surrounded by high-rise buildings.

Carter twisted his neck, and then turned into a giant blond white man, wearing a brown leather jacket and denim trousers, walked to the light door and turned back with a chuckle:
"...Before then, get to know the world well and understand what human beings are thinking... Let's start with their most prosperous city."


New York, Manhattan.

Mr. Howard Stark in the car saw the scene outside the car window and was about to reach the headquarters of "Whip of Order", and suddenly felt a little nervous.

"Alan, have you ever visited a prison?"

"Wh, what, oh. Sorry sir, well I have a cousin on Rikers Island, but we don't know each other well, so."

Old Howard nodded indifferently, and he didn't know why he always thought of the Cree lurking on Earth.

Dr. Wendy Lawson no longer exists, even if he can enter the most secretive and inescapable super prison on the planet to meet her, it is of no practical significance, but Mr. Stark always feels that "Dr. Lawson" That's her true face.

The car slowly stopped in the waiting area of ​​the "Order" building, where he needed to transfer to a special aircraft and cut off all electronic equipment before being sent to the "Wolf Tower" prison.

Only authorized persons can visit this prison at certain times. For mutant prisoners or super criminals who can easily cause great harm in ordinary society, "Wolf Tower" has extraordinary prevention specifications and unique rules.

There are also corresponding measures during the flight to ensure that visitors cannot know the location of the wolf tower.

Mr. Stark was thinking wildly in his mind, and when he looked up, a familiar tall figure strode towards him.

"Howard, coincidentally, I happened to go with you."

Steve Rogers said with a warm smile.

(End of this chapter)

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