Unlike the biblical representation of Satan falling down from heaven in the form of lightning, what those gifted with the sights saw were tiny specks, like stars, of dark smudge raining upon the universe like a turbulent storm.



Odin stood on the balcony of his chambers, his sole eye piercing through the veil of his realm as the obscurity of the universe was laid wide like a blanket before him. 

Straining his sights, the vision his eye caught was that of a clash between Knull and the Celestials as they battled away at the edge of the universe. 

“Ready your arms, warriors of Asgard. The enemy comes in the veil of darkness.” Odin's voice resounded through every wall of Asgard, summoning the resting warriors of valor to draw their arms once again as the horn of battle sang through their clear skies. 

Though they’ve been living in peace for over a millennium, none of them had forgotten how to wield their weapon for war. Even a small babe of the Asgardian mother have been regaled with their ancestors and forefathers stories of old and how they made their name resound all through the infinite void of the universe, from the Godly realms to the mortal lands. So bathed in their past glory that the dream of every Asgardian worth his salt was to prove himself and bring back honor in war. They were a proud and mighty race. They knew no fear of the enemy. 

Odin felt his weary bones and drying blood reignite with passion once more as the raging shouts of the battle cry of his people rang across the realm, signaling even the reclusive hermits in their mountain caves that Asgard had been challenged once again and that they should bear witness to yet another display of their might as they emerged victorious. 

There was a saying that was commonly known among the God realms and even the mortal plane: ‘You have never experienced a true battle if you haven’t seen the Asgardian army.’

“Heimdall… prepare the Bifrost.”

“Yes, my king.”

Odin walked away from the balcony and made his way to his throne room where a few of his warriors awaited his orders. 

He knew of Knull and more so of the danger he represented if he was allowed to taint the universe more than he already had. When it came to Knull, all life was synonymous and having no difference as his enemy. His only goal was to annihilate all that lived and drown the universe in his perpetual darkness. 

It was better for them if they quickly annihilate the spawns that were slowly spreading through the universe as Knull feeds on the death and blood of those who fell in carnage. Barricading themselves in the golden walls of Asgard and leaving the symbiotes to run amok and cause chaos and destruction while they waited for a confrontation was just bringing the executioner’s axe closer to their necks. The ideal solution was to stop them from spreading too far from their source. 

The Einherjars that lined up the halls stood rigid and stoic as their king, the fabled War God, once more held his spear with a wicked vise. 

Odin made his way through his golden-lined hall towards the towering door that led to his throne room and through it unhindered as the door opened itself without any physical force working on it. 

In the throne room were a few people of renown and Valor, even those during the time of Odin and those of the new generation. They all stood up, faces tautly expressed, as Odin made his way to the throne and only made the tiniest of expression after Odin sat on his throne and nodded his head. 

“What is the situation, my king?” A rather tall man with shining eyes asked Odin as soon as everybody else had sat down. 

“A grave calamity is upon us. It could very well be the start of Ragnarok…”


Odin’s word threw the occupants of the room into a deluge of murmurs and natural apprehension only for them to go silent as the sound of the tail of Odin’s spear hitting the ground washed over them. 


“Your worries are not unfounded as it’s not only our realm that’s threatened this time around, but the entire universe. A few of the other God realms are mobilizing as we speak while others have run in hiding to their domains and praying to perpetuity for this tide to pass over them.” A collective scoff of disgust and derision escaped the mouths of the gathered as they regarded the cowards that called themselves Gods but had no godly pride. 

“This is as much a battle for ourselves as it is for the continuity of all life in this universe. If we lose this battle, we lose Asgard and everything we’ve ever prided ourselves on.” Ending his speech there, Odin relaxed into his throne and let the group of people he entrusted with their war preparation planning to hash it out among themselves while he was having another discussion within himself. 

~I felt a great stir, and lo and behold, the greatest war existence has ever known is already on the horizon. I have to say I’m really touched by your consideration.~

‘This has nothing to do with you, o ye daughter of mine. Like every great chaos, it will soon tide over.’ The relationship between the two of them could be considered complicated at least and in shambles lightly. 

~Say what you want, father. But I can already smell it, the ever tantalizing scent of death that comes with every war. It’s like you have been preparing a banquet for my coming of age ceremony. The things a father do for their daughter~ Though the word were said in a loving way, the amount of venom that laced it was strong enough that even those present in the room felt the chilling caress of death and stilled, mistaking it for the Allfather’s warrior spirit rousing from its millennia slumber. 

‘My mood detest your games, Hela. Be rebuked.’ Odin opened his eye and from it spilled out magic in a torrential wave that washed over everyone that was in the vicinity of the Asgardian Palace. 

The War God, Odin Allfather, has risen. 


[Mount Olympus] 

Situated at the top of one of the highest peaks in existence, even among the godly and demonic realms, was a beautiful divine city that very few could compare with its splendor. 

The clouds below the peak of the mountain brimmed with resplendent light that reflected on the very surface of the mountain and when combined with the soothingly magnificent fauna at every creek of it, only served to magnify its splendor. 

Mount Olympus, home to the Greek patron Gods. 

Unlike the usual days of this realm that were filled with bright lights, the skies dimmed and crackled with great lightning that turned even the most boisterous of God somber. 

On the highest peak of Mount Olympus was seated the Palace of the Olympian Skyfather, Godking Zeus, God of the Sky, Justice and Order. In the throne room of Zeus’ palace, below the two highest thrones on which was seated Zeus and his Queen, Hera, were smaller thrones that belonged to the other Gods of the Greek pantheon. 

“I can feel it all the way from here, the unmistakable bloodlust of the Asgardian army. Can we be done here any quicker? My soldiers request my presence.” A huge God crossed his arms and sat disgruntled on his lesser throne while trying to keep the savagery that was leaking off him at bay. It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t keep his aura intact when everybody in Olympus and beyond was drowning in the thoughts of war. 

“Odin had already mobilized his warriors and they will soon depart for the darker stars. How goes your preparations? Ares, Athena.” Nothing that would connect to his rather frivolous nature remained on his face and the only thing everyone in the room saw was the visage of their King. His clear eyes held within them sparks of lightning instead of its normal lechery and even the tiniest taps he stroked on his throne produced static that spread into the ears of everyone with a low hum. 


“The armies have been mobilized, father. We are ready for departure at any time.” A clear feminine and crisp voice answered Zeus while the savage man just sneered as he taped his legs against the ground with impatience. 

“What about the man, Zeus? The one responsible for all this. Are we just going to let him be? Odin might propose for noninterference but the condition for that was as long as his actions didn’t affect us, which it clearly has.” The one who spoke was the very definition of calm and serenity. An old man that had the same aura as Zeus being one of the very few who could refer to Zeus with his given name. 

Poseidon, God of the Sea and all that dwell within its dark depths. And also Zeus’ older brother. 

“Hmm. First the battle. The oracles have foretold a ‘greater darkness than the existing one’ so it’s safe to say that the Celestial killer is not the only one we should worry about. Let us tide this disaster over first before we discuss on how and whether we should deal with that man appropriately.” Zeus gave his word, and though some were disgruntled, none dared speak otherwise, not even his brother or wife. “You all are excused.” Zeus was gone away from his throne the next moment in a flash of lighting and roaring of thunder, leaving the occupants to their own devices. 

“I’m leaving. Don’t know why there had to be a meeting in the first place.” And like that they all departed the room and went to their various stations. Though not willing to fight in the upcoming battle, there still had a few things to tend to in the event of a cosmic war. 


“You know we could get in a lot of trouble for this, right?” A very aggrieved cry of injustice rant out to the only listener in the white room. 

“Oh shush you foul mouth, Wade. We both know you couldn’t give two shits if the entire multiverse were to burn.” The man leisurely laying back at the front of the screen remarked as his face grew the tiniest twitch of a smile. 

“Usually I’d think someone as insane as that Beyonder guy would do something like this, but you are proving to me that you are even crazier. Like what the fuck is wrong with you?” Wade screamed out and would have lunged on the bastard with his swords if he had them and had a body. 

“Humph. And here I thought you'd be interested in playing a bet with me on who would come out on top.” The man teased, laughing to himself as he watched everything in real time. 

“A bet you say?” 


“The prize?” 

“Whatever you want.”

“Hoh? Normally I would have called cap on whoever said that but I think I’ll be willing to take you on this time around.” Wade said after giving it a few seconds of thinking. 

“Your bet?” 

“Well… if this were a normal story then that guy would be the protagonist, but the protagonist is not usually the good guy but the guy who the story actually focuses on, so it’s not that unusual if the ‘protagonist’ of a story is a villain. Unfortunately for this story, it’s lacking quite a bit on perspective when it comes to the ratio of characters involved. And when also factoring that the guy we are placing our bets on seems quite adamant on losing at the end, I’d say my bet goes to another reboot. Haha got ya, didn’t I?” Wade exclaimed and looked teasingly at the man as if he just figured out the endgame secret.

“That’s quite… unexpected. Valid, but unexpected. Since your bet is mutual destruction then I think I’ll bet on…”

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