Marvel: Opening Prince of Asgard

Chapter 275

Chapter 274 Rapidly Growing Fundamental Cosmic Energy

The army of three million powerful Angels and the army of tens of millions of capable Angels are scattered into a whole thousand battalions. The all-powerful Angels led by three thousand powerful Angels are invincibly sweeping and harvesting everything in front of them!

“However, unfortunately, it’s still too late!”

Even in order to quickly reach the Skynet River system, Caesar directly burned more than a trillion basic cosmic energies within the transcendence gate, but only for five days.

“If it weren’t for the lack of basic cosmic energy, I really don’t want to trouble them! 39

During these five days, Caesar was not idle.

Inside the gate of transcendence, the amount of basic cosmic energy is growing rapidly!

But after only five days, the huge fleet and the unimaginable omnic legion that quickly gathered together from all directions formed an unimaginably huge encirclement, which was pressing towards the Angel legion step by step!

Caesar gave an order, and then without hesitation, the Angel army of more than 20 million fell directly towards the endless omnic army.

And the upper god of the Oraka River system who disappeared after the main fleet of the Skynet Empire reached the Black Ant Galaxy in 510, there is also an Angel with a heart rate of 500,000, who is always on alert!

100 million points, 10 billion points, 20 billion points, 50 billion points, hundreds of billions, even hundreds of billions,

Soon, the starlight that was constantly flickering in the universe gradually extinguished, and the Fixed Star in the distance was slowly covered by dark clouds one after another!

Every day, the thousands of Angel Corps scattered and harvested can harvest hundreds of billions of basic cosmic energy for Caesar!

And these four trillion basic cosmic energies represent tens of millions of 15th-level energy Angel!

In the Black Ant Galaxy, the Angel Legion led by Hexi and Liang Bing and the elite army dominated by Skynet are fighting together.

“I didn’t expect that even if the Lord of Skynet led a large number of elites in the Black Ant Galaxy, the base camp of the Skynet Empire would be able to draw such a huge force.

Indeed, most of the elites of the Skynet Empire invaded the Black Ant Galaxy with the dominion of Skynet, and Hexi and Liang Bing led the expanded five Angel Legions and dozens of Angel Legions firmly entangled.

The Angel Legion led by Caesar suddenly invaded, and it was difficult for the Skynet Empire to gather an incomparably large force for a while, which made the Angel Legion under Caesar’s command break through.

Skynet Empire’s top battle droids are indeed limited by a limited number of material issues.

Although the strength of the Angels was astonishing, if any 10,000-strong army fell into the endless omnic ocean of the Skynet Empire, it would surely be wiped out faster.

“All troops, charge! 95

The basic cosmic energy accumulated in the Gate of Transcendence has once again increased to four trillion points!

After Caesar finished speaking, he sighed, and then shouted to Holy Kaisha and all the surrounding Angel warriors,

Caesar looked at the Skynet Empire omnic corps overwhelmingly, and pouted,

The Angels have already gathered, the 6 million power Angels and the newly added 20 million energy Angels are waiting for the arrival of the Skynet army in the void of the universe!

And each of these able Angels possesses 10,000 points of soul energy that is close to the limit of a single unit in the universe.

When the Lord of Skynet led his army to attack the Black Ant Galaxy, the high-ranking god of the Oraka god system did not dare to appear in front of the Lord of Skynet.

Although the Skynet Empire and the Oraka gods are now vaguely allied, they have never been true allies, and instead have tens of thousands of years of hatred.

After all, he can’t guarantee that the Skynet Master will kill a high-ranking god of the Oraka god system by the way when the situation prevails.

The omnic army of the Skynet Empire is not weak either!

However, the high-level combat robots of the thirteenth to (adcc) fifteenth level have produced more than 100 billion in the tens of thousands of years of the Skynet Empire.

In five days, thousands of Angel teams scattered over the entire Caesar harvested more than three trillion basic cosmic energies.

And within the Skynet River System, the thousands of Angel’s 10,000 troops, which were already on the verge of collapse, also fell into a predicament after pushing a small galaxy horizontally.

In today’s Net River system, the top-level combat power of level 16 and above is slightly insufficient, and the six million force Angel is enough to sweep it, the number is more, and the potential is greater. But in the 15th-level energy Angels who have the limit of the single soul of the universe and are enough to directly match the 16th-level combat power of ordinary high-level civilization, they have become Caesar’s primary reincarnation target!

However, it is not enough, it is far from enough!

Caesar sneered as he listened to the latest news from the Angel Scouts on the vast fleet of the Skynet Empire!

“It’s the exaggerated number, and the omnic civilization is more difficult to deal with!”

“Then now, let’s start the harvest!”

“The most important thing is that apart from energy, the souls these omnics can provide are pitiful!

“Should it be said that the omnic civilization is worthy of being one of the civilizations in the universe that are almost best at accumulating violent soldiers?”

Scattered into a force of thousands of thousands of people Angels and energy Angels are returning quickly.

Millions of top combat robots of 16th to 18th level, nearly 100 billion high-level combat robots of 13th to 15th level, as well as the number of middle and low level combat robots that are difficult to calculate, and a large number of terrifying level 6 space battleships And the mechanical battle star that almost covered the entire universe starry sky, is sweeping from all directions, like a dark cloud cover, as if to drown the Angel Legion in one fell swoop.

Every minute and every second, a large number of omnics of the Skynet Empire have been seized by the Angel Legion to capture their energy cores, while occupying their hard-built energy harvesting factories!

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