Marvel: My Vampire System

5: Healing Factor

Before driving to the gym.

Stephan headed towards a nearby dollar store before buying a lot of Jasmine's favorite snacks for her before heading to the gym. 

Stephan's mother had previously bought a family membership to the gym for the whole family, except no one but she and Stephan used it occasionally, Jasmine couldn't be bothered to go to the gym.

Because no matter how much that little girl ate, she didn't seem to gain a single pound at the end of the day.

People with a high metabolism had it good. 


Stephan entered the gym and showed the reception person his membership card before he was allowed through.

"let me test my stamina first," Stephan said as he stood before a treadmill, he would test all of his limits today if he could, it was always good to know more about your own body and strength. 

Stephan stepped onto the treadmill, he kept it at a slow pace before he continued to increase the speed.

yet after reaching the max speed on the treadmill, he could continue running comfortably.

after running on the treadmill for close to half an hour, Stephan still wasn't feeling any sign of tiredness or discomfort, so he could only get off the treadmill and proceed to do something else.

Many people had noticed his insane act of running full speed on a treadmill at 9 am, but they didn't bother saying anything and acted as if they couldn't see.

The fact that he didn't even break a sweat completely flew over their heads as well.

Stephan continued with his workouts and went to the dumbbell section, even the largest dumbbell in there was easily picked up by Stephan with almost little to no effort.

he kind of expected this, it felt exaggerated but Stephan knew he would only get stronger from here.

After working out for another hour or so, Stephan still hadn't broken a sweat, he could only pack up his stuff and return home around 10:30 Am.


After driving back home, Stephan went into the living room and ran into Jasmine, she was sitting on the couch watching TV while playing with her phone.

"here are your snacks" Stephan threw the bag of snacks onto the couch before heading into the kitchen.

"Oh MY GOD, thank you" Jasmine's voice could be heard as she hurriedly opened the bag and began eating the snacks.

Stephan didn't bother with her and grabbed a kitchen knife before heading into his room silently.

"System, even though I'm not a true vampire yet, I should still have some useful abilities other than my strength right?" Stephan asked, from what he knew, vampires had a good healing ability, which was why he had prepared this knife.

[Ding, the host is correct, not only do you have a strong healing factor, but you are also immortal, as long as you have enough blood you can live forever if you want to, if the host wants skills such as telekinesis, flight, hypnosis, illusions, and other things, please rank up] The system calmly explained as Stephan sat on a chair In his room.

seeing the system's reply, Stephan couldn't help but grin as he looked at the sharp knife before him, he slowly moved his finger across the blade of the knife before placing it against the back of his palm.


with all his strength, Stephan pushed the blade of the knife against his skin and made a large cut on his hand, the injury was white before it slowly started to ooze with fresh blood.

Stephan ignored the pain as if he couldn't feel it and looked at his hand which was heavily injured.

in a matter of a few minutes, the injury slowly healed at a rate visible to the naked eye, it even became a scab before the scab then fell off in seconds and his skin returned to normal.

"What an incredible healing ability," Stephan thought as he waved his hand around, the pain which he felt previously was completely gone, almost as if it was never there, to begin with.

Stephan also realized that he was immortal now, meaning he could live for an indefinite amount of time if he truly wanted to.

but to be honest, who wanted to live forever? no matter who it was they would get tired of living and decide to off themself one day due to being bored.

hopefully, it never comes down to that in the future, that would be a sad way to end his own life. 

"system, I know you said to just keep devouring blood, but what's the fastest way to become a true vampire" Stephan decided to ask, he couldn't feed off the blood of the poor deers in the woods for long, the effect would soon be gone, plus the blood of smaller creatures didn't even phase him at all.

[Ding! The fastest way for the host to become a true vampire is to devour Human Blood, human blood or the blood of humanoid beings has always been the best type of blood to create powerful vampires] The system replied mechanically in the same feminine voice.

"that's right" Stephan came to a realization, as much as he didn't want to taste the blood of humans previously, he had no choice now that he was a vampire.

"I guess it's okay as long as I only devour the blood of criminals and others alike," Stephan said after thinking for a while, luckily he knew a very ghetto neighborhood around his area which was usually filled with many gang bangers.

Stephan could even remember taking a walk through that neighborhood once to visit a friend and almost lost his life while passing by a group of gang members smoking on the block. 

"hehe" Stephan smirked as he thought about the chaos he would cause, with his transformation, he wouldn't have to worry about being caught on camera by the police, they wouldn't be able to link his vampire form to his human form, so there was nothing to worry about. 

---- for +5 Advanced chapters 

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