Marvel: My Vampire System

12: So many Options

As Stephan traversed through the sky, he picked up speed and it wasn't long before he made it back home.

Shapeshifting into a tiny bat, he made his way through the small crack which he left in his window and appeared back inside his room. 

The tiny bat then turned into a cloud of smoke before Stephan's human body materialized in the room.

"that was easier than I thought" Stephan contemplated inwardly, shape shifting was incredibly easy, he could do it at but a thought.

an incredible ability for sure. 

Stephan turned on the lights in his dark bedroom before sitting on the edge of his bed.

As he thought back to the continuous notifications he got from the system, he couldn't help but become excited.

"let's start with the vampire family thingy, system, what's that all about," Stephan asked as he pulled up the system's holographic interface.


The Vampire Family: A function built to help the house manage his own family/clan of vampire subjects]

[Allows the host to locate the location of all his clan members, choose ranks in the clan, etc.]

Stephan read the long lines of explanations on the new function, it now made sense to him.

Since he was now a True vampire, Stephan could now turn other beings into his loyal vampire subjects.

These subjects could only survive off his blood, meaning they needed his blood if they wanted to stay alive.

Another thing about this was that, if Stephan wanted to turn a strong being into a vampire, for example, an eternal or someone like Thanos, there would be different success rates for turning them into vampires.

this was possibly the system's way to keep his power balanced. 

Stephan pulled up the Vampire House function screen, it was pretty much empty and the only thing he saw was.

[Name your house:] 

"I'll do that later when I have a subject under me," he thought with a smile and closed the screen.

"system, pull up the unique skill choices you gave me earlier," Stephan said, this was what he had been looking forward to the most.


The host has the chance to choose between a few unique Vampire abilities.

-please choose wisely: Telepathy, Atmokinesis, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, ElectroKinesis, Shadow Control, or Blood Control. 

(Rank up to choose more unique abilities)]

The system immediately pulled up the holographic screen once again.

Looking at the list which he had only gotten a glimpse of previously, Stephan was stumped for a second. 

how would he know what to choose? they all sounded so cool.

"system, can you give me a short but meaningful description of all of these abilities?" Stephan asked with a hand on his chin, his eyes looking everywhere.

[Of course: 

-Telepathy: Allows you to read the minds of mortals, able to communicate with animals, and form unique connections. 

-Atmokinesis: Allows you to control the weather within limits, direct fog, summon storms, control the force of the wind, call down thunder... etc. 

-Telekinesis: Move objects with your mind (self-explanatory)

-Pyrokinesis: Control over fire, can summon heat and flames with the mind.

-ElectroKinesis: Projecting lightning from your hands or body, able to sun and cause destructive damage, especially to robots.

-Darkness/Shadow Control: Control the darkness and be the king of the shadows, great ability for vampires with strong offensive abilities and is very suitable for stealth.

-Blood Control: Control your blood and the blood of others, with limitations.

Able to create strong weapons with your blood and the blood of others, as long as you have blood, you will never fall. ] 

The system pulled out a lengthy description of all of the unique abilities, but each of them only had short descriptions of their abilities.

if one wanted to find out more, one could only choose the ability.

Stephan smiled as he looked at this, a few abilities had caught his eye off-rip, and a few others wouldn't even be considered by him.

"System, can I cross out the ones I don't want yet?" Stephan asked with a smile.


Just say the name of the unique ability you don't want and it will be taken off the list, if you want it back just inform the system] 

"Alright," Stephan replied and focused his gaze on the screen in front of him.

"Alright, for now, let's remove Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, and ElectroKinesis" 

Stephan said with a sigh, these abilities were all great, but they didn't fit his style.

for example, telepathy, definitely couldn't be underestimated, but it would only get him so far in the Marvel world.

Telekinesis on the other hand was a great ability to be honest many characters in this world had such power at their disposal, Stephan had nothing bad to say about the ability, it just wasn't his cup of tea at all.

as for Pyrokinesis and ElectroKinesis, they were also pretty mid to be honest, just off the descriptions alone, with a slight exception to ElectroKinesis since it came with strong destructive power to robots and electronic objects. 

-please choose wisely: Atmokinesis, Shadow Control, or Blood Control. 

Stephan was now left down to three choices. 

Atmokinesis had been left alone for now because Stephan was slightly interested in the ability to control the weather. 

It was far more powerful than Pyrokinesis and ElectroKinesis combined since it could bring out both the element of fire and thunder.

other than Atmokinesis, Stephan felt like blood control and Shadow Control were abilities that would greatly complement his vampire abilities.

he wouldn't disregard these two choices and choose the other ones just because they sounded cooler.

For example, Atmokinesis was very powerful, but for a vampire, did he need this ability? especially since he was a creature of the night.

Of course, one could argue that he could do a lot with changing the weather at will, but Stephan preferred to fight his enemies in close combat, blood control, and Shadow Control would both give him strong powers that would greatly complement his vampire abilities. 

"argh, I'll make a choice tomorrow, I feel a little sleepy" Stephan closed the screen and decided to think about this tomorrow after researching more about these two abilities.

perhaps he could find some fictional writings of these stories on the internet tomorrow. 

---- for +5 Advanced chapters

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