Marvel: Infinity

Chapter 34: Mad Scientist

Jack wasn't sure why the other person was here, but it seemed that the Russians have also discovered this place.

This made him even more curious. What was in it, in the Hydra base, that could attract the attention of the Russians?

Could it be that they had the same target?

It's highly possible.

Jack decided to observe the situation first. He worked with the Russians before because they had a common goal. However, he's not sure what their purpose is this time around.

After about an hour, he heard the sound of car engines in the distance. Jack knew that this was the supply convoy arriving.

He quickly moved down the mountain to prepare to follow the convoy. At the same time, he noticed that Claire was also on the move. It seems like they have the same plan.

Arriving at the side of the main road, Jack intentionally kept a distance from Claire so that she wouldn't notice him. As the convoy passed, he quickly bounced and climbed into the truck.

He was frustrated because the truck was full of supplies, and the top of the truck was too noticeable, so he had no choice but to crawl under it.

As he complained to himself and planned to teach the Hydra a lesson, he felt a gust of wind blowing and turned his head to see that someone had appeared beside him.


The two of them looked at each other in surprise. Apparently, neither of them expected to find another passenger here and were almost thrown off in shock.

The person who had appeared was none other than Claire. It seemed they had the same idea and had chosen the same way and truck.

"What are you doing here?!" Claire whispered when she recognized Jack.

"You also came for the drug, right?" she also said

Jack was completely confused. 'What is that? Does it exist in the Marvel movies' Just as he was about to ask for an explanation, Claire stopped him. "Shh! Don't speak out loud!"

Looking outside, they had arrived at the gate of the Base, and the gate finally opened as the truck slowly drove into the Base.

The two of them were not talking. Although Jack wanted to rush out and kill everyone to capture his target, he needed to first figure out where their target was. Otherwise, he might miss a hidden passage or something.

The convoy stopped at a place that looked like a parking lot. After the driver got out and left, Jack and Claire waited until there were no people around before crawling out from under the truck.

The two of them walked together with great tacit understanding until they reached a relatively safe and secluded place.

Almost simultaneously, the two drew their guns and pointed them at each other.

"Hmm, I thought we were pretty acquainted," Jack joked lightly. "Now it seems we're just strangers."

"Stop talking nonsense. Why are you here?" Claire looked at Jack with a serious expression, secretly on guard. She knew very well that it wouldn't be difficult for him to defeat her with his skills.

As he walked cautiously, he couldn't help but be careful.

"I'm here to capture someone and take him back to the US for trial!"

Jack said

"Let me guess, the person's name is Gerhard Winkler, right?" Claire replied

"Don't tell me your target is him too!" Jack still didn't lower his gun.

Claire didn't answer, slowly lowered her gun, and left with the words, "Don't bother me."

Jack frowned slightly, surprised by her reaction.

If they had the same target, the other person would kill or work with him. Now, turning around and leaving meant that their targets were different.

Well, that made things easier.

After realizing this, Jack ignored Claire's mission. He had to carry out his own mission.

The urgent task was to find the target. Still, there was little information about the Base and even less information inside.

He had to find it on his own.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps rang in his ears, getting closer and closer. Jack's eyes lit up. 'What a coincidence.'

Five minutes later, Jack, dressed in a Hydra uniform, confidently entered the Base. People passing by didn't notice him and thought he was on patrol.

He searched for his target in the base. Still, after half an hour of wandering around, he had gone through the entire base but found nothing.

Walking past a room, Jack suddenly stopped and took two steps back to look at the sign above the door. Luckily, he understood German and knew it meant "archives room."

After scanning the area and seeing no one, Jack opened the door and quickly entered the archives room. The room was filled with rows of filing cabinets, and he quickly locked the door from the inside.

As he searched through the files, he eventually found the ones related to his target mission involving a person named Gerhard Winkler. However, all he saw were thick files filled with experiment records.

"Experimental records?" Jack frowned as he went through the five-centimeter-thick file on Gerhard Winkler's experiments. He was curious about what the other party had been researching.

Jack was curious about what Gerhard Winkler was researching, so he opened one of the files.

"In 1942..."

"On February 5th, subject three was injected with serum number one and is currently in good condition!"

"On February 12th, subject three experienced brain dead, and the experiment failed!"

"On March 25th, subject seventy-two was injected with serum number one and initially was in good condition. However, their entire nervous system began to collapse five minutes later, and they died from suffocation!"

"On April 2nd, subject eighty-six also did not survive, and the experiment failed!"

"On May 10th..."

"On June 28th..."

"On July 30th..."

The experiment involves injecting different drugs into test subjects, with varying results ranging from success to failure and even death.


Jack became more and more horrified as he read on. From the beginning of 1942 until the end of the year, over three hundred test subjects died from this "Number 1 drug." Jack didn't know what the drug was, but he was sure it was important, which was probably why he was sent here.

This Gerhard Winkler was really crazy. So many test subjects had died, and he had just brushed it off like it was nothing. He was truly a mad scientist.

Suddenly, the base was filled with a loud alarm, bringing Jack back from his thoughts. He quickly put down the experiment records, put on his helmet, and ran out of the archives room!

'Claire has been discovered'

It was inevitable that a place like this would be discovered, and Jack didn't want to think about what the other person would do. He just wanted to catch his target and go home.

The file he just read had detailed records of where Gerhard Winkler usually stayed, which was in the laboratory on the third floor.

He quickly ran upstairs and turned a corner to suddenly find a group of people. They were all running for their lives, and in the middle of the group was Gerhard Winkler, who was being protected and headed towards the stairs.

Looking behind him, Claire was already fighting off several soldiers, and it seemed like her target was also Gerhard Winkler.

Jack silently dropped his torch as the opponent got closer and drew the pistol from his waist, firing two shots at the enemy.

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