Marvel: I’m Thanos

Chapter 008

a year ago.

After completing the task assigned by Thanos, General Dead Blade did not immediately return to his life, but searched for a new planet on his own.

While searching, he meets a man, or god, who is in exile in space.

Because the other party claims to be an Asgardian Protoss, and his name is Loki.

Hearing this name, Thanos is more aware of his current timeline.

This should be the time period after the plot of Thor.

In order to obtain the throne of Asgard, Loki calculated his cheap father, and Odin was about to fall asleep.

So he deliberately induced his brainless brother, Thor to anger the god king Odin.

And Thor was indeed stripped of his divine powers by the angry Odin as Loki had calculated, and entered the atrium, that is, Blue Star.

So Loki got his wish and obtained the status of the acting god-king when Odin fell into a deep sleep.

But Loki doesn’t satisfy the word agent.

Ambitious, he even sent the war machine, the Destroyer, to Blue Star to assassinate his brother.

But what Loki didn’t expect was that all this was actually the trickery of his cheap father.

Because Loki himself does not know, in fact, he is a frost giant bloodline, so no matter what he does, it is impossible to inherit the throne of the Asgardian gods.

When Loki is about to win, Odin secretly returns Thor’s divine power.

So Thor blasts the Destroyer and then back to Asgard, and Loki falls into an unknown wormhole.

The current plot is that before the Avengers, he just discovered Loki and asked the other party to bring the Mind Gem to Blue Star in preparation for the invasion of Blue Star.

But since he knows the plot, he naturally won’t go with the plot anymore.

The devil knows which Marvel universe is here, in case it’s the universe of that madman in Ultron.

Send the Mind Gem over and let the other person create Ultron, and then send yourself away with a laser.

He’s not that stupid.

But Loki could take advantage of it.

Just as Thanos was looking down to think, Proxima Centauri, who was following his cultivation next to him, suddenly knelt down.

“My lord, I can’t do it.”

Thanos shook his head and let Deep Blue turn off the gravity system.

Then he said as he walked out: “I’ll go see this Loki, you guys don’t adapt to a thousand times the gravity in the future, don’t let me go out.” When

Proxima Night and General Deathblade heard this, they immediately showed a bitter melon-like face.

Although their strength is a well-known existence in the universe, they dare not disobey the orders of adults at all.


After ten minutes.

Thanos came to the place where Loki was being held, and the first thing he saw was the long horned helmet.

At this time, the other party was lying on the bed, looking at the book that he didn’t know where to get it.

However, Thanos turned his head to look at another corner of the prison.

It looks empty and nothing.

But in his perception, there is a cloud of energy gathering there.

And as his gaze turned, the energy stopped gathering and returned to calm, as if it were an illusion.

But Thanos knew that it wasn’t an illusion at all.

So he showed a mocking smile.

Loki is known as the god of cunning, of course, it is impossible to obediently tie his hands and capture.

The one on the bed should be an illusion, and the real body hides in the corner, and when someone comes in, he will attack.

And Loki, in the dark, saw the big purple man outside the cell looking at him and smiling, and immediately knew that his careful thinking was seen through.

He was also very bare, directly disarmed the illusion and stealth, revealing a fully armed appearance, and then looked up at the big guy in front of him.

In fact, he is not short, and his height of one meter eight is also considered medium height among the Asgardian gods.

But Thanos’ height of nearly two meters and five meters is too tall for him.

“Who are you?”

Thanos closed the laser door and walked inside.

Then took advantage of his height, looked at each other from a top-down perspective, and said lightly: “You can call me Thanos.”

Loki saw that the other party looked down on him like this, and his heart was angry, but his body still lowered his head very honestly, and said respectfully: “It turns out that you are Lord Thanos, and you have long admired the daimyo.” ”

Although Asgard pursues a policy of closing the country and locking its doors, some news from the universe can still come in.

Among them, about the rise of Thanos, it is definitely the biggest news in the entire universe recently.

After all, the other party is the only one in the universe that implements the population resource birth law, so that people do not even have the freedom to reproduce.

Implement the so-called most scientific and rational birth plan.

If someone has more or fewer children, they will face huge fines or even criminal penalties.

And this set of solutions is exactly the way Thanos came up with to sustainably maintain the balance of the universe.

It is much stronger than the previous set of demilitarization erasing half of the life in the universe.

But in the Marvel Universe, which sees freedom more than life, this set is regarded as an evil outside the way and avoided.

If it weren’t for his strength, I am afraid that he would have been eliminated as a heretic long ago.

Thanos ignored Loki’s superficial compliments, but said playfully: “Loki, nicknamed the God of Fraud, Odin’s third son, but a mongrel with the blood of a frost giant. Hearing

the word mongrel, Loki’s eyes suddenly flashed coldly, and he waved his hands forward.

In an instant, more than a dozen daggers shot out from the void and flew towards Thanos extremely quickly.

The previous compliments were just to paralyze the other party.

He had been calculating how to escape.

But to his surprise, Thanos ignored the daggers and clasped his hands to his chest.

Seeing this, Loki’s heart began to get excited.

Among these dozen daggers, one is his own artifact, the God Killing Short Blade.

A weapon that can be called an artifact by the Asgardian gods, its power is naturally extraordinary.

He didn’t know how many powerful enemies he had killed with the God Killing Short Blade, and this big purple man must be no exception.

In the next instant, a sound of steel colliding sounded.

Dingding…” At this time, a particularly crisp “Oh…” sounded.

Loki suddenly showed a look of disbelief.

Because the artifact that he had pinned high hopes on was bounced off like the other daggers.

And Thanos also seemed to feel that this dagger was different, caught the falling god-killing short blade, looked at it for a while, and then said mockingly: “You can take out a dagger made of Ulu metal casually, you Asgard are really rich.” ”

Ulu metal, although not as rare as Edman alloy and vibranium, is also the fourth place in the Marvel Universe.

The dagger-sized Ulu metal in his hand could even be exchanged for a small spaceship in the Cosmic Alliance.

This also shows the value and preciousness of Ulu metal.

Loki ignored Thanos’ pastime, but said with an ugly face: “First of all, I am not a mongrel, and also, I am Odin’s second son, not the third!” ”

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