Marvel: God of Ben10

Chapter 059

Approaching the sun, every step forward is accompanied by a blazing heat wave!

The surface temperature of the sun is as high as 5,000 degrees!

At this temperature, it is enough to melt everything in the world!

Superman X grabbed Superman and stood in front of the sun.

With both hands again, he tore the sentry’s body apart again and threw it into the sun!

The energy of the sun instantly flooded the sentinel’s two bodies.

The flesh instantly evaporated, revealing a dry bone.

Under the gaze of X-Superman, the dry bones sank to the surface of the sun and were reduced to ashes.

Sentinel, die!


Nick on Earth detected this scene through satellites, squirmed his Adam’s apple, and swallowed his saliva.

The arm supporting the table was also shocked in his heart, losing the support of strength, and his elbow went soft, almost falling.

“How did he fly out of the earth by flesh?!”

Looking at the X Superman standing quietly in front of the sun in the camera, Nick had various questions in his heart.

Lin Tian’s original evolution speed on the earth was fast, and at that time, his strength was already unfathomable!

Originally, Nick thought that the only one on Earth who could have the power to fight Lin Tian was the Sentinel!

For the sentinel in the void state, he regarded Lin Tian as the sentinel’s best opponent.

Do not seek to defeat the sentry, but to limit the sentry’s fury.

When the Void Sentinel was in the upper hand to fight with Lin Tian, Nick still had a little joy in his heart, at least, there was an opponent who could suppress Lin Tian’s strength!

As far as he knows, the Sentinel who lifted the Void State is still a good superhero.

Maybe in the future, when he encounters a certain threat, the sentinel can stand up and help him protect the earth together.

At least so far, Nick did not see any hope of reaching a consensus in Lin Tian.

But he never expected that Lin Tian would evolve again in the battle with the sentinels!

The new form that appeared this time directly tore the sentinel alive and threw it into the sun!

This kind of result was something he never dreamed of!

“How many states can this Lin Tian use…” Nick’s face turned pale, and he shook his head in unimaginability.

Just the forms he knew and knew, there were nearly ten types.

Four-handed Overlord, Flame Man, Diamond God of War, Flash Star, Shapeshifter, Ghost, Electromagnetic Macho, Little Shocker, Sky Thunder, Mummy…

Now there is X Superman!

The key is that this guy can not only switch back and forth in these patterns at the same time, but also use both abilities at the same time!

Moreover, he also has the Mind Gem!

Nick shook his head violently, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he became, and hurriedly interrupted his guess.

Now in his heart, Lin Tian only had one identity.

A true God of War!

And Lin Tian in that space looked at the position where the sentinel was engulfed by the sun, his face was indifferent, and he was unhappy.

Even the sentinel, after entering the sun, the body turned into ashes.

But Lin Tian knew that the sentinels would be resurrected.

However, this devastating blow can free the Sentinel from the void.

After getting this information, Superman X turned around and returned to Earth.

His purpose in finding Sentinel is to activate X-Superman, and now that his purpose has been achieved, there is no need for him to do anything else.

The sentinel who lifted the void state was dominated by a kind personality, and he would not be stupid enough to go to Lin Tian again.

And he didn’t know that X-Superman was turned into by Lin Tian, so the sentinel could be a loss of threat to Lin Tian.

As for the safety of other people on the earth, it has nothing to do with Lin Tian.

Moreover, even if the sentinels came to Lin Tian for revenge again, then X-Superman could easily tear him apart again!

After taking two deep breaths, a terrified Nick turned to look at the small box on the table.

Where a tube of potions lies quietly.

This potion is exactly the potion that gives the sentinel the ability to terrorize!

At the same time, this is also one of the ways to remove the sentinel from the void.

The box was closed, and the only potion plunged into darkness again.

When Hill looked up at the figure of Superman X in the sky with a terrified face, his eyes were still wide and his breathing was a little messy.

“He… It was a one-man return! ”

The moment he returned to Earth, a flame ignited on Superman’s body, and his state changed to Flame Man.

The palm was aimed at the ground, and two red flames shot on the ground, canceling out the buffer force, and the flame man turned into Lin Tian and landed steadily on the ground.

“If it’s okay, I’ll go.”

Glancing at Hill’s dull face, Lin Tian turned around and left after saying a word.

Hill hurried to follow.

And above a snowy mountain, a figure falling naturally and his skin burning in friction quickly smashed into the snowy mountain.

The snow was splashed, a large hole was smashed out of the surface of the snowy mountain, and the snowy mountain shook violently.

Standing up with difficulty, the sentry looked a little dazed and looked down at his hands.

“Could it be that nothingness is coming out again?” The sentinel looked pained and remorseful.

At this moment, the murderous aura in the sentry’s eyes faded, revealing clean and pure pupils.

The clean pupils were full of remorse.

Although the void state was lifted, the sentinel still had a memory of what he had just done.

“The man who threw me into the sun… Who is it? With a sharp stir, the sentinel raised his head and looked at the sky, trying to recall information about Superman X.

“This time, I really appreciate his help.”

After not recalling the details, the sentry gave up, and a look like the aftermath of the disaster appeared on his face.

Although they destroyed an entire town and killed nearly a thousand people, the sentinels knew that if X-Superman did not appear, the number of dead and injured would reach a terrible number!

The sentry shook his heavy head, raised his hands into fists, and was about to fly away from here, when a strange figure stepped on the flying machine and appeared in front of him!

Green Goblin, Osborne!

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