Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 – King Of Waste Wood

“Master, you’re finally back.” When Owen saw Patch, his eyes widened in surprise, he yelled and threw himself on him, crying with tears in his eyes: “Master! You don’t know, I This sleep has lasted for more than two years, you don’t know how boring I am!”

“Uh, can you loosen it for me first?” Patch pushed Owen away with a look of disgust, and shook the wizard’s robe, thinking that luckily it wasn’t dirty.

“Master, you can’t be so ruthless! This time, you have to take me out to have fun, otherwise I’m really going to go crazy here.” Owen, who was pushed aside by Patch, said with a frustrated face .

“Don’t worry, I…”

Just as Patch wanted to respond, he was interrupted by three simultaneous shouts, and quickly turned his head to look at the source of the sound.


Three figures suddenly jumped down from the upper floor of the small building.

There are a total of two men and one woman, uh… In fact, two men are really a bit reluctant, but the one woman is quite normal.

At this time, there were five figures standing in front of Patch, and there were four other people besides Orianna.

These four people are exactly the four names that Orianna called just now.

Owen, the man who rolled down from the beam and hugged Patch just now, wearing a scruffy leather jacket, and his long hair congealed by pomade looked disgusting, and this is exactly what Patch wanted immediately. The reason for pushing him away.

But don’t look at his appearance, in fact, among these four people, he can be regarded as the most complete and powerful magical life created by Patch.

Yes, these four people, like Orianna, were created by our great creator wizard and master god, Patch Maiwes.

Owen is a magical creation born from the items Patch traded with Mephitos last time. Although he looks like a normal street **** on the outside, he’s actually a…well! He is a knight!

Patch originally wanted to create an orthodox demon knight, but he didn’t know what happened during the creation process, and suddenly he was created as a horror knight full of flamboyance, and he didn’t look scary at all!

So every time he sees him, Patch can’t help feeling a pain in the flesh, knowing that what he got from Mephitos is not an ordinary thing, but the corpse of a panicked demon.

Using this demon corpse and countless precious materials, it took Patch a lot of effort to create him, but every time he stayed with him for a while, Patch couldn’t help but want to put him back into the furnace A reinvented mind.

Of course, after more than two years, Patch still did not put this idea into action.

Glancing at Owen with heartache, Patch then turned his gaze to the only woman in front of him, Elizabeth (uh… Orianna shouldn’t be considered a woman in Patch’s opinion!).

Elizabeth, the magical life that Patch created with the most care and the longest time.

To be honest, don’t worry! You must know that the prototype of Elizabeth is the goddess Hepburn, who has never changed in Patch’s past and present lives. She has a delicate face without any blemishes, long black hair hanging down to her waist, a slender figure, and a white princess dress. How beautiful.

Originally, Paqi created her just to satisfy his dream of hanging silk, hehehe… everyone understands it!

But it’s so hard to die. When Patch created Elizabeth, another sudden phenomenon happened. Just when Elizabeth was about to take shape, an inexplicable force penetrated into her body, and Elizabeth’s original twenty-year-old figure Instantly condensed into the appearance of a six-year-old girl.

The most frightening thing is that Elizabeth’s mind is only the standard of a six-year-old child.

Although Elizabeth is still so beautiful and delicate, Patch’s dream of hanging silk for many years has been completely ruined.

And six-year-old Elizabeth, no matter how frantic Patch is, he can’t do it!

Thinking of this, Paqi couldn’t help but think of the source of that inexplicable power, the most powerful beast power in the endless universe – the river crab. As expected, the power of the river crab beast is so powerful that Paqi can’t compete no matter what.

Thinking of the terrifying energy of the crab beast, Paqi couldn’t help but shudder, thinking that he should be a single dog for the rest of his life!

“Elizabeth is coming to Papa.” He hugged the cute little Elizabeth, and Patch had no choice but to gradually become a single dad.

Fortunately, Elizabeth’s cute baby attributes have not been lost, otherwise Patch would really cry.

Hugging the cute Elizabeth in his arms, Patch looked at the tallest thing in everyone.

Uh… Patch scratched his head and thought for a while, this guy Habu should only be counted as one thing! Because he is purely a big stone statue.

With a height of more than three meters, a clumsy body, and a stiff stone face, Habu is probably Patch’s most careless creation. Except for his own stone material, which is a bit special, there is really no bright spot.

Fighting has no combat effectiveness, he is ugly, and his head is still not bright. Patch himself wonders why he was brought out.

But three years ago, after Patch created Habu casually, he thought he couldn’t be so irresponsible, and at least he could make use of waste, so Patch painted countless magic spells on Habu’s stone body. runes.

In this way, although Habu still doesn’t have the slightest combat power, he can be used as a human shield… Oh! Stone shield is still good.

And Patch doesn’t think Habu has the possibility of dying, UU reading www. With the defensive magic pattern all over his body and the body made of sticky stone particles, Patch guessed that even if Hulk or Thor hit him with all his strength, he would be fine.

After talking about this big guy, now there is only the last one left, the shadow creature—Culence.

Among all Patch’s creations, probably only “Demon” Orianna and “Shadow Demon” Karens are reliable.

The dark matter extracted from the void of the universe brought them together, and Patch used magic to bestow intelligence on him, and finally created the “Shadow Demon” Karens.

Although he doesn’t have the powerful combat power of Orianna, Cullens is also very useful.

First of all, his body does not have a physical form. It looks like a gray silhouette. When Patch created him, the first thing he considered was to make him immortal. Qi at least considered a success.

Secondly, although Cullens is composed of a mass of void shadows, he can devour most of the tangible matter at will to strengthen himself, er… well, in short, he is particularly edible.

Cullens is definitely a master at cleaning up the battlefield and killing people, and Patch also gave him a special skill—possession.

How powerful it is to possess any tangible creature without realizing it!

Ok! Patch’s habit of bragging has broken again, but in fact Cullens is just a good-for-nothing.

“They’re all useless!” Patch burst into tears.

Squeezing little Elizabeth’s moist face, Patch swept away the depression in his heart, and said loudly to the others: “You all take action, our exchange is about to open again, hurry up and tidy up, we have to give This new customer leaves a good impression.”

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