Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 34 – Act of Heroism

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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"But what are you still doing in there?"

Steve questioned, with a tone of concern.

"Oh, I was just thinking of taking a stroll in the heights, Captain. Trying to enjoy the view while these friendly robots take me on an improvised tour. You know, the usual routine"

Natasha replied sarcastically, trying to stay calm in the risky situation.

Steve rolled his eyes slightly, catching the sarcasm in Natasha's tone. Meanwhile, Clint, next to Steve, almost laughed at Natasha's sarcastic response but continued flying around the truck.

"Boys, get ready, I'm about to dispatch the package to you"

Natasha said on the other end of the line while trying to disconnect the cradle.

"Alright, genius. And how do you expect us to grab this thing?"

Clint asked, maintaining a playful tone.

"Ah, we're the Avengers, we don't need detailed instructions. Just use your creativity, boys"

Natasha replied, now with a hint of challenge in her voice.


After much effort, Ultron manages to take the shield from Peter's hands. Due to the villain's swift attack, Peter is caught off guard and cannot dodge a punch that Ultron delivers using the shield. As a result, a good part of his mask tears.

"Come on, man, you must be kidding. This takes a lot of work to make, and you go and destroy it"

Peter, still recovering from the punch, rubs his face and looks at Ultron with an expression of indignation.

"You'll pay for this, old tin can. Nobody messes with my mask and gets away with it"

Peter goes after Ultron, managing to dodge another punch and counterattacking with a flying kick, throwing him away. However, Ultron quickly recomposes himself and propels forward, this time hitting Peter with full force, throwing him backward. Without wasting time, Ultron grabs him by the throat.

"You don't have a fighting style, kid. That's why you're going to die"

Ultron states, squeezing Peter's neck and making a blade appear in his hand.

When Ultron was about to hit Peter's chest, a beam of blue light passes swiftly between them, hitting Ultron and throwing him away. It was Pietro, who had saved our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Ultron gets up and, realizing who attacked him, becomes somewhat sad. However, trying to approach, iron bars enveloped in red smoke emerge from the ground, preventing him from moving forward. Looking back, he faces Wanda, who stares at him seriously.

"Please, children, don't do this"

Ultron says, looking at both Wanda and Pietro.

"And what choice do we have? You didn't give us another way out"

Wanda said, still staring at Ultron seriously.

Ultron, frustrated with the situation, looked at Wanda and Pietro with a mix of irritation and resignation.

"You don't understand. I was just trying to improve the world by eliminating its flaws"

Ultron argues, trying to appeal to reason.

Upon hearing that, Pietro looks at Ultron with a skeptical look, while his sister says nothing, just remaining firm.

"But that's not how you improve the world; you can't just impose your vision without considering the consequences."

Ultron tried to free himself from the iron bars, but unfortunately, that red smoke seemed to have a superhuman force, keeping him pinned to the ground.

"I don't blame you; you're just confused"

Ultron said calmly, trying to involve the siblings in the conversation.

Ultron, frustrated with the situation, tried to argue once again:

"I don't blame you; you're just confused. See, I just wanted to create a perfect world, free of flaws."

Pietro intervened with an ironic smile:

"Perfect? Does your perfect world involve destruction and chaos? I don't think you understand the definition of 'perfect.'"

Ultron, already impatient, shoots an energy blast in Pietro's direction, who dodges it, but consequently destroys the front part of the train, making it unstoppable. Ultron, seeing that the siblings were distracted by the train, took this opportunity to escape, breaking a door and then flying away.


Peter said, putting his hand on the communicator and trying to reconnect with the Quinjet.

"Guys, I lost sight of Ultron. He's heading in your direction."

Upon hearing this, both Clint and Steve looked at each other, realizing that Ultron was probably heading their way.

"I would come help you guys, but unfortunately, I have to find a way to stop this train"

Peter said with a concerned tone.

In the Quinjet, Clint's voice sounded through the communicator, maintaining a serious tone:

"Understood, kid. Leave Ultron to us. Focus on figuring out a way to stop the train."

"Affirmative, I'll see what I can do."

Peter said, disconnecting the communicator shortly afterward.

"Now I need to solve this big problem."

Peter whispered with a serious look.

After whispering those words, Peter turned around and looked at the front of the train, which was already completely destroyed. His spider-sense began to go off frantically, alerting him to an imminent danger. He realized that the train, in a few minutes, would collide with a building further ahead, possibly resulting in the death of everyone on board.

"Damn, not this. I have to do something fast."

Peter said somewhat apprehensively.

(Come on, Parker, think.)

Peter whispered while touching his head, trying to think of something.


Clint was maneuvering the jet and opening the rear compartment so Natasha could enter with the body when he saw Ultron approaching quickly, with an angry face, toward the truck.

"Natt, get out of there now. Ultron is heading your way, and apparently, he's not at all happy."

Clint warned, showing concern.

Upon hearing this, Natasha hurriedly cut some ropes holding the cradle on the truck and, before leaving, planted a bomb in the vehicle. Then she threw herself with the body toward the Quinjet. However, Ultron grabbed her leg and flew away with her.

Natasha, dangling by her leg and soaring with Ultron, struggled to break free. Meanwhile, in the Quinjet, Clint skillfully maneuvered the vehicle to keep up with the scene.

"Natt, hold on tight! I'm coming after you!"

Clint shouted through the communicator, trying to stay calm.

Natasha, with a serious expression, tried to free herself from Ultron's metallic grip. At the same time, she activated the communication device.

"Don't do this, don't forget our mission. Take the body to Tony."

"Damn it."

Clint said, slamming his hand on the jet's table, and then carrying the cradle to Tony.




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