Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: You Lose!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Luo Feng, why are you wasting time? Are you too afraid to come forward?” There was a sinister smirk on Lin Hui’s face when he hugged himself and fixed his gaze on Luo Feng’s figure.


Luo Feng sneered coldly and leaped before he firmly landed on the wide martial arts arena.

“You’re not qualified enough to scare me.” Standing ten steps away from Lin Hui, Luo Feng’s calm and unreadable gaze resembled a deep and ancient well.

“Hmph! You’re shamelessly boasting!”

Lin Hui knitted his bushy eyebrows together. Moments later, the coarse veins on his face bulged like earthworms when a sudden burst of energy exploded throughout his entire body. A tearing noise sounded as the uniform he wore ripped open when his muscles suddenly grew bigger. The strips of torn cloth fluttered down in abundance.

Lin Hui’s flesh was slightly exposed underneath his torn clothes. His skin became slightly flushed while his muscles were swollen like pieces of iron that turned red from being burned.

“Strengthening Technique!”

The students around them who were watching the fight from the bleachers all gasped in shock when they recognized Lin Hui’s martial arts skill. Those students were clearly startled.

“Lin Hui managed to cultivate his Strengthening Technique to Level Three. In that case, his power has probably surpassed 3307 pounds!”

“You’re right. Unfortunately, Luo Feng’s power is less than 1653 pounds because the cultivation base of his Energy Boundary has only reached the middle phase. He’s out of luck this time.”

Ji Wuyue and Bing Ruolan’s expressions faintly changed when they noticed that Lin Hui had used the Strengthening Technique.

The Strengthening Technique was a skill that required harsh training because it was a Yellow Rank Middle Class martial art that could increase one’s vital energy and perfect their physical body.

If Lin Hui managed to cultivate his Strengthening Technique to Level Five, his blood would be as strong as iron, his bones would be as hard as jade, and his skin and skeleton would resemble metal. Normal swords would not be able to harm him at all! The Strengthening Technique was an extremely impressive martial arts skill to anyone whose strength had yet to reach Level Six Meridian Cycle of the Iron Bone Boundary.

“Hahaha… Luo Feng, I bet you never imagined that my Strengthening Technique could progress to Level Three within these few days! My power has currently surpassed 3307 pounds. You’re merely an ant that can’t even block one of my punches.” There was an arrogant look in Lin Hui’s gaze when he looked down at his opponent from above.

“Is that so?” Luo Feng simply dug his ear and flicked his finger because he was completely unbothered by Lin Hui’s threats.

In the bleachers, Lin Xiaoxiao unhappily furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed Luo Feng’s behavior.

The girl was furious at Luo Feng’s attitude.

“Senior Brother Li, that guy called Luo Feng seems rather weird. Will my cousin be alright?” Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and asked Li Yunhao, who was beside her, while her gaze became slightly calmer when she faintly inhaled.

Li Yunhao calmly waved his hand and said, “Junior Sister Lin, don’t worry. Lin Hui’s cultivation base is higher than Luo Feng’s and his skin is extremely tough because his Strengthening Technique has already been cultivated to Level Three. He also managed to cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist to Level Two because I gave him several pointers regarding his cultivation these past few days. A good-for-nothing whose Energy Boundary is merely at the middle phase is no match for Lin Hui. It’ll be impossible for Luo Feng to dodge even one of his attacks!”

Lin Xiaoxiao gaze lit up before a gentle smile appeared on her face. She looked at Li Yunhao and said, “Senior Brother Li, thank you for your recent pointers.”

Li Yunhao turned his head and humbly smiled. “It was no big deal. Mister Duanmu left you in my care, so everything that concerns you also concerns me, Junior Sister Lin. This is just a minor matter, so please don’t mention it, Junior Sister Lin. Though for Mister Duanmu’s sake, I hope that you…”

Li Yunhao forced a laugh.

He was one of the Ten Great Roaming Kings last year and one of the top twenty students in the Golden Sun Class. Li Yunhao wanted to get on Lin Xiaoxiao’s good side because he wanted to be liked by the Inner Institution’s elite student, Duanmu Yu.

Lin Xiaoxiao’s beautiful face happily beamed when she sensed Li Yunhao’s humble attitude. There was a faint twinkle in her eyes when she said, “Don’t worry, Senior Brother Li. I’m going to say good things about you in front of Mister Duanmu.”

Her gaze swept past the arena before it landed on a silhouette with a ramrod-straight back.

“Hmph! How dare you disrespect me and look at me that way when your Energy Boundary is so weak? Luo Feng, I’m going to make it clear to you today that you’ll always be nothing but a dog to me.”

Lin Xiaoxiao forcefully pinched her sleeve while an icy aura seeped out of her eyes.

“You brat, prepare to die!” Lin Hui roared angrily in the arena because Luo Feng’s gaze had provoked him. Without any delay, Lin Hui simply charged forward like an arrow and aimed a punch at Lin Hui’s chest in midair. Explosive whooshing noises rang out when his fist broke through the air.


Before his punch connected, the previous burst of violent fist wind suddenly blew Luo Feng’s clothes and made fluttering noises.

Lin Hui’s fist energy was extremely powerful!

The students in the bleachers assumed that Luo Feng would first avoid Lin Hui’s punch that was filled with overpowering force. However, they never expected that Luo Feng would simply raise an eyebrow and cry out loudly.

“That was good!” Luo Feng clenched all five of his fingers and made a fist that resembled a lion’s claw. He quickly stepped forward before he lowered his body and charged directly at Lin Hui while his Leopard Fist came crashing toward his rival.

“Am I seeing things? Luo Feng is actually trying to go against Lin Hui directly!” The students in the bleachers were stunned.

Nobody expected that Luo Feng would choose to face off with Lin Hui directly because the cultivation base of Luo Feng’s Energy Boundary was only at the middle phase while Lin Hui’s was at the later phase! It was even worse now because Lin Hui used the Strengthening Technique.

“Damn you!” A trace of ferocity flashed in Lin Hui’s eyes before he unleashed the Strengthening Technique to its limit and increased his fist energy to the maximum. Lin Hui’s fist drew a white gash in the air before it struck Luo Feng’s fist with a crushing force.


A violent blast of air shot out and dispersed in all directions when their two fists collided. The air formed numerous little whirlwinds around the arena. During the commotion, one figure let out a dull groan before he flew nearly ten steps backward!

Everyone’s eyes were wide open.

“Luo Feng managed to push Lin Hui back! How was that possible?”

The students in the bleachers loudly exclaimed in disbelief when they clearly saw the outcome of the battle that unfolded in the arena.

Luo Feng’s legs resembled bronze pillars as he stood in his initial spot while Lin Hui who was pushed almost ten steps away during the fight looked extremely disheveled.

This was extremely unbelievable. Lin Hui’s Energy Boundary had reached the later phase and he had cultivated his Strengthening Technique to Level Three, but Luo Feng still defeated him in a direct confrontation!

Was Luo Feng’s Energy Boundary only cultivated to the middle phase?

That thought crossed everyone’s mind when they saw Luo Feng’s awe-inspiring figure that was standing tall in the arena.

Lin Hui also anxiously stared at Luo Feng. He was so affected that his entire body trembled before he angrily shouted, “That’s impossible! How could your power be so great?”

Luo Feng coldly glanced at Lin Hui before his silhouette unfolded. He stepped forward before he clenched his fist and attacked with the Leopard Fist at a frightening speed!


Luo Feng took several strides in one go while a murderous aura surrounded him as he violently pursued Lin Hui like a fierce leopard that was hunting its prey!

Lin Hui’s eyes were wide open in disbelief because he never thought that Luo Feng would be more powerful than him. Lin Hui gritted his teeth and threw another punch as Luo Feng charged directly at him.

The skin on Lin Hui’s face twitched when their fists collided again. A powerful force surged through his wrist, but he was unable to block it at all!

“This is bad!” Lin Hui was caught unprepared, but he tried to make use of his strength to retreat.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Suddenly, Luo Feng narrowed his eyes before an electrifying burst of energy shot through him. His right fist was initially tightly clenched before it sprang open like a metal spring. A loud bubbling noise erupted as Luo Feng opened his palm and successfully used the Leopard Crack.

Lin Hui stared in surprise and cried out in pain. He was immediately sent flying by the impressive force because he could not withstand it at all. While Lin Hui was in midair, a metallic taste traveled up his throat before he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood when he opened his mouth. The sound of bones cracking in his hands was also faintly heard.

The entire arena became strangely quiet. Everyone stared in shock at Luo Feng who was standing tall and completely still before their gazes shifted to Lin Hui, who had collapsed on the ground and was on the verge of death.

“Luo Feng has won!”

This was the only thing that the crowd was secretly thinking of now.

In terms of strength, Lin Hui ranked among the top twenty students in Silver Moon Class. However, he was defeated by Luo Feng who was at the bottom all along. Nobody would have believed it if they had not personally witnessed it.

“This is impossible! How could a good-for-nothing like him possess such strength?” In the bleachers, Lin Xiaoxiao hurriedly stood up from her seat. Her bright eyes were staring at Luo Feng while her pretty face was slightly stern and her fists were tightly clenched.

She never imagined that Luo Feng would win. It was worse because his win was undisputable. He only needed two punches to defeat Lin Hui until the latter spat blood and was sent flying!

“Li Yunhao! Didn’t you say that nothing would go wrong? Why did my cousin lose?” Lin Xiaoxiao indignantly turned around and interrogated Li Yunhao.

Li Yunhao’s gaze became sterner. This damned woman had definitely forgotten her place if she dared to take advantage of his kindness. She would not even be fit to lick Li Yunhao’s boots if she did not have Duanmu Yu to fall back on.

His head was filled with gloomy thoughts, but he plastered a smile on his face and said, “Junior Sister Lin, you don’t have to worry. Luo Feng simply happened to be unexpectedly lucky, that’s why he’s slightly more powerful than the average person. However, you shouldn’t concern yourself with that because it’s still impossible for him to defeat Lin Hui by solely depending on that insignificant matter.”

“Are you saying that my cousin hasn’t lost?” There was a doubtful look in Lin Xiaoxiao’s eyes.

“Yes.” Li Yunhao firmly nodded. His heart was secretly filled with joy when his dark gaze shifted toward the arena.

Fortunately, Li Yunhao had resorted to some evil tricks beforehand to ensure that he was prepared for any outcome. Otherwise, he would really have encountered a stumbling block today. If that happened, Li Yunhao’s reputation in the institution would be ruined.

Li Yunhao exhaled slowly while his palm was covered in cold sweat.

In the arena, Luo Feng glanced at Lin Hui from the corner of his eye while the latter was paralyzed in the distance. He indifferently said, “Lin Hui, you lose!”

“I haven’t lost!” Lin Hui’s eyes were bloodshot when he glared at Luo Feng. His face looked utterly ruthless when he stood up.

The students in the bleachers looked at the pair in the arena with confused looks.

Everyone could tell that nobody was a match for Luo Feng in terms of strength. Lin Hui looked like a complete mess after he lost because he could not even block Luo Feng’s two punches.

“When did that guy become so strong?” Ji Wuyue looked at Luo Feng suspiciously. This fight had given her so many surprises. She was just about to come forward and announce that Luo Feng was the winner when her expression suddenly changed.

In the arena, the bloody-faced Lin Hui unexpectedly retrieved a blood-red pill before he swallowed it in one go!

Snap, snap…

In a split second, numerous blood vessels on Lin Hui’s face suddenly bulged and continuously wriggled like earthworms while his eyes gradually turned into a strange blood-red shade. Lin Hui’s aura also drastically improved until it surpassed the previous stage by a large margin.

Lin Hui furiously glared at Luo Feng before he firmly stomped on the arena with his foot. His figure frenziedly charged forward while several cracks instantly appeared on the ground! Lin Hui’s current force had greatly surpassed the force of an individual who had achieved the later phase of the Level Four Energy Boundary.

“How could I, Lin Hui, lose to a good-for-nothing like you?” Lin Hui kept yelling angrily. His face looked incredibly ferocious because it was dripping with fresh blood.

“Blood Sacrifice Pill! The pill that he consumed earlier was the Blood Sacrifice Pill!” Shocked voices echoed throughout the bleachers while numerous students immediately stood up from their seats with frightened looks on their faces.

Most of the students recalled the previously unknown pill that Lin Hui had swallowed earlier when they noticed Lin Hui’s current appearance and his strength that suddenly increased dramatically.

The Blood Sacrifice Pill could unleash the body’s potential by consuming an individual’s lifeblood essence in exchange. This pill could greatly increase one’s strength within a short span of time! Unfortunately, the side effects were very serious as the user would not be able to get out of bed for a month once the effects were over. The institution had banned the use of this pill because it could even destroy the user’s meridian cycle.

“Lin Hui! Stop it!”

Ji Wuyue’s expression darkened while she angrily yelled. However, Lin Hui refused to listen because his mind was currently flooded with rage. He madly charged at Luo Feng while his strength was still heightened by the Blood Sacrifice Pill.


A wide, continuous crack suddenly appeared on the ground when Ji Wuyue stomped her foot.

When she quickly turned her head, a whooshing noise echoed. Her icy gaze shifted to a corner of the bleachers where Li Yunhao was sitting with a smirk on his face.

“You’re despicable!” The tips of Ji Wuyue’s eyebrows twitched as she coldly spat out those two words.

Li Yunhao sneered while a proud look faintly flashed in his eyes.

He had given Lin Hui the Blood Sacrifice Pill despite initially assuming that the latter would not need to use it against a helpless opponent who only had a middle phase Energy Boundary. Li Yunhao had only given him the pill as a precaution and had never expected that Lin Hui would actually use it.

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