Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: I’ll Give You Two Pointers

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’ve finally cultivated the Third Level of the Roaring Tiger Fist!”

Luo Feng could not help but smile seeing the crisscrossed imprint of his fist on the ground.

The Roaring Tiger Fist was undoubtedly a Yellow Rank Middle Class technique, and it was at least ten times more difficult to cultivate compared to the Leopard Fist. Even with Luo Feng’s sharp perception, he still needed six or so days in order to cultivate his Roaring Tiger Fist to the Third Level, and aside from that, he still had a long way to go in order to reach Level Four.

Nevertheless, Luo Feng was extremely pleased with the outcome, as he felt that none of his peers would be able to catch up to him.

His inner vitality had been affected by his progress of the Roaring Tiger Fist, and it was now surging as if it had come to a boil. Luo Feng took a deep breath and slowed his breathing down. However, all he felt was his spleen becoming slightly bloated and emanating a slight warmth. Upon noticing this, he immediately widened his eyes with a look of excitement on his face.

“I can’t believe that I’m about to reach the middle phase of the Energy Boundary soon. How am I so fast?”

A glint of surprise could be seen within Luo Feng’s eyes.

An average martial artist would require at least a month in order to advance their Energy Boundary from the early phase to the middle phase. Luo Feng, on the other hand, had made the advancement six days after he cultivated his Energy Boundary. This was an unprecedented rate of improvement!

“Let’s test out my current strength, shall we?”

Luo Feng reacted quickly to his newfound revelation. He took a deep breath, summoned up his inner vitality, and with a loud shout, he slammed his foot onto the ground with all his strength.


The cliff quaked, and Luo Feng’s right leg was half-a-foot deep into the rock. From that point of impact, wide, spiderweb-like cracks extended in all directions.

“Th-This move’s strength… It’s over 2000 pounds!” Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed in bewilderment as he inspected his own handiwork.

The force from that strike was extremely close to that of a martial artist in the later phase of their Energy Boundary!

Upon noticing this, a thrilled expression took over Luo Feng’s face.

‘There are only two more days to go, and I should be able to make it into the middle phase of the Energy Boundary before that. Heck, I might even achieve another breakthrough by then and attain over 2500 pounds of strength!’

“Lin Hui, you humiliated me thoroughly the other day, so this time, I’ll make sure to defeat you in front of our entire class!”

Luo Feng clenched his fists tightly, and as he recalled the scornful gaze that both Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Hui gave him the other day, his breathing turned hasty and his expression turned serious.

After he calmed down from his intense emotions, Luo Feng turned around to look at his surroundings. The cliff had been demolished by his fists and no longer resembled its former image.

“I had originally planned to pick a form of Light Body martial arts from the Martial Arts Hall and further improve my Roaring Tiger Fist within these two days, but it now seems that I’ll need to put off that plan. I’ll put it on the back burner until after I advance to the middle phase of my Energy Boundary,” Luo Feng mumbled to himself.

Cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist over these few days had gradually made Luo Feng aware of the differences between the Roaring Tiger Fist and other Middle Class fist techniques.

Although the Roaring Tiger Fist appeared simple at first glance, the technique actually involved the incorporation of one’s aura. When used, the ferocity of the attacks was akin to a raging dragon or a fearsome tiger, providing its users with a sense of unparalleled superiority.

Luo Feng took six days to cultivate his Roaring Tiger Fist to the third level. Originally, his plan was to cultivate the technique all the way to its highest level, but he soon realized that it was not easy to cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist’s fourth level.

It was as if he was missing something crucial to cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist’s fourth level, as he was unable to unleash its true potential.

Luo Feng thought about Ji Wuyue’s display of the Roaring Tiger Fist, and with his heightened understanding and reflection on his various hypotheses, he finally figured it out. In order to cultivate the Roaring Tiger Fist to the fourth level, Luo Feng would need to complement it with Light Body Techniques, and since he had only two days left, he did not have enough time to cultivate it further.

“It’s getting late. I guess that’s all for today. I’ll continue cultivating tomorrow.” After taking note of the sky’s color, Luo Feng prepared to head back down.

While he made his voyage down the hill, Luo Feng recounted the various changes that his Roaring Tiger Fist had gone through. As he made his way across the dense forest, his ears picked up on something.

He had noticed the faint tiger roars coming off from a distance, and there were also traces of a feminine voice mixed within them.

“This is the sound of somebody cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist.”

After spending all his time cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist non-stop, he had heard this sound at least a thousand times. As such, he only needed to listen to it for a mere fraction of a second to identify it.

“There’s indeed someone here who’s cultivating the Roaring Tiger Fist. Moreover, their voice seems familiar as well. Who could it be?” Luo Feng pondered briefly. However, he soon gave in to his curiosity and headed towards the direction where the noise was coming from.

Soon after he cleared the dense woods, his field of vision immediately widened. In front of him laid a mountain spring that was covered in a thin veil of mist, breathing a vibrant lifeforce into the area.

“What a great place to cultivate.”

Luo Feng muttered words of praise regarding the picturesque scene before him before cautiously proceeding forward. He made his way behind a giant tree and peered towards the direction of the spring.

Beside the spring stood a young lass in cerulean clothes practicing martial arts. The roars of a tiger could be heard sounding off with every punch she let loose. She was practicing the Roaring Tiger Fist!

“Bing Ruolan…”

Seeing the blue silhouette caused Luo Feng to shudder.

This lady stood there with short hair that mirrored the color of the ocean. Although she had a petite figure, the aura she gave off was extremely powerful. Her azure eyes sparkled like sapphire, and her long, slender legs gave a clean and tidy feel to her. She was none other than Silver Moon Class’ class representative, Bing Ruolan!

‘Hoho, she’s rather pretty, actually. To think that even her eyes are blue. I heard that she’s a descendant of the Waterfolk from the Northern Sea, but I’m not sure how true this rumor is.’

Luo Feng could not resist uttering a few words of praise as he fixed his gaze onto Bing Ruolan’s figure, especially on her perfectly proportioned legs.

Bing Ruolan’s gorgeous looks had garnered herself quite a bit of fame within the Purple Sun Institution since she was deemed as one of the three great beauties of the Outer Institution. In secret, she was even called ‘the Jade-legged Goddess’ by others.

She stood facing against the water with her pale blue hair swaying slightly. Although her punches looked soft, each blow was able to unleash ear-piercing gusts of wind. It was an impressive sight to behold, as it was able to generate wave after wave on the originally calm surface of the spring.

After launching a few blows, Bing Ruolan’s aura had reached a crescendo. She raised her eyebrow, crouched slightly, and like a dragon set free from its restraints, she cleanly unleashed Raging Tiger Leaves Cave using her right fist.


A weird scene transpired. The air in front of Bing Ruolan was distorted like a broken mirror as a white streak shot past the surface of the water, generating splashing sounds and subsiding only after it had traveled over a dozen meters.

“Starving Tiger Turns Head!” Another feminine voice could be heard yet again as Bing Ruolan thundered. Using her right foot as her pivot, Bing Ruolan did a half-spin and drew an arc with her left fist. With a boom, she unleashed yet another punch in front of her.


A dull explosion rang out as if the fist had made contact with a huge bell. The impact of it was so powerful that even Luo Feng was able to sense the intense vibrations in the air.

‘What a terrifying amount of force. This strike of hers is at least ten times more powerful than mine! So, this is the power of the Level Four Meridian Cycle Boundary, the Strength Boundary!’

Luo Feng unconsciously bit his lips at the thought of the strength behind the two blows.

While Luo Feng’s heart was still quivering at the sensation he felt, a doubt emerged in his mind.

Bing Ruolan’s earlier display of her Raging Tiger Leaves Cave and Starving Tiger Turns Head was indeed powerful, but there were two major mistakes within them, causing its strength to be greatly reduced.

“Why don’t you come out of hiding?!” Bing Ruolan had already sensed Luo Feng’s presence early on. After toning down her aura, she turned to look at the giant tree that Luo Feng was hiding behind with a piercing gaze.

Knowing that he was unable to fool her, Luo Feng scratched his head and walked out from behind the tree.

“Luo Feng!? What are you doing here?” Bing Ruolan flinched upon learning that it was Luo Feng hiding behind the tree.

“I just happened to be walking by this area when I heard the ruckus. So, I decided to investigate, but I never expected it to be the class representative cultivating.” Luo Feng looked at Bing Ruolan with a hesitant glint in his eyes. He was unsure whether or not to inform Bing Ruolan about her errors in using the Roaring Tiger Fist.

Sensing Luo Feng’s troubled look, Bing Ruolan automatically assumed that it was due to his bet with Lin Hui. With that in mind, she asked, “Luo Feng, there are only two more days left before the sparring session. How’s your preparation coming along?”

Luo Feng paused for a moment. However, upon realizing what Bing Ruolan was implying, he nodded his head and answered with a grin, “I’m almost done. Lin Hui is no match for me.”

Bing Ruolan was stunned.

She had assumed that Luo Feng would submit to his fate. When that happened, she would then persuade Luo Feng to seek Ji Wuyue’s aid and apologize to Lin Hui. With that, the situation would be resolved. Yet, never in her wildest dreams had she considered Luo Feng would respond that way and, as such, was at a loss for words.

“Why do you insist on being so hard-headed? You do know that you’ll only end up losing, right…” Bing Ruolan noticed Luo Feng’s determined gaze and realized that there was no point trying to convince him. She mentally heaved a sigh and glanced pitifully at Luo Feng.

“Class representative, you were practicing the Roaring Tiger Fist earlier, right?” Oblivious to Bing Ruolan’s expression, and with the favor he owed her in mind, Luo Feng decided to inform her about the matter regarding her Roaring Tiger Fist.

“Indeed, I just cultivated it to the second level earlier.” Bing Ruolan nodded with a glint of happiness in her eyes.

Bing Ruolan’s spiritual power had been lacking ever since she was young. However, her martial arts comprehension was on a whole different level. After all, she had cultivated the Yellow Rank Middle Class technique – Roaring Tiger Fist – to Level Two within the span of a few days. This was an impressive feat, to say the least.

Bing Ruolan was extremely confident that no one in the outer institution was able to trump her when it came to comprehension.

Luo Feng paused for a moment before he got straight to the point. “Class representative, the Roaring Tiger Fist you demonstrated earlier had two flaws.”

“Hmm… Wait, what? Flaws?”

Bing Ruolan nodded initially, followed by the appropriate response a moment later. She frowned at Luo Feng and with the traces of anger hanging on her expression, she asked, “Just what have I done wrong?”

She had always been proud of her comprehension. As such, Bing Ruolan could not help but be mad since someone had accused her cultivation method of being incorrect. Moreover, that certain someone was the bottom feeder of the class.

Unfazed by Bing Ruolan’s tinge of anger, Luo Feng nonchalantly continued, “The most crucial aspect of the Roaring Tiger Fist is its aura. It demands that the aura must be in equilibrium with your punches. However, I sensed that there was an imbalance in your aura when you launched your fists earlier. Furthermore, you were purposely diminishing your aura, and your fists weren’t direct enough. Due to this, you’ve lost the essence of the Roaring Tiger Fist, which prides itself on its tyrannical nature.”

Bing Ruolan’s aura surged as she glared at Luo Feng. She shouted, “How would you know?!”

“I’m only pointing out what you did wrong. Whether you’ll take my advice or not, I’ll leave it for you to decide.” With that, Luo Feng had finished what he wanted to say. He had no intention of explaining his words and decided to give a plain response. Without waiting for Bing Ruolan to respond, he turned away and left.

“What a fake!”

As Luo Feng’s silhouette gradually faded into the distance, Bing Ruolan spitefully muttered to herself. She assumed that Luo Feng was lying.

After all, Bing Ruolan was the number one expert in Silver Moon Class, whereas Luo Feng’s abilities had always been among the lowest within the class.

Heck, it was not just Bing Ruolan who would not believe it. Had it been anyone else, they too would doubt that Luo Feng would be able to detect the flaws in Bing Ruolan’s cultivation methods.

Originally, Bing Ruolan had intended to toss his words to the back of her mind and seal it away. However, Luo Feng’s confident gaze lingered within her mind. After giving it some thought, a sly gleam appeared in her eyes, and she declared to Luo Feng’s receding figure, “Hmph… since you’re acting so confident, I guess it won’t hurt to take your advice. However, if it turns out to be ineffective, you’d better watch out!”

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