Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 2

chapter 2

Zhao Guanjia of the Dingguo Mansion is a middle-aged man with a straight face. Looking at his straight back, steady pace and faint killing, it is not difficult to see that this Zhao Guanjia is a man who has been on the battlefield.

If she hadn’t had the experience of her last life, Jiang Ningbao would not have noticed the unkillable murderous spirit of this savvy Zhao housekeeper. She couldn’t help but think of the Ding Guo Gong, the male master who only heard his name and did not see him Xie Jingyi’s adoptive father, when it comes to Ding Guo Gong, the people of the Dayue Dynasty are well known.

He is also the person whom Jiang Ningbao admires most.

Now it is only twenty-eight, but it is already the Da Yue Dynasty God of War who made the enemy frightened.

Such a man who defends his country and defends his country, who can think of him as an outbreak of trauma in two years. He died suddenly when he arrived.

The male lead Xie Jingyi became the new Ding Guo Gong.

Jiang Ningbao thought of the traversing memory she received when she woke up, gently stroked the ruby ​​bracelet on her wrist, squeezed her pink lips, and fell into contemplation.

“Old lady, Zhao came to the house this time for the marriage of Grandpa Shizi and Miss Jiang Si.” Zhao Guanjia deserved to be a soldier, so he came straight in and gave a straightforward explanation.

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent for a moment.

Mrs. Jiang’s heart burst, and a bad hunch rose from the bottom of her heart. She glanced at Jiang Ningbao, the granddaughter, and asked indifferently, “What do you mean, Manager Zhao?”

The elder lady Zhang twisted the veil in her hand, pressed down the uneasiness in her heart, and asked with a smile: “Zhao Guanjia, my niece is sixteen years old, I don’t know when Shizi Ye became married to my niece?”

Jiang Ningbao withdrew his thoughts and looked at Zhao Butler with indifferent eyes.

Zhao Guanjia thought of Shiziye’s determination to withdraw from his family, frowned slightly, sighed in his heart, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for Miss Jiang’s fourth family.

“Mr. Zhao came to dismiss the marriage contract between Shiziye and Miss Jiang Si.”

The hall was dead and the atmosphere was suddenly frozen.

The maidservants did not dare to take a breath.

Jiang Mingyao’s beautiful eyes flashed a bit of worry, could not help but lightly pulled Jiang Ningbao’s sleeve, Jiang Ningbao sideways smiled softly at her, those extremely beautiful eyes were not surprised.

Jiang Mingyao was shocked.

The fourth sister reacted strangely.

For a while, Mrs. Jiang took a sip of tea soup and showed a stiff smile, confirming with a dry tone: “Zhao Guanjia, are you wrong, how could Shizi Ye get rid of the marriage contract with my four girls?”

Butler Zhao shook his head and sighed, “This is Ye Ziye’s decision.”

Mrs. Jiang no longer feels lucky, and her face can’t hide her anger. With a bang, the pastel flower and bird tea in her hand shot on the coffee table heavily.

“Zhao Guanjia, the matter of retreating is related to the reputation of the old girl in Bo Mansion. Forgiving the old body can not promise to withdraw from the family. Anyuan’s daughter-in-law’s identity is noble, and he must be under the old granddaughter.”

“This family matter cannot be retreated!”

Mrs. Jiang’s tone was firm, and she stared sharply at Zhao Guanjia, emphasizing every word.

“Mother is right, this family matter cannot be retreated. My niece has always abide by the etiquette, keeps himself safe, and has never done anything extraordinary. The daughter-in-law of Anyuan Hou is indeed higher than my niece, but the innocent person who ruined the innocent is her , Why should I retire my niece’s personal affairs and ruin her reputation?”

“Is it possible to bully my niece without my father and mother?”

“Father of the world is so deceiving!”

“How did this family matter be settled at the beginning, Zhao’s housekeeper must also know that now the grandfather wants to dissolve the marriage contract, it is really ungrateful.”

The eldest lady, Zhang, was furious and her tone was full of aggressiveness.

The niece’s family affairs are the link of the Dingguo government. Without this family affairs, Changningbo’s status will surely fall.

She, the Lady of the Bethlehem, will no longer have the scenery.

The eldest daughter’s position in the husband’s family will also plummet, which the Zhangs cannot tolerate.

Jiang Ningbao looked at this scene lightly, and his eyes flashed a bit of complexity. The people in Changningbo are not wicked, but they are involved in their own interests…

At this moment, the eldest lady Zhang turned to Jiang Ningbao, took her home, and patted her gently, appeasing: “The four girls are not afraid, your aunt will not let you be bullied.”

“I believe in grandma and aunt.”

Jiang Ningbao returned a smile of trust, her eyes full of pitiful weakness, like a pure and tender lotus, which made her look unmovable.

The housekeeper Zhao noticed the two girls in the hall as early as he came in. Out of politeness, he did not take a closer look.

It was only now that Ms. Jiang Si, who was withdrawn from the family, was among them.

At first glance, she was amazed by the delicate and beautiful Jiang Ningbao.

Zhao Guanjia couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and unbearable.

Unexpectedly, Shiziye’s fiancee, Miss Jiang Si, would be such a delicate and delicate girl who could not help but care.

In fact, Shiziye insisted on dissolving the marriage contract, and withdrew his relatives from Miss Four in Changning Bo. Zhao’s housekeeper disagreed. Miss Jiang’s family had reached sixteen years of age and could marry into Dingguo’s government only when the marriage date was fixed.

Who knows, something went wrong.

Shiziye actually rescued Anyuanhou’s eldest daughter in the peach blossom banquet of Princess Rui, ruined the other party’s innocence, and insisted on retiring the family and marry Anyuanhou’s eldest daughter.

The old lady disagreed and promised that if An Yuanhou agreed, he could marry the eldest daughter of Anyuan Hou’s daughter-in-law, but the grandfather knelt in the old lady’s yard for a day, forcing the old lady to agree.

Zhao Guanjia is very uncomfortable. In his mind, the old lady and the grandfather are the real masters in the house. The grandfather is just the young master who inherited from the Xie family.

Moreover, this prince of the world is only a default, and the prince of the country has not yet handed in a fold to determine the name of the prince.

But when thinking of the situation of Grandpa Guo, this grandpa is undoubtedly the master of the future.

Zhao Guanjia sighed in his heart.

“The withdrawal of the relatives from the fourth lady of Guifu is the meaning of the grandfather. The grandfather of the country did not know. My old lady couldn’t but the grandfather, so he agreed to come to the house to withdraw.

Zhao Guanjia did not want the old lady and Guo Gongye to bear this black pot, and explained aloud.

When the eldest lady Zhang heard the words of the steward Zhao, he patted Jiang Ningbao’s hand again, and turned his face condensed. Her eyes were staring at the steward Zhao with anger, she sneered: “The grandfather of Guo Gongfu is so big. He said that if he retired, he would retire. He could have thought about how much the retreat hurt the woman. Even if it was the man who was wrong, what good things can my niece say after the resignation?”

Zhao Guanjia’s expression was suffocated, his old face flushed, his lips moved, and he could not argue about it if he wanted to refute it. In the end, this is the fault of Shiziye.

“This… this strong twisted melon is not sweet. The grandfather is about to retire. Our servants can only do so, but the old lady said that she will compensate the four young ladies in your house.”

Jiang Ningbao’s eyebrows moved, glancing at Zhao’s housekeeper, secretly, and finally came.

The retreat and generous compensation of the male lead in the book is the beginning of the blackening of the vicious female partner Jiang Ningbao in the rebirth of the female lead, which opens the road of Jiang Ningbao’s blacking.

As a vicious female partner dressed in the appearance of a weak white lotus, she really makes the most of her weak beauty and vicious mentality.

Jiang Ningbao thought of the crazy and vicious’self’ in the book, and his eyes flashed a beam of interest.

Speaking of which, she and the vicious female mate are all different people.

It’s really interesting.

The eldest lady Zhang was stunned. The veil in her hand was twisted. Mrs. Jiang glanced at the housekeeper Zhao and took a sip of tea from the tea cup. Her expression was unmoved.

“make up?”

A clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded, and everyone’s eyes could not help looking at the slender and delicate party Jiang Jiangbao who suddenly burst out.

“Zhao Guanjia talk about, how will Shizi Ye compensate me?”

Mrs. Jiang frowned slightly, and there was a weird feeling in her heart. She couldn’t help but examine the granddaughter, who still looked weak and could be bullied. She always felt something was wrong.

“Four girls, let’s relax. Your grandmother will make the decision for you. No amount of compensation is as important as your reputation.”

Zhang’s lips moved, and in the end he said nothing.

“Thank you grandmother.” Jiang Ningbao Yingying was blessed, showing a delicate smile, but secretly secretly, the old lady would be beaten by what she said after a while.

Jiang Ningbao turned his head, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Butler faintly.

“Housekeeper Zhao, haven’t you said what compensation the state government will give me?”

“Returning to Miss Four, Shiziye promised that if Miss Four agreed to withdraw from this family matter, he would recognize Miss Si as a sister, and be recorded in the genealogy. When Miss Si gets married, Grandpa Shi will send a generous dowry.”

“Miss Four, once you become the younger sister of the Prince of the World, the eldest lady of the Guogong Mansion, your status is rising, and it is not difficult to say another good family matter.”

In the eyes of Manager Guan Zhao, he couldn’t bear it. He dared to speak out the compensation of Shiziye. He felt sympathy for the soft and beautiful Miss Jiang Si in front of her.

The fiancee becomes the younger sister, as the grandfather thinks, he has to say that this is an irresistible compensation.

Changning Bo Mansion is a deceased noble family. It is only through the relationship with Guo Gong Mansion that the glory of Bo Mansion continues. Once the family affairs of Guo Gong Mansion are lost, Chang Ning Bo Mansion will return to its original form and will not fall.

As soon as Mr. Zhao’s words came out, everyone in the hall looked different.

Just now, no matter how much compensation there is, your old lady Jiang, who is important to your reputation, looks slightly. She took a sip of tea and said nothing, it seemed to weigh the pros and cons.

The elder lady Zhang’s breath was stagnation and her eyes flickered. Don’t look at her justification for defending her family affairs for the niece who lost her parents. In fact, Zhang’s heart already knew that this family matter of the niece is afraid of being yellow. In the end, it is still for your own benefit.

As long as the niece becomes the sister of the grandfather of Guogongfu and continues to be intimate with Guogongfu, her Yao’er can marry better, and her eldest daughter’s position in her mother’s house will not be shaken.

There was silence in the hall.

Butler Zhao waited quietly and patiently.

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