Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 128 – Musctached Muscular Man? Aren’t you Super Macho Man?

"Leo!?" ElastiGirl's face beamed up in excitement as she muttered his name, though that soon became a mistake as Muscular Man was in the audio range and heard her words.

"Leo. So that is his name." Muscular Man squinted his eyes at the upcoming vehicle.

His squint eyes however soon widened in surprise when he noticed that instead of braking or coming to a halt, the momentum of the car started to go faster and faster towards him.

Noticing the intention, Muscular Man sneered and swiftly raised both of his arms forward, preparing to catch the speeding car with his bare hands.


True to his arrogance, Muscular Man smirked upon successfully stopping the momentum of the speeding car, failing to notice that the fully black car had gained a slight tinge of purple lines all around its front, more specifically the hood where he stopped the car with his hands.

"Heh." Inside the car, Leo smirked under his mask, as he issued a command in his head.

Before Muscular Man could react, a purple shockwave occurred in front of him.


Thrown away, Muscular Man felt a huge shift of force in front of him, pressing his front as the shockwave spread and carried him along.

In just a single second, Muscular Man went from standing in front of the car to crashing towards a nearby abandoned hotdog stand.


The car door opens up and Leo quickly gets out to approach the weakened Helen.

"Are you okay?" Sliding his hands on her upper and lower body, Leo lifted her in a princess carry.

"I-I'm fine. I'm so sorry Leo." Helen didn't dare to look at Leo's eyes as she spoke with a guilty tone.

"Huh? Why?"

"Your name, I should've said your Superhero name instead of your real name, now Muscular Man, one of the terrifying supervillains knows your real name. What if he decided to invade your personal life? Use your loved ones to threaten you? I've seen many articles on what Supervillains do once they discover a Superhero's real identity…." Expressing her concern for him, Helen started listing every worst possible thing that might happen.

"…Just that? Seriously, even if he knows my name, he won't be able to find me, trust me, and besides, it's not like I'll let him get away with all these. If Macho Man can't put him down for him, I would." Giving assurance to Helen, he safely carried her to the backseat of his car and continued.

"I suggest you stay here, you would be safer inside here than outside." With that being said, Leo quickly closed the door and locked it with a simple thought command.

"Leo? Leo! Let me out, I can help you!" Noticing her situation, Helen tried to open the door but seeing that it won't budge, she could only resort to slapping the window to get Leo's attention.

Unfortunately for her, the black Mustang was just recently upgraded from being average to made-in-vibranium.

Ignoring the pleas from Helen, Leo shifted his attention to the recovering Mustached Muscular Man.

"You…You're one of those Superheroes with modded vehicles." Wiping off the blood that trickled down from his nose, the muscular Supervillain looked at him and his car in disdain.

"So what? Just because you can't afford your own vehicle doesn't mean you can take it out on those who have." Leo raised an eyebrow and said, painting his words with insult.

"Hmph, I don't need some cheap means to win a battle. My muscles are enough to beat your ass and your stupid car!" The reason why he's angry was not because of Leo's on-time arrival, but because of the fact that he got himself bleeding all because of a car that could somehow release shockwaves.

"Call me all sorts of names but not my car!" Pointing his finger at the villain, Leo decided to break the common rule.

Instead of letting the villain finish his dialogue and letting him attack first, Leo chose to take the initiative.

Disappearing from his location, Muscular Man was wide-eyed and quickly searched around, looking for any signs of Leo.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his back shoulder.

Reacting quickly, Muscular Man didn't even looked at his behind and instead, directly launched a devastating punch after swiftly turning around.


Much to his surprise, however, Leo's palm came forward and single-handedly stopped the momentum of his punch.

"How weak," Leo uttered with disgust in his tone, disgracing the muscular villain.

"Are you sure you're properly drinking your milk?" He continued, making Muscular Man burst into red out of anger.

"How dare you talk about my mama!" Clenching his fists, Muscular Man's muscles went tense as he delivered another punch toward Leo's face, if Leo's senses weren't sharp, the muscle villain would've successfully hit him in the face but unfortunately for Muscular Man, he was not.

Simply tilting his head aside, Leo watched as the large fist easily went past a few millimeters from his cheek.

Of course, Muscular Man didn't stop there, he delivered more and more punches towards Leo's face, intending to wipe out the arrogant smirk that he imagined Leo had on his face right now.



Helen, who has been watching the fight, is amazed at Leo's reaction time and reflexes, easily being able to dodge all of Muscular Man's punches Leo doesn't even look like he's trying which further adds to his charm in Helen's eyes.

"Stop. Dodging. And. Fight. Like. A. Man!" For each word he utters, the same goes for the number of his punches.

"Are you sure about that?" Leo raised an eyebrow and asked seriously.

"Huff. Huff. Do you think you're so tough? We both know you're already tired from all of those dodging. And for your information, I have better stamina than you, so stop pretending to be tough and fight me like a ma-guakh!"

Before Muscular Man could even react, Leo has already disappeared from his position and directly reappeared in front of his face with Leo's arm already cocked back.

"Since you said so." Leo muttered which was loud enough for Muscular Man to hear before pain assaulted him on the face, blood trailing across the air as the muscular villain's heavy body was thrown back and landed on a car's hood.



Wee! Woo!

Followed by the anti-theft noise of the car he landed on, Leo pulled his arm back and noticed the purple lines that appeared on his fist.

"Huh, this is my first time seeing this. I guess I've been using the claws for such a long time that sometimes I forget there's another way to gather kinetic energy." Muttering to himself, an amused smile crept up to his face inside the mask.

Leo then shifted his attention to the down supervillain and noticed him starting to recover.

"Say. You look quite familiar, are you sure you're not related to a Superhero? Someone like Super Macho Man?" Leo genuinely asked, still oblivious to the supervillain's real identity.

[-As expected of Lord Leo. Even without me telling you, you can already predict who the man in front of you is!-]

"Huh? Red Queen, what do you mean?" Leo asked in a clueless tone.

[-Mustached Muscular Man and Super Macho Man is nothing but a single person who goes by the name Alejandro Garcia.-]

"Wait what? Really?"

[-I…thought you already know, Lord Leo. After all, you just mentioned to Alejandro his similarities to his other persona. It's a psychological tactic, as expected of Lord Leo.-]

"O-Oh. You're right, haha~" Not expecting such a reaction from Red Queen, Leo doesn't want to burst her bubble and besides, it doesn't hurt to let her develop some sort of fanatism towards him.

"Red Queen, mind telling me more about this Alejandro Garcia?" Leo politely asked, his eyes never leaving the figure of Muscular Man now known as Alejandro, who tries to stand up but due to the dizziness on his head, he was having a hard time balancing himself.

[-Anything for you, Lord Leo. Alejandro Garcia is currently 56 years old, born from Puebla, Mexico. Illegally migrated to United States of America and through the use of his Superpowers, he successfully formed connections in the US, eventually leading him to become a Superhero. 20 years prior from now, he created Mustached Muscular Man for the sake of more fame and money. From human standards, he's pure evil, he never considers the lives of the innocents, instead, he prioritizes his image to the public more. He's also caught in several crimes such as Pedophiling, Rape, Mass-murder, and he's probably also involved in the McDonalds bombing incident.-]

"So he's egocentric bastard. Copy that, Red Queen." Leo grinned as he cracked his knuckles, slowly marching towards the Supervillain/Superhero.

"Tell me Muscular Man, or should I say, Alejandro Garcia? How would you want your death to feel like? Painful? Or more painful?" Leo asked, coldness prevailing on his expressionless face.

Upon hearing his words, Alejandro's eyes widened in surprise as he looked directly at Leo's eyes and pointed his shivering finger at him.

"H-How? W-Who are you?"

"Me? I'm your worst nightmare. So answer me, how would you like to die, Alejandro?" The more Leo gets closer to him, the more Leo could see the blood draining from Alenjandro's face.

"How about we take this someplace else." With a swift motion of his hand, Leo grabbed the collar of Alejandro's supervillain suit and teleported away.

"Where did Leo take him?" Inside the car, Helen muttered confusedly to herself.

At the same time, Mr. Incredible and Frozone just arrived in time.

"Where's the villain?" They both muttered to themselves as they confusedly scanned their eyes around the empty ruined street.


[power stones please!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 129 - You guys are late!]

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