Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 125 – ElastiGirl’s official debut! [3]

"How is it, Darling? Are you uncomfortable? Is the back too tight? How about your vagina? Do they feel like the suit is squishing them? Just for your information, I added a few features that would greatly help you. If you're curious about it, don't worry I believe you'd find those features by yourself."

 In just a few hours, Edna was able to make an elastic suit that could stretch almost infinitely with a few perks such as immunity to fire, cold, scratches, and even bullets.

"N-No, Ms. Edna and please don't say such a l-lewd word." Upon hearing the questions coming in, Helen quickly blushed.

"Oh, darling. There's nothing wrong with my words, you know what's wrong? Your brain, who thinks it's lewd and bad to say a female's private part. Sometimes, I forget how sensitive you Americans are." In response to Helen, Edna simply rolled her eyes.

"So, if there's nothing wrong with the suit, you may go now. I already gave you my number so if you feel or see something wrong with the suit don't hesitate to give me a call." Without further ado, Edna started pushing Helen's huge bottoms upstairs to where the exit was.

Obviously, Edna doesn't have the strength capacity to push her, Helen was just letting the dwarf costume designer push her.

"O-Okay." Although she expected such an attitude from Edna considering she's been listening to her insulting rants for the past few hours, she was still surprised by her attitude.

Once she was outside the front doors, Edna was about to close the door when she stopped and reminded her.

"Oh and darling, don't forget to tell Leo about the deal. I won't be surprised if that ape forgets about it." 


And with that, the door was closed in front of Helen's face.

However, she doesn't care about the rude hospitality, in fact, she is greatly grateful for the dwarf. 

Of course, she's also grateful to Leo who introduced her to Edna and even went as far as giving something valuable in exchange for her suit, albeit it's quite her fault in the first place.

Touching the smooth fabric of her super suit, Helen extended her arms to get a better look at the super suit's whole body.

"I can't wait." Biting her lips out of excitement, Helen quickly ran towards the main road and hailed a Taxi to take her back home.


"How fascinating…" Leo muttered to himself as he finally finished renewing at least half of the A.I's main system.

Now that the A.I have recognized him as its creator and sole master, all that's left is to erase any traces of Vivian such as memories related to doing Vivian's commands, tasks, and such things.

"How long have I been working?" Leo wondered and checked the time only to notice that 24 hours had passed since he started working on the A.I's program.

"Damn, that long? If I have Jimmy Neutron's full template, I wonder how long will it take me to renew this. Probably 30 minutes? Or maybe shorter?"

Shaking his head from these thoughts, Leo resumed typing on his keyboard, trying his best to finish the renewal as soon as possible, unbeknownst to him, several things were happening outside the laboratory, all without him knowing.


"What?! Someone attacked the White House before me!?" Super Macho Man, now wearing his villain persona publicly known as Mustached Muscular Man lashed out at the poor female subordinate in front of him.

To the public, Mustached Muscular Man is known to be Super Macho Man's long-time rival with their rivalry starting 20 years ago.

It might seem like a normal rivalry between a Super Hero and a Super Villain but only Super Macho Man knows the truth.

Mustaches Muscular Man and Super Macho Man are just a single man!

It started 20 years ago when Super Macho Man, who was just new to the industry of Superheroes and Supervillains noticed how poor he was and how Superheroes with long-time rivals were the more famous ones, getting the fame and large sponsorships that he couldn't seem to have.

Despite his strong strength, no villain was able to survive under his might or at least contend against him, hence he was only famous for his strength.

But that's not what he wants. He wants to be rich and more famous than the other Superheroes and he can only achieve it through Rivalry.

That's when an idea bloomed in his mind. So he told to himself.

"If I can't find my rival. I'll make myself my own rival!" And there, Mustached Muscular Man was born.

With the help of his connections, he was able to find a very impressive scientist whose project was rejected by the tech company he was working at.

Project Mind-Bend.

A project where projectors that could project mind-bending holograms that look very realistic be planted to drones that will serve as the project's main point.

With the funding and success of this project, he was able to project a hologram of the Mustached Muscular Man.

Using the mind-bending illusions of the technology, he was able to make a script like a movie of him and Mustached Muscular Man fighting each other, destroying properties, and maybe 'accidentally' killing someone just for the sake of realism.

And now 20 years later, he is one of the wealthiest if not, the most wealthy Superheroes with tens of sponsors worth millions of dollars.

The only reason he managed to reach that height is because of the fact that the scripted Rivalry was the longest in the history of Supers.

Usually, rivalries only last 5 to 10 years before either side loses or dies.

"Did the Government find out who it is?" Calming himself down, Mustached Muscular Man breathed in and out before asking in tranquil.

"N-No si- Sup- Mustached Muscular Man. The villain self-destructed, taking not only his own life but also John Arthur."

"John Arthur huh? That man's finally dead. His power's quite annoying." Mustached Muscular Man sneered as he showed no hesitation in insulting a dead man.

"Glad he's dead now. One less problem in my greater plan." 

With his mood finally lifting up thanks to the news of the cowboy's death, the female subordinate also sighed in relief, her previously tensed shoulders finally relaxing.

"Since the initial plan of attacking the White House is gone. Then let's settle for Metroville instead just like old times. Tell Dr. Diabolish to send a Super Macho Man illusion after 10 minutes of my appearance to the public. You still remember the rules, right?"

"Y-Yes, Mustached Muscular Man, 10 minutes to cause public attention and another 10 minutes to make Super Macho Man and Mustached Muscular Man fight and another 10 minutes of causing collateral damage, and finally last 10 minutes of ending the fight with neither side losing."

"Good. I'll make sure to raise your pay. But this time, the plan is different. I want to lure out that Black Panther who goes by the name of Phantom. Since he dared to embarrass my name by forcing me to rank 2nd on the Pack-A-Punch, I'll make sure to embarrass him back!" Clenching his fists, Mustached Muscular Man released a huff of air through his thick nostrils.



"Wow. I look so good." Helen gasped in shock upon seeing herself in front of the mirror, checking herself up after wearing her Super Suit.

"But…" Her eyebrows furrowed slightly after noticing how large her buttocks and breasts were. Grabbing both of her breasts with her palm, she muttered to herself.

"Hopefully these packs of flesh won't distract me in the middle of fighting criminals."

After that short prayer in her heart, she peeked out of the bathroom and saw no signs of her dormmate Jessica, she quietly left through the windows and used her superpower to grab a building's rooftop ledge and pull herself.

"Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down." Closing her eyes out of fear, Helen calmed herself while feeling the large gush of air hitting herself on the face as she successfully found herself on the rooftop's ledge.

Just as she was about to pull herself up, she accidentally stepped on the wrong wall bump and slipped, causing her to lose her grip on the ledge and fall.

"Aahh!" Feeling the sudden pressure of air pressing heavily on herself as gravity did its job and pulled her down towards the ground, Helen waved her arms around with her eyes closed.

Just so you know, the building's rooftop that she just tried to latch herself into is 15 stories tall!

Before Helen could fully express her fear through screaming, she noticed something weird. She felt like she was no longer being pulled by gravity nor was the air pressure pressing on her chest.

Slightly opening her eyes, she then noticed her palm was sticking to the wall!

"What the…" She muttered to herself as she recovered and fully attached herself to the wall without any ledges to grab on, only pressing her palms and feet on the wall.

"I can stick on the walls!?" Helen's eyes widened in realization as the realization started to settle in.

Excitement bubbled on her as she experimented several times with her newly found ability. More like a newly found super suit's ability!

"This must be the feature Ms. Edna was talking about earlier." She muttered to herself as she quickly started climbing back towards the rooftop.

As soon as she was back on the rooftop, standing on her two legs, she wiped the sweat off of her forehead and was about to take a rest when an explosion went off a few meters on her west side.


"What was that?" 

The explosion quickly gathered her attention and upon seeing the large smoke in the distance, Helen quickly muttered under her breath as a glint flashed in her eyes.

"Maybe this is my time to shine!"


[powah stoness!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 126 - ElastiGirl's flashy entrance!]

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