Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos

Chapter 28 – Angel and Demon

"I am sorry if it is considered rude to ask, but... what are you?" Obviously, Hestia is not a human, but I can't imagine her being a type of demon, either. It would be the height of irony for an angel to be counted among the demon kind in this world.

"I-I am a Fata." That doesn't tell me anything. "A... noble from the Fatas Triarchy." Oh, I remember. That's the place maou-mama attacked in retaliation against the invasion by the human army. Does this mean that rather than humans, that place is filled with angels?

"Do all people in the Fatas Triarchy have wings?"  Depending on her answer, I can picture that country in different ways.

"N-no, only we Fatas have them." So, this means that the Fatas Triarchy is made up of humans and Fatas? Basically a heaven-like place? I want to know more about that country.

"Your wings are so pretty." I feel like touching them - the feathers look so fluffy. They're pretty huge, but I guess it makes sense, if they are functional and can let her fly through the skies. Not so much her needlessly huge breasts, they don't serve any function. Well, I do feel like touching those, too.

"Hueh?" She's really shy, much like Kamii, but at the same time well-articulated. Her shyness doesn't come from bad experiences, but is simply her personality, it seems. Ah, she wrapped herself in them and her face peeking out from between them is flushed. How cute~

"Everybody line up, class is starting." A firm female voice announces and I turn around to look at its owner. The teacher has arrived, and it's a woman in her early twenties, I'd say. Her short hair is of a blazing red, and her eyes are a piercing golden. She makes me think of a dragon, for some reason. The staff in her hands is of a beautiful red wood, with the shape of a winged dragon carved out of the upper part. "We have a new student today, an irregular enrollment due to special circumstances."

Wait, there is the concept of terms after all? And I just joined the class in the middle of one? I look around and obviously, all eyes are on me. That's my chance for a lasting first impression, but I think I'll just keep it simple. I don't want to embarrass myself by making some stupid mistake, like biting my tongue while speaking too much.

"Come forward and introduce yourself." She's looking at me, not the hint of friendliness on her face. Alright, you're that type of teacher, huh?

"I am Chloe Marcott. It is an honor to be able to enroll at this academy. I am looking forward to learn magic with everyone here." There, I didn't trip over my words and did a quick introduction that doesn't say anything about myself. I look over the gathered students, only twelve overall. All, except for Hestia, look fully human. I think it might be harder to spot the demons among the students, although I did already find one - or two, when counting Basarab, who just looks like a vampire - among the staff and teachers.

"Alright, you can introduce yourselves to her during lunch break. Class is starting." And that's all the time I get to shine. She looks at my clothes disapprovingly, but doesn't comment on them. Seems like the uniform code isn't so sacred that one has to adhere to it perfectly. Well, I did leave enough of an impact among the boys in the class with just my appearance that way. "My name is Dregana Tarragon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." Quieter, she talks to me directly. Even while saying something nice, she isn't smiling. I guess that's just how she is.

Everybody forms a circle around Dregana and the lecture begins. I find myself between drills on one side and Hestia on the other. Between a hollow and a soft place, huh? Hm, where did they get staves from? They weren't carrying them before. As expected, drills' staff looks expensive, but is clearly in poor taste. Too much gold plating...

"You do not even have the money for a staff? How pitiful." Drills says to me with a sneer. Still throwing around insults based on money, huh?

"If only money could buy talent..." I shake my head with a sympathetic expression.

"Wha-?! How dare you-!"

"Is there a problem, Svanhild, Chloe?" The teacher obviously hears her outburst. "Would you care to perform the spell I was in the process of teaching you, Svanhild?" Lucky it wasn't me, since I couldn't pay attention at all.

"I am sorry, I was unable to hear your lecture, because this peasant was distracting me." Yeah, put it on me alright. You started it, and now you reap it.

"The spell is Ventus, which creates a quick gust of wind." Dregana ignores drills' jab at me. A quick gust of wind? All the girls wear skirts here, don't teach boys such a dangerous spell! Look, two of them already realized the perverted application for it and are showing indecent smiles. Wait, they're looking at me. I have the shortest skirt around here!

"Ventus!" Drills shouts, clearly aiming her staff in my direction. You're looking for a fight, aren't you? But... huh? Why is the result just a disappointing breeze? It only causes my skirt to sway a little. I can't even laugh about it, it's that pitiful.

"May I, teacher?" Payback time, doubly so.

"Hm, you have no staff? Wait, I will give you-"

"Ventus!" I speak firmly. The result is an immense gust of wind that blows everyone's skirts upwards and reveals their underwear - aside from drills' silk lace, everyone else's is the standard uniform one. And Hestia is blown off her feet, since her wings give her a larger surface area. My much shorter skirt is obviously not spared either and the forbidden fruit underneath becomes visible to all. Well, I'm not wearing any underwear, so it's not embarrassing at all!

Everyone stares at me with awe and disheveled hair. The teacher is surprised for several reasons, as she remains speechless.

"Th-that was amazing, Miss Marcott!" Hestia exclaims while getting back on her feet. Her feathers are ruffled and she's a little unsteady, but her eyes are glowing with excitement. "How did you cast magic without a staff?" Well, for one, I thought one only needs a catalyst, so holding a crystal with a wind affinity should be enough. But obviously, I don't have that either. I still think the air around us is enough of a catalyst, you know?

"I did hear about you having all elemental affinities, but not that you can cast magic without a catalyst." Way to tell the gathered students about that, teach... Now everyone's looking at me like typical anime haniwa figures. "You are clearly beyond this class' standard." And that's something you should never say in front of your class.

"I do not have much knowledge about magic. I only learned this spell just now, teacher." Ah, crap. I think that may have made things even worse. Now she joins in on the class' collective haniwa figure impression. Drills and her lackey are speechless as well, but I can see that she's frantically searching for a way to prevent my sudden rise to stardom. I think you should stop, or you'll hurt yourself thinking too hard.

In the end, the teacher proceeded to practically teach me various spells one on one. That's really not great education, since everyone else gets left behind. Or so I thought, but apparently they already know these spells as part of the basic course and are practicing them on their own. They're all, without exception, spells of the lowest level. For most of the time, it's just me performing them to a degree stronger than they're supposed to be, and the other students watching in awe, though. With every further spell, Hestia seems to idolize me more, while drills is falling deeper into despair.

I have absolutely no explanation for why the spells are so much more powerful when I use them, but seeing drills fail to produce proper results when she casts the same ones makes me think that there is a factor in magic that I haven't learned about yet.

"Teacher, can you explain to me why the same spells yield such different results between Svanhild and me?" Ah, it looks like drills felt a sting in her heart at these words; she's glaring at me as if she wants to kill me. Ohhh, scary scary~

"You... you have not learned about the 'flow' of this world?" The teacher is looking at me with an astonished expression. I think I might as well try and step it up now.

"No, I only started learning magic less than a month ago." Bam! Again, the entire class is shocked beyond belief. I feel like asking how long they've been learning, but I think that will shatter a lot of people's prides.

"I did hear that your current timetable is only temporary, so I am sure that you will learn about it when you receive the proper one." Upon hearing that I'm only attending this class temporarily, Hestia is having a disappointed expression while drills seems to be relieved. From what I've seen, I really don't know why she seems to be the class leader, whom the others fear and respect. Her skills are really lacking and there are no redeeming features in her personality. "For now, try to practice spells without putting too much force into them." That's a pretty vague advice, but I'll try by not speaking the incantation as loudly anymore - if that's all it takes...

Time passes quickly until the bell announces lunch break. I didn't even notice, but apparently classes are not separated into hour-long sections and there are no regular breaks. Half a day of morning class, half a day of afternoon class, every single day. At least it was quite relaxing, as we were outdoors and could take little breaks between practicing spells whenever we wanted to. Dregana looks strict, but she is a teacher at heart after all - someone who likes to be surrounded by children, and pass on knowledge to them as one from the previous generation. She also seems quite impressed with me and kept coming back to me while making her rounds to see everyone's progress at learning certain spells and their various applications.

Speaking of which, apparently spells can be controlled with one's mind. Especially wind, the most malleable of the elements, can be used to achieve effects similar to telepathy. Since it's invisible, one can affect things from afar without being seen. That's really not something you should be teaching those boys at the height of their puberty. They've basically been trying all class to lift my skirt with wind magic, and I've been doing my best to foil their plans by holding it down with my own spells.

Although I'm not one who should talk, since I've been doing the same to Hestia on the side. But she somehow didn't really hate it. Do I smell an M?

Of course, everyone surrounds me on my way to lunch break and wants to speak to me. Drills can only watch in impotence as she's practically pushed aside and forgotten. At least her even more forgettable lackey still remains loyally by her side, for whatever reason. Maybe she's a servant in disguise, sent by drills' father?

Everyone gives me their names, but I can't really remember them all. I don't really have any interest in the humans, for some reason, and least of all these young boys. They're actually quite annoying. Hestia is quietly following behind us, looking at the people surrounding me with jealousy.

At the canteen someone runs directly into me full force and almost knocks me off my feet. Night-blue hair and a nice smell are enough to tell me who it is. Kamii is clinging to me with all her strength, as if we haven't met in a long time. I pet her hair and she looks up to me with tearful puppy eyes. Ahhh, if you look at me like that, I'll melt away~

"Kuroehhh, don't ever leave me alone again!" She snuggles into my chest and sounds quite desperate. Was your class that bad? Was it that scary to be separated from me for half a day? Well, I should have expected it.

I hear the sound of wood snapping behind me and spin my head around. The circle of people surrounding me has distanced itself, most likely because they're scared of Kamii's crab claw. But one person is still very close, looking at her with an expression I can only see as hateful. It's Hestia. She broke her staff with her bare hands. Wait, were you that kind of character? I thought you were the type that's easy to bully, but that's a really scary look in your eyes.

"Who are you to Miss Marcott?" Hey, are you a birdbrain, Hestia? Have you forgotten that you already saw her yesterday on the field? But it seems she remembers. "Why are you always clinging to her?" The people around us are taken aback by the angel's sudden change in tone. Apparently they also weren't aware of her having this kind of side.

Kamii realizes that she's the one being addressed, looks at her opposite for a moment, before holding onto me even more firmly with a defiant expression. I think Hestia just popped a vein there. They're glaring at each other. Sparks are flying! Am I the protagonist of a harem story or what?

"Stop it, you two." I push Kamii away and hold onto her shoulders, before turning to look at Hestia firmly. Her expression changes from anger to shock, as she notices my disapproval. Then she seems to realize how she was acting.

"I-I am so sorry!" She takes a few steps back, as if shaken to the core, then turns around and runs away.

"Kuroeh?" Kamii looks up at me with a questioning expression. This is the first time I refused her embrace like this and I'm sure it's confusing her.

"Everything is alright, Kamii-chan." I pet her hair and sigh. Ahhh, how sinful I am, having two girls fight over me on the first day of school. In my previous life I would have been pretty down over it not being two boys, but here I don't really care. They're both cute and I could eat them both up~

Wait, what am I saying? I shake my head to dissipate these strange thoughts.

"Go get us a seat in the canteen, Kamii-chan. I will be right back. I have to go and bring her back." After all, I am kinda the reason she ran away. I have a strange feeling in my gut, but can't really tell what it is. Maybe I'm just hungry...


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