Manuke FPS

Chapter 242

Deciding to take Ashley to rescue the Royal Palace, the two of us headed to the warehouse built on the premises of Duke Barga’s mansion. There, I checked the firearms that I’m going to use and explained their characteristics to Ashley. We clarified each other’s roles, confirmed the means of rescue and where we would end up moving ――and if we could move.

No problem in the preparation stage. After that, I wondered what the situation was on the ground. What if it’s too late when we arrive there――I hope that’s not the case…

The walls surrounding the Royal Palace, built across an artificial lake, are nearly 20 meters in height, and the only way to enter the palace is through a single suspension bridge. However, a group of adventurers were guarding the bridge, and a lot of bonfires were lit around the area.

As if the battle had already ended, the faces of the adventurers showed triumphant satisfaction. From inside the castle walls, there was no longer the sound of swords clashing or magic attacks coming out as a sign that the battle was still ongoing. In contrast to that, many knights and soldiers were lying on the main street. The Fourth Knights and the capital’s security guards rushed in to reinforce the Royal Palace.

The battle was over, and it was pretty clear who the winner and loser were.

“Ashley, there’s a group of adventurers at the front. But, we’ll break through.”


Ashley’s response was picked up by the sound collector sensor, telling me that she was ready. Now I wonder whether the King is alright… Selecting the tactical kevlar mask from avatar customization, I changed my appearance from Schwarz to Shaft, and took action.

“Oy, something is coming!”

“A carriage? No, it has no horse to pull it. Be careful, it might be hostile!”

LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle Tracked, Personnel-model 5), an amphibious armored personnel carrier, barreling through the main street leading to the Royal Palace, raising the adventurers’ alertness.

“It’s rushing in! Don’t let it cross the bridge, put out a wall!”

“~~~, ~~~, Stone wall!”

A number of stone walls emerged as if to block the main street.

I stood on the roof of the three-story building opposite the royal castle, overlooking the spread of the adventurers and their means of defense.

Accessing the inventory with my mind, the M202A1 appeared in my hand. LVTP-5 slowed down its running speed as I concentrated on operating the Browning machine gun M1919A4 mounted on its upper hatch――.

I set up the M202A1 to aim at the wall while pulling the trigger.

The 66mm incendiary rockets fired from the quadruple rocket launcher exploded and pulverized the stone walls one after another. The mages were blown away by the impact of the explosion and the spreading radiant heat, and I could see some of them jumping into the artificial lake to escape the heat.

The scattered adventurers’ gazes turned to the stone wall that had been blown away, causing turmoil.

“Magic attack from the rooftop ahead! Deploy the magic barrier!”

No use――your barrier cannot block VMB’s bullet.

The muzzle of the M1919A4 shot out a line of fire as if it were spitting fire, and at the same time, I peered into the scope of the summoned sniper rifle M24A2 and blew off the surviving mage’s head. The long suppressor covering nearly half of the M24A2 barrel allowed for a silent kill with each shot, while the strafing from the M1919A4 with its loud gunfire and conspicuous lines of fire spread confusion among the adventurers. Their celebration had suddenly turned into a slaughter.

“Fuck, why can’t the barrier block that attack?!”

“Ra, raise your shie――”

“Heal me please, I’m wounded… hey, hurry up――?”

“~~, ~~~, ~~~. Aqua He――”

M1919A4 targeted mainly the adventurers with full-plate metal armor and large shields, while I used the M24 to blow off the heads of mages who try to use support magic behind them. I didn’t let any of them finish their chant. I may not be able to understand their chant――but it only made things easier for me since I only needed to target anyone who spoke something that I couldn’t understand.

Even though the running speed has been reduced, if LVTP-5 receives a direct attack, its durability value will decrease, and in the worst case, it may explode. I have insurance, but it’s too early to lose it here.

However――we need to go all out!

I replaced the M24 magazine, wrapped it around my back with a sling, and jumped down from the sniper nest. At the same time, the LVTP-5 started running at full speed, knocking off the surviving adventurers and rushing into the suspension bridge. While chasing after the vehicle, I summoned FN P90 with a spare magazine and finished off the adventurers who were still able to move.

If I don’t reduce the number when I can, they would eventually return to the battle line thanks to healing magic. It may be cruel, but these adventurers participating in the rebellion should have resolved themselves to die if things go wrong.

Even if that resolve was loosened by a fleeting victory――.

LVTP-5 passed through the castle gate and stopped. The operation monitor that floated in my field of vision showed the front yard that had been trampled by many people, greatly gouged out by skills and magic, and the collapsed spires and buildings.

And in front of the particularly important palace within the Royal castle surrounded by the castle walls, we could see the figures of adventurers cleaning up the corpses of many royal guards.

Among the adventurers who continued to work, some were wary of the direction of the castle gate. They must have heard the sound of battle in front of the suspension bridge. When the adventurers saw the moving iron box—LVTP-5 passing through the castle gates–-they couldn’t understand what it was, and stopped moving in a state of vigilance.

I ran through the suspension bridge in that gap, ran up the outside of the castle wall with a wall run, and landed on the corridor. As it is, I lowered my posture and ran along the corridor, moving to an effective sniping point while the alert adventurer’s eyes were focused on LVTP-5.

“Ashley, there’s a group of adventurers in front of the LVTP-5. I think it’s fine as long as they’re just looking at it, but if the situation changes, please do as we planned.”


I ran along the corridor while keeping just enough distance to still hear Ashley.

I set the barrel of the M24 on the uneven parts called battlements on both sides of the corridor and look into the scope. How many hours have passed since tonight’s uproar began in Flyhigh?

Midnight――that hours had long passed, looking at how the edge of the sky had started to glow white. Being dropped into this world as the dungeon master of the labyrinth, my body never gets tired. Even if I feel slightly drowsy, my body will not feel sluggish.

However, the adventurers standing at the end of the scope are different. Although they’re wary of LVTP-5, they had already won the battle at the Royal castle. After that, they’d want to have a pleasant morning without any counterattacks――such thoughts were floating on the faces of these adventurers.

I compared the number of people I could see with the number of dots on the map that appear in my field of vision. Considering the arrangement of the adventurers, they were divided into one that prevents intrusion into the palace and one that monitors the one-story building nearby.

I couldn’t pick up any sound from the building due to the distance.

“Ashley, what is that big one-story building in front of the palace?”

“That should be the guard station. It’s a building with only a large room in addition to a small kitchen.”

“I see…”

The only reason for that building needing to be monitored… is gotta be because the people who should be monitored are gathered there. If that’s the case, then let’s check from there first. I don’t think there’s a Royal family or an important figure in national politics here, but hopefully, we’ll get some information.

“Initiating combat.”

“Be careful.”

“I’ll be fine.”

I slid the scope and aligned the cross reticle displayed ahead with the head of the adventurer standing at the entrance to the waiting area――then pulled the trigger. It is possible that the muzzle flash from the top of the castle wall can be seen due to the muffling effect of the silencer, but every adventurer was currently distracted by the LVTP-5 in front of the castle gate.

The head of the adventurer in front of the waiting room shook, and he collapsed on his knees――Meanwhile I pulled the bolt handle to eject the shell, turning it to load the next bullet. Peering through the scope again, I moved the muzzle direction and fired once more. shooting through the guards one after another with an old FPS technique called drag shot.

Even though it was near dawn, it was difficult to see the surroundings without the light of the bonfire. The adventurers, who had been fascinated by LVTP-5, eventually noticed the incident behind them when several guards, who had been shot through the head, fell over the bonfire.

“Hmm? Oi, what’s wrong? What is going on!”

Once they noticed, the situation would change――it’ll be all out battle.

I summoned remote controlled sentry gun and installed it on the sniping point, telling it to fire from the top of the wall, all the while commanding the LVTP-5 to continue firing its M1919A4

Multi-tasking the FCS (fire control system) of multiple guns at the same time almost effortlessly, I jumped down the wall and switched to the P90.

I went around to kill the adventurers hiding behind the collapsed spire and the crumbling rubble――Places that would be blind spots from the two gunports.

It didn’t take long to conquer the front of the palace. I used sniping and preemptive strikes to reduce the number of people, but after all, the adventurers were tired. It is difficult to re-tighten the tension once loosened. Even if they’re the main force of the “Rafflesia”, it seems that it won’t change.

After confirming that the moving dots in front of the palace had disappeared, I moved LVTP-5 forward to the front of the waiting area. Only the sound of many people moving can be heard in the waiting room. However, I can’t hear any voices, and I don’t feel any kind of murderous intent.

The only thing I could feel was――fear.

“Ashley, I’ve cleaned up the front of the palace. Please come out and go inside the waiting room.”

Saying so, I slowly opened the front opening of LVTP-5. LVTP-5 can carry more than 30 soldiers inside. Ashley stood alone in the large interior space, waiting for the opening to open. I was worried about how Ashley, who came out, would see the devastation in front of the palace, but she only had a slightly sad expression. But, that expression disappeared quickly and she came straight to my side.

“Let’s go in.”

“Any time.”

While holding the P90 on my waist, I opened the door of the waiting room then immediately slipped my body in and aimed down sight. My finger on the trigger reacted to the shadow and moved for a moment, but I quickly removed my finger and released my stance.

“Shaft, these people are the maids and servants of the Royal Palace.”

Ashley, who followed me into the waiting room, looked around and said so.

“Are there any royalty or dignitaries…”


I stayed nearby while Ashley extracted information from the frightened maid. It seems that the people who were packed into this waiting room were kept alive to keep them working for the Royal family and the Royal castle even after the Second Prince of Kilik obtained the throne.

However, most of the royal guards were killed, and it seems that the members of “Rafflesia” will take that position in the future.

The current King, who was defeated in the duel against Felix, headed to the underground temple in the depths of the collapsed palace with Prince Kilik. The rest of the Royal family remained in the castle――along with the dignitaries, including the Queen and her relatives.

However, the underground temple is not that big. The site of the labyrinth that was subjugated by the Founding King once remains, and it seems that it has been renovated into a temple.

Why to that place――I won’t ask.

The Founding King was also a Trespasser. In other words, a person who was dropped into this world as the lord of the labyrinth and had that wedge cut off just like me. It’s no surprise that he seeks his roots in the ruins of the labyrinth. But, what are you doing there? I thought, but Ashley told me the answer.

“It’s the ceremony of succession to the throne—but they don’t have the necessities…”


“…The predecessor. Succession to the throne of the Kingdom of Kurtmerga requires an oath in the underground temple and the presence of the predecessor Zephanel.”

“But, the chancellor is not even there.”

“E, excuse me…”

When I was asking about the succession to the throne, one of the maids called out to us.

“Before Kilik-sama took His Majesty to the temple, I saw the cavalry heading outside…maybe they’re meant to pick up Her Highness Chancellor?”

I hadn’t seen this cavalry she mentioned… Did we somehow miss them?

“Felix…where did Felix Mendoza go?”

“I, I think that man is accompanying Kilik-sama in the temple…”

Felix is here… then I suppose I could only hope that Chancellor Zephanel, Prince Khan, and the members of Sazanka will somehow manage.

“Ashley, take them to the LVTP-5, then let’s head to the underground temple.”

“Understood――Now everyone stands up! We have prepared means of escaping from the Royal Palace outside.”

Prompted by Ashley, the maids head outside. What is there is LVTP-5――and the teleportation magic circle set up inside.

“Teleport with the magic circle. There’s no need to worry about an attack over there. It’ll probably be a camp, but I’ve made preparations.”

“Come on, hurry up!”

The destination connected by the transfer magic circle was――the VMB’s shooting range.

Before heading to the Royal Castle, in the warehouse that I was allowed to use at Duke Barga’s mansion, I confirmed the feasibility of escaping by teleportation. I have confirmed whether anyone other than me could enter the shooting range through animal experiments――and it was a success. After that, I asked Ashley to teleport, and I was able to confirm that it could be used as an escape destination.

The shooting range is a solitary island surrounded by the sea. You can conduct shooting training and vehicle operation training in various situations, and you can also conduct combat training indoors as well as outdoors.

The copy magic circle, which is the exit of the transfer magic circle, was set up in the urban battle area, and the surrounding rags could be used as a resting place. I brought water and food. Cooking will be difficult, but they should be able to satisfy their hunger for a while.

Giving top priority to saving the lives of those left behind in the Royal castle――that’s what I can do. And to return to the original world from the shooting range, it would be pointless if I didn’t set up another set of transfer magic circles in a safe place. I mean, I can’t die here. It is necessary to act without overdoing it, assessing the extent to which it can be helped, and then escaping.

I don’t have the time to thoroughly search the ruined palace. The same goes for other buildings.

The reason why he kept the other Royals and dignitaries nearby was probably to make sure that he could succeed the throne despite the absence of Chancellor Zephanel, just in case.

Back at the Yamigasa company’s trading house, “Rafflesia” members told me that it’s not about ruling the Kingdom――yet, Kilik is seemingly aiming for the throne. Even though I felt something strange, I also resumed my movement after seeing the transfer of the maids.


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