Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 8

The building was hot.

It was already muggy due to us being in the middle of a swamp, but when you added in the extra heat from the furnaces, it created an environment that was almost unbearable.

“Who’s there?” A gruff voice was hidden by a screen.

I looked at Fray, but she backed up behind me. “We’re looking for someone who might be able to transfer properties from one weapon to another.”

A scarred man in his sixties with blonde hair and red eyes came around the screen. “You’re a little young to be with the mappers.”

“We’re here with Trent Vowler.” That much information I assumed everyone here would already know.

“He’s trying to claim this place for the Temple? HA!” The older man slapped the side of his leg, “He might be some bigshot back on the mainland, but out here, coin is king and the Taray’s have had the coin here for over a decade.” He stuck out his hand, “But never hurts to make new friends. The name’s Tophua Malnon.”

I took his hand, “Atlas Vowler.” I couldn’t stop the smirk when he flinched, “Rix Zeb, Fray Harror and Ren Zavel.”

“Sorry ‘bout that, I didn’t know Vowler had any kin.” He gave me a nervous smile.

“It’s dads job, not mine.” I shrugged, “My friend got a drop in the dungeon today, but she really likes the sword she has and she was wondering if you could move the enchantments over.”

“And which of these lovely ladies would be the lucky one he calls a friend?” He winked at Rix.

“All of us.” Ren stepped in front of the redhead.

While I still reddened at the look he gave me, for once I was glad for it. Rix might not have been able to physically hurt the man, but I had no doubt she knew of things to say that would make him regret flirting with her.

“All? HAHAHA!” He held his belly as he laughed, “A playboy, ain’t you!?”

I smiled, ‘You could say that, I guess.”

“If you think this is impressive, you should see the rest of us.” Ren put her arm around me. She giggled as I pulled her closer to me

“Enough about me.” I turned to Fray and held out my free hand. The homely brunette slowly took the sword and katana out and put them in my hand. I turned around and handed them to the blacksmith, “What do you think?”

“A Tier Zero?” Tophua chuckled, “We make the Embers do these. I can have this done for you…” He looked around, “Gimme an hour.”

“How much.” Rix finally spoke.

The blonde man looked at her, then over to me, “How bout this? You put in a good word with pops and I’ll call it even.”

“Sounds like a deal to me” I let go of Ren so I could shake his hand. “Do you know when the bar opens?”

“Aryne Minti owns that, pretty good fellow. Tell him Fooda sent you over there to beat the rush and he’ll let you in before the Scribblers get back.” He laughed at the nickname. “Go on, I’ll have this done in no time.

I grabbed Fray’s arm and guided her out of the forge with the other two behind us.

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