Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 17

Trent was waiting for us.

He gathered us all in the middle of the camp and had us sitting on the ground.

“Before I get into what this is, I need to know who wants to go?” He looked at everyone.

“I’m going.” I stood up.

“I’m going too.” Ether stood up next to me.

“I’m our only Healer.” Justia stayed on the ground, “And Gileon is there.”

I saw a look pass between Justia and Gesai. Gileon was the grandson of the current Patriarch of the Alard family. I’d seen how Farsch had treated Gesai and I could only imagine that from what I’d seen of Gileon, the heir had treated Justia at least as badly.

“Jovena, I know you’re not a part of the team, but do you want to join?” Trent looked at the other white-haired woman.

“Will I get to punch Savyn?” Jovena cracked her knuckles.

Trent shrugged, “It’s going to be a team fight, so maybe.”

She smiled, “I’m in.

“I’d like to join.” Fray’s timid voice was slightly unexpected.

“Okay, that leaves…”

“Fray.” Oz interrupted Trent, “Would you mind if I did it instead?”

Fray shrank back, “I-i-if you want to.”

“Why do you want to participate?”

“They hurt Aelin.” Oz put her arm around the blonde, “They messed with family. That makes this personal.”

Fray swallowed and looked at me. “She’s the better fighter.”

I reached over and squeezed the homely brunette’s shoulder. “You’re more than good enough to beat those snobs.”

“It’s okay.” Fray touched the mark on her chest as she turned to Oz, “Make it hurt.”

The raven-haired woman smiled, “I plan on it.”

“That just leaves the Buffer.” Trent looked at Aelin, “I understand if you want to sit out…”

“I want to do it.” Aelin was breathing fast, but her voice was firm.

“Then we have our team.” Trent started taking weapons out of his CB, “Each of these weapons has been enchanted.” He banged two swords together, “If they hit each other, then they act like a normal weapon, but if you hit a person…” He stepped forward and stabbed me.

It felt like the sword had gone straight through me, but when I looked down, the blade was like faded light next to my jacket. He pulled the sword back and it felt like he was pulling a blade out.

“It will feel real and it will incapacitate you.” Trent snapped his fingers and I felt an electric tingle run over my body. “You will each be shielded with magic to protect you from magic, but it will also transfer the pain of being hit by the spell.” He slashed the sword across my chest and a deep red line followed the blade. It felt like I had just been cut in half.

Trent pointed at the red smear over my chest, “It will also simulate bodily harm for the Healers to heal.” He looked at the group, “This is going to be a much different fight than you are used to. This won’t be the six of you ganging up against a single monster. This is a group of peers that are going to match everything you do. So you have to do better, work together better, and be the better team that I know you are.”

The white-haired teacher looked at each of us, “I know you’re upset with this team for how they acted, but if you get hung up on revenge, you will lose.” He turned his attention to Jovena, “All it takes is one person to make it personal and the whole team falls apart.”

“Why are you looking at me?” Jovena crossed her arms, “I’ll do my part.”

Trent clapped her on the shoulder, “I know you will.” He waved his hand and a board appeared, “Now let's get to our strategy.”

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