Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 14

I got out of the tent before they could stop me.

I knew that starting a fight wasn’t the smartest move, especially when Trent was about to levy some form of punishment for going into the Dungeon alone. I honestly didn’t care if I got in more trouble. There had been the Yellow team survival exercise, then Sipher, and Whisper, and the Cultists from two days ago that would have killed most of the city if Tres hadn’t intervened. They were all threats that were outside of my level range. Things I had to hide behind other people while they solved the problem.

This was a level three problem. I just needed a way to goad them into starting it. It almost walked into me.

“Hey!” Jovena pushed me back, “You almost ran into me!”

I saw Justia and wondered if she knew. That was a conversation for another day.

“Are you ready to head out?” Gesai motioned towards the gate.

“Can I have a few minutes, there’s something I want to take care of.” I grabbed Jovena’s shoulder, “Walk with me?” Her blue eyes told me that she was about to say no, “Please?”

“Fine.” Jovena sighed.

Once we were in front of the building that Trent was meeting in, I stopped.

“What’s this about Atlas?” Jovena tapped her foot.

“How would you like a little revenge?”

Her eyes narrowed, “Excuse me?”

“I heard that Savyn was very rude to you. How would you like to get a little revenge?” I looked the Shooter over, “Think you can take her?”

There was a fire in those blue eyes, “Of course I can take her.” She crossed her arms in front of her, “What do you get out of this?”

“You know the Nobility in Trent’s team was kidnapped?”

She nodded.

“While we were gone, Savyn, Gileon, and Andes decided to teach Aelin a lesson. They hurt her pretty good, but got away with it because they didn’t use any weapons.” I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face, “I want to see how they like a target that will fight back.”

“It's not like they can kick me off the team.” A wicked grin crossed her face, “I’m in!”

“Non-lethal force and no weapons.” I looked around. I would bet good money that Rix was close and invisible. “Did you hear? No weapons.”

“Who are you..?” She realized the answer to her own question, “Nice.” The white-haired woman looked around, “What are we doing here?”

“The Black team goes to their base for lunch which means that they should be coming along soon.” I looked over at the building where the dungeon gate was.

“What if..?” Jovena motioned at the building we were in front of.

“I’m counting on it.” My heart was racing with anticipation, “Ether doesn’t think that Celia knows about it. I know that they’ll be out here in a few moments, so make your punches count.” I looked at the building, “You weren’t at the selection, but Gileon got a little lippy and Celia put him in his place.” I turned to the Shooter, “Violently. I’m hoping that a little display of force will impress upon her just how serious this is.”

“Um.” Jovena started to back behind me when the Black team walked out of the dungeon building. “What about their other teacher?”

I nodded at the gateway of our camp where the rest of our team had gathered, “I think Gesai can take him.”

“He’s Tier Five.” Her voice said she wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Ges has killed one of those before.” I flicked my finger towards the building we were in front of, “Trent is Tier Six. Besides, as long as we don’t draw any weapons, then he won’t step in.”

I looked at the white-haired woman, “You good? There’s still time to bail if you want to. I can handle this on my own.”

The fire came back to her eyes as she shook her head.

“Let’s do this.”

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