Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 48: Melina

It’s finally time. At long last, they approach the Erdtree together, side by side. Not quite arm and arm of course, because as much as Melina might have wanted that, the area is still dangerous. Even covered in ash and burnt to a crisp, Leyndell contains enemies around every corner. But that’s alright, because they stand at each other’s side and that is all that matters. Just the two of them. As it should be.
Malenia has returned to the Haligtree, to watch over her brother. Queen Rennala rests in the Grand Library of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, watching over her sweetings alongside the Graven Witch, Sellen. Lunar Princess Ranni no doubt waits somewhere nearby but out of sight, to see if her Consort will succeed in rising to the throne, of becoming Elden Lord.
Everyone else important to Melina’s Champion resides in Stormveil Castle, kept safe from the burning of the Erdtree.
Only Melina stands at his side even now, as it damn well should be. Even if she never thought to reach this point, even if she never thought she’d live this long… the kindling maiden is happy. Perhaps this goes well beyond her original purpose, but her original purpose no longer exists. The Erdtree burns, not by her doing, but by the doing of her Tarnished.
He has usurped the only value she had to him, but he’d neither discarded nor thrown her away for her uselessness. Instead, he did everything in his power to keep her close, all but forcing her to travel with him to the end of time itself in order to show her how he would solve the problem presented by the Frenzied Flame.
And now… now, he did not so much as question her presence. He did not try to force her to stay behind, back at the Castle, with all those other women of his. He did not attempt to keep her safe from the battles that were no doubt to come. He merely accepted her presence and her right to join him in this, the final step on his path to becoming Lord.
She hadn’t really considered it before, except in the abstract. After all, she hadn’t expected to be around long enough for it to matter. But now she’s left wondering… just what sort of Lord would her Tarnished be? A good one, to be sure. A strong one, certainly. But also… a lecher. Heh, he was a lover of women in all their many shapes and sizes, her Tarnished. Even the Snakeborn, blasphemous though many would have called her, had felt her Tarnished’s touch.
Not that Melina minded. She was beyond such petty jealousy. After all… twas her that stood here now at her Tarnished’s side, not any of them. Did that not make her his most loyal and stalwart companion in the end, despite whatever came before?
They do not struggle, making their way through the now Ashen Royal Capital. Leyndell is much changed by the burning of the Erdtree, but not so impossibly changed that they can no longer traverse it. Eventually, they manage to make their way back up towards the throne room. However, before they can quite reach the place where they fought Morgott the Omen King before, before they can even reach Marika’s bedchambers once more, they find their path blocked by an… interesting fellow.
Her Tarnished slows to a halt beside her, and Melina does the same, giving him a glance. He’s not wearing much. Only that silly ensemble he always wore when fighting alongside Nepheli Loux. With his chest bared, he certainly looked like quite the brazen warrior. If she didn’t know any better, if she didn’t know his true strength, she’d consider him arrogant. But obviously, she knows precisely how powerful he is.
Still, rather than the great axes he wielded every time he fought alongside Nepheli Loux, warrior, he has in his hands two Stormhawk Battle Axes. The weapons that Nepheli herself wielded, though Melina couldn’t recall the new Lady of Limgrave gifting them to him before they’d left. Where he’d gotten his pair, she knew not.
If Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing is at all disturbed by her Tarnished’s choice of weapons, he does not show it. Waving his scepter in one hand, his other open and outstretched, the All-Knowing steps forward with a sigh.
“Ahh, I knew you’d come. To stand before the Elden Ring. To become Elden Lord.”
He pauses here and notes the axes after all.
“I thank you for not dragging Nepheli into this mess. Perhaps I seemed harsh towards her, but I only ever wanted to see her stand on her own two feet.”
Glancing around at their charred surroundings, Lord Ofnir shakes his head.
“What a sad state of affairs. I commend your spirit, Tarnished… but alas, none shall take the throne.”
What? What was he saying?
Pointing his scepter in her Tarnished’s direction, Gideon’s voice sounds almost regretful.
“Queen Marika has high hopes for us.”
What did he know of Marika? What did this man think he could possibly know, to speak for a God?”
“That we continue to struggle. Unto eternity.”
Melina flushes the moment she realizes that came from her mouth, not any others. For the first time, Sir Gideon Ofnir looks at her. He’d only had eyes for his fellow Tarnished before, treating her seemingly as set dressing. Now though, now he truly looks at her… and seems confused.
“Who… are you?”
Straightening her back, gritting her teeth, Melina narrows her one open eye.
“I am Melina. I am a kindling maiden, forged by Queen Marika herself in the very heart of the Erdtree for the sole purpose of burning away the Erdtree’s brambles so that this one might become Elden Lord. I am hers in a way you will NEVER be. How dare you claim to speak with her voice. How dare you pretend to know her Will. You reach beyond your station, Tarnished.”
For a moment, Sir Gideon is gobsmacked, struck speechless. Then comes the anger. He bristles and turns his full attention towards her.
And that’s when one of the Stormhawk Axes sinks up to the haft into his body, burying itself in his chest. Melina’s chosen champion follows it up by running forward and swinging once, twice… Sir Gideon’s arms fall from his sides, cut free by the second Stormhawk Axe. His scepter, still clutched in a death grip by one of his lost hands, hits the ground with a clatter alongside the meaty wet slap of his flesh.
For his part, the All-Knowing collapses to his knees, looking baffled before acceptance rushes through him. And yet, even then…
“I know it… in my bones. A Tarnished cannot become a Lord. Not… not even you. A man… cannot kill a god.”
Silent as the grave, wordless as ever, Melina’s Tarnished yanks the first Stormhawk Axe back out of Gideon’s chest and swipes it through the other man’s neck, relieving him of his head. And like that, it’s over.
Melina can’t help but be a little surprised. Usually, across most of the battle she’d seen him take part in, meaning all of them, her Tarnished had fought with honor. He hadn’t always fought entirely seriously, maybe, but this? Striking while the other man was distracted? It was as if he had not a single ounce of respect for his fellow Tarnished.
There was bad blood there, perhaps. Or perhaps he’d simply waited until Melina got to say her piece. If nothing else, Sir Gideon’s words had rankled her something fierce. He dared to speak for Queen Marika, the closest thing Melina had to a mother? Pah! Good riddance to bad rubbish, she figured…
By this point, her Tarnished has finished cleaning his axes. Melina straightens up from where she was staring at the body and smiles at him.
“Shall we, then?”
He smiles right back, nodding. And so, they continue on.
They do not face another worthwhile opponent until they reach the seat of the Erdtree, where the Elden Throne sits and where they fought Morgott. There, Melina’s eye widens to saucers at just who they find waiting for them before the final step. Even she had not expected nor planned for THIS.
“… It’s been a long while, Morgott. Long and hard didst thou fight.”
Godfrey, the First Elden Lord, stares down at his Omen son’s corpse for a moment longer, holding it in his palms before it finally dissolves into nothingness. Then… he steps forward. Melina feels a tremor go up her spine, as he reaches for his axe while gracing her chosen champion with a nod.
“Tarnished Warrior. Spurned by the grace of gold. Be assured, the Elden Ring resteth close at hand.”
With that, he takes up his massive axe.
“Alas, I am returned. To be granted audience once more. Upon my name as Godfrey, the First Elden Lord!”
Upon Godfrey’s back, Serosh the Lion throws his head back and ROARS! Melina, despite herself, despite her absolute certainty that her Tarnished was meant to be Elden Lord, takes a step back. Could she… could she have been wrong? Queen Marika’s own words run through the kindling maiden’s head as she beholds Lord Godfrey in all of his returned glory.
“Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring. Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.”
Melina feels like a child grasping at straws. Was this always the plan? For her to burn, that much was clear to her. But then… was it always Queen Marika’s Will that Melina’s chosen companion fall here, to Lord Godfrey? Had they planned this together, ahead of time?! Was there ever any POINT to any of-?!
As Melina’s thoughts get shriller and shriller, they’re abruptly interrupted by an answering roar of challenge, causing her head to whip over to her Tarnished, who still wields the Stormhawk Axes, and has taken up a powerful stance as he lets out a bellow of his own. It is the loudest sound she has ever heard her champion produce.
And then he flings himself forward, earning a small, approving smile from Lord Godfrey. The battle is joined a moment later, their axes clashing together as the two begin a dance of certain death with one another.
Melina wants to help, truly she does. She is here to fight alongside her Tarnished, against any would-be obstacles that might remain in his path to becoming Elden Lord. Against Sir Gideon Ofnir, if the fight had not been over so soon, she would have gladly wielded her blade. Against the other enemies that have littered the Capital on their way up here, she had struck fast and true a hundred times.
But against Lord Godfrey? Melina feels frozen in indecision. Not because she doesn’t know who she wants to win, but because she no longer fully understands Marika’s plan. She never did, she’s just beginning to realize. Queen Marika sent her out into the world with her purpose, to find a Tarnished who would take her all the way to the Forge of the Giants and help her light the Erdtree ablaze.
She had thought that Marika meant for that very same Tarnished to become the next Elden Lord. After all, for any Tarnished to reach the Forge with her would… would take much strength. They would have to prove themselves time and time again, all the way through to the end.
And her champion HAD. Not only had he defeated Morgott, not only had he reached the Forge and burnt the Erdtree to clear the way to Marika herself, but he’d gathered up every other Great Rune that could be found as well. He’d assailed fortresses and killed monsters and demigods and man alike. He’d tackled every challenge in his way and defeated every opponent who thought to stand against him, to block his path.
And his reward was this? To go up against the most capable fighter that the Lands Between had ever known? What was Marika thinking? Why was this happening? Was Sir Ofnir RIGHT?! What-
“That will be all.”
Jolted free of her thoughts, Melina blinks as she realizes the battle has been going on the entire time, right in front of her. And more than that… her Tarnished is WINNING. He stands there, breathing hard but untouched, while Godfrey is covered in wounds. The first Elden Lord has made space between them, and her Tarnished makes no effort to close it, seeming to give Lord Godfrey the respect he refused to show to Sir Gideon.
“Thou dist me good service, Serosh.”
And Lord Godfrey uses that space to reach up… and rip his mantle’s head clean off. Serosh the Lion roars as he’s torn asunder, the blood of the beast coating Godfrey even as his mantle is likewise tossed aside, the lion’s perch upon his shoulders no longer necessary with the creature’s death.
Bare chested and coated in the blood of his boon companion, Lord Godfrey snarls.
“I’ve given thee courtesy enough.”
And roars.
“Rrraaaaargh! Now I fight as Hoarah Loux! Warrior!”
More information that Melina wasn’t privy to, likely by design. Hoarah Loux… a relation to Nepheli Loux, perhaps? Her Tarnished seems entirely unfazed and wholly unsurprised. Had he always known? Was that why he’d gone out of his way for the woman?
This time, Melina does not allow herself to be distracted by her own thoughts. Her singular eye tracks the ensuing battle, as Hoarah Loux foregoes all semblance of decency or respect and charges at her Tarnished with his bare hands empty yet ready to do monstrous damage. Of course, when he finally reaches the other man… her Tarnished is no longer there.
Easily rolling under Hoarah Loux’s reach, those Stormhawk Axes that her chosen champion is wielding continue to seek their opponent’s blood. And Hoarah Loux continues to take damage, even as he roars, even as he struggles. He’s a wild man now, without Serosh the Lion to tame his bloodthirst. He’s utterly mad with rage and aggression. He’s also much faster than he was before, and stronger too from the way he keeps cratering the floor.
And yet… it’s still not enough. Not before her Tarnished. Hoarah Loux fairs no better against Melina’s Champion then Lord Godfrey did. Then anyone ever did, really. Melina knows how strong her Tarnished is. She’s one of the few who truly understands how powerful and mighty he really is in that unassuming mortal form of his.
He is Perfection Made Manifest. He is Potential Realized. He is Complete. Only now, watching him take apart the First Elden Lord like the old warrior is nothing, does Melina realize what that truly means. For a moment, she’d actually been afraid of what Lord Godfrey’s presence here represented. But in the end, it matters little what her mother’s plans for this moment were. Because they’ve just run face first into Melina’s chosen champion… and have been found woefully wanting.
Finally, Hoarah Loux collapses. The strength leaves the aged warrior, as he falls to his knees, his arms limp at his sides.
“Brave Tarnished… thy strength… befits… a crown.”
And with those final words, the First Elden Lord falls forward and, from what all Melina’s senses tell her… dies.
In the wake of his death, Melina suddenly feels a spike of self-loathing and shame. Her cowardice had kept her from fighting at her Tarnished’s side, damnit all! She-!
But before she can get caught up in herself, she sees her Tarnished holding out a hand for her, from halfway across the room. Flushing, she hurries to his side and takes it in her own, ducking her head when he gives her a broad smile.
“I… I would have words with Queen Marika, my beloved. Words about her plans, about what all of this means. Shall we seek an audience with her… t-together?”
Something soft and sad, and altogether knowing enters her Tarnished’s smile. But before she can ascertain what exactly it is he knows; he just nods and begins to pull her along. Together they walk, hand in hand, up the stairs and into the now cleared path of the Erdtree. Together, they move to confront Queen Marika.
Melina isn’t sure what she was expecting to find when they finally breached the Erdtree. She wasn’t even supposed to have reached this point to begin with. Still, she didn’t know what she wanted to see… but even if she was suspicious, even if she had questions, what they found was not what she wanted.
Marika’s crumbling corpse turned to stone, held aloft by the last glimmering shard of the once whole Elden Ring, was not something she ever wished to witness. To gaze upon her mother, her creator, and see her so diminished… it hurt more than Melina cared to admit.


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