Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

69. Kingdom politics

Once ice was foreign to him and he couldn't feel it but now, its sensation lingered in Kai's consciousness.

His mind replayed the moment it all happened over and over. The cold, the breath on his neck and the freezing touch he experienced— he shook his head at that thought.

It wasn’t just a new element, it was a presence.

The woman’s presence.

The memory of her embrace, the warmth of her slender hands against the icy chill, sent an electric shiver down his spine.

He'd never experienced anything like it. New elements could develop a connection, but what he had seen was completely out of the ordinary.

Fire had always been a part of him, a raging inferno that resonated with his core and something he had always been familiar with. Ice, however, felt… different. Distant, yet strangely familiar. Almost as if a long-dormant part of him had awakened.

Kai sighed, his mind playing the scene of his awakening repeatedly.

The way everything was frozen…. His mind brought it all back once again.

The woman's voice replayed in his mind, that single word – “Heir”.

Heir to what? To whom?

He knew it wasn't about him. Kai knew that much and he had already gotten most of his master's legacy. This was about Arzan.

His entire lineage was shrouded in mystery, even if the duchy household was close to Veralt.

He knew nothing of his parents, no tales of ancestors.

He knew he was from a house of Mages from his diary, but what was the connection between him and the woman in the vision? Someone he knew in the past? Or something entirely different?

Was this the reason he was poisoned? Because he had been an heir to something? There were only questions and hardly any answers.

The frustration of not knowing enough was a bitter pill to swallow. He could move on from the facts if he knew something related to his awakening, but… It seemed like there was no luck there.

Killian and Francis, loyal as they were, wouldn't have a clue.

Arzan was a loner, too oppressed by his inability to do things and Kai would be surprised if he had any friends if he did have, they were the only three because of his status as a Duke's son and as soon as he had been kicked out, they had abandoned him.

For an entire day, Kai pondered over it and tried to call back to the woman to find a little bit more, but he wasn't able to. In the end, he pushed it out of his mind and focused on the important things.

He had a journey to start and it was an important one.

As for Arzan, there was always time to find answers. Either way, the ice element was his now and he doubted his fate would let him be without any answers.


Outside the bustling estate, carriages lined up in a neat row.

Kai stood at the head of the procession, his gaze fixed on the two Archine Tower mages fidgeting impatiently beside him.

"Lord Arzan," Jacks, the taller one, began tentatively. "We've already informed the tower that we are heading back with you. Once we reach the capital, we'll head straight there to report."

His voice held a hint of nervous inquiry as if seeking Kai's approval. Kai, however, remained impassive. His gaze darted from the Mages to the carriages, then back again.

“Okay," he finally replied, his voice devoid of warmth. “We will do so. For now, get in the carriage and try to keep to yourself. We would be taking a slight detour but would reach the capital in time. If I need your help, I will call you two."

The unspoken command hung heavy in the air. The second Mage, Klan bristled slightly.

His lower lip twitched in what could have been a protest of not following his orders, but he quickly bit it back. The clear dismissal in Kai's tone brooked no argument.

With a resigned sigh, the taller Mage cleared his throat. "Of course, Lord Arzan. We wouldn't want to delay the departure any further."

They both gave a curt bow, their faces etched with a mixture of annoyance and disappointment. Kai, however, remained unfazed.

“Sit well and try not to bother anyone," he said curtly, his voice leaving no room for further discussion.

The two Mages wasted no time. They scurried into the first carriage, slamming the door shut behind them with a disgruntled thud. A moment later, the carriage lurched forward, pulling away from the rest of the carriages.

Kai watched them go, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. He wasn't interested in coddling these self-important mages.

A few times they had tried to get close to him, obviously trying to curry favour due to the strength he displayed, but their demeanour when they first met told him everything he wanted to know about them.

Kai swept his gaze across the assembled group.

Beyond the carriages, Malden stood animatedly conversing with Gorak’s team and the other guards, Killian's stoic figure looming beside them. As Malden finished his spiel, both he and Killian approached Kai.

"Everything seems set," Killian said, glancing at the fluttering banner above the lead carriage. "The flag looks good, Lord Arzan."

Kai followed his gaze.

The banner, newly made at his request, flapped proudly in the morning breeze.

Unlike most noble houses, with their centuries-old heraldry, Kai lacked a family crest. He couldn't claim the faded glory of the previous Baron, nor could he ever wear the colours of the duchy household since it belonged to Lucian now. So, he'd tasked Francis with creating a new symbol.

The resulting banner was a bold statement — a majestic phoenix rising from a bed of dark ashes. Behind it, a golden sun stood, encompassing its glow everywhere.

The image resonated deeply with Kai. It wasn't just a phoenix, it was the Sorcerer's Tower symbol, subtly adapted.

The symbol meant rising no matter and the philosophy was a major reason why the Sorcerer's Tower had stood for so long. He didn't want to leave it behind, so at the first opportunity he had gotten, he had used it.

After all, it was where he came from.

Kai nodded at Killian’s words words without saying anything.

"Everything seems settled, Lord Arzan," Malden said, wiping a stray bead of sweat from his brow. "Now then, I’ll head to my carriage and you can enter yours with Killian as your guard."

Kai raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips. “Are you going to be alone in your carriage?"

Malden nodded. “I have a guard and he would be acting as the driver, so I was going to rest till we get to a spot to camp.”

“You have nothing else to do?”

“No, my lord.”

“Then, hold on," Kai said, a glint in his eye. "There's been a change of plans."

Malden's grin fell immediately. "Change of plans, you say, Lord Arzan?" he asked. "Is there something amiss?"

Kai shook his head. "Not amiss, Malden," he corrected. "Just necessary. I have something important to talk to you about on our way. You will be travelling with me and Killian can act as the driver." His gaze flickered towards Killian, who stood straight with his neutral face, as usual.

Killian immediately nodded at Kai’s words.

Malden's eyes darted between both of them, his brow furrowing in confusion.


In the front of the carriage, Killian drove the horses through the roads, following the carriages containing the guards in the front while keeping an eye out on the side for anything suspicious.

On the back, Malden fidgeted nervously on the plush seats, glancing out the window at the rapidly fading cityscape. His knees moved anxiously as if he was trying to calm his nerves.

He cast a furtive glance at Kai, who sat across from him, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Relax, Malden," Kai finally said, his voice calm. "There's no need to fret. I just thought it would be beneficial to discuss a few things before we reach the capital. It's not related to you. I just want to know more about the landscape of things and you are the best person to come for information."

Malden cleared his throat, seeming like a wave of relief washing over him. "Ah, of course, Lord Arzan. What would you like to know?"

Kai leaned back in his seat, his gaze thoughtful. "Tell me about the capital, Malden. The political climate, the atmosphere, if you will."

Malden's eyes lit up. Politics was one topic that was a favourite for merchants, being both important and interesting for them to keep track of. Even in Veralt, Kai knew he tried to keep an eye out for any development.

By how his ears perked up, he knew he had asked the right person.

“Royal politics is messy, to say the least right now,” he said, carefully choosing his words. “It's like the calm before a storm. King Sullivan's health is failing, everyone knows it, and with no clear successor named, it's tense."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "But isn't there the first prince, Eldric? Surely he's the heir apparent." In his fragmented memories of history, Eldric was one of the few written about a lot, so much so that even after thousands of years, his name was one of the staples in history.

A major reason for it was his ushering the world into the Golden era of magic and gaining the moniker of the “Mad King”.

Malden chuckled. "First prince, yes, but not necessarily crown prince. The King, bless his stubborn heart, hasn't declared an heir yet. Hasn't even hinted at it. Left the other two princes, Prince Thalric and Prince Aldrin, scrambling for power. It's not a pretty sight from what I have heard."

“Has it been going on for long?”

“Yes, it's been dragging on for years, Lord Arzan," Malden lamented, shaking his head. "All three princes are good Mages and rulers in their own right, but the King remains stubborn as a mule. One would think he'd want to ensure a smooth transition, but no, he keeps everyone guessing because he can't take a decision.”

Kai nodded thoughtfully. Political turmoil wasn't something he was familiar with. One wouldn't have a lot of time to engage in it when fiends were trying to kill you at every given moment, but he had read enough.

Even in Arzan's journal, he had seen how the succession of the duchy had progressed with lots of alliances and betrayals— It was a tangled web of them that could easily destroy a nation if it continued for too long.

"Tell me about the princes," he prompted. "Prince Thalric, Prince Aldrin, Prince Eldric— who are they aligned with?"

Malden launched into a full-blown gossip mode as he leaned forward.

“The rivalry between the princes only exacerbates the tension. Prince Thalric, the youngest, seems to have the military's favour with his brash tactics and promises of glory. He had spent time dealing with the barbarians in the Northern lands and had plans of conquest. The middle one, Prince Aldrin is trying to curry favours with the nobility and due to his mother being the princess of the neighbouring Alparca Kingdom, he's getting a lot of support on the borders,” he said, licking his lips and moving onto the last one. “Finally, Prince Eldric had been the quietest, but rumours are that he's been trying his best to gain the attention of Archine Tower. The queen had been training him in politics since his childhood and he's been brewing plots to destroy his rivals and take the throne for himself.”

Kai squinted his eyes at the last part. Archine Tower wasn't something he recalled from history, but if it was the premier institute of magic in the kingdom, it made sense for Eldric to gain their support for the throne.

"And the King, amidst all this chaos?" Kai inquired.

"Lost in his own world, Lord Arzan." Malden sighed. “He spends most days bedridden, leaving the kingdom to manage itself, or rather, mismanage itself. The competition for the throne has blinded everyone to the real threats – poverty's on the rise, whispers of famine are spreading, bandit attacks are becoming more frequent, and even beast activity seems to be increasing… Thinking of which… Veralt is quite the different thing from all these."

“Why do you say so?" Kai asked with interest. He recalled asking something similar when they had first met, but now things were quite different.

"Veralt." Malden shrugged. “It is an oddity. While the rest of the kingdom seems to be crumbling, Veralt's actually on the opposite path. You, Lord Arzan, with your… initiatives, have shaken things up. People are working, there's less hunger and I see a purpose in them as they try to grow. I believe the last few months have affected them and as you have shown your face around and done things for them, a lot of them think they could leave behind their miserable pasts.”

Kai allowed himself a small smile. If anything, this was a start and once the beast wave passed, he could do more with the city.

"Speaking of factions, Lord Arzan,” Malden said, bringing him out of his thoughts. “With your new status as a Mage, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the princes tries to recruit you once word reaches the capital."

Kai frowned. "A mere Baron like myself wouldn't be of much interest, would he?"

Malden snorted. "A mere Baron who's a Mage, Lord Arzan? Don't underestimate your worth. Just the Heat stones are enough for them to inquire about you, and with the rumours of your lineage… well, let's just say the princes will be very interested in having you on their side. Imagine they do so, then, which prince will you choose, Lord Arzan?"

He asked the last part of the sentence with expectant eyes, trying to gauge his expression, but Kai remained calm.

A prince, huh?

He pondered over the question but got no answer. It was clear with the history he knew as he knew what prince was going to succeed the throne, but Eldric was a controversial figure.

For most of his good in investing in magical studies, he had put the world on the path of destruction. There was also too much bloodshed that Kai didn't approve of.

Hence, he shrugged. “Probably no one. I would rather choose myself.”

His eyes went towards the evening sun as he answered. From the corner of his eye, he could see how Malden stared at him, bewildered and trying to make sense of his words.


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