Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

104. Mana cannons (1)

As Kai looked through the refugees for any signs of an Enforcer, he had only hoped to find one or two of them, but the task unexpectedly led him to discover someone even more special— A young girl with all three mana organs present in her body.

She hadn't awakened, but just one look was enough for him to tell that they were undamaged. She was also young, at the perfect age to start her journey.

The girl was simply untapped potential waiting to be discovered and even if he had no idea if her talent was exceptional, just her presence was a pleasant surprise.

As he approached the girl, she stood with shaky lips. Her blonde hair, tangled and streaked with the dust of training fell just below her ears. Her clothes were simple, well-worn tunic and trousers. From the bruises on her upper arm and her palm, Kai could tell that she was diligent in her training. Her green eyes looked up at him— Fear, written all over her face along with anxiety.

“Is there anyone in your family who’s a Mage?”

The girl hesitated, her gaze flicking to the side as she searched her memory. After a moment, she shook her head. “No, Your Lordship. My parents were traders. They—”

“Traders?” Kai interrupted gently, nodding thoughtfully. It wasn’t uncommon, though not the norm for a Mage to come out of the population of commoners. After all, the population of commoners were comparatively larger than others; it was normal to find a magic caster or two among them.

As Kai pondered the potential of his unexpected find, Rhea's curiosity got the better of her.

“What do you mean by becoming your disciple?”

Kai smiled at her question.

“Well, Rhea. I’ve discovered that you have the potential to cast magic, even if you can’t do it right now. With the right training, we can ignite your Mana heart and awaken you into a Mage.” He thought for some time, choosing the right words to explain the situation to her. “Being my disciple means I’ll teach you magic. It’s not the same as being a core disciple, which is a more formal, intimate and important relationship. This is a nominal position, but I will guide you through learning magic.”

The girl’s eyes widened with hope.

“I’ll be able to do magic? Then I won’t be useless?”

Although the question caught him off guard, he shook his head. “Anyone who can do magic isn’t useless. You might not be able to cast spells right away, but with proper training, first-circle spells will be within your reach in no time.”

Maybe it was too much for Rhea to take, but after staring into his eyes for a second, she immediately bowed deeply. “I will work hard, and I’m highly grateful for this opportunity, My Lord.”

Kai chuckled softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Just call me Lord Arzan. No need to be so formal.”

Her eyes widened further just when Kai thought it wasn’t possible. A slight gasp escaped her lips as Kai turned from her to Killian, who had been quietly observing the exchange.

“Killian, could you arrange a room for her in the castle?”

Killian nodded, stepping forward to handle the arrangements. Kai’s smile lingered as he watched the girl’s hopeful expression.

“From now on, your life will be different. Magic will open your eyes to the universe in ways you never imagined. It might be hard and mystical, but if you do well, greater things will await you.”

Rhea's mouth opened and closed as if she was unsure what to say. She kept bowing, her face changing expressions from fear to nervousness to pure gratitude as she finally understood the gravity of the situation.

Finally, she asked. “Lord Arzan… What is the universe?”

Kai laughed, not expecting that question. “Ah, that’s a big topic. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you about that too. For now, let's start with awakening your dormant heart and attempting a first-circle spell. [Fireball] is quite beginner friendly. It’s simpler and a lot less intimidating than the universe.”

Rhea blinked, giving a nod.

“You can follow Knight Killian from here. He will help you to settle down. Then, we can meet later to start,” Kai said gently.

She again thanked Kai and quietly followed Killian.

As the girl disappeared into the distance with Killian, Kai couldn’t help but shake his head. The recruitment had bore better results than he had expected.


Adding another Mage to the city, especially one Kai could train, was probably the biggest boost to his defence. Rhea might not be able to do much in the beast wave, but she could definitely help out in the back.

However, Kai’s schedule was packed with pressing matters, and he couldn’t immediately devote himself to her training. The refugee camp was a hive of activity, and he had more pressing concerns to address.

As Kai continued his rounds, scanning for any more anomalies among the refugees, he picked up two more Enforcers hidden among the displaced. Both of them were from villages destroyed due to the beast and had previous battle experience.

The first Enforcer, a tall man with a striking scar running down his neck, introduced himself as Talon. His blue eyes, framed by a perpetual frown, suggested a past marked by intense battles and a no-nonsense attitude. Apparently, he had been in the Lancephil army in his youth and had left it to get a position with the village guard in Mangrove village.

Talon’s build was muscular, and his demeanour was one of practised discipline. For a while, he wondered if the man belonged to a knight family or was a generational warrior? But he couldn’t question him further as the process had to be haste.

The second enforcer, a woman named Lyra, had a different presence altogether. Shorter than Talon but equally imposing, Lyra carried an air of quiet intensity. Her silver hair was cut short and practical. She wore a collection of symbolic tattoos on her arms, which made Kai look twice at her.

She had been from the same village as Talon and was part of the hunting team there.

In the end, he was pleased to bring them on board.

They joined Killian in the special guards, where their training was ramped up to prepare them for their imminent awakening to their powers. Their addition would help bolster the city’s defences, but even with this progress, Kai faced a different issue.

The guards, while competent, were not yet fully prepared. The Archine Mages had made some decent progress, having tasted true power in the form of Kai's spell and wanting to better themselves, but the rest of the city's defences and magical preparations were lagging far behind the urgent deadlines.

The overall workload was overwhelming.

Both Balen and Orion were struggling to keep up with the mounting demands. Balen’s workshop was teeming with projects, from the enchanted weapons to the mana cannons, but the deadlines loomed large. Orion, responsible for making large batches of different types of spells, was equally burdened.

A few of his apprentices have even lost consciousness due to not getting enough sleep.

Even the Mason, Barret, had voiced concerns. “We might not finish everything in time,” he admitted with a grimace, as he oversaw the construction and fortification of key structures. “The beast wave is almost upon us, and we’re falling behind.”

Which unfortunately had been true. The scouts had reported that the beasts were making movements and there was a small chance that the beast wave would be arriving sooner than they expected. It was a bad situation, but one that Kai had expected.

He wasn't going to move with his plans without taking in the worst possible scenario for them after all. But the solution to ramping up the work was with Malden, and the merchant hadn’t delivered it just yet.

Kai knew that time was running out, and every moment counted. Hence, he chose to control what he could and kept going, sleeping less and less to help out in any areas he could.

He even cast [Refresh] spells on a lot of people just for them to keep going and seeing that even he being the lord was pushing himself so much, no one was able to complain.


The walls of the city were a flurry of activity. Kai and Balen took control of setting up the mana cannons, making the workers place them right where they wanted them.

Today was the day they were going to test them out.

The cannons were mounted at strategic points along the ramparts; the three cannons covered most of the range of the area where the beast would charge from. One in the middle and the other two on the sides, they needed to work together to deal heavy blows to the beast.

Balen was at the forefront of securing each cannon with a series of heavy latches to lock themselves in place, ensuring that they were not only stable but also correctly aligned for optimal mana flow.

Kai stood next to him as Balen made adjustments on the latches. He glanced at them while his fingers traced the seals that were engraved into the cannon’s base, using his mana to check the conduits that fed into the core.

Killian and Francis stood behind the cannons, waiting for the show to begin.

As Balen adjusted a latch with a satisfied grunt, Kai glanced out over the city. He could feel a sense of ease creeping in with the mana cannons placed. It might not take out on the entire beast wave, but it was a big help regardless.

Before he could speak to Balen, something caught his eye followed by the sound of hooves running across the road. A large group of carriages headed their way from the distance.


The carriages were moving in a convoy, their wheels kicking up clouds of dust as they approached.

Kai’s eyes narrowed as he took in the sight. He turned to Francis and Killian, who both were watching the approaching convoy with equal curiosity.

“What’s this?” Francis asked. “We weren’t expecting any new arrivals today.”

As the convoy of carriages drew closer, Kai's eyes widened in recognition.

It was no longer just a single group but a procession of multiple carriages, each bearing the weight of critical supplies and reinforcements.

At the forefront of the convoy, a flag fluttered with a crest. It was a black tree with a sword carved into its surface and he realised it was the symbol of House Blackwood. Kai's heart lifted as he realised that the men he had been promised had finally arrived.

Following closely behind them, there was another series of carriages with a crest that stood out in particular. It was his own symbol and there was only one person Kai had permitted to use it.

“Malden is finally here.”

He hadn't expected Malden to come together with the men from Duke Blackwood. But his surprise hadn't ended there.

At the very end of the procession, several other carriages belonged to neither party, their rough exterior indicating they belonged to mercenary groups. Leading them was Gorak's team which had been in his service for a while now.

He had specifically asked both Malden and Gorak to bring them more mercenaries when he was in the capital because a beast wave was always good profit for them, though he knew their loyalty could waver at the first sign of danger.

But it was a risk that he was willing to take.

As the carriages rolled to a halt at the city’s entrance, Kai’s anticipation grew.

He decided to greet them personally. Using [Featherfall], he descended unharmed from the walls before any of his retainers could say anything, landing lightly at the forefront of the large group.

A knight, resplendent in polished silver armour, was among the first to notice Kai’s arrival.

The knight’s armour bore the same crest of Blackwood, and his stance was authoritative yet respectful. His helmet was held under one arm, revealing a middle-aged man's face with a strong jawline and long hair that was tied in the back.

“You must be Baron Arzan Kellius,” the knight said, showing no surprise at Kai's sudden jump and looking over at his robes. “I am Knight Darian Legas, in service to Duke Blackwood. We have been dispatched to assist you.”

Kai extended a welcoming hand. “Knight Darian, it’s good to see you. Your timely arrival is much appreciated.”

Before Knight Darian could respond further, Malden emerged from the carriage carrying his unmistakable presence. With him was the mercenary leader, Gorak.

Malden’s face broke into a grin as he approached, though it was tinged with exhaustion and Kai could see dark circles under his eyes.

“Lord Arzan!” Malden called out, his voice carrying a cheerful lilt despite his condition. “You look as good as ever, even with the beast wave looming. I’ve brought what you asked for.”

Kai resisted a chuckle. This man was all about complimentary words without paying heed to the situation. “I’m glad you made it. Did you manage to bring the shadow seeds?”

Malden nodded, a satisfied glint in his eye. “Yes, they’re all here. And as for the mercenaries, they’ve come in good numbers.”

“However, they’d like to discuss their terms and compensation before joining the fight,” Gorak walked from behind and added with a tight face.

Kai sighed at that.

The mixture of Duke Blackwood’s guards, Malden’s delivery, and the mercenaries created a chaotic but promising scene. Despite the excitement, Kai felt the dire situation slowly settle into his shoulders.

The merging of so many groups, though a boon, was overwhelming and required immediate organisation.

He rubbed his temples.

The convergence of these forces had been orchestrated, with the groups likely joining up for mutual protection on their journey. Nevertheless, it was a lot to manage all at once. He needed to streamline their integration into the city’s defence plans and ensure everyone was properly accommodated.

As he looked around without giving a direct answer, an idea sparked in his mind. He turned to Knight Darian and the others, who were still in the process of disembarking and assessing their new surroundings.

“Before we get too caught up in logistics,” Kai said, raising his voice, “I’ll handle the arrangements for your quarters and oversee the unloading of goods. But first, why don’t you all come up to the wall? We’re about to run a demonstration that should be quite interesting.”

Knight Darian looked puzzled. “A demonstration?”

“Yes, we’re testing a new artefact we’ve developed. It’s something you’ll want to see as our most important weapon against the beasts. It should be fun.”

Darian's face didn't show any change, but Kai could see in his eyes that he was intrigued by the promise of an artefact. He nodded. “Very well, Lord Arzan. We’ll follow your lead.”

With that, Kai led the way up to the wall, Knight Darian and the other key figures following closely behind. As they ascended, Kai could see their curiosity piqued, their earlier weariness momentarily forgotten in anticipation of the demonstration.

Upon reaching the top of the wall, the group was greeted by the sight of the mana cannons, now fully assembled and ready for action.


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