Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 76

Is it Laxus?No, his magic is thunder, which is elemental magic, and he is on a mission!

Is it Gildas?Not right, his magic is crushing, he is good at melee combat, and he is also doing missions!

The attack just now was a sword technique, a pure slash!

Joseph has collected information about Fairy Tail, and no one in the entire guild has such sword skills!Even that Erza, her swordsmanship is far from reaching this level!

A familiar voice came: "You old bastard, what do you want to do to the prince of our country?"

Joseph looked for the sound and found that the source of the sound was a hundred meters away from him. The figure happened to be standing in the direction of the sun. He couldn't see his face clearly, but he could see a sword in his right hand.

Joseph was shocked in his heart: "How can he control such a powerful and precise slash from such a long distance?" '

"Who are you?" Joseph asked, he had some guesses in his mind, but he couldn't believe it.

"Who am I, you ask? I'm just an unknown swordsman who likes to see injustice!"

The person approached gradually, and as his appearance gradually became clear, everyone at the scene widened their eyes in disbelief.

With fine red hair on the top of the head, and a white dress dancing in the wind, the sky blue twin boys are full of charm. They have the same appearance, the same voice, and the same strength as the familiar companion; they also have similar clothes, similar to tone, and a similar style of conduct.

A series of questions also popped up in Joseph's mind: "Kira Hopelett?! Aren't you supposed to be in Ghost? Why did you appear here?! What's going on with this outfit? When did he learn to be so powerful? Swordsmanship? Never heard of it!"

"Don't misunderstand me! I'm not that handsome guy in your guild! If I didn't happen to meet, I wouldn't be bothered!"

In the guild tavern, Lucy who saw Kira was overjoyed: "It's Kira, now they are saved!"

"It's amazing, to cut off the ghost's headquarters and cannon with one move, Kira still has such swordsmanship?!"

But Mira frowned slightly: "No... this person is not Kira!"

"Huh... You said he's not Kira?" Lucy asked, "But this is Kira, right? Even though he changed clothes..."

"No! Judging from the move this person just made, he should be a very powerful swordsman, but Kira doesn't know how to use swords at all!"

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes," Mira nodded, "Although Kira's magic is very strong, and he often uses some magic props, but when it comes to physical and sword skills, it can only be regarded as an ordinary level."

"Maybe it's just that you don't know? After all, his magic is so strong, so there's not always a chance for him to show it?"

Mira shook her head amusedly: "You don't know him yet. If Kira really has such a level of swordsmanship, everyone would have known about it!"

"In particular, I will definitely compete with Erza in swordsmanship in front of everyone in the guild!"

"Er... is it... hehehe..."

The person who looked exactly like Kira pointed the sword at Joseph's old face, and asked politely, "Hey! The one over there is old and ugly, and looks like he crawled out of a monster's feces. Guy, can you stop your attack and roll back in your bowels?"

Although his tone sounded polite, his words were not very nice.

Mistgang looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of him, and asked cautiously, "Are you..."

But his question was quickly interrupted by Kira in front of him: "It's too shameful for a dignified prince to be beaten like this in a foreign land! What are you doing? Playing house? Your strength hasn’t improved at all!”

A trace of disbelief flashed in Mistgang's eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said with a sigh of relief, "So it was you...why did you come here?"

This wave is stable!

The person who came did not answer his question, but just walked closer and closer with the knife resting on his shoulder, staring at Mistgang on the ground, completely ignoring Joseph whose face was getting ugly.

"You can't even beat people of this level. Are you a prince? Or let me be the king in the future! Since you decided to come here, you should have the determination to make yourself stronger and pay for the change." All enlightenment!"

The sword qi lingered within three feet of his body, hidden but not uttered, like an unsheathed knife, not showing its sharpness, but frightening, it was naturally tempered in countless battles, It belongs to the breath only of kendo masters.

Such a person had never been heard in the Kingdom of Fiore, and Joseph asked uncertainly, "You are not Kira Hopelet, who are you?"

"I'm Kira!"

Joseph was furious when he heard this, Kira?It's Kira again!

He didn't know the relationship between this Kira and that Kira, but this face, this attitude, and these behaviors all stirred his nerves, declaring that the two were enemies.

The death magic in his hand reappeared, and at the same time he controlled the Jupiter cannon and blasted over: "Smelly brat! Go to hell! Dark spiral!"

Facing the galloping attack, Kira did not panic, sheathed the knife with his backhand, and pressed the handle of the knife: "How dare you pretend to be aggressive in front of me with mere magic?"

As if he had already sensed it, he stepped to the right, turned slightly sideways, and easily avoided Joseph's magic. Kira shuttled through countless spirals of dark magic with ease, and his movements were smooth and flowing without a trace of waste. Then he looked at He saw the magic cannon that fell from the sky and was about to reach him.

In an instant, draw the knife and chop!

A slash glowing with white light was issued from the knife in his hand, and the cluster cannon, which was originally formed by pure magic power, seemed to be endowed with an entity, and it deviated from the direction driven by the slash.

"You actually bounced the Jupiter cannon with a slash?"

Joseph was very surprised. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that someone could deflect a magic cannon with a single blow.

Mistgang was also surprised because...

"Idiot! That direction is..."


After a loud noise, Amaterasu's defensive magic circle completely dissipated under the combination of the cannonballs and the flying slash, and the already bruised guild was exposed like this!

"What are you doing?!" Mistgang yelled anxiously.

"Ah... what's wrong?"

Kira's dead fish eyes drooped, as if completely unaware of what he had done.

The current situation is mixed. The bad thing is that the defense of the guild is gone, which makes it more dangerous; but the good thing is that the people inside can come out to help, and Jupiter still has an hour to recover.

Seeing that the defensive cover disappeared, everyone in the guild ran out directly.

"Jie ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing that the magic circle finally disappeared, Joseph laughed wildly: "You guy, you really did a good deed!"

"It's so much easier this way, cry out for your impending death, bastard goblins!"


Another flash of light flashed behind him, and Joseph's laughter stopped abruptly, as if he had sensed something, he turned his head stiffly, and set his sights on his guild.

A thin slash slashed down obliquely from above, and after a sharp sound of piercing the air, the six-legged mobile castle was directly broken into two pieces!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The cut surface caused by the slash was as smooth as torn paper, and the building above was affected by gravity, sliding down along the slanted slash marks, making a huge booming sound.

"Nani??!" ×N

Everyone was shocked by this scene. Even Joseph had never seen such a powerful sword technique in decades, so he couldn't understand everything in front of him at all.

Why can one fly a disembodied Jupiter's cannon with just a slash bomb?And why can this person cut off his own mechanical castle with a single knife?Is this kind of power really within the reach of human beings?

"What exactly is going on?!"

Joseph was furious. The person in front of him was clearly the Kira he had just met, but why was there such a big difference?

"You bastard!

Who is it? ! "

"Ask the same question three times, are you dementia? I should have made it very clear just now!"

Kira stepped forward and stood in front of Joseph, put his hand through his red hair, put on a very cool pose and said helplessly: "Well, since you asked sincerely, then I will be merciful." Let me tell you!"

"Old ghost, remember, I just do good deeds without leaving a name, popular with thousands of young girls, the world's number one swordsman, Kira Dispel!"

The members of Fairy Tail approached and looked at each other: "Dispel... I remember that Kira's surname should be Hopelet?"

"He's also called Kira, what the hell is going on? Isn't he a twin brother?"

Kira Dispell retracted her knife again, stomped her foot, and rushed to Joseph in an instant.

"One knife style, Wuji!"

"Nani?! Ugh—!"

Joseph didn't react at all, he just felt his eyes light up, as if he saw a knife cut in front of him, his body flew upside down, the word "丿" was sprayed with blood, his eyes turned white, he fell to the ground, and lost consciousness .

The people who saw this scene were all dumbfounded, their mouths grew too big, and they were completely speechless.

"It's amazing! You can instantly kill Joseph of the Holy Cross with a single blow," Mira covered her mouth and exclaimed, "No, speaking of it, even if it's not just about swordsmanship, if you want to kill a magician at the level of the Holy Cross with one move, even if Even Kira would have a hard time doing it!"

Hearing Mira's words, Lucy suddenly remembered the scene where Kira fought the Ice Demon King Ace in Zonia, and felt that Mira might be a bit conservative in her estimation of Kira's strength.

"Anyway, it's great that even Joseph was defeated. This crisis should be considered resolved, right?" Lucy asked in a low voice.

Mira thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Probably...but who is this 'Kira Dispel', he makes me have a very strange feeling."

"It should be fine, right? After all, he looks exactly like Kira, and he saved us, so he should be considered a companion, right?"

"I hope so..."

Mistgang looked at the fallen Joseph, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Dispel... why are you here?"

"What? Why don't you come and visit Kira here? I can hear the name 'Sage' everywhere I go!"

Dispell put away the knife, with excitement on his face, and a little joy in his tone, as if he wanted to see Kira right away, and then have a good fight.

"That feeling of always being treated as someone else is really annoying!"

A somewhat tired Mistgang sat on the ground defenselessly: "So, are you here to challenge him? You are indeed strong if you can kill Joseph with one move, but he is not weak either! It's hard to say whether you will win or lose in a real fight. "

"Hey, hey, hey...don't say it so harshly! The so-called 'challenge' is a word that is only used when the strength is not as good as the opponent's. I'm just here to learn from each other!"

"Which one is more powerful, magic or swordsmanship, don't you want to know?"

"Not interested in!"

"You are so boring!"

"Speaking of which, when are you going to wear this ridiculous mask? Don't you want to be yourself so much?"

Mistgang was a little embarrassed: "You don't need to worry about it..."

"Cut! It's because you always spend time on these meaningless things that your strength has been stagnant!"

Dispel turned his head to Mira and Lucy. When he turned around, Mistgang suddenly found that he had two knives in his waist, which indicated that he was probably a two-knife, but he just dealt with Joseph. Only one knife was used.

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