Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 58: Guild Test Part Two

Hearing the young boy's situation and seeing his determination made me really like this little boy. He was more of a man than half the males back on Earth. He knew to take care of his family no matter the cost. Don't get me wrong and I do not mean to sound mean or sexist when I say this but some males would rather rely on a woman than man up and take care of what needs to be taken care of. And I do not mean those stay at home dads either, some women like to be the breadwinner. Anyway, I really respect this little boy.

"Alright next!" Ray yelled out as he looked at Able.

"My name is Able Ronstine. Ummm… I come from a family of magic knights and I am here to train. Oh and the beautiful girl next to me is my fiancee so no one better get any ideas." Able smile was killer, I could already see a few of the girls close to him blushing and at the same time glaring at me as if I was enemy number one. But I like how Able was being protective of me. It made me feel warm inside.

"Then last but not least the fiancee over here." Ray said with a chuckle.

"My name is Rei Lancaster, I do not like my family name so please just call me Rei. As Able stated before, I am also here for training. My goal is to get to E rank or above before I head to the Magic Academy. Oh and Able is indeed my fiance." I gave my introduction and looked around at everyone. Sure enough, there were still some girls glaring at me. 

"Good! With introductions out of the way. We can now start the test. To your right is a strength testing stone. All you need to do is hit it with your best hit. And it will record your strength. First up Marsil." Ray said as he directed Marsil to the large stone. It was at least four times the size of me tall and I was about one hundred and forty eight to one hundred fifty centimeters tall. I was not sure exactly how tall I was, so this was a rough estimate. I was on the short side due to malnutrition. 

Marsil looked at the large stone then back at Ray and asked: "So I just hit it?" 

"Yep just hit it with everything you got. Don't worry you won't hurt yourself. The stone itself is enchanted with magic to cushion and disperse the power being sent into it making it so the attacker will not harm themselves." Ray answered.

Hearing Ray's answer, Marsil let out a sigh of relief before bringing her fist back and punching the stone as hard as she could. To her surprise, she felt like she was hitting a pillow even though the stone did not react.

"Twenty seven kilograms not bad for someone with your build. Next!" Ray went right down the list until it was once again Sam, the little orphan boy's turn.

Sam walked up to the stone and stared at it with a serious expression. I couldn't help but route for the little guy since he was so small. Then again, in this body, I was only a few centimeters taller than him. I watched as Sam pulled his little fist back and punched forward as hard as he could. His fist landed and… "Five kilograms." Ray said. It was to be expected I mean he was a ten year old orphan with little to no meat on his bones. His punch would not hurt a fly. 

"Next up Able!" Ray yelled out. He did not show any sympathy for the poor results, he knew it was best to stay quiet in times like these. 

Able did not do anything flashy as he went up to the stone. He walked up, brought his fist back, and punched it as hard as he could. "Three hundred forty kilolgrams, not bad kid!" Ray was quite surprised at Able's strength since he did not look like he had much muscle. 

"Next the little lass." Ray announced. I nodded to Able and walked up to the stone and punched it as hard as I could without using my inner energy. "Ahem… Ummm… six hundred and seventy kilograms… Rei, remind me not to make you mad… " Ray said as he put on a forced smile. To be honest I didn't think I was that strong… I did not use my internal energy so I have no idea why It came out like this. Was this the result of having fitness at 4?

I looked around at everyone else and the girls who were glaring at me before now no longer looked in my direction. I guess this was the result of being strong? I knew this world ran on strength means all, but it was my first time seeing the effects of it. Anyway, I hope this will keep these girls who have ideas about Able away. I looked at Able to see his reaction but he was as normal as ever as he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. Luckily I did not hurt his pride.

"For those who got a low score on this test do not worry this does not mean you automatically fail. It is the combined score that matters. With that being said, please move over to the other stone to test your magic. Weapons can now be used as long as they are part of your magic power. For example magic arrows, weapons made of magic, and so on. Marsil if you would."


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