Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 49: Trouble At Lunch Part Two

The waiter looked at the overbearing Princess in front of him feeling uncertain of what to do. If he did not do as the Princess asked he would be offending the royal family but if he did he would be offending the Ronstines house. "What is going on here?" 

Like a god send the manager of the restaurant appeared after hearing the Princess yelling and making a fuss. The waiter had tears in his eyes as he ran over and told the Manager the situation. Hearing the waiter's words even the manager felt that this was an issue. He looked at the Princess and smiled as he said: "Princess… We can offer you anoth..."

"You dare go against me!? Are you looking down on my Royal Father!?' The princess cut off the manager of the restaurant and turned to look at the door. She raised her foot and kicked the door with all her strength knocking it clean off its hinges. "This Princess is taking this room you get out for this Princess!"


I was chatting happily with Emily and the rest when the noise outside became louder and louder. I could hear everything that was being said. I couldn't help but wonder why people of these kinds of eras all thought they were better than others just because they were born with a golden spoon in their mouth. But then again, even on Earth, there were those kinds of people, so saying this kind of era was not correct. 

It was when I was lost in my thoughts degrading the person saying this princess this and this princess that in my mind that, said person, kicked the door to my private room open. Sid and Claire both jumped to their feet drawing their swords while I myself summoned my sword and stood in front of Emily. "I do not know who you are but rudely barging into someone else's private room for no reason is by no means proper manners."

"Does this Princess need a reason to barge into a private room that is always reserved for me on this day and time every week?" A young girl in a refined dress, her hair done up to the nines with many head ornaments stood before me.

I recognized her instantly, Princess Feia, she was my age, a tad taller than me with red hair. From what I remembered about her, she was the ninth Princess and a bitchy one at that. She had a habit of picking on commoners and Alissa also had her run ins with her. Princess Feia had fallen in love with the male lead that Alissa was romancing, no matter the route you took the Princess would always show up and cause problems for Alissa. 

Thinking about this I realized that there were many and I mean many villainess in Magical Love. One was not enough, they had to throw in around ten plus. From minor ones to major ones who could cause the female leads death no matter the route, there were enough people against you to make any player nervous about their next choice or you may reach a bad end. But this was also what made the game more exciting as well. 

"I do not care if you are a princess or some bitch kid, I only know that you have disturbed my peace while I was minding my own business in a room that I had reserved ahead of time. I must ask you what kind of teachings did you undergo to determine that you had the right to think you own everything around you? Are you your father? Do you rule this land? No, you don't, you are just a princess and that is it. 

" You live a leisurely life under your father who rules a country. If you wish to make the royal family look bad I do not mind. But you knocked down the wrong door if you think you can use your status to suppress me. If you do not wish to be beaten up I would suggest that you turn around and go find another room… Of course, after paying the hard working manager here money for the door you just broke." Princess Feia stared at me with her mouth open gawking at me stupidly. I guess she never expected me to basically tell her off but what can I do. I am not going to bend my knee and bow to some bitchy girl. I have never been one to cave to the suppression of power. 

"You! You dare say such things to me! This Princess commands you to kneel and apologize to me now!" Princess Feia put one hand on her hip and the other hand was extended out pointing at me. She carried a smug look as if she had won.

"Oh? You want me to kneel and for what? Telling the truth? I am telling you right now keep this up and I will slap you." I wasn't joking. I do not like being bullied. Even in school the reason I could be looked at so strangely and not actually get bullied was that everyone was afraid they would get beaten up. I do not mind if you talk about me but once you begin to take action. I will no longer sit quietly. I mean people can talk all they want but what will those words do? Nothing right? Why get worked up if someone is behind your back calling you names. It's when they begin to come up to you and start causing an interruption in your daily life that you need to react. 

"Slap me!? I dare to see what a lowly commoner such as yourself can do to me! I dare you to slap me! Here this Princess is even nice enough to shine my beautiful cheek for you to slap! Come slap me with all you got! I would like to see you do..."



[Author here, I would like to ask my readers to please leave a review if you are enjoying the novel. It would help me, the author, a lot! I thank you in advance.



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