Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 40: Magic Lessons Part Three

"Alright, enough of the practical. Let's talk about magical theory. Magic consists of three different things. First is the image of the spell, second is the formation, and the third is the control. It is said that the first magic spell ever cast ended up killing its user. This was because the spell that was cast was too strong for a first time magician. This magician did not exercise control over their spell. That is why control is the biggest part of a magic spell. But thanks to the notes left behind we humans were able to harness the magic in the air in order to better our lives. 

"So remember when casting magic, control is of the utmost importance, it can not only kill you but those you care about as well. So, before trying any spell that is out of your range of control make sure you are able to control it first." Master Felix was really pushing this fact. I also agreed with him one hundred percent. I for one did not want to harm my friends or comrades I was fighting with because I tried to cast a spell that was way over my level. Whether the spell was effective or not in taking an enemy out it was not worth it for the loss of those dear to me.

But this did bring up a question: "Master, how do we know what we can and can not handle?" 

"Very good question Rei. These things can be checked by taking an assessment. For low level spells every person can cast them, such as your fireball earlier. But once we get into midtier magic spells then we will need to do an assessment. Within the next two years before you enter the Academy you will be tested every six months. You are never allowed to use any other spells than those that are at your skill level." Master Felix's serious expression was overshadowed by his burnt beard. It made me chuckle inside when I looked at him. Do not get me wrong I do feel bad for burning it but still, it was mildly comical, to me at least.

While Master Felix continued his lessons I decided to ask the system some questions. "System, how is my control of magic?" 

"Rei, your magic control is within the higher levels of what this world calls midtier." The system replied.

"So that would mean by the time I reach the Magic Academy I will be able to cast high tier spells?" If this was the case I could really say that I am an overpowered NPC… But this was also a good thing since it would mean that even if Able and I did not work out I could still live a comfortable life. Not saying that I won't strive to do my best anyway, but the idea of being alone in this world right now scares me…

"Okay, that will be it for today's lesson. Make sure you two remember what I explained here today." Master Felix waved his hand and all the diagrams he created disappeared.

After saying my goodbyes to Master Felix who seemed to be in a rush, I turned to leave only to be stopped by Angelina: "Rei, I want to say thank you again for teaching me today and also wanted to apologize once more."

"Angel, that is now in the past. We started anew so we can go from there. If you ever have any questions or just want to hang out feel free to come and find me." This Angelina, I could really get along with. It seemed once she put down her arrogance she was a very sensible girl. I am glad we were able to form a friendship instead of continuing to be enemies.

"Mmm! I will..." Angelina's words were cut off when we heard hurried footsteps coming from behind us.

"Rei! My love! I have missed you! I have been so lonely all day!" I was almost tackled to the ground by Alissa who charged right into me hugging me tightly.

"I thought you were going to go out shopping today with Emily?" I asked as I tried my best to peel the girl off my body. I was not enjoying the way she was rubbing her face all over my chest. But who knew this girl would have such an iron grip!?

"Thieving cat that is enough!" Able yelled out while slamming his fist down on top of Alissa's head. 


"Ouch! Able you bastard! You really hit a girl?" Alissa yelled, rubbing the top of her head. 

"What girl? I only see a thieving cat here! Why are you even still here? I thought you left to go home!" 

"Humph! Rei already told you that I was going to be sleeping over for a few days. How does it feel to have your fiancee sleep with someone else besides you? Plus I even saw what Rei looks like without her clothes on!" I could only facepalm at Alissa's words. I really wondered if this girl understood what she was saying. I mean yes we slept in the same room but she slept on the floor and would only sleep on the same floor and yes we did take a bath together but we were both females, our parts all looked the same!

"So have I..." I have no idea if Able meant to say that or not but my cheeks instantly blushed to hear him say such a thing. I mean it was an accident! It was not like I was showing my body to him on purpose!

"You!? How far have the two of you already gone!?" And Alissa decided to blow things even more out of proportion. 

I could no longer sit on the sidelines so I tried to clarify the situation. "Alissa, it's not what you think! At that time it was a complete accident."


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