Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-4 Power of Witch

After Yui agreed to Vila's proposal, she started explaining to her, her basic skills as a Witch. She started from scratch, leaving aside what she had already said.

"So since we've cleared it all up, it's time to train you a little bit in theoretical knowledge." Vili said, going back to her desk and sitting down again. She then turned to Yui who merely nodded.

"So, starting." Vili pretended to cough. "The Witch's power at its base is the same as that of the Magical Girls. The difference is only in where they draw their power from. In their case, it's a positive spectrum like *blech* love and in our case, a negative spectrum like hate and so on. Although we have other sources, our basic skills are the same. To begin with, mana manipulation. Try it!"

After finishing her speech, which from what you can see only in the beginning of the lecture, Vili pointed the finger at Yui who simply nodded and started to concentrate.

Yui, without waiting for another word from Vili, looked into herself or at least tried to do so. She did not know how to use mana. When she was playing... fought the Magic Girl, everything she did to her by instinct. All she could do was concentrate. So she did it and it worked for her satisfaction. She sensed something... more and it was quite pleasant for her, a good comparison is a warmth after a good dinner, a feeling of fullness. 

When she finally discovered this power, the next step for her was not to move it. She focused on the image, which shows the movement of her mana. She didn't even manage to move her mana from her basic path. Then she imagined as if it was being manipulated in her hands. This time the mana moved, and Yui now knows how it feels to move her mana, which made her excited.

Now knowing this feeling Yui tried again this time using all her concentration. So she repeated the whole procedure: she looked inside herself and grasped the mana; now she pulled it and drew it out of her body. She extended her hand in front of her and opened it, then concentrated the mana in her hand.

"Bravo!" Vili applauded the achievement of Yui. She opened her eyes to see a sphere of purple mana the size of a large apple, radiating a violet wicked light.

Vili was, in fact, a little surprised. Being able to manipulate mana less than an hour after the first transformation is an extraordinary feat. When Yui was playing with Eisst, she acted on the instinct, derived from the transformation, and was under adrenaline, not to mention emotional shock. All these things help a lot in using mana, but now Yui is doing it completely alone. 'I really found a treasure. thought Vili', unreservedly found a natural Witch.

"What now?"

"Try to form it and shoot it." Vili looked around the room once and added. "Maybe start with a barrier so as not to destroy anything."

Yui nodded and started manipulating her mana. The purple apple lost its form and started to look more like a drop of water then a square and finally a like big CD. She nodded again as if to be in agreement with herself and divided the mana into two, 8 to 2 proportions.

The majority flew to the opposite side of the room and took the form of a 20cmx20cmx2cm plate and the other part took the form of an arrowhead. Yui then turned to Vila.

"How do you harden the mana, or more like create a barrier?"

"Your key elements to remember when using mana." Vili showed one finger. "One: It is important to have a picture of what you want to do. The clearer the image, the more mana will form and be stable." Vili showed the other finger. "Second: The density, quantity and control of the mana simply strengthens the technique."

"Thanks for the information." Yui quickly returned to her technique and applied the formula. The barrier was concentrated up to 50mm thick. She focused and fired her bullet surprisingly powerful. 

The magic shot didn't take even half a second to hit the barrier and then it splashed without leaving a trace except for the purple particles which disappeared after a while. Yui, satisfied with the outcome of her attack, cancelled the barrier which melted into the air.

"Pretty cool, right? How do you feel?" Saying that, Vili flew up to Yui and sat next to her.

"I feel powerful. That feeling is... ...pleasant." She said sincerely. In fact, now that she has more control over her power, she feels more... ...complete. A feeling that she did not know she needed until it was satisfied.

"Okay now let's continue with another lesson." Vilii did not wait for an answer and started her lecture again. "Now don't get cocky once you've learned the basics. Now the next basic skill is levitation and flight. It is quite simple this time you have to use mana in your body to deny gravity, it is levitation. Then throw the mana out of your body in the opposite direction to which you want to move with the image of vectors and force, you give it a try!

Yui just got up and went to the middle of the room and started to go with it. She did what Vili instructed her to do. Her mana moved slightly down and suddenly she stopped as if something was stopping it. Yui used more force and started to float slightly. Yui was happy to see that and this disturbed her concentration wich caused her to fall on her ass. The situation was quite amusing.

"I know your tits are heavy, but that's no excuse. Try harder!" Vili didn't waste the opportunity for a joke.

"Yeah... Shut up." She growled and then she went back into action.

"Don't say you focused on your tits and your ass so much that you couldn't pick up the rest?" Vili didn't let go and a dangerous gaze flew towards her from Yui. 'Since the transformation, she has somehow stopped being afraid of me, right?' She thought, "Okay, you're not fat, you have a wonderful ass."

For her behavior, Vili got a magical arrow in the face... or rather, she blocked it at the last minute with a minimum sized barrier.

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't interrupt." Vili gave up by raising her paws over her head.

Yui could only give up after she couldn't do anything to her. So she also decided to let go and went back to trying to fly. 

This time she managed to levitate, and flying itself did not take much of a time trying. She made a few circles in the room, the purple magic particles followed her.  She then landed on her bed with a slight drop. 

"It's quite difficult." Yui commented. "How can the Magic Girls and other Witches  do it so easily?"

"No big deal, just a little training and experience. Soon it will be like second nature to you." She was comforted by Vili, which happened to be ignored. Yui is apparently still a bit pissed off.

"Okay, going on." Vili went back to teaching Yui. "Now the basic skills are over and we are entering the Witch's skill area." This caught Yui's attention and she started listening carefully. "Controlling and creating demons. Most Witches only care about the first, because creating demons, especially the stronger ones, is a time-consuming thing. When you are alone, controlling demons is just about saturating them with your manna. When you are struggling to take control from another Witch, you have to take control away from her by dominating her mana and kick hers mana out of the demon, or you will not gain full control.

"Why would I fight another Witch?" Yui interfered.

"You must have seen the Witches on TV. Most of them are bitches." Yui must have nodded to that answer, because she saw these bitch Wiches on TV and there's nothing good to say about them.

"Coming back. When you're in control of a demon, it's yours for life or if somebody take control of it." Vili stopped for a while to change her position and lay on the pillow and continued. "Creating demons compared to natural created ones is about soaking what you want to turn into a demon with mana for a few days with a clear picture of how this demon is supposed to work."

"Now to your personal skills." Vili looked into Yui's eyes. She just nodded. "You have two. One: From what you've seen, you can create magical artifacts." Vili pointed to the ribbon that Yui took away from Eisst. Yui lifted it up slightly and gave a command in her mind, and it tied itself around her hand. "It takes an absurd amount of mana. The first transformation has a bonus mana, and you have collected twice as much from the Magic Girl before you tied her up, from her negative emotions. 

"So much!"? How?" She asked surprised.

"That's because the negative emotions from the Magic Beings create more mana." Vili replied casually. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you spent all this mana on that ribbon. Though I won't say it's quite powerful, blocking mana and changing form, even mana absorption, impressive. After you tied her up, you created even more negative emotions in her and drinked out the mana with a ribbon. I ate the excess mana, but even then it was quite a lot. You quite aroused her, you have the talent for that, dom-mistress." Vili was teasing Yui, to which she squinted her eyes.

"The second skill is to create demons more easily." Vili continued.

"How do you know that?" Yui was a little curious about it.

"I gave you the transformations so I have access to this information. A helpful skill to train the Witch." Vili smiled slightly at Yui.

"Okay. That's useful." She said Yui in a nicer tone than usual. "So what now? Is there something else I need to know?"

"One more thing." Vili added." Witches and Magic Girls have different ranks. They depend on how much mana they have in their bodies normally. It grows with experience training and the amount of mana on one time. If you absorb negative emotions and put your mana above normal level than normal, your capacity slowly grows." Vili has clasped her paws. "That's all. Now you know what to do."

"Yes, yes, I will train." Yui without commitment.

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