Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-19 Secrets and Plans

 The little harassment that Yui put Hikari through was quite fruitful, for more than one reason. At first, Yui simply wanted to play on her emotions in retaliation for her constant gazing, which excited her slightly, but still she wanted to excite her and from what she saw, she managed even a little too much, who would have thought she would use the minimum amount of magic power to scare her away.

"What does that mean now?" Yui whispered to herself and wondered what it might mean. From what Vili told her, there are only a few ways to use mana and only three on earth. One is to be a Witch or a Magical Girl who gets the opportunity to use mana with a magical artifact that allows them to transform themselves. The second is by means of an amulet or magic artifact, through which someone can use mana, and the third is by means of using natural talent, but this only occurs with newborn babies and is not valid in this situation. 

"It didn't look like she had an artifact with her." Yui wasn't able to see a government-issue amulet, magic weapons or other such items. She had a necklace but it did not react to the magic, at least it did not react to Hikari's mana, which excluded it. There was also no reason to take such objects to school even if she was in some organisation, which left only one option.

"The Magical Girl. Hikari has a pretty interesting secret, doesn't she? I'll have to check you out, so don't mind me." She said, with a sadistic smile, to a person who wasn't even there. Yui also noticed that the fact that there are only people on the student council with mana alterations in their appearance is no longer such a coincidence. She was not one hundred percent sure, but the probability of another possibility was negligible.

Of course, there were also rumours that there might be a Magical Girl at school, there are after all more than a few girls with mana alteratons, but Yui thought it was unlikely, at least until now. Her filthy luck would not allow her to have such pleasure. She did not expect, however, that since she became a Witch her luck would turn around and allow her to discover the her prey was hiding under her nose.

Yui's amusement grew and grew as she thought of many ways to have fun with her student council, which she would enjoy. Now that she was practically certain that they were Magical Girls, many facts began to come together which made Yui felt stupid that she couldn't see them before and that she needed obvious proof. Their extraordinary colours were the same as the ones on Magical Girls, with whom she had fought, she heard rumours that they are often summoned by teachers during lessons and many similar things. She felt as if somebody had dropped flaps from her eyes...

"Ahhh..." She finally understood. Magical Girls and Witches can interfere with people's perception so that they would not be recognized, it was one of the effects of a transforming artifact. In truth, Yui was terrified of how powerful this effect was and how it affects the mind, now she understood that it was being used on her. This effect is frightening mainly because, in the victim's subconscious, it simply throws away suspicion of its master, no matter how suspicious it is. Unless there is concrete evidence there will be no suspicion, even when Yui noticed the use of magic, she left the possibility of her being the Magical Girl to the very end. "Terrifying."

Get the fear out, Yui was shaking in terror as her mind was shaken and she couldn't do anything about it. It was so bad that people around her started to worry about the girl with the pale face shaking, but before they could even approach her, she started to walk fast. Yui tried with all her might to throw off the idea that this could be turned into a weapon, after all, if the Etativi could do this they would already have taken over the world.

She only calmed down when she came to her home where she found Miyu playing with a plush demon that seemed bigger than recently but she decided to ignore it.

"Hey Miyu." On hearing her voice, the girl became happy, but then she immediately pushed her cheeks out, with an angry look at Yui. This sight was sweet and acted like honey on Yui's heart, who immediately understood why Miyu was angry. "Sorry I was so late. I was stopped at school."

"I'm gonna make some snacks, so keep having fun." Yui said, going to the kitchen, where she met Vili as usual, which she was happy about because she had some questions for her. But she couldn't keep Miyu waiting any longer, so she started with the fridge, from which she pulled the ingredients.

"Vili, have you ever made a weapon with a perception disturbance?" To this serious question that she got from Yui, Vili also got serious and turned all her attention to the girl. Yui did not stop working in the kitchen but focused all her attention on Vili and encouraged her to speak with her eyes. Vili just folded her hands.

"There were attempts, but nothing ever came out of it. Too much uncertainty in the weapon." Vili began to answer honestly, and decided to continue by seeing Yui questioning eye. "The perception disturbance itself works like light hypnosis and does not allow too much of it. The highest results are distractions from things you want to hide, but this is also not certain. It stops working completely when someone guesses the thing you want to hide, although I have heard that the experience itself causes a sudden release from the effect. Usually it is a fear of confusion and lack of control, but it passes quickly." Vili focused her eyes on Yui and finished. "After you have asked me this, I can guess that you have experienced it."

"Yes. The student council president at my school turned out to be the Magical Gir," Yui started while she was making sandwiches for Miyu. "When I realised it everything suddenly became clear and I got a little scared. Thanks for explaining it to me."

"No problem." Vili smiled lightly on Yui, who likewise had a light smile. "So, this girl, what is she like?"

"Shy of her desires and thus keeping the front of a model student." Yui's lips again formed a slightly sadistic smile. "She also seems to like me."

"So what are your plans?" Vili was growing increasingly interested in what Yui was going to do, because she was always able to come up with something that surprised her completely. Her games didn't bother her at all, in fact, she even liked them.

"I am going to play with her of course! However, if it seems to me that she's a third-ranked Magical Girl. I'll have to prepare myself hard." Yui finished making snacks for Miyu and decided to bring them to her. "I will have to create powerful demons."

"Will you use a magic tree? Or better, take Miyu as suport?" Vili asked her curiously.

"No. I want to test the most powerful demons I can create right now." That was another character trait that Vili liked in Yui. She always wanted to get better and be the dominant person who always has control. She also noticed that when Yui is not in the heat, she is quite intelligent in her actions. It's a shame that she shows such interest only in playing with the Magical Girls.

Yui finally returned to Miyu, who threw the ball to a demon who jumped up to the ceiling to catch it and then ran up to the girl to give it back. He behaved like a normal dog if you ignore his demonic powers. He was the only demon in her house so Yui decided to do some experiments on him, which the dog seemed to sensed because he suddenly froze and sslowly turned his head towards her, she just had a smile on her face which did not promise anything good.

"Come here." Yui said to Miyu, who listened and sat on the couch where she started eating the sandwiches made by Yui, after a short thank you, Yui herself changed and ordered the demon to walk before her. Miyu just looked a little curious, without worrying about the little demon she was just playing with.

Yui used her power on the demon, filling it with her mana, which made it grow. At that time she tried to do the same as she did when she was creating new demons and focused on its function, this time she imagined a big black wolf that could change between the two states, it took all the mana Yui but her experiment was successful.

In front of her stood a majestic two-metre-tall black wolf, which barely fit into the rather large living room of the house, it had violet tones on its fur and shiny amethyst eyes of the predator, which showed signs of intelligence. Though he laid down, as to not disturb the room, his form was powerful and his head was still at Yui's waist. Yui stroke him, which was also done by Miyu, who smiled because the demon fur was very soft and fluffy. Despite this, the power of the demon was still not even comparable to that of the Magic Girl of the First Rank.

"He needs more mana to increase his core." Vili commented, confirming Yui's suspicions, who only nodded. To increase his combat potential he will have to go to the Magic Garden. Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday and they will have plenty of time to increase their numbers. She was also curious about how the demons in the garden took care of it.

When she was thinking about demons, Yui came up with an interesting idea and quickly went to her room where she sat down at her desk.

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