Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter35–Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (Last)

Still Alive

Chapter 35 Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (Last)

The bitch waitress, Ririn, led the way with stumbling steps, nearly crashing into a couple of tables by the time they arrived at their table. Located in a secluded corner, they laid eyes on a perfect little hideaway. Shoved between a jutting pillar and the staff restroom, this small booth provided them much-needed privacy in the packed diner.

Looking at the table, then at each other, the Magical Girls shared a nod. Feeu pushed Lust in first before plopping herself beside her, while Keiko sat directly opposite Lust, creating a Feeu-Lust pair on one side and Yui-Keiko on the other.

Amused at their attempt to keep herself as far away from her double as possible, Lust allowed it to happen. Once they were all settled down, she slapped her forehead, as if remembering, and exclaimed, "How rude of us, we've been having so much fun that I've forgotten to ask your names."

"Misaki Yui," Yui introduced herself with a nod. Her movements were imperceptibly smoother courtesy of Lust assuming direct control. Previously, the double ran mostly autonomously with occasional inputs from Lust regarding dialogue and intimate actions. Currently, with the double in sight, controlling it was disorientating but possible.

Keiko bowed politely, “I'm Hara Keiko, nice to meet you.”

“Wonderful, I hope we have an entertaining meal together.” Lust hummed. "Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let’s eat!"

She fished out the electronic menu she had swiped from the horny waitress before suggesting for the latter to have some alone time in the adjacent staff room.

“Keiko-chan, when you were discussing choices with Yui-chan, I couldn’t help but notice you’re quite familiar with this fine establishment.”

Keiko nodded.

“Since you're so experienced with Yui-chan, oops, this place. What would you propose to break our virginity?”

“Eep! Virginity? Experience with Misaki-san?!” Steam billowed off the top of Keiko’s head at the thought.

Glaring at Lust who was once again up to her usual antics, Feeu intervened, “Ignore her, she means it’s our first time here, and would like ya recommendation.”

“Darling understands me best<3” Lust passed the device over to Keiko.

“Oh okay, Aya-cha—Oww—F-Feeu-san,” Keiko yelped in pain when her poor foot was stomped. “Hmm… I like the curry, could be spicer though… and the katsu-don is Ay—a friend’s favourite. As a matter of fact, we’re planning on ordering these two too.”

"Sounds good, add one more set for us, I’ll take the katsu-don, ya take the curry, okay? Ok.” Upon hearing Keiko's recommendations, Feeu's eyes lit up. She immediately urged Keiko to key it in.

As if to gloss over her not strange action, she called out to Yui who was pondering. "Misaki-san, ya look like ya want something else?"

"I was wondering if they served couple drinks? Those drinks with heart-shaped two-person straws." Yui asked dispassionately as if she was asking about the weather.




Please wait a moment
Magical Girl.exe has stopped working
Rebooting. . .
Reboot successful

The image Feeu had of the school's famous stoic, aloof, ice queen cracked. ‘Who are you? And what have you done with Misaki-san?’

Meanwhile in Keiko land,
“Me and Misaki-san… Couple drink… Couple… Hehehehe…”
And so began [The Quest For The Holy Grail].

Keiko's fingers danced across the screen, opening and closing all the different menus so quickly that not even Feeu, with her enhanced sight, could keep up. But after meticulously checking and rechecking a dozen times, a chill seeped into her heart. By the hundredth of time, despair gripped her. 

“Nothing… It’s not here… Couple drinks don't exist…”

The act of speaking seemed to have drilled into Keiko the grim reality before her. The light in her eyes dimmed and her soul departed. Yet in her darkest hour, when all hope seemed lost, a light shone through the bleakness to rest itself upon the crown of her head.

“It’s ok, Hara-san,” Yui comforted, patting Keiko’s soft brown hair. “We can always go to a proper cafe next time.”

“Next time?”

“Yes, does Hara-san not want to go on another date with me?”

“Eep! I want to! I want to!”

“Then it’s settled.”

*munch* *munch* *munch*

They turned to the intrusive sound and saw Lust eating popcorn she stole from over the 4th wall. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”

Cheeks flaming, Keiko diverted her attention to the drink menu, something she had become intimately familiar with. “I’ll order tea for everyone.” Keiko hastily keyed it in without waiting for a reply and promptly sent their order.

Once sent, Lust tossed her popcorn over the wall before leaning closer to get the spiciest gossip. “Sooooo~ What saucy things have you lovebirds been up to? Don’t deny it, don’t think I missed the looks you two were giving.”

“Sorry about her.” Feeu dragged Lust back by the collar. “Ya don’t have to answer that.”

“No harm done,” Yui replied. “We are on our first date if that answers your question.”

“Ara~ What a lovely coincidence~ We’re on ours too~ (Screw being a Witch. With her unblinking ability to lie with a straight face, Lust should get into politics) How was it? Did you two do anything interesting or was it straight to a hotel?”

“The hotel was after the photo gallery,” Yui said in a straight tone.

“Eep! Misaki-sannnn!” Keiko protested.

“A photo gallery is a little unusual for a first date. You two must like photography.”

Ahh!! More!! Yaa!!

Sudden loud moans interrupted them, originating from the staff room, causing everyone to jump. Lust narrowed her eyes for the briefest of moments before returning to normal and continued, “Must be a cat in the heat, best ignore it. Now where were we? Yes, photo gallery.”

Everyone tacitly agreed to ignore the background noise of a horny cat. Keiko began animatedly describing the gallery they visited. Yui chimed in from time to time to straighten out some facts or, more importantly, drop bombs to tease Keiko.

The more they talked the more excited Keiko became, the artistic skill on display, the brave war photographers. Each subsequent subject chipped away at her wariness towards Lust. Until, from an outsider's perspective, it looked like a lively chat between friends.

But Feeu knew better.

Like a Hawk, she eyed the conversation, watching, studying, primed to intervene. She knew how scatterbrained her friend was and how annoying sharp Lust could be. One misstep, one wrong word, might expose Keiko’s true identity or something worse. Either way, she must be ready to catch it.

Inevitably, the topic of Magical Girl photos cropped up, an impossible subject to avoid since it took up a major portion of the gallery. Not that Keiko would even try to abstain from expounding the glory of the exhibit. This left poor Feeu on the edge of her seat, anticipating a screw-up.

. . . Nothing happened. . . The chat smoothly transitioned to mundane things. Feeu released the breath she unconsciously held. But amidst the relief, a growing sense of unease brewed. That was the perfect chance for Lust to do something stupid, to tease them. For her to let it slip by, she must be planning something.

When the topic somehow circled back to Magical Girls, this time Lust spoke animatedly about the unique shop they visited, Feeu prepared herself. Here it is, Lust was going to say/do something, she just knew it.

And yet again nothing. Their conversation flowed onto other stuff.

Feeu gashed her teeth. Lust never so much as looked at her when they started chatting, but she knew Lust lulling her into a false sense of security. Even though that chat sounds normal, there was nothing normal with Lust involved. Yes, this definitely was some scheme, and she will be ready.

While Feeu was in full-blown paranoia mode, Lust was having the time of her life. This double identity [I know but you don’t] situation tickled her in a way she had not anticipated.

“Keiko-chan, what do you do in the student council?” asked Lust.

“Eep? How do you know I’m in it?”

“You said it silly~”

“Did I? I don’t remember. Anyway, we…”

They continued their girl talk, transitioning to school life. Until, a kitchen staff, grumbling that someone ought to be fired, interrupted them. Only after unceremoniously dumping their drinks on the table did he spot their usual customer. “Oh, Keiko-chan, you’re here, I’ll tell the chef to use the good stuff.” He said before leaving.

Keiko waved her thanks as Yui distributed the drinks, pouring tea for Lust, Feeu, and herself while Keiko received the sole soda.

"Hmm? Misaki-san, the soda’s not mine.” Keiko swapped the soft drink with Feeu's tea. “It’s for Aya-cha—Ow!"

Jumping to her feet, Feeu impatiently asked, “Excuse me but I need to use the washroom, could ya show me the way, Keiko-san?”

“It’s outside on the right—Ow!” Keiko received a second kick to her other shin. Sniffling from the injustice, Keiko reluctantly stood, "Follow me."

In an instant, Feeu grabbed Keiko's arm and zoomed away, raising a dust cloud in her wake.

“Tsk, Feeu-chan reacted fast. I couldn’t even get a jab in. Though doesn’t she know it looks even more suspicious this way?” Lust complained. “Well, since they’re gone… I’ve got to neuter a cat. Double, stay here.”

Yui-double nodded to Lust who was entering the staff room.


The staff room felt cramped, lockers lined every wall conceding just enough leg space for employees to shuffle past each other. And, at present, what little leg room there was was taken up by a horny cat laying on her back, splayed out on the floor like an upturned frog. Its bleached hair scattered around to ring a golden halo, its leopard patterned bikini lowered to free those humongous udders, while its hand reached between its legs to stroke its little cat.

Though ‘stroke’ was putting it mildly, ‘ravage’ would be more appropriate. Her perfectly manicured nails tweaked her pierced nipples while the other hand shoved itself in and out of her well-used hole, right up to the wrist.

7 pics of a horny cat (S) (E) (X)


An enticing scene for anyone, anyone would pounce and rape the gyaru, anyone except for the present company who watched with dispassionate eyes.

Stretching out her hand over the writhing waitress, Lust ordered, “Return.” A cloudy purple mist seeped from the waitress’s womb and coalesced in Lust's outstretched palm.

As the mist left her body, the fog over Ririn's mind gradually lifted. She slowly regained her mental faculties though it was very confusing. “Huh? What happened to me? Why am I on the floor? Shit, my pussy feels exactly like it went through a 3-day gangbang again.” Her gaze shifted up to see Lust over her. “You! You did this! What the fuck did you do to me?!”


An icy command devoid of emotion stilled her tongue. She tried to speak, but when she locked eyes with those cold uncaring eyes, her voice was caught in her throat.

“I’m giving you a single chance. Answer my questions truthfully, and if you satisfy my curiosity, I’ll release you. Otherwise, you’ll be punished for your transgressions. Is that clear?”

Even in her half-confused half-terrified state, Ririn shuddered a nod.

“Very good, let’s begin simple. Why are you working here? When I overheard your phone call, it sounded like you’ve got a good compensate dating job.”

“’cause.” Ririn rubbed her throat to check it was working. “I need’a way to explain to the old folks how I pay for all the dope stuff. Super annoying.”

“Next question, do you like compensate dating? Any thoughts of doing something different?”

“What the shit is this? Twenty questions?" Gradually her bluster returned, though she maintained her caution towards Lust and answered anyway. “Like? Totally. Something else? Totally not. I earn more by sucking up to old farts for an hour than I do working in this dump for a week. Besides, those baldies going through mid-life crisis have enough income to gift me a purse or three.”

“So you do it for money, not the sex?”

"Ha, you're joking, right? As if those limp dicks could get me wet. No, dearie, money bags are money bags. When I wanna have fun, I look for handsome guys with a big sturdy cock. Preferably, several hunks. Are you looking for a good dicking? Is that why you’re asking me these questions? I can intro you, the boys'll love smashing you.”

Lust remained unflinching as she continued her interrogation. “Last question, why do you dislike Keiko?”

“Grr, that bitch. Pretty face, big boobs, acts all goody-goody innocent like the world’s all freaking peachy. So fucking fake, and everyone fuckin' buys it like it's a bargain sale. The boss, the chef, even the fucking kitchen staff who only talks to my boobs, praise her like she’s some saint. But I know better, I’ve seen her type before. Give her a good pounding and that slut will go all double peace ahegao in seconds.”

“I see,” Lust nodded in understanding. “Thankfully, I checked, I almost made a mistake.”

“You done? Can I go now? I answered all your stupid questions.”

“Go? Why? You still have your punishment, dearie.”

“Huh?! Are you stupid?!” Ririn tried to get up but found she could not. At some point in time, purple crystal restraints appeared and shackled her limbs to the floor. Undeterred, she started cursing. “Let me go you fucking whore! I know some Yakuza and their boss. If you let me go and beg for forgiveness, I’ll let you off after they rape you once. Or else I’ll get them to hunt you down, you’ll disappear off the map, they’ll lock you in a basement and use you until you can’t live without a diaper!—”

Lust shook her head at the pitiful resistance. “Do you even know what you’re being punished for?”

“—I'll turn you into the cum bucket for the whole gang! Every second, every hour, every day, used as a toilet. They'll pump you full of drugs that the only way to shower is with piss and cum! When you get pregnant from who knows what, I'll sell tickets for perverts to watch! When you're worthless as a hole, I'll toss you to the stables to relieve horses!—"

“Your first offence was daring to sully my fun time with your noise. Your second offence is being, for lack of a better word, a basic bitch. And your third most egregious offence is comparing yourself to my Keiko.”

“Huh!? Basic?!”

“Oh yes, the fact that you honed in on it instead of the others is further proof." Lust nodded and started her direction of Ririn. "No ambition, no desire outside chasing trends, no purpose besides vanity. If you graduate, the most you'll amount to would be a hostess. Someone destined to spread her legs for customers for the rest of your miserable life. And even then, no matter how much makeup you put on or loose your pussy gets, you’ll never be able to reach Top Hostess status. Forever, mediocre, forever a step behind. Just like why others like Keiko more than you. Because you’re basic. Jealous of the best while scorning your lessers. Hollow, petty, vain. And, from the looks of it, pretty dull too. Even now, you don’t consider who you’re up against. How you’re pinned to the floor or why is no one coming to save you when you’ve made such a racket?”

Under such an intense deconstruction of herself, Ririn sputtered but failed to form a proper word.

“At first, I planned to administer a simple punishment, but now. . .” Lust’s lips curled into a cruel grin. It was completely different from the usual sadism she displayed when she was with her Magical Girls. For within it was something she never wanted them to witness or experience. Her deepest malice, a desire to torture, to inflict everlasting pain, to unmake her victim. All of it, directed at the pitiful worm wriggled before her.

“Your punishment is to—” Lust pronounced her judgment.

Towering over the restrained Ririn, Lust concentrated on gathering lust mana between her hands. The cloudy lust mana she extracted previously mixed with the mana she emitted. Ririn instinctively understood something terrible was about to happen to her and struggled against her shackles. But to no avail, they held firm, just like how her yelling and threatening, did nothing to faze her executioner.

For a minute, Lust stood over her, condensing lust mana until it formed a marble of swirling purple. Once complete she dropped it where Ririn’s womb would be.

“—experience heaven.”

The effect was immediate.

The ball of concentrated lust mana sunk into Ririn’s body causing her entire body to arch in a violent climax til the point where her spine looked like it might snap. Ironically, the restrains saved her from bending her back too far, smashing into a locker as she trashed about, or clawing at her face.

Ririn could not scream, the pleasure rendered her unable to force air out of her lungs. Her meticulous makeup was ruined by tears, snort, and drool. Her piss shot out like a fire hose even reaching the ceiling. And the sole reason she had not soiled herself was because she had cleaned herself before.

That was only the first climax. Even before it faded, the second climax arrived, followed by the third and the fourth. Within the first minute, her body was raked by orgasms a dozen times. Like an unending tsunami of pleasure, the next wave used the progress of the previous to push even deeper, to bring her to new heights she never even imagined possible, and to erode her sanity even more.

“A fitting punishment for one so worldly,” Lust commented with the same cruel grin. A mana shield active around her prevented any unwanted fluid from marring her.

“After all, once one experiences heaven, everything else becomes hell.”

“Sex, drugs, all the money in the world can’t bring you to the same high.” Lust laughed and headed for the door. With a hand on the door, Lust left some parting words. “Now, you’re no longer basic. I’ve placed a tracker on you. If I remember, I check up on your progress, I hope you'll entertain me then. Enjoy yourself for the next few hours because once the mana runs out… Fufufu…”

Ririn may not have registered anything Lust said yet was polite enough to bid goodbye. Her eyes rolled back showing their whites, her tongue stuck out, her fingers curled to form a double peace, and as a final au revoir, she squirted a splendid arcing fountain.


The door to the ladies’ slammed open and Feeu stormed in dragging Keiko along. Feeu checked under the stalls to ensure they were alone. Only then did she turn to face Keiko. She was about to prosecute the accused, when the accused, hanging her head and with tears in her eyes pleaded guilty.

"Sorry, Aya-chan, I messed up again.”

A myriad of emotions bubbled in Feeu before she eventually deflated with a sigh. She had fully expected a slip-up, that was just who Keiko was. She should have separated Keiko from Lust if she feared her slip-ups.

“Aya-chan, I—”

“It’s fine, Keiko, it really is. No point crying over spilt milk. Either that pervert realises it or she doesn’t. Nothing much we can do. Just… Just be more careful next time, okay?”

Keiko nodded vigorously. Her brown hair bobbed up and down.

“Now for more pressing matters.” Feeu turned serious. “I kinda remember Mai saying something about ya liking someone. Didn’t think it was Misaki-san. Congratulations.”

"Eep! N-No! We're not together!" Keiko hurriedly waved her hands in denial.

“I didn’t say anything about being together~” grinned Feeu.


"So do ya like her?”

Keiko puffed up as if she was offended. “What’s not to like! Misaki-san is so beautiful and clever. Yet she always helps and looks out for me. Even when we… did that, she didn't push me away.”

“Nice, she also seems to like ya.”

“… I don’t know Feeu-chan… Maybe she's just being nice… Or maybe she feels obliged…. Or or or—”


Keiko clutched her head, “Ow, it hurts, Feeu-chan.”

Feeu may have had little interaction with Yui outside council work, significantly less than Keiko or Hikari. But even she knew Yui’s actions were exceptional. “Being nice? Obliged? Then why would she invite ya out on a date if she’s just 'being nice'?”

“I was the one who asked her…” Keiko said despondently. “Maybe she came because I said I wanted to make it up to Misaki-san… for the trouble… I caused…”

Keiko grew more silent and paler, the more she replayed the scene of her invitation in her head.


“Say what?”

“I forgot to say that I was inviting her because I wanted to make it up to her!”

Typical Keiko, Feeu facepalmed. But this was a prime opportunity to get the point across. “So? Doesn’t that confirm it? She didn’t accept because she felt obliged. She accepted because she wanted to. Things like taking yar hand when asked about being a couple… She did it because she wanted to. Are ya really sure she doesn’t like ya?"

Keiko covered her face, the tears in the corner of her eyes changed from distress to embarrassment. "I don't know. I—She—We never said anything…We just had fun, going around… Then, then, then…”

“Then?” Feeu leaned in closer with a grin, her gossip senses were tingling. Unfortunately, her quarry remained tight-lipped. Thus, she had to change tack, “Had Misaki-san express anything before? Had she done anything that indicates she might like ya?”



Keiko poked her forefingers together as she mumbled, “Library.”

“And what did she do?” Feeu grilled the poor girl, causing Keiko to, once again, clam up and hide her face. “Hoo, that makes me even more curious.”

However, Feeu forgot one fact. When cornered, even a bunny would bite back. Keiko fired back, “What about Feeu-chan? Going out on a date with Lust-san.”

“Grr, we’re not going out together! It’s an investigation, and it’s going quite well I might add.” Feeu defended.

“I understand," Keiko gave Feeu a knowing look. "Feeu-chan’s date is going very well…”

“It’s not a date! Anyway, let’s get back. Who knows what that pervert would do to Misaki-san if we leave them for so long.”

“Eh, Feeu-chan, don't you need to use the toilet?”


Feeu and Keiko returned to find the food had recently arrived. And thankfully, it seemed like Yui was safe from Lust’s clutches. They really should not have left her alone.

“Welcome back~” Lust greeted.

As they settled into their seats, Keiko struggled to look at Yui. After the talk in the toilet, she became even more conscious of Yui. She could not wrap her head around the possibility that that amazing Misaki-san might like her.

“Keiko-chan, Yui-chan here was telling me of your first time together. Did you truly push her down in the council room right before everyone?”

“EEP! Misaki-san! Why did you tell her that?!” Keiko reflexively complained.

Lust nodded approvingly, “So it did happen. Colour me impressed, you didn’t look the type.”

Keiko buried her face in her hands, not that it did much to hide her burning face. Just when she thought she would die of embarrassment, a cool hand rested on her head.

Chuckling, Yui gently stroked the head of her embarrassed little rabbit. It seemed to have the desired effect as her rabbit slowly melted. To make her rabbit even happier, Yui took a spoonful of Keiko’s curry rice and offered it with an ‘ahhh’.

“Ahhh…” Keiko obediently opened her mouth to allow the aeroplane to fly in. As she happily chewed away, her cheekbones gradually rose until all she had on was a silly smile. Complex questions about who liked who faded into distant thoughts as the pair sank into their little world.

Watching the adorable scene, Lust clutched her beating heart. “O, Feeu, for joys of love too sweet, before the doors of death slam tightly shut, take your last embrace and seal a final kiss.”

“Da hell did ya smoke?” asked Feeu, more confused with the sudden Shakespeare than anything.

“… They’re so cute that I’m dying of diabetes. Please, give me a last hug and kiss before I depart.”

“No.” Feeu replied flatly.

“O, cruel fates, to hear the keeper’s call bereft of prince charming visage.” Lust swooned pressing the back of the hand to her forehead.

Taking a page from Yui’s book, Feeu scooped a spoonful of Lust's curry, “If I feed ya would ya quit talking weird? Not that yar usual talk ain’t, but at least it’s understandable.”

“Prince charming deigns to grace us with—Ok, ok, Wait, I’ll stop, I’ll stop, don’t take it away.”

“Do ya want it or not?”

“Ahhh~” Lust happily opened her mouth, not noticing the evil glint in Feeu’s eyes.

“Savour it,” Feeu smirked, sending the spoon of curry into Lust's waiting gob.

*slow munch*

It took all her willpower to swallow it. And, in the very next moment, the sweating Lust dived for her cooled-down tea, finishing it in three big gulps.

Feeu cackled at the sight.

Cough—Feeu-chan—Cough—what was—Cough—that?” Lust choked. It felt like she just swallowed molten magma.

“Isn’t it yar curry,” Feeu answered innocently. She already had the second scoop locked and loaded.

Just like she could rely on Keiko to be an airhead, she too knew she could rely on that same airheadedness to not consider that others might not have similar spice tolerance as herself. In other words, Keiko ordered a duplicate of her own curry.

[Instant Death Curry Rice (Warning: It’s in the name)]

On a side note, some time ago, the chef overheard Keiko’s absent-minded remark of their spiciest curry not being spicy enough and made it his personal mission to create a curry that Keiko would acknowledge as spicy. Eventually, after many failures, it cemented itself as a legendarily lethal curry on the menu. However, she still finds it slightly lacking.

“Was it hot? Here, let me cool it down for ya. Fuu~ Fuu~ Fuu~” Feeu gently blew on it.

“Ha ha—Cough—Not bad, Feeu-chan, just when I thought you couldn’t make a joke.” Laughed Lust.

“Could it be that ya don’t want me to feed ya?” Feeu began to retract the spoon but was abruptly stopped when Lust chomped down on it.

Feeu laughed maliciously as she watched Lust guzzle down a second cup of tea.

“Ya know, this dating thing ain’t too bad,” Feeu said, preparing the next spoon.


And so, the two couples lovingly fed each other.

One side was filled with flowers, sunshine, and rainbows.

“Hara-san, Ahh~” Yui offered some of her katsu-don. But when Keiko obediently opened her mouth. The spoon reversed directions and Yui ate it. “Oops.”

“Misaki-san, you meanie.”


“Misaki-san, you have a rice on your cheek.” Keiko plucked it off and looked around before timidly eating it.

“Hara-san, don’t move,” Yui placed a grain of rice on the corner of Keiko’s lips. Then, ignoring the confused look from Keiko, pecked it off. Saying, as she licked her lips. “You had one on you too.”


The other side burned with fire, death, and destruction.

“Feeu-chan, try some,” Lust scooped some of the lethal stuff. “It’s to die for.”

“Nah, I’m good—”


“MMM!!!!” Feeu grabs her soda and downs it.


“Feeu-chan, put that down.”

“Feeu-chan, calm down, there’s no need to get so serious.”

“Feeu-chan, wait a minute, we can still talk about this!!!—Gulp



After an ‘enjoyable?’ dinner, the quad found themselves saying goodbye by the entrance of the family diner.

“Urgg… Keiko-chan, Yui-chan, it was nice to get to know you. I hope we’ll see each other again sometime. By the way, do you know where I can get some milk?”

“Eh, milk? I think there’s a convenience shop down the street. What happened Lust-san? You don’t look so good.”

… You happened… Feeu wanted to laugh but held herself back, instead, she waved goodbye. “She’ll be fine. Hara-san, Misaki-san, it’s been fun. See ya around.”

“Farewell, Magica Feeu, Witch Lust, it was an entertaining dinner.”

The two couples departed, going their separate ways.

Keiko and Yui meandered the bustling streets hand-in-hand. The skies overhead had long since darkened. They strolled with no real direction, cyclists and pedestrians passing them by, besides getting away from the crowd. Without a word, they walked, simply enjoying each other’s company.

Their aimless wandering brought them to a deserted park. A place neither of them knew existed before but that did not stop them from taking full advantage of its seclusion. Sauntering through the slightly overgrown paths, lit by dim street lamps and distant stars, it felt like their hearts were melding together.

In this tranquillity, Keiko’s thoughts once more drifted to her toilet talk with Feeu.

Could Misaki-san like her? No, no, no, impossible, the product of her overactive imagination… But what Feeu-chan said. Maybe… Hopefully...

“I truly didn’t expect Keiko-san to be the one to invite me out,” Yui said out of the blue.

“Eep! I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologising?” Yui chuckled, “I’m merely saying it’s unexpected, not unpleasant.”

“Well, if you put it that way… I guess I was also surprised when Misaki-san accepted.” Keiko said.

“Why wouldn’t I? I enjoy being with Keiko-san. To be invited on a date was a wonderful surprise.”

“Hehehe, Misaki-san enjoys being with me,” Keiko giggled quietly before she paused to process what she heard. “Eh? Wait… ‘Keiko-san’?”

Yui nodded, “Do you mind if I use your first name?”

“EEP! Yes! I mean, no, of course not, I don't mind at all,” responded Keiko instantly, her voice an octave higher than usual.

“Fufufu~ I’m glad. Keiko-san can use mine too.”

“Eep! Use Misaki-san’s first name, I, I, I, I can’t!” Keiko panicked, desperately flailing her arms around.

“You can’t?” Yui stared at Keiko.

“Be-be-because… That would mean... that would mean...” Keiko unwillingness cracked under Yui’s unwavering gaze. Summoning her courage, she tried to speak.

“Y-Y-Yu—Beep! Beep! Beep!”

Keiko’s phone rang. She only used that ringtone for TransMagica summons, Magical Girl duties.

Immediately her training kicked in without the slightest hesitation, Keiko answered the call. Her animated expression stilled to seriousness. Half a minute later, she hung up after acknowledging “Understood.”

Yui squeezed her hand the moment she put it down. “You have to go don’t you?”

“Eeep!” Keiko’s eyes widen in surprise, “H-how?”

“How did I know? It’s just the feeling I got. Whatever it was about sounded important, do you need any help?” Yui offered.

Looking into Yui’s clear eyes of wanting to help, Keiko felt a twinge of guilt causing her to avert her gaze as she rejected the offer. “Thank you, but it’s something private.”

Her guilt grew when she saw Yui’s understanding smile. “Alright, but if you need anything, you just need to ask. Okay?”

Keiko wanted to nod but two cool hands cupped her cheeks. Yui bent her knees slightly to be at eye level with Keiko. “I said, if you need anything just ask. Okay?”


“Okay, who?”

“Okay, Misak—” Those two clear orbs bore into her soul. “Y-Y-Yui-san.”

“Good,” Yui leaned forward to kiss her forehead before releasing her. “Well, you better get going. We’ll continue this date next time, won’t we Keiko-san?”

“Yes, Yui-san!”


Waving goodbye to their ‘new’ friends, Feeu and Lust headed in a different direction. As they walked, Lust snuck her hand into Feeu’s, who gave an exasperated sigh but offered no other resistance. She had either already resigned herself or gained immunity to this torment, either way, progress.

They once more passed packed street stalls. Here, it seemed like nothing had changed. Stall owners loudly hawk their wares to office workers and refugees alike. Many took the chance to grab a bite before heading home on their bikes.

Two years prior, this street would be lit by office lights where overtime workers in offices bustled and inundated by the cacophony of jammed cars. Now, because of the war, a sort of pseudo-curfew existed making overtime practice practically disappear. So too did most personal vehicles for resource scarcity reasons. Two things the Japanese people were thankful for, though having no cars was debatable. The curfew was not martial law, more the kind where you should stay home if you did not have a damn good reason to be out at night.

“Weren’t they lovely girls, Feeu-chan?”

“Mmm,” Feeu grunted non-committally. Her attention was mostly on the bustling food stalls where refugees and office workers mingle.

“Feeu-chan, are you still hungry?”

“Hmm? No, just… Looking.”

“If you wanted more curry you should have said so. Don’t be shy~ Mommy can still afford it.” Lust said to Feeu’s airplane runway chest. “Feeu-chan is still a growing girl after all.”

Feeu tried to trip Lust. Stepping over the outstretched foot, Lust laughed, “Feeu-chan is more lively than when we started our lovey-dovey date. Did you have fun?”

“Not at all, it’s just ya imagination.”

"Feeu-chan had been looking at the stalls for a while, you were even staring at them when we passed by before dinner. Is there so—"

*Wuuuu Wuuuu*

Suddenly, the demon raid alarm blared. The mass of people turned into a flurry. Stall owners hastily closed their shops while curses could be heard as customers headed for the nearest shelter.

“Shit, I just got my noodles.” “Have the gods forsaken me? Where’s my pen? I need to start writing my will…” “Relax, brother, there’s no need to panic about puny demons, let's just head to the evac shelter and you’ll be fine.” “…Screw demons, I’m missing this year’s anniversary.” “My cabbages!”

Being an outer ring city, the civilians had plenty of practice evacuating and reached the shelters in record time.

Amidst the ordered chaos, Feeu and Lust jumped to the top of a building where Feeu checked her phone. A frown creased when she read TransMagica’s report, Lust craned over to sneak a peek but was swiftly pushed away.

“Let go of my hand.” Feeu tried to wriggle her hand out but Lust clamped it in an iron grip. Feeu summoned her massive claymore in preparation. “Damn it, let go, ya idiot. Whatever it is, it’s coming this way.”

“Don’t wanna, we’ll just have to work together and deal with that thing holding hands.”

In the distance, they could faintly see the silhouette of something massive flying towards them. Such a large demon could not have spawned within the barrier, meaning this, was a Witch’s doing.

Lust’s playful expression slowly turned serious when she finally realised what it was or more importantly who it was.

A massive jellyfish demon, and atop it, a Witch they both had recent contact with. Her tight body was clad in a black formal military uniform, the unmistakable sight of the Witch of Hate.

Once she was in range, Hate’s gaze immediately zeroed in on Lust holding Feeu’s hand. And in her usual emotionless voice, she pronounced her verdict.


In response, Feeu surrounded her body in flames, somehow Lust who was next to her did not get burnt, and pointed her claymore at Hate. “Prepare to get spanked! This time, ya don’t have cannon fodder to cover ya ass.”

For the briefest moment, Hate shifted her dead gaze to Feeu before returning it back to Lust. “I’ve got something for you.”

The sheer disregard pissed Feeu off. “I’ve got something for ya too.” The flames around her coalesced into her claymore. Shaking off Lust’s hand, she took a big horizontal swing, sending a torrent of fire flying towards Hate. “Eat this. Flame wave!”

A golden one-handed longsword appeared in Hate’s hand. With a downward cut, she effortlessly parted the attack, splitting the flames to either side of her. Meanwhile, her other hand blurred as she shot a silver shortsword at Feeu.

Not that it did any good, since Lust had already formed a kite shield with her ‘flying turrets’ artifact. The silver sword skidded off the shield and tumbled to the floor. But before it hit the ground, it melted into the shadows and reappeared in Hate’s hand.

“Enough, stop this,” Lust commanded, her cheery attitude completely gone, replaced with an iciness that could freeze hell over.

But it was futile, the jellyfish had already raised one of its tentacles and was mid-slamming it down. It felt like a tree was rushing towards them. Feeu and Lust jumped, flying out of the way, and levelled themselves at equal height to Hate. Below them, a thunderous crash could be heard as the roof of the building cracked in half from the tentacle slam.

Feeu charged up her retaliation strike, flames spurting out in all directions, while Hate raised both weapons preparing to strike. But Lust stood in their way positioning herself between the two parties.

“I said, enough!” The diamond-shaped flying turrets pointed at Hate while she faced Feeu with her whip drawn. “Feeu-chan, she’s here for me, please, let me settle it.”

Feeu wanted to say something but Lust flew up to Hate she could. Hate did not continue attacking, she merely stood there, spectating.

“What are you doing here?” Lust asked, more than a little pissed off at her appearance.

Hate tossed a crystal orb over, “Promise complete.”

Catching the crystal in a mana field, Lust using a technique she learnt from Vili, scanned it for traps. Only after she was satisfied did she touch it. “Did you have to personally deliver it? Aur could’ve sent it to Vili.”

Unfortunately, Hate was not one for talking. Once she completed her mission, she tapped the jellyfish with her foot, causing it to float away.

“How annoying," Lust watched the departing Witch and decided to give some parting words. Her icy voice declared. “One last thing, Witch of Hate, I absolutely loath it when others try to mess with what's mine.”

Thankfully, the jellyfish was fast allowing them to create some distance, else Lust would have seen Hate shudder when she heard those words. Even as she retreated, she never turned her back to Lust until they were out of sight.

Lust maintained her vigilance until the jellyfish disappeared into the distance, only then did she cheerfully return to Feeu.

The second she returned, she was bombarded with Feeu yelling, “Ya’re in cahoots with her?! I shouldn’t have trusted ya.”

“Ara~ Feeu-chan trusted me? I’m touched.” Lust said playfully.

“What did she give you?” Feeu pointed at the crystal. Lust noticed Feeu had not left her combat stance.

“Nothing that would interest you.”

“Anything related to her would interest me!”

“I’m hurt,” Lust clutched her heart in mock horror, “To think Feeu-chan is interested in another girl more than me.”

“Quit playing games, can’t ya be serious for just one second.” Feeu pointed her blade at Lust. “What is it?”

Her smile froze when the weapon was drawn at her. She stared at it seemingly more stunned than anything at the situation. "Must you ask?"

"Yes." Feeu’s firm eyes were locked on Lust. “That Witch attacked the city barely a week ago. The affected areas are still being repaired. Now she shows up again and passes something to ya. What am I supposed to think?”

“I understand your concern, Feeu-chan. Trust me, it’s nothing dangerous.” Lust brushed it off. But when Feeu did not lower her sword, she felt compelled to ask.

“Can’t you trust me after everything we’ve done together?”

The sword in Feeu's grasp wavered, Feeu had to close her eyes and when she reopened them, the faltering stopped. “No, I can't. Now tell me, Witch of Lust, what is it?”


Lust stayed afloat, not moving, a shadow fell over her face. All the while, Feeu watched her weapon poised.

Eventually, through gritted teeth, Lust hissed. “I see… So that’s how you truly feel…”

She knew, the moment she asked that question she knew Feeu's answer... She knew the answer but she did not want to hear it... If she had not asked it, would things have been the same? After all, between trusting her after half a day's date or possibly endangering the city, the choice was clear. What a foolish question with an obvious answer. Yet, why does it hurt...

Lust tossed a portal bead behind her and turned to leave through the portal she just created. She said over her shoulder, "This marks the end of our date. As promised I shall answer your question, this crystal contains information about an Etativi, Magica Feeu.” Before the portal swirled shut behind her.

Finally, this arc is done. I seriously did not expect it to take this long, the plan was for it to be 3-4 chapters long, but now it's 10. It felt like my motivation was sapped by this arc because it dragged on. Hopefully, now that the arc is over I'll get it back.

------ Kinda spoilers -----

I’m writing this mostly for myself to straighten my thoughts. You can ignore this.

The core conflict of this entire arc is identity.

1) Secret Identity
2) How each person perceives their partner because of the identity they currently hold

At the end of the chapter, where Keiko calls Yui by her first name is an acknowledgement of their progress. While Feeu calling Lust by her full title is an indication that the gap between them cannot be covered by a single date.

Drop a heart if you like the chapter. Thanks for the support. 😘😘😘

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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