Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 56: gold skull

Maybe someone will use the magical properties of the strange object as a treasure to sell to some people who don't understand; some people buy it to study the strange object itself. If a magical use can be developed, the value of the strange object will of course be multiplied several times, and even the notoriety of "odd object" will be wiped out, and it will become a treasure that everyone is vying for.

The Golden Skull is a very well-known strange object series. It is called a series because it circulates in the magical world. There are five parts: left and right arm bones, left and right leg bones, and torso, which are collected or traded by different people.

The origin is unknown, the age is unknown, the cause of formation is unknown, and even the method of production is unknown. I only know that the material is some kind of magic material with a golden appearance, but I haven't been able to find anything similar so far. It has a large amount of mana power stored in itself, but it cannot be extracted and used like magic stones. It cannot be destroyed, cannot be disassembled, cannot be combined, and of course cannot trigger any magical effects.

It is said that there was a magician who collected all the parts and hoped that something would happen. But in the end, nothing happened, and they were scattered and sold to various collectors. Some people speculate that this is because the parts of the Golden Skull series are missing a crucial part, which is the skull.

The skull has never been seen in history, or in dark rumors. Even if this problem exists, the magicians who once held the golden skull parts cannot be sure. Because any prophecy-based magic, or methods such as summoning those long-surviving demons to inquire, cannot detect its source.

The only thing that is certain is that any part of the Golden Skull series, although it is full of powerful magical powers in perception, has no use. If you rely on its hard characteristics and use it to smash people for use, then the aforementioned useless words will be cancelled.

Lin took the golden skull in his hands, and when he got playful, he pulled it on the front teeth, wanting to verify that it could not be destroyed according to the rumors. Ordinary people's bones are very fragile after being calcified for a long time, and the strength of an adult male is enough to destroy them. But the golden skull is so hard, without the help of tools, it is impossible to break a single tooth by hand.

Just as he wanted his apprentice to get the hammer and chisel, Lin suddenly remembered that when he was having a hard time spending money, he bought a bunch of fancy objects from the chamber of commerce. He intended to study them in his spare time. , See if you can research something famous. It seems that there are parts of the golden skull inside, and the impression is the part of the torso.

"Girl, among the goods sent by the Chamber of Commerce, there should be the torso of the golden skull. Go find it and see if you can put it together. Also, pass by the casting room, and bring up a pair of hammers and chisels. "

Hallomi asked, "Master, what do you need a hammer and a chisel for?"

"extract a tooth."

The bright and decisive answer this time changed the two girls slightly. Then they ran down the stairs briskly, singing in a strange tone over and over again: "This is not possible." They seemed to be curious about what Lin was about to do.

Although he taught the storage method of the warehouse, Lin didn't go in a few times, and handed it over to the two young apprentices to take care of it; So Lin couldn't tell how long it would take the girls to find something impromptu.

At this moment, he calmed down and took the golden skull back to the core room, the magic circle specially used to detect small objects. Like a multifunctional scanner in a sci-fi movie, Lin uses the magic array supported by the energy pool to integrate most of the known magic that can be used to detect objects, and at the same time connects the functions of data recording and 3D modeling.

This seemingly high-end magic technology investigation method is not very useful in the lost world. Because only the results of physical properties can be obtained, Lin is still at a loss for the mysterious side test of magic effects. However, in the case of knowing nothing about the golden skull, such a test is better than nothing.

After a while, before a thorough scan of various physical properties was done, I heard two girls outside yelling and jumping back. Harumi tapped each other with a hammer and chisel, her eyes lit up excitedly. Kaya brought up a big long box and put it in front of her teacher with ease.

"Is this the torso?" Lin asked, but the girl didn't explain much, just opened the box. Placed in the center of the dark red flannel, the golden ribs first come into view. The upper clavicle, the lower hip bone, and the spine connecting the three places look mysterious against the dark red background.

Harumi didn't let Hallumi dig it first, in fact, Lin couldn't tell if he really wanted to use violence to destroy it. He first asked the girls to stand up the bones of the torso, and the protruding spine at the top was obviously where the skull was connected. So Lin paused the inspection, and carefully and slowly placed the golden skull where it should be.

Bathed in a curious and divine gaze, the skull is formally joined to the spine. The next moment, I saw the skull shaking unnaturally, making a knocking sound, and then rolling down to the ground...

With every bounce of the golden skull kissing the ground, Lin's heart skipped a beat. Finally, looking at the skull that stopped rolling, the three master and apprentice were speechless for a long time. Nothing magical happened, not even a pick up.

"Ah, I want to sleep, I haven't slept all night." Harumi lost interest for a moment and rubbed her eyes. Kaya also yawned in unison. At this time, the gate of the observatory, which was not closed, spilled into the morning sun. One night passed.

For Lin, who makes stargazing his main occupation, now is the time for him to go to bed. Although it is in line with the usual schedule, the accident last night still makes those who relax feel tired. Two girls who are still growing up, staying up late is very hurtful. When the interest faded and the sleepiness came, they even walked as if they were floating.

So this time, the master and the apprentice fell asleep for the whole day, and finally woke up hungry.

The girls lazily took care of the dinner, while Lin played with the food in a dispirited manner. Originally, one of the recent goals was the six-star astronomical event. But there was such a heart-pounding game last night, and after it was over, it just made people feel empty. I don't know if it's because of the frustration of not being able to follow the original plan, or because I don't know what to do next.

Having just called back two big wild dogs, the girls each brought a big bowl of food to comfort the pets that might have been frightened last night. While watching the dog eat deliciously, Harumi said to himself: "I don't know what will happen if the whole skeleton is put together?"



Maybe it was just asking and answering myself in a random way, but it woke up three people. Now there is a torso and a skull, only the hands and feet are missing. Lin Lei sternly instructed the two girls: "Kaya, you go to the forum to search for information about rare objects related to the golden skull; Hallumi, you go to the mall to see if anyone is selling other parts."

After ordering the two girls, Lin knocked on the big table in the restaurant twice, called out the terminal interface, and opened the mall system. In the southwestern peninsula of the mainland, the shopping malls in the other three districts completed the shelves of products a while ago, and they were officially opened for external operation. After Lin got the news from Kaya, he went up and wandered around, the most important thing was to check if there were any system errors.

After collecting so much money, if he can't use it normally and gets slaughtered by other big bosses in the three districts, he has nowhere to seek justice. So Lin still went up to care about it at the first time. This time I came here to find something, so naturally I had to study various settings and layouts.

Originally, I thought that there would not be many strange things that became commodities. When I went to the mall to look for it, I found that it was not the same thing. The biggest strange commodity is the commodity with the word "cursed" in the prefix. Such as the cursed doll, the hair will grow longer in the middle of the night; the cursed belt, the person wearing it will be changed in gender, and cannot be removed; the cursed mirror, it is easy to see things that you don’t want to see and should not see. And I don't know if it's true or not.

Most of the strange goods in the mall are items that no one wants to inherit after the death of the magician, and they automatically become the property of the Magicians Association. After all, these aren't things to throw away; maybe it won't cause a big mess, but in the wrong hands it will.

There are also some rare objects that the owner entrusts the affiliated chamber of commerce of the association to sell. If you can't figure out why, it's normal to replace it with other more suitable magic materials.

The same thing is that the price of strange items is not high, after all, these are unpopular commodities.

After searching with various keywords, Lin and Harumi quickly found other parts of the golden skull, namely the right hand and legs. That is to say, it is very coincidental that in this era, most of the Golden Skull's parts are in the southwestern peninsula of the mainland. Only the left hand is elsewhere, which means that it can only be found by traditional business methods.

Because strange objects are not particularly precious items that need special attention, there will be no owner who will hold on to them tightly. Therefore, Lin believes that as long as he finds the holder, he is not afraid that the other party will not sell it. If I am so afraid that I ask for a door-to-door, maybe the price will not be low. There is no fair price for such a commodity as a strange thing, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has no market conditions, it can only be one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

The found right hand and legs belonged to three regional chambers of commerce outside Xijia District. Lin directly made a purchase application online, and the rest is to wait for the other party's business response. As for the left arm whose whereabouts are unknown, it entered the discussion section of the Xijia District Mall of the forum. Most of the discussion threads here are transactions with special needs.

I'm still not in favor of private-to-private forum transactions. However, appropriate relaxation is necessary for association-affiliated chambers of commerce. It is difficult for the mall system to cover all transactions. There are always some special needs, or items that are not on the shelves in the mall, and you need to entrust the chamber of commerce to find them on your behalf. These are all concentrated in the discussion section of the mall.

Unless Lin is willing to make a mail system, or a more private communication method such as on-site messages, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of private messages in the discussion forum. Although there is a need, but someone is too lazy to do it, so it is regarded as not knowing, and everyone feels inconvenienced.

That is to say, but the speed of information exchange brought by the forum to magicians is far more than a thousand times faster than in the past. So they don't feel any inconvenience at all without knowing it. Only a person from the 21st century of the earth can feel this painful feeling.

So at this time, Lin could only endure the inconvenience caused by himself, and set up a whitelist to watch the discussion thread for the manager of the chamber of commerce who often came to visit the Tower of the Great Sage. Lin will search for the left-hand demand for buying a golden skull on his behalf, and write it into the discussion thread. The rest is still waiting for a reply.


It is also an honor to be recommended by the new fantasy book. I still ask everyone for recommendations and favorites, or if you don’t want to be a personal show, I will continue to work hard, thank you.

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