Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 50: great use of compensation

Finally sent away a boat of people. In that kind of occasion where there are many people and it is not of my interest, it is really uncomfortable to stay for a minute and a second longer.

The two young apprentices were cleaning up the mess in the tower, while Lin just finished a simple dinner and sat back in front of the console, groping around in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Things were interrupted all the time, emotions couldn't be coherent, and Lin was in a trance. It was still raining outside, and according to the weather forecast of the astrologers, the rain would last for another ten days, so it was impossible to observe the starry sky. Furthermore, the drawing of the plane star map has also been completed to a certain extent. The next step is to determine the relative position of the stars in the universe, which is not something that can be done simply by stargazing.

The tower owner, who was doing nothing, was trying to recall where his original research had been, when the mercury mirror energy pool suddenly changed, orange fruit? Chairman Eaton appeared again...

This time, there was no embarrassing thing about being bumped into, but Lin hated the old man's bad habits. Do you want to put aside your scruples and really make things like Instant Messenger or QQ, so that the great fear that you can't read back will also come to the world of confusion.

"Master President." Hatred turned to hate, Lin still respectfully got up and greeted.

"Your Excellency Tripwood. This time it is thanks to your Excellency. To be honest, I can't stand the three of them appearing at the same time. It is the best result to have a happy ending."

Lin Ke deeply agrees with the president's words. If the opponent comes hard, hit back; if you can't win, admit cowardly. But the other party is soft, it's really not easy to stick to one's point of view, and the three presidents came together. That big battle almost scared Lin to the pee.

The president continued: "The most important thing to contact you is to learn more about the integration of the shopping malls in the four districts. Because there were so many people before, it was not convenient for me to ask in detail. So I took advantage of this free time to come to Disturb you."

Old man, if you are free, I may not be free. Lin, who really wanted to answer this way, actually expressed his thoughts obediently. In fact, the idea is not difficult, but as a mall user, I think about some functions that will bring convenience to me; then I turn to the identity of a system designer to think about how to realize this function.

But what I can mention is the system aspect. The handling of specific affairs must be coordinated and integrated within the chamber of commerce. Meddling too much is annoying. However, these bosses are not so sympathetic to employees.

Just before the discussion came to an end, Lin decided to speak out what he had been considering for a long time before closing the video connection after seeing the chairman's character. "President Eaton, regarding the other three branches, the reward will be handed over to me in the end."

"Oh, after they send the money, they will send your part to the Tower of the Great Sage as soon as possible. Or if you need it urgently, I can also use the funds of the association first."

"It's not urgent, president. It's about the money. I have an idea. I don't know if I can ask the president for help."

"Well, please tell me."

"I don't know if the president still remembers Charlie? Magician Richard?"

"I remember that Richard has passed away for several years. Could it be that you are too?"

"Yes, my mentor is the magician Charlie Richard. In the last few years of the teacher's life, I was lucky to be one of his apprentices. Although the teacher died of illness, I have not yet become a formal magician. The president's apprenticeship training policy has made it to today, with such an achievement."

Charlie? Richard can be said to be a special character in the Xijia district. Lin used the saying from Earth that this is a man with the character of the Virgin. In Confucius' "Teaching without discrimination, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", he achieved the first four words. This is a very rare behavior in the lost world.

Many apprentices with low talents and no magicians willing to guide them can get learning opportunities by Li Chake's side. It is precisely because of this that he has a large number of apprentices, and the resources that each can get are scarce, but it is better than not getting any opportunities.

I have just traveled to the lost forest, if I hadn't met such a holy mother, I am afraid that I would have died long ago. Although a few years later, the old man passed away due to age and illness. However, those who have already set foot in the magic world still rely on their own understanding and hard work, as well as doing work that others find troublesome, overcoming obstacles and surviving until today.

Charlie Richard had no children, and his only old wife passed away a few years before him. Such an old man spent his whole life gathering as much resources as possible for the apprentices, answering everyone's doubts about knowledge, and then finished his life alone and was buried in the loess.

And his behavior, which was criticized as stupid, of course has no successor. Or it should be said that no one learns from his method and practices it, but no one is as philanthropic as he is and gives his all.

Speaking of his mentor, of course Lin wanted to do something while he had spare energy. He said: "I want to use the part of my salary from the other three districts to set up a Richard Fund."

"Richard...Fund?" The name is understandable, but the word "fund" behind it makes Chengguo Eaton puzzled.

"The fund can be regarded as an independent fund account, which has independent and regulated purposes and will not be used for other purposes. The original idea of ​​this money is actually derived from the rescue of villages in remote areas by the Adventurer's Guild. Before there were no forums, when villages and small towns were attacked by hordes of monsters, or invaded and plundered by uncivilized Homo sapiens, news of help often came out, and by the time the dispatched men arrived, the villages had been wiped out. In some After entering the forum, the situation has improved. But not all villages in remote areas can have a magic stone that can open the forum system, let alone know how to use it."

"What is the tower owner's idea?"

"The association will take the initiative to popularize the magic stone of the forum to every village and small town. But this is simply to let ordinary people have a quick way to ask for help, and it is not in line with the principle of maximizing benefits. But I think The wish of Mr. Li Chake is to say that maybe we can publish the entry learning method of magic apprentices on the forum, and let the villagers learn. If someone can learn by themselves, I believe the magic world will open the door and accept such talent."

You must know that the biggest enemy that magicians face in inheritance is not the rejection of the secular nobles, but the competition for talents from various **** churches.

People with magical talent are one in a thousand. Of course there are good and bad, but they are always talented. In addition, it is of course difficult for people who do not even have the qualifications to touch the magical world to step into the magical world.

The Church of God is completely different. People with magical talents must be able to cast divine spells; those who are devout enough can also receive divine spells several times a day; without magical talents, they can be trained to become guardian warriors; It is giving money.

It can be said that the Church of the Gods can make the best use of everything for all kinds of people. So they will be more active in contacting ordinary people, and the more people they contact, of course there are relatively more talents with magical talents, but they are all absorbed into the church.

Therefore, compared with magicians, secular nobles hate church power more. The same is true for magicians, because those who join the church and have talents may also study magic, but they cannot be counted in the magic system after all.

In order to fight against the church's talent snatching, the Association of Magicians has been given the lucrative task of discovering apprentices for many years. It's a pity that you must find someone with magical talent and willing to join the magical world to be rewarded. If no such person can be found, no matter how much the magician who is looking for pays, it will be a waste of work.

Therefore, most magicians are not very active in the task of discovering talents. And the biggest sources of new apprentices are mostly rich businessmen with ideas, or families that have inherited magic for a long time.

And Lin's proposal is undoubtedly a new way to discover talents. Orange fruit? Eaton's eyes lit up. Lin continued: "To distribute the forum magic stones to every village and teach how to use them, manpower is needed. To bring back people who can teach themselves the basics of magic, manpower is also needed. I know many new magicians, It is not suitable for combat-type tasks. UU Reading But if this kind of task of imparting knowledge or bringing back apprentices can also be paid, I believe that many people will be willing to do it. And this reward, It will be funded by the Richard Fund."

Orange fruit? Eaton was very excited to hear it, but Lin didn't stop, but continued to talk about his thoughts. "When these apprentices are concentrated in the headquarters, maybe not all of them can be taken in by magicians. Then those people can be centralized and managed, and regular magicians are invited to teach them and answer questions. Just like Charlie Richard in the past What the teacher did. It's just that the magician who teaches the class does not need to be fixed, nor does he need to accept all the remaining apprentices as his own students. It is regarded as a task issued by the association, and he just comes here for reward. Of course, the expenses required will also be borne by the Richard Foundation. As for the management of these apprentices and the resources provided, it should be compared to what Teacher Richard did back then, and I think it should be very reasonable."

It sounds like a bright future, but Chengguo Eaton is not a young man who can satisfy his hunger just by looking at painted cakes. He immediately thought of a question, rubbed his beard, and said: "This kind of planning is very good. But in the mall system of the other three districts, although the reward that belongs to you is a lot, it will eventually run out one day. You have Have you ever thought about such a question?"

"Yes, I know that. So I am willing to put the share of browser sales in the Richard Fund. And this fund will also accept donations from others. But in the accounts, income and expenditure must be It is open and detailed. To achieve this level, there must be people, or organizations, who manage the fund. Of course, these people will be paid for their contributions, just like spending from the fund."

"It sounds like your ideas are quite mature. So what do you want the association to help you with?"

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