Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 20: 5 Union City

What happened in the Tower of the Great Sage has not been widely circulated outside. The main reason is that the three king-level monsters left their territory, and the impact was too great, and the civilized world they passed through did not leave a blade of grass. The members of Earl Sita's family did not want to be infamous for this. After all, those monsters ran out of the territory because they stole the cubs.

Therefore, the best way is to keep silent and prevent the outside world from associating them with the losses caused by Warcraft because of the source of the news.

In this wave of actual combat, Lin also discovered some problems, and started to correct them in full swing. In addition, before crossing, he was not the one to publish his whereabouts on the Internet in detail; in the Lost World, he would naturally not publish these things on the forum. Although there are many magicians who like to show off what monsters they killed and what treasures they found today in the public chat area.

So the three-headed monster standing at the top of the world and ruling the world died in a remote rural corner without anyone knowing about it.

And in another place, the carriage and horse team of the chamber of commerce affiliated to the Magicians Association with two young apprentices finally arrived safely at the headquarters of the Xijia District Branch—Wulian City.

Generally speaking, there are two reasons for the formation of big cities in the Lost World. One is the royal capital of a certain country, or the castle of a powerful nobleman. Because it is in the center of power and business is developed, the population is gathered, and then a small town is formed. In order to protect the prosperous economy and population, a circle of city walls was built, thus becoming a city.

Another reason is the location of the divisions and headquarters of each magician's association. Since there will be facilities such as teaching institutes and affiliated chambers of commerce, a large number of magicians and apprentices will naturally gather. Then these people will need food, drink, accommodation, entertainment, etc., and people from related industries will be attracted to settle in, thus forming a population gathering place.

When the population and land area are large enough, then a protective city wall is built and it can be called a city. Even if this city wall doesn't enclose all the inhabited land.

The cause of Wulian City belongs to the latter. The name of Wulian is derived from the five connected magic towers that are the headquarters of the division. The main tower has five floors, and the four towers in the southeast, northwest, and four floors have four floors. There are empty bridges connecting each other, making it a rare joint tower building on the mainland.

Harumi and Kaya still have a little nostalgia for this place where they have lived for several years. Just a little bit. Because not all good memories here. To be honest, there are still a lot of **** things.

The cargo-carrying team and guards went straight to the chamber of commerce. The covered carriage carrying two apprentices followed the steward of the team to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, which is the first floor of the East Tower. When he arrived, the steward who was the former magic apprentice bowed and said, "Sorry, both of you. Allow me to submit the receipt to the Chamber of Commerce first, and then I will lead the two of you to the Central Tower. The president has explained that when the two of you arrive After that, report to him as soon as possible."

After saying please, the two girls watched the steward leave. And sitting in the carriage for a long time, even a child's muscles and bones can't bear it. So taking advantage of this opportunity, the two quickly got out of the car and stood aside stretching their bodies.

When they entered the city, the girls were all dressed in ordinary clothes, and their weapons had already been packed in their luggage, leaving only their short magic wands. Cotton robes don't have too many peculiar textures, the only feature is that they are comfortable to wear. During the safer journey in the next few days, the two girls are in this light-hearted clothing.

To say that it is different from usual is that the shawl recognized as a magic apprentice has the five-linked pagoda coat of arms of the Xijia District Branch on the back, and the mark of the Great Sage's Pagoda on the right shoulder. The red ribbon is tied into a bow and tied in front of the body. This is the formal attire shared by magicians and apprentices.

If it is an apprentice who has passed the first ring, the red ribbon will be replaced by a silver tassel; each time the ring is passed, one will be added. The official magician has golden spikes, the great magician has two golden spikes, and the magician...theoretically, there are three. In fact, in that position, no one dares to object to casual wear.

And this city, which has been missing for half a year, is still the same as in the impression, and there is no change. People come and go, and everyone is arrogant. After all, this is already the core area of ​​the Wulian City. Most of the magicians and apprentices walking here are elites who have been continuously cultivated by the branch headquarters, and their self-righteous attitude is very obvious. In contrast, people from other places are also very conspicuous in spirit, and Kaya's black hair and brown complexion are even more eye-catching.

There is nothing racist in the world of Lost. To be more precise, it is because human beings are not of noble blood, so they are not qualified to discriminate. However, in an environment dominated by Caucasians, different skin and hair colors are still very noticeable.

This was also the reason why acquaintances approached after the two girls stood for a while. very unfriendly acquaintance...

As apprentices who entered the magic world at the same time, the people in front of them were undoubtedly much older, and they were all adults in their twenties and thirties. There is one or two silver tassels tied in front of the shawls, and the demeanor is obviously disgusting.

They are all magic apprentices, but there are still differences between apprentices. Some people have a deep background and a lot of money. Not only are the resources consumed by their families, but they can even subsidize the teachers who guide them. Some people are very talented, and they can become teachers in a very short time. Apart from adding a record of apprenticeship for the magician, it doesn't cost too much resources. Such apprentices will be sought after by formal magicians, and even have a certain right to choose independently.

The other is that the talent is only slightly better than that of ordinary people, and there is no surplus money in oneself or in the family. Hearing that his son and daughter have magical talents, after receiving a sum of money, he signed a contract with a long service life. There is no such thing as selling one's body into slavery in the Lost World, but what one does is almost the same.

Such apprentices are not only easy to become a burden for official magicians, but also consume a lot of resources to become successful, so they are naturally unpopular. You must know that inheritance is the destiny of the magicians in the Lost World, but if there are no apprentices who are willing to guide them, they will be forced by the association under some magicians with relatively strong financial resources, doing various odd jobs, It takes a lot of luck to learn a little bit of magical knowledge. Even more tragically, it will become the material of magical experiments and eventually die unexpectedly.

Hallumi and Kaya belong to the latter kind of unwanted apprentices. To make matters worse, they were still unpopular at the time because they were too young to do many jobs. Of course, there are also some perverts with special preferences, waiting for the end when the two girls are unattended, and keeping them in the house at a low price.

It's just that before that kind of thing happened, Lin chose these two unpopular apprentices to take on the responsibility of guiding. Although for a long time, he was also regarded as that kind of pervert with special preferences...

The group of people approaching in front of them, the guy who took the lead with a lewd smile, was the one who made no secret of his intentions in the past. Although they are both apprentices, his family background can easily attract a small force. "Hey, two lovely people. I heard that your teacher has moved to a remote place to be the tower master. He couldn't afford to support you, so he was thrown back to the association? Maybe you beg me, I will offer you a good one. conditions to accept you who are helpless.”

Hallomi stood in front of Kaya with her hands on her hips, and said aggressively, "No, thank you for your kindness. We are just helping the teacher with some errands, and we will go back after we finish."

It's just that the little girl's attitude is only stimulating other people's perverted desires. The man smiled contemptuously and said, "You have been apprentices for almost three years." He pointed to the silver fringe at the front of his neck, indicating that the two girls were still just ordinary ribbons. "──I haven't passed the first round of assessment until now. I think your teacher is about to turn from disappointment to despair. It will be a matter of time to dismiss you. Why don't you take the initiative to ask to leave and keep a little dignity. Come to me, if you need anything, I can satisfy you.”

"They're going back to the headquarters to take part in the first round of assessment." The voice came from behind the crowd, and the two girls who saw him restrained their arrogance and stood respectfully. The man who spoke continued: "It can also be seen that they are disgusted by your harassment. So please stop such behavior and save some dignity for your status as a quasi-magician."

"What..." Before the words could be uttered, the group of people who turned around fell silent for an instant. A bright yellow shawl, two gold tassels, only one kind of person dares to dress up in the core area where magicians gather, and that is the great magician who has the status of inspector. It was the familiar faces of the two girls who came, the Great Mage Greenwyn who had led the team to visit the Tower of the Great Sage before.

"Your Excellency." The girls greeted respectfully. The Great Mage Greenwyn nodded and came to them. Said: "The president has been waiting for you for a long time, I hope you can go to meet him as soon as possible. Do you bring the things your teacher ordered?"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Hallomi hurriedly supported the bundle hidden under Kaya's small shawl, waiting for the brown-skinned girl to untie the knot on her chest. The two moved neatly to take out the sealed wooden box in the package, which contained the mall system to be handed over to the association.

Greenwyn looked at the intact seal, and he didn't intend to unseal and confirm the contents of the wooden box. He just turned his head and said to the group of people who spoke rudely: "I hope that the two of them will not be disturbed by anyone while they are in the headquarters. If If any accident happens, I will visit you as soon as possible. Well,──" Looking at the uniform coat of arms on the right side of the shawls of everyone. Greenwyn quickly recognized the group's mentor. "──It's a student of the great magician Hydra Kunig. I remember. Also, go back and inform your teacher that the person from the tower of the great sage is here, and invite him to the middle tower."

At this time, the team steward of the chamber of commerce saw the supervisor standing aside, and UU Reading hurried over. People were still panting, so they were criticized first. Greenwin said slightly angrily: "The president should have made a clear statement. I hope they will see people as soon as possible after they arrive. Why are you still doing your own thing?"

The foreheads of those who were reprimanded were covered in cold sweat. In Wulian City, the inspectors can't kill people casually, but most of them use methods to make life worse than death, and the end is even worse. Not to mention that the person in front of him is also one of the backers of the chamber of commerce. Although he is from a different faction, he is not so important that the backers are willing to support him. The future and life are in the opponent's hands, so he can't help but not be afraid.

Looking at the slightly blessed steward who was at a loss, Greenwyn also knew that the fire was almost over, and it would be bad if it passed. He asked in a slow tone, "Will the chamber of commerce help them book a hotel?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Cyan Pigeon Hotel has been booked, and there is no period of stay. Originally, they will be sent there after meeting the president."

"It's too far away." Greenwyn frowned and said, "Let's change to the guest house. In my name, prepare a room for the two of them. You will send their luggage there first, and then go to the middle school after handling it." Wait at the gate of the tower. After they finish meeting with the president, you will lead them to the guest house."

The Yingbin Hotel is the first high-end hotel outside the South Tower. The Xijia district branch is specially used to arrange accommodation for VIPs. Without the introduction of a specific person, no matter how rich they are, they cannot live in this official hotel. Allowing two girls to stay here undoubtedly represents a high degree of attention. Whether it's for some people who don't have eyes, or some recipients with eyes on the top of their heads.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Great Mage, I will deal with it for you immediately."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Greenwin looked at the two girls kindly, and said, "Then you two, take your things and come with me. I'll take you directly to meet the president."

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