Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 17: Argument around the campfire

At night, in the wild camp, the atmosphere around the bonfire was not harmonious at all, but somewhat tit-for-tat.

The young son of a nobleman stared angrily at the adventurous party hired by his father. The sap in the back of his head still makes him feel dizzy. But for seeing all kinds of people and encountering all kinds of dangers, this group of experienced adventurers directly ignored the non-threatening gaze.

But not everyone has no complaints about the status quo. Archer poked the fire and complained, "Didn't you just agree to spend the night in a place with a roof. Why did you come out to camp again?"

The warrior leader laughed mockingly before saying, "I don't feel at ease if something like that happened and I'm still living in the magic tower. Whether it's for the tower owner or our people."

"Damn it!" The young nobleman scolded angrily, and said in a fierce tone, "If you hadn't stopped me just now, I would have taken down that vicious magician. It was only a few steps away."

"Oh, it's a few steps away." The soldier continued to taunt, but he didn't want to start a bigger dispute with the employer's son. Turning to the empty forest, he asked, "According to your opinion, what are our chances of winning just now? Meh."

The team of magicians is coming out of the forest. As soon as he showed up, he heard such questions from the leader. He said casually: "The correct question should be, if we had fought just now, how many people would have survived."

"Oh, Maher, tell me, if there was a fight, how many of us would survive?"

"According to my original thinking, except for me being able to escape, all of you should die."

"Original idea?" The warrior leader became curious about the key words he heard. He continued to ask the magician who had already sat by the campfire: "Then what do you think now?"

"The current view is that, except for the possibility of me escaping, all of you will die." Seeing the somewhat surprised expression of his companion, the magician shrugged and continued: "After all, my original plan was that once you get into trouble, you will all die." , I definitely ran away immediately. Those who don’t run, of course, have no chance.”

"Damn it!" It was the young nobleman again, he complained angrily: "If you don't stop me, just let me suppress the other party and put the demon-breaking blade on the neck of that damned guy, even if he is a magician , is of no avail. He can only go to **** to pay for his crimes.”

"Yes, that's right." The magician responded weakly, and whispered: "If it can be held around his own neck."

The warrior leader's eyes flashed, and he immediately thought of the key point, and asked, "Mei He, what did you see in the core room?"

Tilting his head, thinking about how to organize his language. The magician said: "Many things are hard to describe, but the tower owner is the most shocked. Well, to be precise, it is not the one we saw. It seems that none of you realize that what is in front of you is just a clone. It's normal, because I didn't see it either."

The explosive news still shocked the companions around the campfire. But it's normal to think about it carefully. For guests to visit, the residents of the tower will come out in person to represent goodwill, but generally speaking, apprentices will come forward.

Unless it is an acquainted friend, or a person with a high enough status, it is the magician himself who greets them. Otherwise, if anyone comes, the tower master will greet them personally, so should we still do the magic experiment? Do you want to interrupt halfway through reading? If the price of being a tower owner is so low, then it's worth noting.

To put it bluntly, this is just a courtesy to express goodwill. The tower owner came forward and negotiated what should be done. After negotiating, each of them can do what they want to do. If the visiting guests can't find out that the tower master who came forward is just a clone, naturally there is no saying that it is impolite.

Even if it is really rude, it is not uncommon for some high-status magic tower masters to have puppets or ordinary people serve as servants to receive them. law. Furthermore, because of the other party's rudeness, he made himself feel unhappy, so if he had the ability, he would go to the tower and drag that arrogant magician out to beat him up. The visiting guests really have such abilities, and the tower owner can't help but ignore them.

Besides, some people in my team also came to the door with malicious intentions. I really can't blame the other party for hiding in the core room. However, the well-informed warrior leader was still curious and asked, "What kind of clone magic did he use? Did you understand it? Meher."

"According to the tower owner, it's called three-dimensional stereoscopic imaging. He probably explained it, but I can't understand it. There is only one part that I understand, that is, the magic is operated by the magic tower, which belongs to the trap magic. A type that cannot be used in other places."

The noble young master, who was unwilling to be a supporting role, snorted coldly and said, "So what if he tricked us with his avatar, he can prevent us from going up to the third floor. Or it just gives us a reason to go up. Right, Captain Haas .”

In the life-and-death world, failure to see through deception means death. The adventure group and others really wanted to warn the noble young master, but they still looked at the man who came out from behind the young young master. The strongest blade in the hands of Earl Sita, the head of the Thunder and Lightning Legion──Richard Haas, an upright and powerful knight.

Although in this era, wars between countries and nobles are not so frequent, but it is not that there are no threats to the development of civilization. Beasts living in nature, even monsters, and the uncivilized race of Homo sapiens who are accustomed to plundering others or destroying themselves, these threats are the reasons why the lords of various places maintain their armaments.

Some people let others be their relatives, for fear that the sharp knife in their hands will turn around and hurt themselves. But there are also people who let others be their talents. As long as the subordinates are really capable, they will turn a blind eye to some minor problems and just ignore them. The shortcoming of Richard Haas is stubbornness, but he is trustworthy in training and employing troops. Only in this way did they create a legion that is famous in the kingdom, and it also brought prosperity to the earl's territory with both fame and wealth.

But this time, in order to protect the eldest son, Earl Sita still asked the legion commander to go out in person. It was impossible to bring the entire army, but they also brought a squadron, and the elite Bailai followed. As for the five-person adventure group, it was the old rivers and lakes who led the way to let their son see the world.

In terms of status, of course the warrior leader can't command the army commander who is in charge of more than 3,000 people, but the noble young master can. Although not all orders will be obeyed, Richard Haas still has a lot of autonomy from the earl, but on the premise of protecting the life of his young master, he will not be so unkind as to ask for nothing. obey. Not to mention from what I have heard, regarding the evil deeds of the tower master, if there is an opportunity to punish him, he will not refuse.

So when Richard Haas came forward, it meant that he was also seriously thinking about the possibility of attacking the magic tower. Such a message has to be faced with caution by the adventurous young couples.

However, looking at the twilight of the prime of life, there are a few more white-haired heavy knights, but the magician said half-tauntingly and half-warningly: "The commander of the legion will not think that he wants to make a surprise attack, and attack the magic tower by surprise." .”

"You betrayed our whereabouts?" Richard Haas stared at the hired people with a slightly chilly voice.

The magician shrugged and denied it, and at the same time remembered the situation of the tower owner he had met with before.


Meher Lindfries went up to the core room on the third floor. In addition to seeing the two masters of the Tower of the Great Sage, one of them—that is, the one he followed—while stepping on the third floor, Disappeared like a phantom.

In addition to being shocked, I also saw that the layout of this place is completely different from the core rooms of other magic towers. The biggest difference is that, in addition to the energy pool standing upright in mid-air, there are dozens of images formed by the water mirror technique hanging in front of the console and beside the energy pool.

Most of the things in the picture are unrecognizable to the visiting magician. However, there are a few who can tell that it is of the same nature as the surveillance screen seen on the first floor. It's just that the content is not the scene of dozens of villagers breaking into the tower and being killed as seen before, but the scene of the companions on the first floor leaving the magic tower after a discussion that is not considered a discussion.

"It seems that your companion is unwilling to live in my tower." As an opening, Lin got up and saluted his counterpart, and said, "It's the first time to meet you, Mage Lindflies. I am the great sage Lord of the Tower, Gabrash Lin Tripwood."

After a haha, and a salute, Lindfries didn't intend to pursue the matter of the avatar welcoming guests. Magicians, especially magicians who have been adventuring outside for a long time, all have a common belief that no etiquette or power is as important as life. The **** rules that magicians come out to meet are just to cater to the **** reasons of ordinary people and nobles.

He was rather curious about one of the water mirror techniques, the suspected map around the Tower of the Great Sage, covered with light spots of different colors, large and small, and moving around. "Excuse me, what are these dots?"

"Oh, that's biological aura." Without waiting to ask questions, Lin also followed his curious colleagues to the map screen, and continued: "It's said to be biological aura, but it's actually my own statement. Because I still do it now. It is not clear what is the basis for what is observed. It may be the magic power of the magician, it may be the combat power of the warrior, or it may even be the spiritual power emanating from the soul. In short, the size of the light spot can represent the strength of the creature. The size of the body and the depth of the color can represent the level of his energy essence."

Pointing to a lump of light on the screen, Lindfries continued to ask: "What do you think that lump of light represents?"

Lin, however, walked back to the console, and UU Reading fiddled with his things. He replied casually: "Maybe the army came from somewhere. It's just that I don't know what race it is and where it came from."

"Oh, why did your Excellency directly assert that this is the army, not immigrants, or a group of monsters?"

"Even if the immigrants employ high-powered mercenaries as guards, they will inevitably include some women or children. The biological auras of these two are generally not strong. And the aura you are referring to, it doesn't matter if it is high-intensity , and is also very average. So it is unlikely to be immigrants. As for the gregarious monsters, there will not be a large-scale gathering of herbivorous monsters in the forest. If it is a carnivorous monster, it will also be due to the lack of food here They will leave after raging, and they will not have this behavior of staying here. And their behavior pattern should be more scattered, which is conducive to increasing the range of distribution and hunting more prey that is enough to feed their stomachs. They can gather so densely Yes, I can't think of any other possibility than an army built by Homo sapiens."

"Then you are not worried at all, what is the purpose of this army appearing here?"

"If they wanted to say hello, they would have paid a visit. If they don't alert me, it means that they have other secret tasks to carry out, and it's hard for me to come forward and say that I have already found your whereabouts. Anyway, this kind of person, It should be just a one-night stay, and leave the next day to carry out your own tasks. If you don’t leave tomorrow morning and don’t notify me, just treat it as an unfriendly villain and just kill it. After all, in On the mainland, the actions of the army have their own rules, trespassing into other people's territory without authorization is an act of aggression, and death deserves it. Isn't it."

Lin smiled kindly. But it made Meher Lindfries's scalp tingle.

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